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Jagged Red Lines

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Posts posted by Jagged Red Lines

  1. 13 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    It's the other way round 

    Original Valrak rumors on Bretonnia and Tomb kings is from February 

    Plus Valrak already said 2 weeks ago tha the old world has been pushed to Q1 2024 because Epic will take november slot


    Rob is not a rumormonger at all 

    Well I'm not going to argue with you or try and prove you wrong, because Rob is so difficult to track with his rumours. He doesn't use them as clickbait or make them the sole topic of his videos - he casually mentions them offhand.

    There's loads of AoS rumours that have come from Rob over the past year, albeit mostly rules related. Off the top of my head, the wizard GHB, changes to rally, stonehorn monstrous action.

    You can see his value as a rumour source by the fact that every battletome that has leaked has been the result of Rob.

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  2. 4 hours ago, madmac said:

    I'm not really expecting anything marked "winter" on the roadmap to make it out this year. Maybe an early armybox release for FEC, but otherwise probably FEC, Harbringers 4, the Order vs Death Warcry Band and the 2nd standalone Underworlds band will all get pushed to Jan-Feb.

    The roadmap says 'winter 2023'

    If you compare that to last year's roadmap, we did indeed get the slaves box in winter 2022.



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  3. It's a weird choice of words. Blow people out of the water? That doesn't really mean what he probably thinks it means.

    "completely discredit someone or something by far surpassing them or exposing their flaws."

    Why not 'blow people's minds'? Makes me think the word choice was a hint. We've had order v chaos, death and destruction. What about order v order, with stormcast v idoneth?

    Maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

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  4. 52 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

    Gitz, Fyreslayers, Nurgle, FEC, Ironjawz are all already included, so that leaves 7+ to go.

    I think ushoran (aka the summer king) is being set up as a big bad in the dawnbringer narrative.

    It seems like book 4 of the dawnbringers will coincide with the battletome release in 'winter 2023'.

    So I assume it'll be the dawnbringer 4 ushoran book along with a new limited FEC army box just before Christmas, with the full army release in the new year (like S2D).

    That leaves book 3 as a bit of a mystery, especially as its due to be released in the autumn.

    Narrative seems to point toward new valkia. Do we have any indication of when the next preview show is likely to be?

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  5. 6 hours ago, Dawi not Duardin said:

    Very hard to write them without unfortunate racial implications.

    Eh, I mean they still write stupid characters like Orcs, Trolls and Gargants with working class regional accents from the South of England. 

    As someone brought up in that environment, and struggling with the stigma of my accent for most of my white collar career, I find it pretty offensive tbh. 

    GW still has a long way to go.

  6. Anyone else just seen the KO army of renown leaks in THWG stream? 

    Thunderers can fire twice in every phase, (so yeah that means two lots of unleash hell), and can catch a ride on the gunhauler. There's 4+ rallies/rezzing boats and 5+ wards.

    Hoping that troggs, pigs and sons all have broken rules too xD

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  7. 27 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    WFB proxies in a nutshell... The day 3D printing companies will start doing something unique rather than Warhammer proxies, society will be 100% healed.

    Honestly, I'm so happy to have alternative sculpts to choose from. Claybeast, Txarli ogors are so much nicer than the official sculpts. 

    And who the hell wants to make an army comprised of the current gutter runners sculpts. 

    -- Also it's worth saying that GW has never done dwarf slayers well. With the exception of gotrek and these new warcry sculpts. If the alternative to using these Highland sculpts are the old metal slayers, then I'm so grateful to have them


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  8. 4 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    The old world slayers are incredibly ugly though, and I'm so glad we're not in that aesthetic anymore.

    Tbh I found these slayer sculpts by Highland Miniatures to be much nicer. No crash helmet, no upper thigh, no gigantic hair that looks like it's carved out of wood.

    But everyone has different taste. 


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  9. 4 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I hope they don't. These look amazing, but the old sculpts certainly aren't bad either. They can add more infantry in this style, but what FS really need is MORE rather than reworking an already small range.

    Oh man, I'm sorry I have to disagree. They're terrible! The worst thing is that they are actually bald - the mohawk is actually a helmet crest. What's more the hair is gigantic, and perfectly pointed - no single strand of hair awry. The helmet itself is basically just a motorcycle crash helmet.

    The poses are largely inorganic. And the loincloth makes you feel like you're painting babies in their nappies.

    I've built, painted and then sold two complete fyreslayer armies over the past few years. The models are just horrendous. In the end, I 3d printed some old world-looking slayers and have just been using them as proxies.

    These new ones are fantastic. The beards and hair are luxurious, rather than being poorly sculpted and wirey. The helmets are fantastic, the poses are all natural and - best of all - the models show very little upper thigh.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Jetlife said:

    I definitely think the trend will continue into 4.0 with Skaven, Beasts of Chaos and Ogres.

    I wonder about beasts. They seem to be doing everything they can to avoid duplication between old world and aos.

    It's funny, when they redesigned ardboyz, I expected them to look like the underworlds warband, which were like more dynamic versions of the old design.

    Instead, the design is a massive departure, drawing a clear line between the old black orcs and the new ironjawz range.

    It's clear a lot of this must have been due to a conscious decision to ensure the models can't be purchased to be used in both game systems.

    We also have pictures of the old metal treeman rather than the sylvaneth version for old world, which is a pretty mad choice.

    We know beasts of chaos are one of the starter factions in old world, so it would be weird for them to be used in both game systems. I wonder if they'll get squatted eventually from aos?

  11. 1 hour ago, Goatforce said:

    Any news about post-Dawnbringers 2 stuff? I am happy for all the Destruction players finally getting the limelight, but that aint my bag! Do we have any rumours about book 3? I doubt it will be a purely Death themed book, but if it comes close to the FEC armybook there might be a lot of focus on Death I'm guessing!

    We know we're getting ushoran at some point, and I guess this would have to come around the same time as new FEC battletome (which is set for 'winter 2023'). So book 3 ushoran seems a safe bet.

    But at the same time, they've teased some narrative that involves valkia. So it could be that she becomes the posterchild of the next dawnbringers, particularly if she gets a big new centrepiece model, and ushoran gets pushed back.


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