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Posts posted by hughwyeth

  1. 2 hours ago, Oldshrimpeyes said:

    Ah yeah i remember that doing the rounds a few weeks ago. Powerful list no doubt but I wouldn't field an army of marauders if I had a gun to my head. Those models are simply awful. I couldn't bring myself to paint ten of them let alone sixty!

    Slightly off topic but people seem fairly confident that the Everchosen batallions are remaining the same beyond a points increase. Has anyone actually clapped eyes on the new text yet or is just assumptions at this point?

    There was a concern that the new rules about battalions mention something along the lines of not being able to populate a battalion with understrength units, they must be at least their minimum model count, which would ruin the plaguetouched one. I assume they'll errata this in a couple of weeks after launch day as plaguetouched warband is the only one that does this as part of the core part of the battalion. 

  2. 25 minutes ago, Oldshrimpeyes said:

    I recently picked up an EBay auction for Archaon.

    What sort of shenanigans can occur from including him in a Maggotkin list?

    Have him in a plaguetouched with Glottkin is powerful. Won 1st place at London GT.  Think the guy had 40+10+10 marauders as battleline- now you can only take 20 min, so it wouldn't work with points (and plaguetouched is 60pts more now) but sure you can jostle around and fit it all in!

  3. 23 minutes ago, Dew said:

    Haven't had a chance to use my magnetized GUO in AoS yet, is the bell and blade everyone's go-to configuration right now?

    I just can't see the point in using anything else. The sword does big damage, but it's 3 attacks, so you're likely to get 1 through every turn. The bell and blade just strengthen what the GUO is already primarily about- being a support character. He's great because he can be dumped in the middle of the fighting and last a long time whilst buffing a load of units around him. His spell is 14", meaning he pretty much has to be in the middle of things to do serious damage with it.

    Taking the sword or flail totally forgo his biggest strengths in my opinion. Perhaps someone has a different view?

  4. 17 hours ago, Darkfine said:

    I’ve played a few 2.0 games by now and agree on the magic front.  Blades just isn’t something to count on now, or Magic in general outside of Dagger GUOs.

    My other observation is summoning has very little impact on the game.  Even late game objective play is tricky.

    As sad as it makes me I am pretty sure the top of the heap for us is going to either continue to  be Plaguetouched or maybe something involving Archaon shenanigans.

    Really bummed out that Menagerie seemingly isn’t viable and the Maggoth Lords remain over costed.

    SO i just played our first test game of AoS 2. Now summoning is free, he just sat around my trees to prevent me getting contagion points. Managed to summon 1 tree and 2 bases of nurglings (which did get me an objective) but i didn't get anywhere near the level  of contagion i got from AoS 1- i frequently finished with 20+ points. 


    I also took a chaos sorcerer lord- having 6 drones with blades of putrefaction, re-rolling hits, wounds and saves of 1, with +2 attacks from GUO's ability and proximity was insane.  GOt through about 12 brutes in one round of combat. 

  5. 50 minutes ago, Darkfine said:

    I’ve played a few 2.0 games by now and agree on the magic front.  Blades just isn’t something to count on now, or Magic in general outside of Dagger GUOs.

    My other observation is summoning has very little impact on the game.  Even late game objective play is tricky.

    As sad as it makes me I am pretty sure the top of the heap for us is going to either continue to  be Plaguetouched or maybe something involving Archaon shenanigans.

    Really bummed out that Menagerie seemingly isn’t viable and the Maggoth Lords remain over costed.

    Blades was only ever a universal always-take because of the chance to get + to hit from scenery. Now that's not a thing, it's only for pretty specific scenarios- against enemies with high saves for example, we don't have a great chance at damaging them, but blades gives us a little more damage output. 

    With the huge dispel range and lack of MW with arcane bolt, I think plague Squall may be a really great choice now- average of at least 1xd3 MW, but no range limit! If you can have a caster at the back casting it every turn, it could be pretty useful!

    I think summoning will emerge as a pretty decent strategy. Remember we can place our first tree (spawn point) anywhere on the table. It's a great opportunity to place it near multiple objectives, whereas in AoS 1 i pretty much just used them for the run and charge ability. 

  6. 30 minutes ago, TheUnknownGuy said:

    Hi, first results from some testing AOS2 with a friend, the new unbind rule is a pain in the *** with our spells already quite hard to cast.

    I tried all game long to cast Blades of Putrefaction on some plague monks, it didn't go off once .

    With our unability to get acces to +1 to cast on rotbringer wizards, we have to take it into account when trying to buff one of our units.

    However the ability to unbind at 30'' is also a good thing for us, with a GUO w/dagger and bell I was able to unbind 3-4 spells during the game, which is nice.


    I'm about to play my first AoS 2 game against Ironjawz. They get super buffs to spells if they surround casters with boyz, so I'm worried about that. I'm planning on keeping festus and a sorcerer lord back out of dispel range to do buffs and GUO to go into the middle of it all and dispel and try and cast a couple of things to help like Favoured Poxes. I'm thinking of just doing everything I can to remove the spellcaster he'll probably have first. 

  7. So i have a verminlord kit. I thought about doing a deceiver to mix in with my verminus/mixed skaven, but skitterleap only works on heroes, and I'm not persuaded by Warhammer Community's constant mention of deceiver+thanquol. If you teleport thanquol somewhere useful and do 2d6 MW, next combat round he's a gonner, and you could waste him on a really low roll, so it's not worth it.  Any ideas of what would be the best? I have two separate (sort of) skaven forces- Pestilens with 80 monks and a verminus with 40 clanrats, 20 stormvermin and all the flavours of warlord (on brood horror, on foot, and skritch) along with a mix of moulder, skryre and eshin stuff. 

  8. 33 minutes ago, heywoah_twitch said:

    I think you're right on track, I used some ogor bits plus an ironblaster to make my own butcher on cauldron and it turned out pretty well-themed (the beast pulling it looks like a young mournfang as well). The problem is you are really pushing the edges of the recommended base size as shown here:


    I'm waiting to see the rumored warscroll updates before I dive in on our wizard allies. Before, we wanted an ally wizard 75% for mystic shield and 25% for a 1-in-3 chance at +1 to hit, and so the butcher was the clear choice. Now with mystic shield being real bad (not to mention fortifying hoarfrost already rr1s on saves), I feel far less inclined to include a wizard at all - even though magic got overhauled. Firebelly and Cave Shaman's warscroll spells are both awful, for instance, so really it's just about the endless spell you take, and if that's the case the cheapest one wins easily.

    Definitely going to try out all sorts of combinations moving forward regardless. Emerald Lifeswarm's d3 heal is the effect I want most out of all the endless spells, as trying to make thundertusks useful after turn 1 is the sisyphean curse of beastclaw for me, but man 60+wizard-cost for that is a lot when the thing tends to peace-out after the first use.

    That looks fantastic! Is the cauldron from the unused scrap launcher in the ironblaster kit?

  9. So I'm heading to warhammer world in a week or two and I'm hoping to get a load of Ogor kits to complement my BCR. I'm thinking Ogors and ironguts kits which I'll use to try and make a butcher with cauldron out of and one or two ironblaster kits (cos they look fantastic). For magic, probably a Firebelly? I have the fungoid cave shaman too. 

    Anyone got any tips on what kits they used to make a custom butcher with cauldron?

    Regarding BCR in AoS 2, I think having 2 or more wizards is pretty important, and I might add in some endless spells- anyone else thinking of lists with endless spells yet?

    • Like 2
  10. I had a question about the doubles GT- do we both get commanders with command abilities that we can use? And re megic- I take it we're limited to rules of one over our combined 2,000 pt force, rather than being able to cast 2xMystic Shield/2x Arcane bolt?

  11. 23 minutes ago, Bloodmaster said:

    Yes and no. For some stuff they hire additional, external painters or sometimes send out preview boxes to all known painters as promo material to be shown the day pre-orders go up. See GUO 

    I get they send out retail boxes, but I assumed they'd keep all painting in house for unannounced kits

  12. 18 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Hi everybody,

    so a friend of mine got an assignment from Gw to paint up some models for the new releases.

    so for all of you who are interested to know if the rumors are true about Moonclan and slaanesh releases, I can assure you that they definitely are. As for slaanesh I heard that they might be coming out at September 

    Don't GW have an in-house paint team that do all their paint jobs?

  13. 15 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well I was only joking, I hope I didnt upsad any of you guys?.

    anyways yes I like the fluff of the stormcast eternals as well and  I also like to play against them since they are a interesting folk. Fighting in small groups of elites Warriors and not in Hordish army’s. But like all army’s have their issue, so do stormcast eternals have their share.

    anyways Stormcast eternals are a great army in their own way, but they really aren’t my taste so you will definitely never see me play them 

    Initially i really disliked the fluff. They were soulless (not actually without soul, but just uninteresting) steroid taking mega dudes and sort of summed up AoS at launch. Now we're getting some more interesting stuff from them, some named characters, interesting moral choices etc they're becoming interesting. 

    • Like 2
  14. 17 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I hope not, they already got to much.

    30Battalions to choose from 19units and 18Heros.

    i literally don’t know any faction with its own Battletome, having so many units and Battalion to choose from.

    the time has definitely come for other army’s, which lack off literally everything like Slaanesh, Moonclan, Skaven (verminus, Moulder, eshin, masterclan), Grots, Gutbusters and all the other faction I forgot to mention

    Unfortunately, profit will drive the decision, and Stormcast are very profitable and popular. I can't wait for the Skaven tome and new Ogor stuff, but I'm ok to wait if it takes more Stormcast to fill the coffers before concentrating on less popular forces. 

  15. 35 minutes ago, Frozenbeast said:

    What I wanted to highlight is the fact I don't think is correct AoS receive soooo little attention compared to their other main game. 

    Also I am sorry if I brought a bit of negativity but I had to take this off my chest :P. All insults and critics are now very welcome....I deserve themxD.



    Dude, AoS has had more new models than 40k this year. AoS has 2 new factions this year. 40k hasn't had any new factions. AoS has Malign Portents. 40k just got a new edition, and AoS stil had more models and new factions. GW are putting a lot of effort into AoS, even though it's the smaller game. 

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  16. 15 hours ago, LLV said:

    Prepare to be surprised.

    Plus - its not like Destruction are tearing up the top tables in Tournaments right now so this change is also a balancing factor. 

    If they keep everything as is, surely destruction will totally dominate then? An ironjawz force can engage in combat turn 1 in a lot of instances. If they get all their combats first, that's game over pretty much. I can't see them doing it without significant re-pointing all units or doing a different implementation than they have with 40k. 

  17. 4 minutes ago, Bloodmaster said:

    Right now you are right, but things might change together with the change of "Charges first". And it might as well happen, that we GW is doing a "Make magic great again" kind of thing, where sorcery and prayers have a more offensive role similar to shooting in 40k. Only time - or rather June - will tell.

    I'm happy AoS is moving forward, but I can't see how you can change how charging works without destroying the current points system. If they do it, then great, but I imagine it won't be the same as 40k. 

    More magic would be cool. Being able to bring a tome of magic with you to battle and choose spells depending on circumstance would be nice, rather than the very limited number wizards currently have. 

  18. 1 hour ago, LLV said:

    .....rules changes(such as charges going first)....

    I would be extremely surprised if this was happening as it works in 40k. It would make destruction extremely powerful and would require huge points re-calculation for all forces, an absolute nightmare to implement.  As I've written before, charges before other combats works in 40k because it helps those forces weak at shooting (orks, tyranids) to become strong in combat in a game that's all about shooting. AoS isn't all about shooting, combat is the big phase for damage dealing.

    • Like 2
  19. 3 minutes ago, ageofpaddsmar said:

    Too be fair if any army had the amount of releases stormcast get then a high percentage of players would collect that army

    I really don't think most AoS players are like us on this forum. They don't read unit lists and list build before buying models, they just buy what they think is cool. Space Marines and Stormcast are the sort of vanilla force of 40k/AoS. I don't actually think either are bad at all. It's just both seem relatively boring model and fluff wise compared to the other stuff on offer. 

    • Like 1
  20. Just now, Rou Dantes said:

    Hey, you never know, GW did just release a 40k box that had ZERO Space Marines. The times, they are a changin'...

    That's true. I would point out that many people got the box for the mini Knights, which are soon to get their own battletome, along with a new amazing looking super-knight, and the whole faction allies in really nicely with any (read: space marine) imperial force. I wouldn't be surprised if forgebane was limited release and Dark Imperium remains as the 40k starter box tbh. 

    I would love a non-stormcast box, but it makes sense to cater to 40% of the audience if you can, rather than any other, much smaller share. 


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