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Posts posted by ArkanautDadmiral

  1. 2 hours ago, Sttufe said:

    Oh man, what if you had an entire army right, 2k points and the whole thing, but you made it all flying units. If you give balloons to heroes with the functionality of the thermal rider cloak, and then you could have a really cool flying only army, with the Aether War flying rules set, and then potentially if you were really into it, go so far as to convert some Thunderers with balloons. Just imagining, but it would be super cool to have an entire 2k list that's flying around. Although, there is the point of no one being able to fit inside ships cuz none of them have the marine keyword if they can fly.

    Edit: I totally realized that if it were flying only army using the Aether War no land rules then technically it wouldn't matter about the marine thing since those that can fit inside your ship would be inside the ship the whole time as they cannot fly.

    I really just want the Khemist to be able to keep up with the Wardens/Riggers without having to worry about embarking/disembarking to give out his buffs.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Cauthon said:

    Gw doesn’t let any model have rules that there are no models for. So no khemist with balloon because there is no model for it. 

    I get that, I’m talking about using the rules for thermal rider cloak but converting a balloon instead of a magic cape :)

    • Like 3
  3. My main issue at the moment is I just can’t see a reason to take Skywardens unless going Barak Zon. And without wanting to magnetise, or buy enough more balloons to make as riggers if I want to play a different port it seems silly to lock myself into it.

    It’s a shame because I prefer the look and idea of Skywardens but they just don’t beat Riggers for combat in either department without Zon. I feel like if the pistol ranges were switched then everything makes sense and there’s a real choice to be had, even outside of Zon.

    Unless I’m missing something?

  4. 20 hours ago, Ser_namron said:

    Kinda disappointing theirs no errata. Though it was expected. I've been enjoying the new tome, and ive squeaked out a few wins, but i dont think we have enough threat outside of hero sniping to really compete with the top tier armies. Our combat is straight up garbage. Saws are great, but they will last you 1 round before your scooping baloons. Our magic.......well, i've made my feelings clear with how GW keeps handling Duardin with no magic, point is, it gimps the ever loving ****** out of the army. And our ranged is good, not great, good. It only functions as well as it does because of our mobility, which is unrivaled. If we couldnt drop down 9" out of enemies we would be well and truly boned. And even dropping that close means your likely getting charged if you dont get a double turn. And once you get charged, your options are A) Hope to have taken few enough wounds to fly high. or B) see if you can squeak a few wounds in before your ships turned to scrap metal. 

    I think we need PT reductions almost across the board just to open up more options for how we play, or what we can run. Baloons and ArkCo are probably the only 2 units worth their cost.  All the ships could be reduced a bit IMO, it wont open up enough room to spam more, just enough to add another ground unit or hero. 

    The capacity limit on ships excluding Heroes is also just......terrible. There are no interactions in the book that would make this some busted combo. It was unnecessary.  Khemist buff not hitting a garrisoned unit is also pretty trash. RR1 to wound is so minor, and thats like the best buff in our book.....

    The KO play experience has been very fun for me so far, but i think ive put them on the table enough at this point to see the flaws and i just dont see how we compete with the top tier armies on the table. I have FS/DoK/Skaven so i have tasted TRUE POWAH, and this army, while amazingly fun, beautifully scultped, and full of Duardin, it does not have the power those other armies have. We need a 2x shooting phase buff to compete with the nonsense that is combat with activation wars nowadays lol. 

    I’ve got to say Ship capacity irks me a bit. With Hitchers they’ve left room for the Endrinmaster by saying 7. But didn’t fancy it with Frigates and core battleline for some reason.

    • Like 1
  5. I just cannot decide what lists I want to build towards haha. Prior to the book I had no interest in Thryng, then I thought maybe Thryng without allied Duardin. Now I’m thinking Hammerers and a warden king look pretty cool. Maybe bridge party popper to deliver them somewhere too. Though at that point could just go with Fyreslayers.

  6. 8 hours ago, Luzgurbel said:

    I¡ve played a game yesterday against a Tzeentch army with some StD units: Varanguard, Knights, Marauders, Archaon and the dude from ForgeWorld that teleport units, Sayl the Faithless.


    I could test the huge firepower of an Ironclad, but also tested the sheer power of a teleported Varanguard who fought twice (can they fight three times with the CA of a Chaos Lord?). Archaon almost did nothing thanks to the Navigator, but I were overwhelmed by the enemy so I lost the game.


    The sky cannon disappointed me, so I decide to change to the drill cannon spam. What do you think of this list?


    Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords
    - Sky Port: Barak Urbaz
    Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (220)
    - General
    - Artefact: Phosphorite Bomblets
    Aetheric Navigator (100)
    - Artefact: Svaregg-Stein Illuminator Flarepistol
    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150)
    - Main Gun: Drill Cannon
    - Great Endrinworks: Breath of Morgrim (Barak-Urbaz)
    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150)
    - Main Gun: Drill Cannon
    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150)
    - Main Gun: Drill Cannon
    6 x Endrinriggers (200)
    - 2x Drill Launcher
    10 x Arkanaut Company (90)
    - 1x Light Skyhooks
    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    10 x Arkanaut Company (90)
    - 1x Light Skyhooks
    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    5 x Grundstok Thunderers (120)
    Arkanaut Ironclad (510)
    - Main Gun: Great Sky Cannon
    - Great Endrinworks: The Last Word
    Grundstok Escort Wing (140)
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 96

    I bought 1 Cp because I had 70 spare points and nothing to spend it. 3 drops is the list. 

    I might be missing something but how are you at 3 drops with this list? Only the Ironclad, Gunhaulers and Thunderers are in the battalion.

    Everything else counts as separate deployments  even if you’re putting it in a boat do they not?

  7. 5 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    It’s a gamble of course. But you’re probably not the only one looking for them. So if you get them... you get the choice of daemon and then sell the other two. 

    Yeah I’ve been thinking recent that’s the way I’ll need to go. There’s a lot of other pieces I need before I get to the DP. Hopefully by that point I’ll be confident in doing a decent conversion.

  8. 50 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    image.png.096b40b1a2abcf66f5576166ee353367.pngAbsolutely! I'm doing a Slaanesh theme, so sadly these are not for me. But i'd love to see somebody give these monstrosities wings and you have three brutal Daemon Princes. 

    These are what I wanted to make my Khorne daemon prince from but I haven’t found any singles on any third party sites :(

    • Sad 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Maddpainting said:

    Beastmen are most likely just the one, Flayed, as there is a odd flavor of subfaction in old world called The Flayed.

    But i could be wrong and they don't care about that small bit of lore.

    There’s a Flayed tribe in the Khorne Battletome too. Not sure if it’s more than just a paint scheme that’s in there though.

  10. 10 hours ago, Troll.exe said:

    2priests and a bloodsecrator are typically a good core to your army. Then you can take killing frenzy and bronzed flesh. The bloodletters need the bloodsecrator to be viable. 

    If im running bloodletters I always include a unit of wrathmongers incase the bloodsecrator goes down but that’s just my preference.

    Use Reapers of vengeance as the slaughterhost for double attacks with leave none alive. Use most of your command points on this. 

    With the core army you have a good addition would be a bloodletter hero, then you can take a Murderhost battalion. Make the WoKB your general and give him the artefact for two unbinds at -2 rend and the vanilla 8 fluff on the first unbind. This will free you up to use your second artefact on a crimson crown for the daemon prince. Just spam his command ability for free for the whole game.

    Edit. I just noticed the battalion. Just to keep it easy it’s probably best to stick with that although a Murderhost would be slightly more beneficial.

    I wouldn’t worry about Valkia, she’s only good on the charge. There’s probably an argument that she’s best in a list with a bloodstoker. 

    If you’re looking for another bloodthirster, Skarbrand is a great option. He can’t receive and doesn’t require an artefact.  With the daemon prince already included in the list you have one model that demands an artefact so you could easily add Skarbrand without the need of a second battalion. Plus the fact that he’s the biggest hitter in the game.

    Thanks very much for this! Changing battalion is no problem, i could drop Karanak for a Letter hero because i don't have him as yet. Valkia i liked the look of for her Command ability more than anything but it sounds like all the CP should be being spent elsewhere.

    Also thinking of doing something drastic and selling / returning the SC's i have and going mostly mortals instead. But i really like the idea of running a couple of Skull Cannons.

    Whats the consensus on the Bloodmad Warband incidentally?

  11. I need a bit of help completing a list if any of you ladies and gents would help. The core is what i own, 2x SC Daemons boxes. Haven't settled on a Slaughterhost yet, or decided who i want to be General and what artefact load-out to go. I originally wanted to put Valkyia in there, but went with Karanak instead because i was worried about the lack of Locus being handed out.



    Allegiance: Khorne - Slaughterhost: ?


    Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (210) - Axe

    Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster (300)

    Karanak (140)

    Slaughterpriest (100) - Blood Blessing : Bronzed Flesh


    6 x Bloodcrushers (240)

    20 x Bloodletters (220) - Gore Drenched Icon

    5 x Flesh Hounds (100)

    5 x Flesh Hounds (100)

    1 x Skull Cannons (130)

    1 x Skull Cannons (130)


    Blood Hunt (120)

    TOTAL: 1790/2000


    Another Priest and a couple of Judgements (or Judgement and extra command point)? Another Priest and bump the Letters to 30? A different hero, Secreator or Valkyia still? Drop Karanak for another Thirster (my wallet would prefer not to though, but multiple thirsters looks the way to go). Some Wrathmongers? A second DP?

    How do people prefer to run the Daemon Prince?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  12. So, can a Khemist with Party Popper put himself on a Dais Arcanum to give himself 12" move, Fly and +1 to save? If so he can keep up with everything and not worry about the garrison anti-synergies then.

    Also, if he's Barak Nar and thus gets a dispel roll, does he get an additional one for being on the Arcanum?

    It looks perfect legal to do for me, at the moment at least. I love this idea so much. Also, modelling opportunity to turn it into a hoverboard instead.

    EDIT: As far as i can see the only time this would really be useful is if he follows some Riggers / Wardens. Unless there's an ability somewhere that lets Thunderers disembark from a vessel after a move, but i can't see one.  

    • Like 3
  13. Thryng but not Thryng


    Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (220) - General - Command Trait : Supremely Stubborn

    Aetheric Navigator (100) - Artefact : Voidstone Orb

    Aetheric Navigator (100)


    12 x Endrinriggers (400)

    12 x Endrinriggers (400)

    10 x Arkanaut Company (90)


    Arkanaut Ironclad (510)


    Iron Sky Command (130)


    Extra command point


    Generals artefact should be Grudgehammer but it doesn't show on scroll builder for some reason. One drop. Very stupid, maybe fun? Haha.

  14. Still putting lists together. My Zon lists keep changing, At the moment, i'm wondering whether it's more beneficial to go Admiral with Rune of Mark to try an get some extra Aether gold, or to go Navigator for some spell protection.

    Then i put together a list completely different, using Endrinriggers instead of Skywardens despite my aforementioned preference for Wardens for fluff and aesthetic reasons and think i've got something with much more utility overall with an Urbaz list.

    Zon-miral List:



    Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords

    - Sky Port: Barak Zon

    Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (220) - General - Command Trait : Bearer of the Ironstar - Artefact : Aethersped Hammer 

    Arkanaut Admiral (140) - Artefact : Rune of Mark

    6 x Skywardens (200) - 1 x Skyhooks

    3 x Skywardens (100) - 1 x Skyhooks

    3 x Skywardens (100) - 1 x Skyhooks

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150) - Main Gun : Sky Cannon - Great Endrinworks : Zonbarcorp 'Debtsettler' Spar Torpedo

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150) - Main Gun : Sky Cannon

    10 x Grundstok Thunderers (240)

    Arkanaut Ironclad (510) - Main Gun : Great Sky Cannon - Great Endrinworks : The Last Word

    Grundstok Escort Wing (140)

    TOTAL: 1950/2000



    Light on bodies, i could drop Thunders to 5, add 10 Arkanauts (allows me to group the 2x 3 wardens into another block of 6) And either go bouyacy aid on Ironclad, or turn that into 2 Frigates instead. Which would give me enough points to add a Khemist too, but goes from 3 drops to 6!

    Also do we think 2 Frigates and thus 2 sets of shares are a better go than one ironclad with 1 share anyway?

    Zon-igator list:



    Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (220) - General - Command Trait : Bearer of the Ironstar - Artefact : Aethersped Hammer

    Aetheric Navigator (100) - Artefact : Voidstone Orb


    6 x Skywardens (200) - 1 x Skyhooks

    6 x Skywardens (200) - 1 x Skyhooks

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150) - Main Gun : Sky Cannon - Great Endrinworks : Zonbarcorp 'Debtsettler' Spar Torpedo

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150) - Main Gun : Drill Cannon

    10 x Grundstok Thunderers (240)

    10 x Arkanaut Company (90) - 1 x Skypikes - 1 x Light Skyhooks - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns


    Arkanaut Ironclad (510) - Main Gun : Great Sky Cannon - Great Endrinworks : Ebullient Buoyancy Aid

    Grundstok Escort Wing (140)

    TOTAL: 1950/2000



    Some spell protection here at the cost of generating some shares for the Wardens. Again could split the Frigates, but one would be over-encumbered anyway with the Navigator (i could stick him in a Gunhauler though)

    Barak Urbaz List:



    - Sky Port: Barak Urbaz


    Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (220) - General - Artefact : Phosphorite Bomblets

    Aetheric Navigator (100) - Artefact : Voidstone Orb

    Aetheric Navigator (100)


    6 x Endrinriggers - Skyhook (200)

    6 x Endrinriggers - Skyhook (200)

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150) - Main Gun : Drill Cannon - Great Endrinworks : Breath of Morgrim (Barak-Urbaz)

    10 x Arkanaut Company (90)

    10 x Grundstok Thunderers (240)


    Arkanaut Ironclad (510) - Main Gun : Great Sky Cannon - Great Endrinworks : Ebullient Buoyancy Aid


    Iron Sky Command (130)

    TOTAL: 1940/2000



    The more i look at this list the more i realise its pretty bad, very low wounds. A Navigator could be dropped for a Khemist (with party popper too potentially). Or one could be dropped for another Gunhauler, in which case it would have to be escort wing instead which might not be so bad considering Urbaz reroll battleshock anyway and don't get the Aether gold debuff? It would go from a 3 drop list to 5 which isn't so bad .

    If Wardens Pistols were 12" like the rivet guns then my mind would be made up already. Why the hell is a Gun designed to staple bits of metal together a longer range and better fire rate than a pistol designed for battle haha.

    So, i actually still have no idea what i'm doing haha. Magnetizing the riggers is probably a bit too much work right?

  15. My first list, just for fun mostly and because i'll only really need another SC box to get there.

    Sky Port: Barak Zon


    Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (220) - General - Command Trait : Wealthy - Artefact : Phosphorite Bomblets

    Arkanaut Admiral (140) - Artefact : Rune of Mark


    6 x Skywardens (200) - 1 x Skyhooks

    3 x Skywardens (100) - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns - 1 x Skyhooks - 1 x Drill Launcher

    3 x Skywardens (100) - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns - 1 x Skyhooks - 1 x Drill Launcher

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150) - Main Gun : Sky Cannon - Great Endrinworks : Zonbarcorp 'Debtsettler' Spar Torpedo

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150) - Main Gun : Sky Cannon

    10 x Grundstok Thunderers (240)


    Arkanaut Ironclad (510) - Main Gun : Great Sky Cannon - Great Endrinworks : The Last Word


    Grundstok Escort Wing (140)

    Extra Command Point (50)


    No idea how good it would be, i did think of going Frigate (or 2) instead of Ironclad and going all in on more Wardens to take advantage of the Skyport and Battalion abilities... but if movies have taught me anything, you always need a bigger boat. I did originally go single Frigate, some Arkanauts and a Khemist with Spell in a bottle. I might even use Khemist with the party popper instead of the admiral sometimes. It gave me a lot more bodies too.

    I know people like Riggers instead of Wardens mostly, but getting the bonuses on charge, and the focus fire abilities just looked like a no brainer to me. Also, as much as i like Riggers as a concept, it irks me that they tend to be better fighters than the actual soldiers haha. Also, if Rigger saws are so good, why aren't KO sticking them on all their weapons??? Surely they could swap the pike for a pole with a saw on the end, they can make boats fly after all.


  16. Hi guys I picked up an Aether War box for the KO but I’m weighing up whether or not to build a Tzeentch force too.

    it would bring me to 3 armies along side KO and BoK, so three nice and distinctive individual styles.

    The magister on disk doesn’t seem to be getting any love. Is he just considered garbage or has anyone any fun ideas for him?

    A full flying list with the Aether war units, flamers, heroes on disks could be fun?

    Tzeentch have such cool models I’m feeling hard pressed to sell that side. On the other hand being a beginner, collecting 3 armies is a bit daunting .

    To be fair though I’ve currently got more DoT kits than Khorne!

  17. 41 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

    1) Yes English is my second language and at the same time I'm writing on my phone and constantly rewrite typos so sometimes it looks like a mess.

    2) I can start to playtest only after 10th of january (probably will play against SCE, Goblins, Greenskinz and NH)  so right now I try to imagine how our faction works and play. Is that a crime? 

    3) Yes I'm negative about alot of things even before playtesting, but from my perspective other people are unreasonably positive without playtesting. In my country we say: "Be ready for the worst, but hope for the best". 



    No not a crime.

    But generally trying to get someone to see the positive side of something is a good thing.

    Trying to bring people into a negative atmosphere isn’t healthy.

    We’ve already had one guy go from ‘GW hates me’ to ‘We’re so buffed’ to ‘I quit the hobby’ in the space of a day.

    I’m sorry KO aren’t fulfilling your needs though. Like I say, maybe in the summer things will be better for you.


    • Like 3
  18. 7 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

    Ofc I'll play with everythin that this book gave us but until it come up I can only build theories about working/not working mechanics. If you can tell something constructive I will read it with pleasure, but if you think that you have any rights to attack me personally then you free to gtfo. 

    To be fair I agree with his point. It’s all compounded by a few irrationally negative players across these forums at the moment though.

    Also, you’ve been spelling unit names wrong constantly. At first I thought they were typos but they’ve been consistent. Is English your second language? Are they called Gunhowlers, Ironclade’s or Alchemists in your native language? Fair dos if so, but if not, why? Maybe there’s a good reason for it.

    But If someone is going to be looking out for a constructive, knowledgeable voice on here, I think the guy who doesn’t spell his own units names wrong while complaining probably isn’t the one they’re going to listen to.

    This new book has fixed so many glaring issues, I.e the need to convert all those Skyhooks which was a huge barrier to entry to the army. More battle line options. Great fluffy and thematic ideas and rules. Pretty much every unit is useful.

    But you’re sat here complaining about points before playing a game. Hell, points can change twice a year. You may only have to wait until July to see some adjustments anyway, is it really that catastrophic? At least have some fun with the new book until then.

    Personally I don’t want to table my opponents army turn one. I want to know I’ve played a game. So far from the reviews, the book looks fun, I don’t know why anyone would ask for more than that.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1
    • LOVE IT! 1
  19. I nearly re-entered Warhammer with KO last year, my brother got me some riggers and a khemist last Christmas.

    after thinking about it more until just last month I decided to go Khorne because I thought learning to paint on Khorne Daemons would be infinitely more forgiving than the Duardin.

    But seeing this set (I think most Tzeentch models look really cool too) I think I’m going to have to pick it up.

    Collecting 2 armies at once is ok right?? Haha.

    Anyway rules wise I agree with Ogre Slayer. It always irked me that melee units could whack an ironclad to death.

    Hopefully new hero as general allows riggers as battle line too.

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