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Jagged Red Lines

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Everything posted by Jagged Red Lines

  1. Yeah I'm almost certain Cities will get replaced by 'Dawnbringer Crusades', which primarily has the human freeguild stuff and maybe some new knights of azyr. Can see some parts of the range being broken up then, dwarf soup, some wanderers to kurnothi/sylvaneth and very possibly dark elves to umbraneth.
  2. I'm honestly surprised points haven't been leaked yet. That seems to have a far bigger impact on purchasing decisions than core rules changes. Personally, I haven't even wanted to paint stuff for the past month, let alone buy new kits, until I see how radically points have changed in this edition.
  3. 'Nature elf soup' sounds like wanderers are getting taken out of cities. So potentially dispossessed will go to 'dwarf soup'. Which leaves the dark elves and high elves. Har kuron has some recent lore, so that's probably staying. But I'm getting increasingly worried for my phoenix guard army. Maybe time to look at ebay while they're still worth anything
  4. I think Chaos Dwarves will be an expansion on Slaves to Darkness in the same way that Kruleboyz is an expansion on Warclans. For the same reason, kurnothi will be an expansion on Slyvaneth and Umbraneth will be an expansion on Daughters of Khaine. I think we're at saturation point now for new factions, and I expect to see new ranges added to existing armies. Can't see there being another two factions a year for the next few years.
  5. Yndrasta is my favourite ever model from GW. Everything about her is epic, including the haircut, which makes her look like a viking shieldmaiden/valkyrie. I honestly love where they've taken stormcast. These guys feel like a mix between Odin's Einherjar and Greek Hoplites. But I'm definitely going to be replacing all the helmets. The death masks seem weirdly serene, rather than grim. Find it a bit unsettling.
  6. Just noticed the face looks like a giant distended, toad-like mouth, and now I can't unseen. Like this dude's scro.tum neck covers the entirety of his torso. I went from hype to utterly zero.
  7. Definitely think they'll hike points significantly across all armies at the start of 3.0, especially if board sizes are reduced.
  8. Doubt this, mostly because of the poor English in the supposedly quoted text. "Was inflicted a wounds". Sounds like something from a non-native speaker and not something taken from a GW book.
  9. The best thing about this is the way orks talk is basically a carcicature of a regional dialect from the part of England I come from.
  10. Got to say, why would they make a second wave of fyreslayers when they're clearly the least popular (aesthetically speaking) faction in the game. Fyreslayers are more likely to get new units as part of a wider, more popular faction than they are on their own as a niche. Its much less of a business risk to GW if they're pitching new kits at a broader range of players than they are pitching purely at fyreslayers diehards
  11. Bit different. Sylvaneth have their god, and Lumineth have their respective gods. If a faction shares a god or otherwise a warlord to unify disparate groups (like Gordrakk in warclans), then that's definitely more than enough reason to put them in the same tome.
  12. Haven't seen anyone complaining about orruk soup with the warclans book. That's one of my favourite battletomes from GW. Two distinct armylists, if you want to run pure fyreslayers, or pure KO. And maybe a third list under Grungni, if you want to soup. Its still possible to run your same army that you've always run, I don't get the drama over this. As a fyreslayers player, I ordinarily run a gunhauler anyway as an ally in my hearthguard heavy list. I think what would be cool is if they release some new units for Grungni's souped list, like automata. Either way, this is exciting for me. More options for list building is a great thing.
  13. Its a great model, amazing to see on the table. But if FW stops selling it, its rules will go to legends and suddenly you won't be able to use it in most matched play games. Definitely a bit of a gamble.
  14. Looks like they're gradually phasing everything fantasy out, there's not much left. Load of stuff went recently, including chaos dorfs. Honestly surprised to see stuff like the rogue idol still knocking around. I imagine it will get replaced with some sort of plastic rock monster equivalent in 3.0 and also go the way of the dodo.
  15. Its a shame. Imo skaarac is the best fantasy model they've ever made. It's full of movement and raw power. If they've discontinued it from poor sales they need to look at the reason for that - a consistently subpar warscroll.
  16. Bit of a mixed blessing for beasts players, considering rumours that warscroll battalions are going away in matched play. I guess they'll have about a month to use their shiny new battalions though 🙃
  17. Think the biggest issue with warhammer TV shows is the creative restrictions over the way the protagnoists act. Space Marines are just dull as ditchwater, they think and talk about honour, loyalty and devotion, and not a lot else. They don't question their place in the universe, or the brutality of their creation. They don't eat, drink, defecate, laugh or ******. All that means when they talk to each other, it makes me cringe so hard I feel like I could turn inside out. This is already bad in audiobook format and it'll be even worse in a live action format. AOS has exactly the same problem in its stormcast, who become less human (and therefore less relateable) every time they're reforged. If w+ is going to be successful, it needs to focus on the humans of both worlds. The freeguild infantryman fighting alongside a stormcast host, or the captain of a space marine battlebarge (think lotara sarrin). Otherwise its just going to be unwatchable cheese.
  18. Have you ever seen the 2010 film called Ultramarine? Not even a cast featuring John Hurt or Sean Pertwee could polish that ******.
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