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Posts posted by WAAAGHdogg15

  1. 22 hours ago, Either/Or said:

    Are two units of 5 or one of 10 sufficient as a baseline for a non-teclis list?  Are 15-20 a better place to be?

    What would you do with the points saved from this? Add the Auralan Legion as well, or squeeze in some of the useful endless spells maybe? I’m not quite sure why 15-20 would be better than 30...?

  2. I know Sentinels are flavour of the month for LRL at present, but I keep looking at the Dawnrider scroll and can’t help but think there’s something there. What do folk think of this?:

    Great Nation: Zaitrec

    Cathallar - General, Gift of Celennar, Fast Learner, Lambert Light

    Cathallar - Silver Wand, Speed of Hysh


    10 Wardens

    20 Sentinels

    20 Sentinels

    10 Dawnriders

    10 Dawnriders

    10 Dawnriders

    Battalion: Dawnrider Lance 

    Total: 1980 points

    It has the manoeuvrability to be constantly threatening objectives. Zaitrec means relatively reliable casting of Speed of Hysh and Power of Hysh, which means the Riders (one unit per turn anyway) potentially moving 28”, getting extra attacks, rerolling 1s to hit and doing mortal wounds on 5+. Backed up by 40 sentinels with wardens to screen, I feel like I’ve happened upon a fairly potent glass hammer but am happy to be proven wrong since I haven’t bought all the models yet! 

    Downsides are no Teclis, no endless spells and relatively high number of drops, but this, to me, looks fun. What do you think?

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  3. My previous list involved two congregations of filth with 4 units of 20 Plague Monks.

    Last night I had my first game with a new list which has 3 units of 40 Plague Monks in one congregation.

    It made me wonder what the view was on unit size vs unit number. I was finding that I missed the extra unit and that 40 models was quite unwieldy. Even with 40 bodies, you very rarely get more than 20 into combat at one time, but the big block is a lot more survivable, especially with the furnace nearby.

    Just wondered about others’ experiences? Given the choice, do you prefer fewer large units or more smaller units?

  4. The plagueclaw splits opinion but I personally rate it and would have it in place of your two rattling guns.

    Again, personal opinion but I always go foetid blades to get the rerolls to hit. Even with the reach and gouge tear their eyes, the blades are more reliable in the same circumstances.

    Good list though. It’ll be fun and cause some carnage. Good luck with it and thank you for pointing out the 2+ units thing; that’s going to help me massively! ?

  5. 15 hours ago, BeefyLemur said:

    Question about Redmaw Plague, does it last the rest of the game? Like every time the enemy hero is near other enemy units and not near yours do you get to take it over for the combat phase? Or just once and then it's done.

    The wording says “at the start of any combat phase” so I’d say it’s from when the plague goes off until the end of the game.

    Technically you could claim it lasts beyond that game on that wording but I think you’d lose friends quickly for trying to suggest that ?

  6. On ‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 7:14 PM, 5kaven5lave said:

    Are any of the battalions any good for Pestilens?

    The Congregation of Filth is really good, which is probably why it has gone up by 30 points (although the furnace has come down by 20 so net gain is 10 points). I take tolsedts point about more rats, but I think the 6+ save against damage and the ability to reroll charges is indespensible in an army that struggles with any kind of durability. I suppose, in essence, more rats take longer to kill so perhaps it's swings and roundabouts. I also used to run the Virulent Procession until I realised that the Verminlord, whilst useful as a support piece, is not worth that number of points being sunk into him. Protect him with artefacts (Vexler's Shroud for example) and good positioning on the table instead. I haven't really tried any of the other battalions, they don't look up to much to me.

  7. I'm having some issues with Warscroll Builder for submitting my list for AoS. I noticed in the pack that you need an army list emailed before the event and that you suggest using Warscroll Builder to do this, however it seems not to have been properly updated for General's Handbook 2017. It only offers GH1 or GH2 (Trial) at present and this trial appears not to have taken updated points into account.

    Long story short (maybe a bit late for that!) can I just type out my list and email it to the address given, or can I do it through Azyr?



    Edit - Think I’ve sorted it now. Weird thing was that the issue I was having was through a network P.C. at work. On my iPad, GHB2017 is on there and working pretty much as it should. Just thought I’d post on here in case others are having similar issues.

  8. I was going to do a lengthy feedback post for the event, then @Chris Tomlin wrote pretty much exactly what I was thinking.

    My only additional points would be:

    The venue - it has a lot of charm and is, in many ways, perfect for what we do. I just wish they'd give it a lick of paint and repair some of the damage. Easy jobs for not a lot of cost most of them - obviously that's not the TO's issue though unless a similarly equipped and priced venue pops up in Sheffield at some point and there's an opportunity to switch venue.

    The scoring system, to me, was fine but the sheet that we recorded the results on was a bit confusing in terms of what went where and which bits we added up or left to the TO to fill in e.g. Should I add my battle points to my scenario points to give a total out of 40 or enter two totals out of 20? I saw about four different ways of recording the scores and that can't have made Pete's job any easier.

    Other than that, a fantastic event which felt less divisive than previous years somehow I.e. As a player who plunged to the bottom tables fairly quickly, I didn't feel any less a part of the tournament than the big guns on the top table (I have felt this at this event in previous years). Never easy to achieve this when you have two rooms but I think Pete's friendly and laid back approach is largely to do with my more positive experience. Also maybe just that I know more people on the scene now than I did three years ago. Definitely a change for the better though.

    thanks to the organisers and congratulations to all the prize winners.


    on the proxy debate, personally my definition of a proxy is when you are using a non-converted model as something else e.g. An araknarok spider as Archaon - they're on the same base and are roughly the same size but clearly they aren't the same model. A conversion, as long as it has made some attempt to look like the model it is supposed to be, is fine in my opinion. It sounds like the Sayl conversion in question falls under this description of fine to me but clearly some people have a different definition of proxy to me. I played against Kai Bird's Arabian themed order army last year with a huge converted genie that he was using as Celestant Prime. What's wrong with that? It fits the theme of the army, it's clearly taken a lot of effort and time, it looks great and the fact that it looks nothing like GWs CP model doesn't matter a jot to me... Just my 2 penneth.

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