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Everything posted by S133arcanite

  1. Where are the centipede riders that everyone is talking about?
  2. Also, seems like there are 10+ battalions to work with, some without photos
  3. Looks like you place the loonshrine in the middle of the board.
  4. Skarsnik's model and warscroll, as well as an armored warboss...
  5. At 04. of the video, you can see some kind of stone troggoth...
  6. Wait... The Bad Moon hangs out above the six circles of slaanesh?
  7. A bit early, but we know that Gloomspite is dropping tomorrow. Can't wait!
  8. It also mentions that there are some more reveals to come next week...
  9. Yeah, same with me. I misread the obvious Stormcast signs and interpreted them as battletome: corsairs😢
  10. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/12/20/20-dec-gorkamorka-the-gods-of-destructiongw-homepage-post-2/ DESTRUCTION RISETH!
  11. I completely agree. If fans don't like AoS, they can continue with WFBG; either way, its gw's company and their right to start a new game.
  12. They are also mentioned as the servants of the Algoraxi in the Firestorm campaign book.
  13. Unless I’m mistaken, I just saw an advert for Jamie Oliver’s cooking show with Becca Scott as a guest. Not a rumour but kind of cool.
  14. Well, knowing GW, 'soon' means anytime in the next 6 months.
  15. No jokes, I really want adeptus titanicus with godbeasts
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