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Posts posted by hughwyeth

  1. On 7/21/2019 at 3:07 PM, Scythian said:

    The music is clearly Egyptian sounding. Necropolis was a term often referred to in the tomb Kings books. The voice is probably Krell. My summation is that it will be a deathrattle book incorporating the newer tomb king models. 

    Not sure why everyone thinking the music is oriental or egyptian or whatever. It's almost identical to Mongolian, including the instrument that sounds almost exactly like throat singing. That totally fits with Ogres in my mind. 

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, knas said:

    In more casual play is Morbidex, Bloab & Orghott any good? Same with the Glottkin? Looking at their stats they seem to fill kinda weird roles.

    Glottkin is great in many lists. It's expensive but it's spell is crazy good on someting like 30 plaguebearers. It's vulnerable to shooting and has no 5++ - taking it with a harbinger can fix that but then you've got a 580pt model with the 5++. I like using it but have switched to a GUO as it just fits into lists better, gives +3" move and has bonus to cast- something which is unavailable anywhere else in a nurgle list. 

    • Like 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    I will be posting WIP shots soon. Im still cobbling together a concept. Going to be using Gresus goldtooth model (fat ogre king with a turkey leg in one hand and mace in the other,  whilst him and a large chest of gold and gems being ferried by a sea of knoblars) but he will be ferried by nurglings, on a palanquin, with the mirror from the bloodwrack shrine being propped up by more nurglings... with the reflection of a beautiful lithe blond haired handsome man in the mirror. Hopefully I can do it justice.

    Someone told me they wouldn't allow me to cap the objective because our tools to measure the situation are not precise enough to accurately measure that small level of interaction. I understand that but via the rules, I capture it. I got gang banged in my gaming group chat for suggesting I use math and rules to score an objective... so just looking to the outside to see if I could have a case. 

    Yeah that's bollocks. Everyone does the 9" deepstriking thing by saying "these guys are 9" away", we don't spend 30 minutes making sure we have a tool to accurately measure the distance. They're 9" for charge roll and rules purposes. Same with the 6" distance for objectives. Why are people pissed when you're not exactly playing with a top tier army anyway??

    Love your concept for the epitome!

  4. 29 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:


    Spume and the kings must be within 6"  of the board edge. The objective must be 12" from the board edge. Do I control that objective? There is an FAQ that says you are within a point on the battlefield if you are EQUAL to or LESS then the specified distance. So the TO sided with me when I showed him this and awarded me the objective, I ended up winning the game because of this. Several people told me I shouldn't have won, and I was being a WAAC player. And I wasn't playing to the spirit of the game essentially.  My opponent (who is a close friend of mine) was really chill about the whole thing. It was everyone else around that were kind of being dicks. The 6" objective capturing bubble should mathematically touch one point on the base of the model that is at the apex of that bubble. Basically because both lines (spume and the objective bubble) meet at the same point, and the FAQ specifices EQUAL TO.. thoughts?


    10 blightkings with RR 1s (epitome) and RR all wounds (warshrine) charging in and wiping out an entire unit of 40 skeletons. 

    45 attacks from 9 kings with blades of putrefaction just obliterating 10 hexwraiths.

    Summoning a gnarlmaw, off my initial gnarlmaw, and then summoning 5 plaguebearers from the second gnarlmaw onto an objective and razing it for 3 VP. 

    RE 6"- GW FAQd this and you are correct. I personally would have ruled the other way- 5.99999" is "within" 6", but GW ruled it that way, conscious of the fact there are several instances where it's vital- this on being one of them. If GW didn't want to, they would have ruled it otherwise. The intention was that you could grab it, so people should stop complaining. 

    I only have 10BKs, but running 2x 10 and then MSU plaguebearers would be nice, with Epitome. Would want to do a nurgle themed epitome, which i guess isn't exactly fluffy? Can a daemon from Slaanesh be touched by Papa?

  5. On 7/17/2019 at 9:41 PM, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Gutrot Spume (140)
    Harbinger of Decay (160)
    - General
    - Trait: Grandfather's Blessing 
    - Artefact: The Witherstave 
    Festus the Leechlord (140)
    The Contorted Epitome (200)
    - Allies

    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    40 x Chaos Marauders (200)
    - Axes & Shields

    1 x Chaos Warshrine (160)

    Endless Spells / Terrain
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 200 / 400
    Wounds: 199

    I literally had a dream about playing contorted epitome vs my friend's skryre because of your posts about it. His Warp Lightning cannons trying to take it down and it keeps saving with it's 2+ then blightkings hit, rerolling 1s, wiping out 40 clanrats in one go. I read this thread too much!

  6. On 7/8/2019 at 10:45 PM, Chris Tomlin said:

    Great, look forward to having you there. I'll update the entrants list on my phone tomorrow.

    As for now though, I'm pleased to say that the updated rulespack can be found HERE - Please make sure you read it if in attendance.

    Don't forget the final cut off for paid refunds is this Friday - 12/07/19. Still a couple of spaces available due to drops.

    Many thanks, Chris


    I will not use the term “3 colour minimum” as it is open for abuse. If you are unsure whether your models are painted(?!), please get in contact with me

    SPOT ON!👍

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Dreadmund said:

    I feel the same way with Thricefold too. A ton of your damage in that list will come from spells which are so easy to shut down for a wide variety of factions. I think Nurgle's biggest weakness has to be how easy we are to counter. Really, other than that our battletome is pretty cool with lots of neat synergies and options.

    Yeah it's not like the battletome in isolation is bad, it's actually great, and when it launched in AoS 1 is worked pretty well, though still not Slaanesh level. Literally GW could give everything 10% points reduction, make blades of putrefaction and blightkings "Natural 6" and Nurgle still would not be top tier or anywhere near, but would be more fun and make 4-1s possible for more interesting builds. 

    • Like 1
  8. 51 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:


    Legions of Nagash with Overwhelming dread (sometimes cast twice if the roll is unmodified 9+),  Legion of blood, especially with neferatta, SCE have prayers that are  -1 to hit and RR 6s to hit, also any unit that drops from the sky is -1 to hit them,  Gloomspite Gitz netters and the Arachnarok spell "itchy nuiscance" which is a 12" bubble of -1 to hit from the giant 160mm base of the spider, ANY caster with those ****** geminids. The ever present gryph feather charm. 

    This, although admittedly, my whole -1 phobia is from the death meta, which has moved on 6 months since, so that the big players in meta aren't as -1 to hit rich i guess? It's just in a tournament, investing 400/500/600 points in blightkings, only to face someone who makes them slightly better than plaguebearers is a crappy experience. It's frustrating GW haven't FAQ'd the exploding 6s to "natural roll of 6" because then blightkings would be great. Right now, shutting down Blightkings (with faction-agnostic geminids for example) is so easy to do, essentially neutering one of our 2 damage output units. 

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 hours ago, knas said:

    Competitively speaking what type of lists do work? For daemons / mortals respectively?  Like in general, not specialists tournament winning lists! Is it just Blight cyst and the GOU batallion?

    @sal4m4nd3r has some great lists they've had success with, so have a look back at these pages. In tournaments in the UK, it really is thricefold and nothing else going 4-1 for nurgle. But on a local level, there's a few lists that can be competitive. 

    When I'm playing casual games, my list is something like:

    GUO Bell/Blade
    Sorcerer w/ Plague Squall
    Festus w/ Blades of Putrefaction

    30 Plaguebearers
    10 PB
    10 PB
    10 PB
    10 Blightkings
    6 Drones

    and it's......ok.....

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, knas said:

    That's interesting! For summoning build do you need to go full Nurgle's Menagerie or is Slimux's extra tree enough to warrant focusing on it?

    It depends. Unfortunately, Nurgle's summoning is the easiest summoning to shut down- just stand near trees and it's gone. I've tried it a few times- against players who don't know it, you can summon 2x10 plaguebearers and maybe some nurglings in a game (nothing compared to slaanesh!).  For casual games, Horticulous should be enough. He's also got the best save for nurgle (3+) and is a decent model on his own, as well as moving fast enough to keep up with plague drones and triggering their locus ability. 

    If I'm playing competitively I don't take him though as you're paying for +1 tree at the start of the game and like I said, it's not going to help because nurgle summoning is so easy to stop. There's two builds that can really work in competitive play- thricefold or blight cyst. Thricefold needs a lot of skill to play because 3x GUO are hard to maneouvre around and get the benefit of the battalion. Blight Cyst is pretty good, but very expensive battalion for what you get and the -1 to hit a lot of armies have renders blightkings pretty weak.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, knas said:

    My friend's most recent list was something like:

    Sloppity Bilepiper
    Great Unclean one (bell + dagger) (Witherstave)
    Gotrot Spume
    The Grand Cultivator (Horticulus Slimux?)
    Rotbringer Sorcerer

    5x blightkings (deepstrike with gotrot)
    30x Plague Bearers
    10x Plague Bearers

    3x Plague drones
    3x Plague Drones
    2x Beasts of Nurgle
    3x nurglings (deepstrike)

    Quick feedback would be drop sloppity, gutrot (the deepstrike is mostly useless in most scenarios), beasts of nurgle and nurglings. 

    He has Horticulous, which is the character to build a "summoning" list around. Those 3 nurglings will be summonable from turn 2/3 for free. Plague drones are the best damage output we have. There's a debate about running 2x3 or 6 as 6 can almost never be all in combat but giving a unit of 6 blades of putrefaction and triggering their locus makes them very powerful. I would suggest he gets another 20 plaguebearers to make 2x30 and another 5 blightkings to make a decent 10 man unit (41 wounds!).  

    Against magic heavy is a struggle as the best spells are mortal ones (Festus', Blades of Putrefaction) and you can't get any bonus summoning for mortal nurgle. Nurgle's strength in that scenario would be the daemon's resilience with the 5++ save, so more plaguebearers should help. If he can get summoning going with lots of points per turn, it can help to control the board a bit more. 

    • Like 1
  12. Event Title: War in the Mortal Realms VII, a one day tournament in central London
    Event Author: hughwyeth
    Calendar: Events UK
    Event Date: 08/10/2019 09:00 AM to 08/10/2019 06:30 PM




    In brief

    The event will take place over 1 day, on Saturday 10th August 2019. Bad Moon Café will open from 08.00 till 23.00 on the day and the tournament will take place from 09.00 till 19.00. There will be 3 games played over the day.

    Armies should be created using the Generals Handbook 2019 Matched Play rules consisting of up to 2000pts. Players should bring 3 printed copies of their list- 1 for themselves, one for the opponent and one for the event staff.

    Triumph bonuses will be used as per the GH19 Rules.

    Endless spells will be allowed as per Malign Sorcery Rules.

    Realm Artefacts will be allowed and Realm Spells will be allowed.

    Realm of Battle Realmsphere Magic and Realm Commands will be used. Realmscape Features will not be used.

    Forge World models are allowed.

    Objectives used do not have height or size for rules purposes.

    Proxies, conversions and 3rd party models will be allowed but must clearly represent the warscroll.

    Firestorm allegiance and abilities will be used.

    Forbidden Power allegiances will be used.

    The Tournament will be run using Tabletop.To software using Swiss Tournament Rules with strength of schedule. We will be following the UK Community Scoring points system rulesets.

    There are no painting rules, points or limitations, however there will be an award for best painted army, with the result submitted to the Pro Painted rankings.

    Rules pack attached and most updated version here.


    Tickets can be purchased here


    War in the Mortal Realms VII, a one day tournament in central London

  13. 10 minutes ago, Kugane said:

    The price increases are getting a bit out of hand though. I mean, nobody is forced to buy stuff at this price, but with little disposable income its starting to get increasingly difficult to maintain the hobby.

    I hope sales (and as a result profits) will go down a bit so they can reflect on their action.

    But oh well. :) We'll see.

    I do sympathise with the "you don't have to buy it" argument HOWEVER, the GW hobby is entirely insular and exclusive. GW don't support 3rd party models, don't allow them in their stores or competition. If it was an open system with competing models, it would be fine. If you're a narrative or open play player, it doesn't matter- just use any old models. If you're competitive, it does matter to a point because GW models are the only models you can use. 

    That's why systems like frostgrave are such a breath of fresh air- zero model prescriptions. 

    • Like 10
    • Thanks 2
  14. 2 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    VERY frustrated we didnt get unmodified 6s. Looks like this is the situation we are stuck with until a new battletome which isnt even on the horizon for atleast a couple years probably. 

    Yeah bit annoying. Thricefold it is for a couple of years!

  15. 7 minutes ago, Aelven supremacy said:

    Good work!  Sounds like it will be a series of videos, looking forward to seeing who else pops up!

    That's what I'm hoping. They take a lot of time and work so won't be very frequent. Ideally every 1-2 months! I'm open to suggestions, though we're trying to keep it to the Bad Moon customers right now.

  16. Hey guys! 7 months after opening, we've developed a great community around Age of Sigmar and wanted to highlight some of them! We've started with Benjamin Savva, who discusses his Daughters of Khaine army. I hope you find it interesting as he discusses influences on the theme of his army and the narrative background to all his armies- the Erstwood.


    • Like 9
    • LOVE IT! 2
  17. Though the PL system is not that well done in 40k, generally more granularity makes it harder to balance a game, not easier. It's harder to balance a game with 10,000,000 possible combinations than 1,000. 

    Age of Sigmar already has different points for different weapons loadouts- they just call the units different names. For example one kit makes Paladins, Retributors, Protectors and Decimators, all with different rules and points values.

    3 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    In your example too, if somebody didn't feel the grand hammer is necessary for the unit then why shouldn't they have the option to not take it? (and not feel it's included as a tax) - it's micro management at this level that people who play a lot of competitive games often really enjoy too.

    In my experience, "micro management" manifests itself as "figuring out how to break the system" or "how did the rules designers ****** up points values?". Much harder to do when units have simplified points values. 

    • Like 3
  18. 9 minutes ago, Forrix said:

    I'm assuming that player lost to a Thricefold list...

    Yeah what a bizarre list of points changes for Nurgle. It's always funny seeing these points change wishlists because it's really clear that on a smaller local level, the meta is completely different from city to city, country to country. Nurgle are non-existent in our tournaments and they just cannot compete against almost any other recent battletome army. Thricefold is the only competitive list in our local meta and even then it's pretty low-level and basically never played. 

  19. 12 minutes ago, Lightbox said:


    I've been annoyed since the dawn of the allies system that I couldn't take elf allies for a freeguild or vice versa as I loved the idea of the mixed free cities and these races generally working together and I'm not that big a fan of mixed order or a lot of the firestorm free city combinations. Also that even though the horned rat joined the pantheon my chaos warriors couldn't have skaven allies to be stabbed in the back by.

    I really like the fact they added in mercenaries because a lot of these armies have been referred to as mercenaries for ages and as the article stated in lore you have things like humans and undead coexisting in shyish so it was a shame to not be able to field death humans etc. I do really like that the companies have their own fluff and mini rule to them to make them feel pretty well integrated into the story of AoS :) great for inspiration too.

    I think it's worth saying that AoS was just open play previously. In that sense, anyone can play with anyone. They've just been slow to integrate that flexibility into matched play. But they're getting there. And I'm hyped for a necromancer and skellybros with my other armies. 

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