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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. 2 minutes ago, Soldier of decay said:

    December’s new release announcement is just another kick in the teeth to AOS players.


    We get one new model, that we already have a model for, for the largest army already.

    meanwhile 40k sees 11 new models and 2 more books. 

    Just say it GW. AOS is an afterthought. 

    If next year actually has any releases for AOS( main game, not one of the 12 alternatives) how much of you player base are you going to lose in the meantime. I think I’m about to just put it down. Sick of the disappointment. 

    Do not despair ! (Nurgle loves you ;) )

    I'm also quite sad we don't get many release, but the first AoS year was brilliant. The end of 2016 was too, and I am sure the start of 2018 will be awesome ! Keep the faith until January !

  2. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

    No, I don't think so. It's just an extra hero model for SC. It has nothing to do with the next years campaign.

    Yes, the article doesn't even mention Malign Portents, and says the Lord-Celestant is just another option.

    But I like the idea (@Tonhel and Turragor) that this miniature was initially a special character / a Lord Commander !

    Anyway, he is brilliant and metalhead-looking !

  3. 10 hours ago, shinros said:

    From dakka going to highlight the aos stuff. 


    Thank you very much ! First time I've seen so much BL news :) Glad to hear so many AOS books are coming, been a long time !

    Still no news from the "Cultures of the Mortal Realms" & "Stormcast Eternals" seminars form the BL Weekender ?

  4. On 17/11/2017 at 8:27 AM, Kramer said:

    No they shouldn't (at least that's my opinion). Just as my Slaanesh don't NEED a tanky unit. Factions should play uniquely. Slaanesh should be absolutely destroyed if you lose the momentum of your charge, and Nurgle should be slow and resilient. 

    If you feel you need speed for your gameplay, that;s fine but that's what allies and the Grand Alliences are for. For me keep the gameplay for all the factions as unique and specialised as possible. 

    Yeah, no : what I meant is that between all the other Nurgle units of the forthcoming (finger crossed) Battletome, the Pestigors should be a fast infantry unit (i.e. faster than Blightkings and Plaguebearer, but of course slower than units form other gods allegiances  - Nurgle units are to remain more tanky than speedy, leaving this trait to Slaanesh, flying Tzeetnch and the like).


    EDIT : from the BL Weekender & the Combat phase interview of Josh Reynolds, there is a LOT of Age of Sigmar books coming !

    1) Black Library Weekender 2017 Anthology :

    - A Dirge Of Dust and Steel (Josh Reynolds)* - it happens in Shyish...

    - Shiprats (C L Werner) - linked to Overlords of the Iron Dragon ofc

    2) Soul Wars (June 2018, Josh Reynolds)*

    3) Black Pyramid (Josh Reynolds)* - a sequel to Plague Garden

    4) Neferata, Mortarch Of Blood (David Annandale)*

    5) Nagash : Undying King (Josh Reynolds)* - General release of the Warhammer World exclusive

    6) Black Talon, a novel about the Knight-Zephyros Neave Blacktalon

    7) two Eight Lamentations Short Stories (Josh Reynolds)

    8) Audio drama / 4 CD set about Gotrek in the Mortal Realms !!! (but without poor Felix)

    * There is an obvious Death focus in 2018 (surely linked to Malign Portents) and it's great !

    • Like 5
  5. 1 minute ago, NurglesFirstChosen said:

    Last thing nurgle needs is more slow tank units...


    If the rumor is true : Pestigors should be a fast infantry unit, being beastmen raiders, (the GUO still being a big, slow, tank - but shooty by magic), and the new Beasts Of Nurgle should be fast too, because they are enthusiast joyful beasts...

  6. 27 minutes ago, BlooDeck said:

    I'm trying to find it, but I remember reading a reference to Pestigors recently that had them capitalized and everything. Which backs up this rumour hopefully. That said I hope they add AoS Poxwalkers. With all these new cities about, it seems like a great time for Nurgle to spread some of his gifts...

    The Blightwar booklet ?

    And I really doubt the "pox walker in AOS" theme, if we get Pestigors instead... Even if plague zombies are cool in every setting !

  7. 9 minutes ago, FractalRain said:

    Oh! So Maliti was still a real person?  But what happened to him then when the Changeling was using his identity for so long?  I'm assuming he was "disposed of"?

    Well, I think that given the size of the Mortal Realms , and the fact that the Season Of War (both Seeds Of Hope and Firestorm) is still an "all out war" time, so a chaotic (:P) period of time, the Changeling's plot wasn't noticed until Sigmar's agents finally caught him in Hammerhal Gyhra. And the Changeling is a very cunning creature, and Maliti only one person who canot be everywhere at once, so I think the daemon played carefully his hand...

    On a sidenote, Greywater Fastness in Ghyran was the first city founded by Maliti and using Realmstone as power source, and this city is (still) loyal and uncorrupted.

    • Like 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, FractalRain said:

    While I like the idea, it unfortunately won't work, since the Disciples of Tzeentch Battletome reveals that Valius Maliti was actually The Changeling in disguise.  He posed as the architect so they would build many of Sigmar's cities on realmstone - a powerful magical substance - which would make corrupting mortals easier and feed into other plans.

    Hm I don't think so, the Changeling used Maliti's identity to create Tzeentch cults and corrupt some realmstone deposite in the new cities, but they are still two different persons. (And the Changeling does not create "new"identities, he copies existing ones). 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Sheriff said:

    I hadn't noticed the little bit of parchment. Its got Empire written all over it in that case. 

    Yes, and an Empire / Free people character wouldn't necessarily be a good "Herald of Order" candidate, but if it's the architect of a majority of their cities, then it makes more sense. An architect is a cool concept, as was the Lustria explorator Marco Colombo. 


  10. I just had an illumination... Okay, it's "educated" guess at best, but : 

    I think the Herald Of Order will be the azyrite architect Valius Maliti (cf. the Seeds Of Hope and Disciples Of Tzeentch fluff) ;

    For 4 reasons :

    1) He is already named in the fluff, so there must be a reason for it. (And the Knight of Shroud, Herald Of Death, is a also named character).

    2) He is the one who lead the construction of many of Order's new cities. So he can be seen as "representing" many factions, as those cities are "multicultural".

    3) IMO Malign portents is a more than just 4 new heroes. If it's huge, there will be new factions too (like Nurgle, Darkoath, Deathrattle, etc.) and there will be new sceneries. As Warhammer TV and Hastings said (supra), we think those sceneries will be for Order, i.e. new buildings / fortresses. If those come in 2018, it ties again with Valius Maliti nicely, as the architect of those cities.

    4) The feather here (and the little parchment in the corner) makes many people think of a "Free people" character. Again, that could be Valiti (cf. the Marco Colombo mini for WFB).


    • Like 5
  11. On 10/11/2017 at 11:06 PM, Gaz Taylor said:

    Thanks. He’s better but not 100% as not quite back to eating how he used to.


    PS - Shadespire is amazing. Buy all the stuff

    Courage, hope he will soon ! And for Shadespire : done ;)

    Other news :

    Hastings said today on War Of Sigmar that : "AFAIK AoS modular scenery has been done, and is also still being done. I heard a rumour a while back now about some large fortress (hopefully not the Khorne one) and possibly siege rules." 


    Please be true, I want to build my own City of Sigmar !

  12. On 08/11/2017 at 5:26 PM, Gaz Taylor said:

    Hope that helps ;) 

    Thank you very much ! Hope the Nurgling got better (I know this kind of situation) ;)

    On 08/11/2017 at 5:27 PM, BobbyB said:

    Off the top of my head things that came up in the Q&A:

    Thank you too !

    Well I've read the summary many times, it was IMO too short on Malign Portent, but anyway I'm so so excited for 2018.

    So thanks to all of you. (And on a side note  : I bought the Shadespire core set yesterday, and the little AoS flyer in it already have the new Malign Portent logo ! ).

  13. On 07/11/2017 at 12:46 PM, stato said:

    They said in the B&G seminar the new logo was the start of a darker season of Sigmar (season being an unspecified period of time). Upto now the game (realms) have shown their light and good side, now its about showing and building the dark background.  The key thing that was repeated often, the good guys might not always be 'that' good.  No idea if this will be a new game, armies, or books.  But I think its safe to say we will probably see all those in some form.


    On 07/11/2017 at 1:39 PM, BobbyB said:

    Regarding the 40k/AoS balance they mentioned in the seminar that 'you would expect the elastic to snap back the other way at some point'. Can't wait!

    Could you please tell us more about the B&G seminar ?  I wish someone did a little summary :)

    I've read many exciting things for 2018 in here (thank you JReynolds, Killax and Gaz Taylor) !

    BRING IT ON ! I'll gladly wait 2018 if it means tons of new releases (like the "elastic snaping back" and all this talk about GW dealing with production issus seem to imply).

    What I especially want to see is Nagash retaking Shyish in a brutal campaigns, then assaulting the All-Gate at Gothizzar, and then RANSACKING THE VARANSPIRE.

    (Or do the same somewhere in Azyr, Hades attacking Olympus-style. It's even suggested in one go the audio drama, Nagash himself talking about the "golden pillars of Azyrheim").

  14. I would suggest to write down on some paper (like the back of your army list) a To-do list of the phases order (Hero, Movement, Shooting, etc.) and add the things to do / remember under each phases.

    The next level would be to take some 25mm bases, and convert token for every abilities, spells, etc. you got (using the existing Warscroll Cards like the Sylvaneth one as an exemple : https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Warscrolls-Sylvaneth-2017-eng )

  15. 32 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Just to be certain. Is it 4 new heroes. Thus one for each alliance or is it 4 per alliance so that there will be 16 in total?

    It's one new hero per Grand Alliance, so 4 in total.

    I think each new hero will be a Unique characters (i.e. named special character, like the first one we saw : the Knight Of Shrouds, Herald of Nagash - for the Death Grand Alliance) - So the Darkoath Warqueen is not a Unique character (she seems to, at least ; she has no "personal name"). 

    It doesn't mean that the Darkoath Warqueen isn't related to the Malign Portents event - I think this event means : new rules, news factions, and the 4 Unique characters (after all, it wouldn't be a BIG EVENT if it was just 4 news characters and a new logo lol).

    NB : my views are educated guesses based on Warhammer Community posts and record from Warhammer TV interviews posted on Lady Atia's blog War Of Sigmar...

    • Like 1
  16. 22 minutes ago, Mr. White said:

    I prefer the current AoS tone as is. Hopefully they can play a little both ways from time to time and not wind up grim dark again or as a Warcraft cartoon.

    It's pretty interesting as the setting is actually darker than old wfb, chaos is dominant here, but the focus on order counter punching gives color and hope. 

    I like AoS quite a bit.

    It's a really good point, Mr. White.

    The setting, yet still young, is open to different influences and tones. Amidst a sea of Chaos, the good guys were winning, in season 1. Now, a new player enter the field, things will get darker in season 2. And we don't know what brings season 3 (Slaanesh, I hope) !

    One thing, even if story wise the tone is perfect for me, I sometimes think some of the publications (mainly some parts of the Realmgate Wars books) were to "Warcraft Cartoon" esthetically-speaking (the design, sometimes the paint & artworks), as you said.

    I think Malign Portents will lead us to a middle ground - the new logo, design wise (check the background), gives me this impression at least.

  17. 1 hour ago, GammaMage said:

    I mean, death is grim and dark by nature. I suspect Portents will mainly involve Nagash taking back Shyish (which currently is still controlled by Chaos afaik after Nagash promised to help the Stormcast take back the Allgate, and then didn't show up). He might invade other realms like Aqshy and Chamon, but I wager that would end with mixed success at best. Losing Shyish does put Chaos on the back foot though, it leaves them with control of only Chamon, while Order still holds Aqshy and Ghyran.

    That's the plot for the Soul Wars BL book form Josh Reynolds, out June 2018 (I mean Nagash retaking Shyish).

  18. 2 minutes ago, Dawnmane said:

    omg I'm (figuratively) peeing my pants! I hadn't seen this and now it's tonight!

    Well it's an old post, but after the WarComm article, there was an interview of Ben on Warhammer TV (and even a tweet from Pete Foley :P ), so now I'm quite excited too !

  19. 18 minutes ago, Dawnmane said:

    Which community post is this?


    Friday evening sees ‘The Pete and Andy Show’, as it has become known! Pete Foley and Andy Smillie get together to talk about the news and new releases from the studio over the next few months. Previously in this kind of seminar, we saw a preview of Shadespire a good 7 or 8 months prior to release, a new edition of Warhammer 40,000 was revealed and, most recently, at the Nova Open they showed off models and information about next year’s Warhammer Age of Sigmar releases – so this is certainly not one to be missed. "

  20. For the concept last page, it's obviously not Blanche, but a nice attempt nonetheless ! 

    I'm really looking forward for the Blood & Glory event this week end ; I hope we get news for Malign Portents & Nurlge (as rumored) but also about Shadespire & new Aelves of Ulgu...

    Anyway. I'm a bit jealous of Necromunda right now ; the WD leaks on War of Sigmar mention GW making minis of different background characters like Lamplighters and Beastmen Bounty Hunter ; I HOPE we'll get something similar for AoS one day, like the robed figures on that picture : 


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