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Everything posted by ArkanautDadmiral

  1. Whole bunch of conversion options there to make Ironjawz and Bonesplitters look more cohesive
  2. Got mine at my local, no fuss. They put a ticketing system in place, me being the nerd I am got there 2 hours early for absolutely no reason at all. Think they’ll have plenty left over.
  3. When would people expect us to start seeing any additional new models for the Dominus factions?
  4. Not my brand of humour either I agree. Just pointing out he was referring to the Annihilators like the others over the previous posts and you weren’t missing out on being part of an ‘in crowd’ that you seemed worried about. 👍
  5. He’s referring to the Annihilators, which the past page or so of discussion has been about. There’s no clique or ‘in crowd’ about it, they’re larger models so he was just trying to refer to them in a humorous way, as part of the running discussion about them.
  6. I think the box looks great, hopefully i can get a copy! I was predicting a chariot for SCE. I was thinking the rumour engine that turned out to be the Knight Judicator would be for it; i was imagining a Chariot with a Ballista on top so i'm a bit disappointed it's a bog standard Chariot, maybe i'll do a conversion. Krueleboyz look great, not a fan of the Hobgrots though.
  7. It’s an image of the living city I believe. Probably in the Cities Book, was in one of the core books too I think.
  8. This is actually an edited version of older artwork but I’m really struggling to remember which book it’s in. Basically just the sigmarite structure in the center has been added.
  9. That artwork of Yndrasta is super cool. Painting the wings like their made of light rather than physical avian wings would definitely be the way to go.
  10. Lauka Vai is cool but that’s about it for me. Kragnos was a bit disappointing. I think it’s his face compared to that cool art we saw. I do like the idea of a troggoth, ogor, gargant army though.
  11. I thought the same. I had been considering Sisters too, I did buy the Tariana Palos limited edition model because it’s such an awesome sculpt. But this has absolutely nothing appealing about it. Her proportions look so off everywhere. Her hands are huge!!
  12. That Skaven list is exactly the sort of thing I’m interested in, mind sharing it ? 😀
  13. Watched the WW sleeper list episode and the IDK list that had 18 models looked really cool to me and got me wondering about low model count lists across the rest of the factions? I’m not so much looking for a how low can you go competition, but interesting low model count lists really, especially in factions you’d possibly not expect it, I.e, a Nighthaunt list rather than a Ogres one. Anyone have any good ones? edit: have asked for this to be moved to general discussion, didn’t realise I was on the chaos board still!
  14. Since I’d be buying Cursed City it wouldn’t make sense NOT to start a Gravelords army right?
  15. What is it specifically that’s drawing you to Zon? If it’s the Skywarden melee buffs you’re essentially pinning your sky port on 6 melee wardens, I’d fear you won’t see much of the benefits of the port. I think you’d be better off with an Urbaz or even custom port, even if you kept the wardens.
  16. I like them, but the poses all seem kind of samey... wide stance, tilted head, off hand down by their side... still cool though, mega excited for the box
  17. Is there a way to request an account name change?
  18. New KO type model with Cursed City and Daughters endless spells to consider Spell in a bottle is a gift that keeps on giving. I hope they don’t reduce it to the generic ones.
  19. Shoulder pad on one of the Cursed City hero illustrations looks like the demon face rumour engine possibly?
  20. Exactly! I work in Digital marketing. What GW do is nothing short of amazing really. Giving you all the information about numerous products in one to, months before releases is pointless. Even if they did that, it still wouldn’t be enough! They’d still want to know more, they’d still want it all right now.
  21. I don’t see the need to show every model now. no, it might make you pissed, certainly not everyone. why do you need to know everything about the second wave of Lumineth right now? It’ll come, you can’t buy the models yet, the rules aren’t out yet so what does it matter? Unless you think they should be released straight away too then I don’t know what to say. Also ‘all of us’ stop projecting your disappointment onto, or speaking for everyone. Cursed City was a great teaser. Again, why do you want to know all of it now? Should they not show anything until release day? I like receiving new regular content through the week. I don’t want everything in a release show every couple of months. It’s in their interest to keep people coming back to their sites regularly, and they nail this. I think you need to temper your expectations friend, especially considering you already seem to understand GWs marketing/release strategy in relation to this stuff.
  22. Potentially they were going to show the other Lumineth models that were revealed earlier in the week too but their leak made it pointless? I liked it all. Sisters suits are swaying me to my first 40K army. The teaser sword masters and other Silhouettes even made me rethink my stance on Lumineth, coupled with the mounted hero from earlier. Wasn’t a fan of the flying fox at first but he’s grown on me, a different paint job perhaps. Underworlds war band is rad. New DoK endless spells to consider for my KO spell in a bottle. Mega excited for Cursed City! Lumineth, DoK, Death and Cities fans all got something to be excited about, it was a great showing for AoS. Unfortunately it’s just never enough for some people. They need it all and they need it right now.
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