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Posts posted by hughwyeth

  1. Well i got the virus!  Looks like my prediction was true- my friend who's a policeman who got sent home with the symptoms had contracted it. She has now recovered. I had the worst fever I've ever had friday night and most of saturday- sweating constantly, constant headache and severe joint ache. Dizziness when I tried to stand. I'm already feeling better and will likely have recovered by early next week. I'm 31 years old with no existing conditions, so I'm in the best position to recover really. 

    Annoyingly it means I've lost the whole weekend to hobby and have to wait another week.  But I am thankful I'm ok and my family haven't contracted it. Please stay home as much as possible- this thing spreads so easily. 

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  2. Yeah please let's not let this thread descend into something nasty. We're all going to have a load of time to do some hobby.

    I've had to cancel our monthly tournament as there's a chance I'm now infected, so I've got 14 days at home! Loads of stores and community figures are doing streams and hangouts which is really going to help!

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    I know it's hard to wrap our heads around, but right now, no matter how healthy you feel or how few deaths you have in your locality, you need to react properly and get the heck out of public life. In other words, if you wait until the jaws of the Mawkrusha are open around your neck, it's too late. Avoid the battlefield to begin with so that the beast has zero chance to eat you (or your Grandma).

    If people want to see the effect of people ignoring quarantines- Korea's outbreak was caused by 1 person escaping quarantine and infection 2 new pools of people, leading to deaths. These measures are not to keep us safe, they're to keep others safe. 

    • Like 6
  4. Current idea for a fun list - 

    Allegiance: Nurgle
    - Host of Chaos: Blessed Sons

    Epidemius Tallyman of Nurgle (200)
    Fecula Flyblown (180)
    - Lore of Foulness: Plague Squall
    Festus the Leechlord (140)
    - Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction
    Harbinger of Decay (160)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Foul Conqueror
    - Artefact: Blotshell Bileplate
    Lord of Blights (140)
    - Artefact: Rustfang

    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)

    2 x The Wurmspat (0)

    Blight Cyst (140)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 162

    Should be a 3 drop as Fecula is a sorcerer. She's pretty resilient with her two bodyguards too! Epidemius because I've never played with him and never seen him on a table, and if I can get the 21 model kill count, RR 1s on hits and wounds across the table with BKs should be great. 

  5. 21 hours ago, Double Misfire said:


    • The Whitefire Retinue battalion getting a significant points increase, possibly as many as 80, as it's currently a no brainer for Hallowheart players, and even at 220 points a lot of them would probably still use it.

    I would say being a "no-brainer" isn't a reason for a points increase. It's thematic and is the only hallowheart battalion. +1 to cast and unbind is good, but 220pts means no-one would take it. 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  6. I imagine it's mostly down to a budget thing, or just the usual issues around writing for an IP. Most books for most IPs are known to be bad and that's because they don't pay that great and they have tight deadlines. If you let a BL writer have years to develop a series you'd probably get something really good- I don't doubt many of the writers could make something better with more time. Think of your favourite series- the writers had ages for the first book and usually reasonable time for subsequent books. Not the case with BL and it's not even BL's fault really- they know they won't sell hundreds of thousands of these so they can't afford long writing times. 

  7. 1 hour ago, NJohansson said:

    One of the main strength of chaos is its variation and endless possibilities to mix and match from different books (IMHO).

    This is true, but I'm not sure I've ever seen competitive lists with STD in Hedonites, Arcanites or Blades battletome lists. Most competitive nurgle lists do have them though. 

  8. 2 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    I love the despair among everyone in this thread. Our plague father feeds on it 😅 I’ll do a detailed write up but I was a butt hair away from playing in the top 8 finals at LVO (most competitive event in the world) with nurgle. 

    Nurgle is fine. It’s not Tzeentch. But is in a solid place in the meta. Play smart. Choose your fights. Be patient. Take a punch, chortle, and then Counter punch when necessary. 

    Play like you are the blob from the X-men universe, not wolverine or cyclops. 😘

    @sal4m4nd3r is probably the best Nurgle (maggotkin) player there is, so take " Nurgle is fine" with a pinch of salt. 😄

    But seriously, battalion point drop, "natural 6" for blightkings and these new sub-allegiance abilities really help Nurgle. Nurgle are always interesting to play because we can't just smash stuff up. We are resilient, but actually not as resilient as many armies. We're quite fast, but not as fast as many armies. Our summoning is the poorest of all summoning, but trees are quite good. I think it'll be interesting to see how people do with the new sub-allegiances in the next few months.

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  9. On 2/7/2020 at 9:00 PM, snipersyn said:

    At least for now, I believe GW should align themselves with some sort of consensus to support players that both BUY books and subscribe to digital apps. For example, when I list-build in Azyr and I am the legal owner of a faction's battletome, I should be offered some sort of discount and allowance to use the e-version of the same book in the app. The double-dipping is unbecoming if you ask me.

    GW's model for battletome/codex print/digital is decades old compared to competitors. We're all still mostly using print books, carrying a book that has 2 pages of what we need to reference (spells and allegiance stuff), 70 pages of narrative, 10 pages of painting, and 10 pages of warscrolls that area easier to access on the app or with cards. 

    I like print books but I'd rather take a tablet with a useful app to a game. AoS Reminders, developed by one person, is better than GW's whole digital offering. That's crazy.

    • Like 4
  10. 1 hour ago, Goldy751 said:

    I like the blessed sons. The CA is a bit meh but the rest seems nice to have for free. And you can easily fit 2 battalions in there if you want the extra artifacts. The MW on death seems a bit meh becouse our low model count but at least it is reliable.  

    I mean it's on top of everything else. Combined with the Nurgle allegiance stuff, you can be outputting several unlimited range D3 MWs per turn, force RR wounds of 6, rend -1 on a load of blightkings, MW on losing models, run and charge everywhere etc. There's a lot of stuff there. It's not top tier, but it's going to be pretty fun figuring out how to play that army. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 13 hours ago, Zplash said:

    Can you go a little bit more into detail here? I see the benefit in the wanderers sub faction besides the ****** artefact but blessed sons shenanigans? 

    I mean sure, it makes our blight cyst stronger due to 6er runs and if not playing vs nurgle a little bit of mortal wounds but I think this will be no issue because you won't play to many blightkings and if you play like 30 it's some mortals like 25 if all of your models are dead...? I dont see very cool interactions here. 

    Like I said yes it s better with blessed son than without it but some jucy stuff? 

    Nurgle have some decent ranged MW output and it gives us some more MW output. I'm not saying it puts nurgle top tier, but it woud be interesting to try it out with blightkings now they have natural rolls of 6 for exploding hits. 30 BKs give 124 wounds (in 3 units), with 4+ and 5+ with harbinger. If you get them all in combat (i wouldn't run a 20 personally, rather 3x10) you're getting a lot of rend -1 attacks I'm also thinking of running with Epidemius (never put that model on the table) to give re-rolls hit and wounds 1, which for a 3+/3+ melee weapon is pretty amazing- 90 3+rr1s/3+rr1s/rend -1 is pretty amazing. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Crowvus said:

    It seems like they don't want nurgle to be good.  They fixed blightkings by changing it to nat 6a then took away our synergy with Warshrine.  Before that they increased all the endless spells Thricefold used.  Now they print this book where Drowned is the worst faction for the worst models...and the others aren't much better.  At least we have the most expensive battalion that is also meh.

    Edit: And to top it off after LVO/CanCon we are litterally the worst faction.  41% now down from 43%

    Dude, Blessed Sons + Blight Cyst seems pretty saucy. Lots of shenanigans, plus a load of additional mortal wound output for free!

    • Thanks 2
  13. 6 minutes ago, SleeperAgent said:

    Due to the unforeseen (but totally foreseen) circumstances of a new Tzeentch battletome, the GHB 20/big summer FAQ can't get here soon enough.


    Also please release new Nighthaunt and Stormcast battletomes. The first ones are dead.

    TBH not sure they would really do a FAQ thing for GH20- it's usually for new rules, no clarifications!

  14. I love all of you guys, you're all the best.

    I do think this requires some serious clarification from GW. Perhaps in GH20 they will have updated Core Rules with "start of phase" stuff, "modified vs unmodified" etc and we don't need to wait until aos 3.0 to have all this cleared up in a unified manner.  Currently it seems we need to reference FAQ for faction A to figure out how a rules for Faction B might work for certain rules, and others need reference to FAQ, Core Rules, Battletomes and white dwarf articles to clear up (if they ever get cleared up). 

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  15. 10 hours ago, Cèsar de Quart said:

    Oh my Sigmar. This was a good night present alright.

    Making Warhammer "historical" scenarios and campaigns is the best thing  they could have done. Setting it in the Age of the Three Emperors (plus one) is a genius stroke.

    This would be great- essentially what they do with Horus Heresy. Each additional campaign book includes the rules for the newly released miniatures. And they trickle out new miniatures constantly. 

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