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Jagged Red Lines

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Everything posted by Jagged Red Lines

  1. That's because the book is incredibly well written. There's at least four strong list archetypes in there that work competitively. It's a fantastic achievement in terms of rules writing, given there are so few options.
  2. I returned the audiobook after getting half way through this. If you're talking about the first short story in the book. Part of what made old world slayers so awesome is that they were genuinely funny. Look at Bjorni Bjornisson or Snorri Nosebiter. Even when they were serious they were unintentionally funny, like the scenes of endless ceremony in Karak Kadrin, which bores Felix to tears. Fyreslayers are just too po-faced. There's no irony in how they name everything fyre-this or magma-that, despite how ridiculous it is as an idea. They're like characters imagined in badly-written young adult fiction novel. I felt like I was reading a Nick Kyme Salamanders novel. Part of the charm of dwarves is how absurd they are when they are grandiose, but how honest and loyal they are with friends.
  3. I have developed a bit of a thing for more 'svelte' ogors recently. Particularly the viking-themed ones from Txarli and Claybeast. Would love mawtribes to get a ground-up redesign like seraphon.
  4. I like how they're being portrayed as more elemental in the art at least since third edition. For instance, eyes crackling lightning and lightning effects from weapons. I'd like them to go full Thor Ragnarok with them in terms of the models too. Something like the C'tan Void Dragon, with warriors descending in the lightning. Maybe that's the direction they'll take Neve Blacktalon if they re-do her. They started off as space marines when AoS launch. But I feel like they're slowly becoming less generic, and perhaps closer to the Norse einherjar they're based on.
  5. Exactly, he just passes on what he's heard. Some other stuff he mentioned in recent months off the top of my head, include that GHB would be wizard focused, changes to rally etc. He doesn't hype them up though, or use them as clickbait. He just drops them into conversation or in response to speculation in the chat, with the caveat that it's what he's heard, and it might not be the case. You've got to remember that all of the battletome leaks recently have been from THW. He provides a fantastic service to the community.
  6. I'd like to see new: * spider riders * yhetees/gorgers * chaos marauders * grave guard * black knights
  7. Godeater's Son was also fantastic. Yndrasta favourite stormcast character, so pretty excited about this one.
  8. I know! Never heard of 'powerwash simulator' before but doesn't seem like it would be a natural home for 40k IP
  9. I mean, I get that there's a potential lore reason why they aren't around. But the lore can pretty much be whatever they want, it's mostly just a wrapper for product. In this case they have actual product ready to be sold. They don't need to phase new armies in through narrative expansions, in order to allow development time, because the armies already exist. To me it just seems like a clear division between Old World and AoS product.
  10. I think the real interesting thing is the pdf factions and what it might suggest about the future of AoS Dark Elves Skaven Vampire Counts Daemons of Chaos Ogre Kingdoms Lizardmen Chaos Dwarfs When we got massive range refreshes for seraphon and soulblight, my initial thought was that those models were jointly designed with the Old World in mind. But perhaps not. Rumours too suggest too that the new Slaves to Darkness sculpts won't be used in Old World, which suggests that GW wants to stop a certain degree of cross pollination between the two games. But if we say that Skaven, Ogors, Soulblight and Seraphon become primarily AoS rather than Old World armies, there are two others here - Dark Elves and Chaos Dwarves. Chaos Dwarves have been heavily hinted as coming to AoS for a long time. But could it be that Dark Elves will outlive Cities and be repackaged into a Malerion faction?
  11. Not sure if this image is new, but just noticed that Nexon isn't on here. I guess that would mean their AoS mobile (not)MMO isn't quite ready yet.
  12. I played one of their mobile games - Darkness Rises - for a few years, before they shut it down. Could be just rose-tinted glasses, but it was a fantastic game. Certainly a bit pay to win in places, but you weren't locked out of content if you were F2P. I'm pretty excited by the idea. I played Warhammer Odyssey for a while, and it was fun to be able to play a warhammer MMO on the privy.
  13. Wait Nexon has got an AoS game coming out too? Its not the same as the one by Frontier Development? Losing track of them all now!
  14. And Belakor! Honestly I'd be surprised if we don't get Grombrindal or Morghur.
  15. Campaign books is the perfect time for covering a conflict like this, perhaps more so than normal book releases. That said, I think Malerion appearing out of nowhere might be a bit left field, as he probably requires a whole new faction. Unless perhaps they port over all the dark elf stuff from cities. I guess we'll see! Exciting time for the hobby
  16. The thing I'm most excited about for dawnbringers is that it's a mini range refresh for (hopefully) every faction. Personally I have all my appendages crossed for a Tyrion book. I think we got kroak and kragnos in broken realms - two big centrepiece models. A Tyrion release could potentially make Lumineth more interesting to play. I love the models so much, but I'm not interested in playing a magic dom castle. I've started painting what I think is cool, in anticipation. Mostly dawnriders and maybe a few bladelords.
  17. My initial thought was that they'll be sh*tcanned. If that happens though, there may be new duardin units in the cities book, as they're featured quite heavily in the narrative.
  18. What have they been doing in that time? Making maps?
  19. The 'deathball' vulkite list that's being doing well recently is definitely going to be affected by the rally nerf, and the loss of galletian champions. But the 'brawler lofnir' and 'control lofnir' lists will still likely be in the fat middle for some time, and will likely survive the GHB change. I think fyreslayers is a fantastic and deep book, especially for having so few warscrolls. But then, I didn't play the last second edition battletome.
  20. Is that scythe not just FEC? Would seem the obvious choice as its death and we know they're getting a range refresh.
  21. I think this is really the reason why stormcast perhaps don't work as a poster child for AoS in the same way as space marines do for 40k. Space marines are a blank canvass. You can make them be crusaders, vikings, arthurian knights, mongols, vampires or Romans. I even saw some amazing Native American space marines on FB the other day. Stormcast by contrast are not as thematically varied. They don't offer something to everyone in the same way as space marines do. I'd like to see AoS go the same way as WFB in having different armies in the starter box. Maybe we're heading that way with 4th - with perhaps cities becoming the poster faction for the next edition.
  22. The question I want to ask GW: 'why are you like this?'
  23. For the record, I don't think dwarf soup will become a permanent thing, even if it is included in a Grombrindal broken-realms type book. For instance, see legion of the first prince. Those types of campaign book armies get quickly invalidated in the next edition. As a fyreslayers player, I hope that what Whitefang said about armies that didn't get love getting another look-in, also includes our little ginger friends.
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