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Jagged Red Lines

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Posts posted by Jagged Red Lines

  1. 8 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    How is this different from any other edition? These things are unavoidable unless they release all tomes at once. At least we are all starting with a fresh index now.

    Because most tomes carried over from 2nd ed were still viable if not great up until their 3rd edition books were released (obvs exception being OBR).

    Hell there used to be a guy with FEC who would dominate every RTT he was at with his old battletome even up to last autumn.

    Index rules so far look like they're written on the back of a cigarette packet. Comparatively very bare bones, as I think you even acknowledged. 

    It's a completely different beast to previous editions.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Also, these are just index rules. Dont compare them to the tomes.

    Lol, say that in three years time when your army is still using the index, while everyone else is riding the high wave of power creep with their respective tomes. If you're unlucky, you might only have a proper book for six months before the next edition rolls around again.

    • Like 4
  3. 1 hour ago, MythicKhan said:

    I seriously wonder about the benefits of these faction previews to advertise and build hype for a new edition.

    They are exciting and intriguing in and of themselves, but the online discourse always then kills the mood with people declaring that the sky is falling.

    I dunno... I'm not sure what else they could do in the space. Maybe breakdown a single warscroll each day instead? In detail?

    I think there's a few issues. People have spent hundreds of pounds and hundreds of hours painting their armies. And they may have played dozens, if not hundreds of games with their army.

    They invested all that time and money into the army because of a specific playstyle which they enjoy. For ogors it may have been the adrenaline hit of charge mortals.

    It's understandable if the army is completely overhauled to the extent it no longer plays the same at all (ie. trampling charge) that people may be upset. You may not understand that, because it doesn't affect you personally, or you may have never been invested in an army to the same extent before. 

    It's not about 'negativity', it's people who care a lot being upset and wanting to express themselves. 

    Personally, I'm going to take the ogors and kragnos out for a GT next month and enjoy the dopamine of boosted trampling charges while I can. Afterward, they'll go away in the loft. 

    Conversely, what I heard yesterday about tzeentch has me interested in them as a new army. But I totally understand and emphasise with the backlash from established tzeentch players.

    Sometimes change, especially when its major and to something you are familiar with and love, is unwelcome.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    I think they could've helped the situation by taking a page out of WHFB's book - where not every new unit had actual models and people built their own until they were ready.

    God I hated that! You spent a fortune kitbashing a load of units, and ages painting them, then you get cucked when they released new sculpts that were so much better. Or else remove the model or unit from the codex/army book completely. Ultimate feels bad.

    • Like 1
  5. 34 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    In all seriousness I think COS can wait till 5th for a new Wave. 

    IDK, FS and KO take priority followed by Ogors and Ossiarch.

    It's not that they deserve a second wave. It's that generally when GW do a new army they make too many new kits and split them into two releases over the course of 18 months. They did it with slaanesh, lumineth, soulblight and sylvaneth and they'll do it again with cities and seraphon.

    • Like 1
  6. 51 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Correct, focusing on controlling objectives distracts from the wargame aspect. I know lots of players don't mind this, but for me it's an immersion killer

    Honestly, old world might be more up your street. It's basically just stuff killing each other.

    AoS is always going to be more tactical (unless you're playing gargants) and for some nerds like me that's what brings me back to the game. 

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Gutter runners are but we still have Eshin heroes 


    Getting Started With Age Of Sigmar 3rd Edition: Skaven Clan, 41% OFF

    not to mention the future where we know they going to support Skaven. just because they're gone now doesn't mean they're squatting Eshin or Pestilence like they did for Beatmen (sorry beastmen)

    Afaik underworlds warbands are going to legends. Which leaves just the deathmaster and the deceiver.

    • Like 1
  8. 29 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    Ossiarch - rule followers, rule benders

    Haven't been on the thread for the past few days. What on earth is going on? You lads been starved of decent rumour sources for so long, we've moved into Jungian archetypes? 

    • Like 3
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  9. 4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    We don't know about this. Maybe in the follow-up wave there's something crazier. To me crazier means hardest to assemble and hardest to paint, so it would make sense to move it out of the launch box for the reasons that we've talked deeply in the different chats about why Stormcasts are in the launch box every edition.

    Hopefully so, what we've seen so far has me super disappointed. Has anyone ever looked at lord relictors and thought - they're definitely the coolest part of the range? So weird they decided to build into that side of things. Gw in the absence of ideas just defaults to making things look gothic and churchy.

  10. Can I just say I'm pretty sad GW have yet again missed what makes Stormcast epic in the lore - thunder and lightning. 

    AoS1 stormcast looked like blood angels sanguinary guard. Just golden marines

    AoS2 stormcast were wizard paladins, which is cool and all.

    AoS2.5 stormcast were sort of tribal monster hunters.

    AoS3 thincast looked like medieval knights

    AoS4 stormcast so far look like they're leaning into death, skull helmets, etc. 

    They had every opportunity to go full Thor Ragnarok with them, especially as the lore points toward them being more elemental and stormy as they lose the plot. I can't believe how poorly thought out the design for them has been so far.

    Please, for the love of zeus, give us lightning coming from weapons, warriors borne aloft by the storm, throwing lightning bolts, arriving on the battlefield surrounded by crackling lightning. 

    The sad thing is I'll probably have to wait until 5th edition for actual STORMcast, unless a 3d sculptor makes something that is visually closer to the lore.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    Where are all the stories that started in second edition? The old and (barely) developed characters we had three (or six) years ago? 

    Kragnos got bored and went back to sleep under a mountain.

    Bastion Carthalos has let himself go. He's in new Asgard playing call of duty with his mate Korg.

    • Like 4
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  12. 47 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    Wait, since when did Kruelboyz "suck" in 3rd? I thought they were distinctly middle of the pack. 

    Literally just a single viable build for the whole edition. Their strategy boils down to 'pray for sixes'

  13. 6 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    It wouldn't be as bad as if either Stormcast or Skaven were terrible right out of the gate. At least S2D would have a chance at redemption with a fresh 4.0 book. Let us never forget how screwed Kruelboyz were for the entirety of 3rd. There isn't a good track record for edition-opening factions.

    Or for the antagonists in the starter set. Khorne sucked for two editions, as did nighthaunt, and kruelboyz sucked in third. Poor skaven.

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  14. 1 minute ago, follywolf said:

    immagine if Abraxia and varanguards are poor to play in 4th 

    Exactly! Varanguard are currently one of the most smashy units in the game. I want to buy cheap varanguard, build an army of them, and run them with the 3rd edition rules. Fed up with being c.*ck blocked by GW.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Sarouan said:

    It's good to have a break, honestly. Miniature wargames aren't video games, we need time to build and paint our armies. Having constant new stuff every week is really not helping.

    Lol, I just want one game with the new varanguard army of renown. At this point, we'll get 4th ed before abraxia box

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