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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. 28 minutes ago, Gecktron said:

    Are we sure that they put eveything they have into that Video?
    Because it feels like there are still a few things missing from it:

    -another build for the GUO (like the LOC/Kairos kit and Blood Deamon/Skarbrand)
    -a small deamon hero like the changeling
    -Pestigors?? (Atia teased them a while back)

    EDIT: found it 

    Not only Atia ! Pestigors (with a capital "P") are in the Blightwar and Plague Garden fluff, and in the 40k Rulebook "Plague war" stories too. 

    Remember, today's Warhammer Community article said that for 6 more days there will be tease of Nurgle stuff, so what I expect : 

    - A closer look on the models teased.

    - A look at the Battletome (and perhaps 40k Daemons codex), perhaps some artworks or rules (we'll get wallpapers like today)

    - Other mini not teased in the video ; mainly Pestigors and a Robtringer sorcerer or Pestigors Shaman / something like this...

    Any way, so great to be a children of Nurgle those days !

    • Like 3
  2. 6 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Well the site doesn't promise to tell the whole story. So it might be January 3d, announcing basic set up new chapter in the narrative, februari faction/fluff release around death herald, keep that rhythm with the other 3 heralds and you have a nice build up to summer campaign start/announcement early June. 

    Do not necessarily think this will happen but just an example to show that the site doesn't negate an summer campaign as part of the new storyline chapter. Their are pretty much limitless options for a company willing to experiment. 

    Oh yes. That'd be awesome. They just have to release TONS of stuff to get us ready early for this summer, then ;)

  3. 49 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    Fairly sure you're right, we had Season of War the year before (started July, but there was build up to it).  I've a feeling this one will have a heavier narrative element in the same way the Albion campaign had.  I just hope they make it easier submit results than they did with 40k.

    But doesn't GW always ever did their world campaign in summer / holiday times ? Malign Portents start in 20 days (even if it can lead to something like this this summer)

  4. 1 minute ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

    new short story from BL:

    Callis and Toll: The Old Ways

    Callis and Toll: The Old Ways

    A Warhammer Age of Sigmar story

    Agents Callis and Toll of the Order of Azyr investigate a murder in the marshlands – one that could have dire consequences for an entire community.

    A pair of characters from 'City of Secrets' get top billing in their own story – and it's just the first of many.


    Agents Callis and Toll of the Order of Azyr venture into the vast marshlands east of the grand city of Excelis to investigate the death of the noble son of one of two warring clans. Was his death a tragic accident or vicious murder? A full-scale uprising could result if they're not careful – and this would cause untold death as the Stormcast Eternals get involved. So it falls to Callis and Toll to uncover the truths and save thousands of lives. 

    Written by Nick Horth

    Ah yes ! Callis and Toll ! I'm really looking forward to their "Silvershard" trilogy / City Of Secrets follow-up ! Thx for sharing ;)

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

    So my LGS has confirmed that gavriel is going to on pre-order THIS saturday. So he's not the Order "herald" for malign portents.

    Which makes me wonder what they will release the 30th, they kind of have burnt all their cartridges they showed us (bar Orlock, but that's most likely going to go up the 23rd).

    That's what I read in the WD too... Are the Orlocks 2018, then ?

    I seem to remember that the 30th was no release at all last year ? Or was it the Christmas Week end ?

  6. 1 hour ago, Chikout said:

    This quote from ADB's AMA is very encouraging.

    I was a crazy-late adopter to Age of Sigmar. The Old World resentment hit me reeeeeaaaally hard, but I got a seriously lucky break, when WHTV asked me about helping them with some script work for their trailers. I had to sign a bunch of extra NDAs, and the end result that I’ve started seeing some insanely awesome stuff coming down the pipe for AoS in the future. And that finally turned me around all the way on the new setting.

    I just hope ADB is talking about 2018 stuff :) But I keep faith we'll get great things for AOS soon ! Thx for sharing Chikout

  7. 31 minutes ago, BobbyB said:

    Can't remember if I've seen it online but at the seminar they definitely confirmed malign portents was having a website

    We speculated here a while back about the AOS website (equivalent to 40k, Underworlds, etc.) !

    Glad to hear it was effectively talked about at the "official" seminar :) Anyway it makes totally sense, and also it means Malign Portents (with the new logo and all) is more or less "AOS 2.0" rule wise (because I think it will be a general AOS website, not just a Malign portents website - nor a War of Konor style website, because GW made no hint of Malign portents being a "global campaign" style event ...)

  8. On 08/12/2017 at 3:47 PM, Cerlin said:

    I dont see why they do not release mod kits for old armies. Armor, shoulderpads, heads, and weapons in the new style to glue on older model lines. 

    I would buy this.

    Upgrade sprues for Freeguild, Disspossessed, Ironweld Arsenal, etc., or City-themed (with an heraldic book ? Like Firestorm 2.0) would be awesome, and would come along nicely with reboxing (like the new Blood / Dark Angels Primaris kit + sprue). 

    Some new heroes sculpts*, some upgrade sprues, round bases, new paint schemes and there you have it:  an AOS themed armies** without too much efforts !

    *Like the ones coming in WHQ : Silver tower. (BTW I read somewhere, DakkaDakka (?) some speculation (!) about a new Death themed Warhammer quest, "Black Pyramid", that would be awesome too, also a way to add diversity and new heroes to the Death range, oh well, one can dream ...).

    **I really hope the Cubicle7 AOS RPG will bring such details to the Mortal Realms. I am really looking forward to it (and to the WFB one too ofc !)

    On 08/12/2017 at 8:14 PM, Rogue Explorator said:

    -Deathrattle are first for Death

    -They will be quite conventional by AoS standart

    -Nagashs big masterplan results in an entirely new faction

    -We will see a return of Nekro Constucts at some point, though not necessarily next year or as a standalone faction

    Excellent post Rogue Explorator ! I would love to see 2018 going that way. The Malign Portents "banner" could totally be Deathrattle related too, and the "re imagination" of catapults, etc. would be a good way to mix "low" and "high fantasy" esthetics ! As for the second faction you imagine, don't forget the "Reanimant" keyword, only present in Morghasts and all the Tomb King constructs : GW surely has to do something with it...

    ANYWAY, I wish December would go faster ; as soon as the ETB Nurgle and Primaris and the Lord Celestant (16/23 dec) are out, I'm sure GW will start teasing Malign Portents and Nurgle properly  :)  Good times ahead !

  9. 32 minutes ago, SaJeel said:

    For me this confirms that she is the chaos champ

    I'm still not sure ; of course that she is linked to Malign Portents*, but IMO not as the Chaos herald**. 

    *Malign Portents is said to be a big event, teased since half last year, with new logo, new Matched play rules, etc.

    ** The Knight Of Shroud, Herald of Nagash, looks like a cool character that can be added to any Death armies, Witch-king style. On the other hand, I don't see the Darkoath Warqueen sufficiently "charismatic" to be 1. the whole Chaos pantheon herald 2. Archaon herald.

    And even if only Death get a "herald", then what's the point of the Warqueen for other Chaos armies ? I mean, when I can get a Chaos Lord, an Ogroid Thaumaturge, another Exalted Deathbringer, etc., I don't really need her...

    So uh, can January come sooner this year please ? ;)

  10. 6 minutes ago, stato said:

    Yeah there was something but it was the usual not 'wouldnt it be good to use them like this' sort of speak, so I dont really remember.  There were lots of questions about Malign Portents and the new direction and when would we see other GA heros and they said next year (so in my mind that confirms this is a 'herald' and hopefully not the case my memory has got it wrong).

    Okay, thank you ! Anyway, I can't wait for January and the start of Malign Portents (as the December WD shows) !

    (And MOAR Nurgle stuff ;) )

  11. 13 minutes ago, stato said:

    No report sorry, but I was there :D

    Do you know where it says 4 heralds specifically? Ive only seen GW refer to them as heros, its only on Spikeybits they say 4 heralds.

    I still dont think the December SCE is one though, as he was not released with any link to Malign Portents like the other two were.

    Oh, I believe you  ! It's just that other people who were also present didn't hear that ;) We'll see. I really like her model anyway !

    The December SCE, reading his White Dwarf description, is just another Lord-Celestant. Not mention of Malign Portents whatsoever.

    Good point about the "Herald" part. It could just be new, non specific heroes. But... What's the point then ? --> Can you confirm that the point of the 4 Heroes was to be usable "For free" if your opponent is also using his Herald ? (Dark Shadow style ?) I believe they talked about that at the B&G seminar.


  12. 3 minutes ago, stato said:

    Just read the article and I see it doesnt say that she is the Chaos Herald, but they said it in the seminar.

    I have read many reports of the seminar and absolutely NONE of them mentionned the Warqueen as being the Herald Of Chaos.

    Can you find the report saying she is, please ?

  13. 2 minutes ago, Default369 said:

    2018: year of the Death faction - (ie. malign portents (Spl?))

    New "heralds" for each faction. Nagash herald/ chaos lady chieftan/ new ScE knight/ destruction: ?

    We absolutely don't know if the Warqueen is the chaos herald tho ... She is not a named character as it seems. 

    The Order herald could be a free people character, seeing the rumors engines of late.

  14. 34 minutes ago, Xelotath said:

    Do we think Beasts of Nurgle will get an updated Warscroll? 

    Maybe the GUO will be a dual kit with Kugath

    Every new deamons miniatures will get new rules IMO (e.g. more wounds for the GUO, etc.)


  15. 7 minutes ago, AthlorianStoners said:

    If it was primarily an AOS release I'd have said Bollathrax for the dual kit, but Ku'Gath would be cool. A ladle and cauldron would be nice.

    Well Bollathrax is named in the fluff, but is just a regular GUO in his description. On the Other Hand, like Skarbrand and Kairos, Ku'gath has different features that the regular GUO.

  16. 5 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    Has him being in the Daemons Codex been confirmed?

    The original rumor was : some people saw the back of the 40k Codex daemons ; there was a new Great Unclean One, Horticulous Slimux, and some "fat  Plaguebearers". There is all the other rumors and educated guesses regarding Pestigors, etc. 

    So, having seen this Beast of Nurgle, yeah, I think one can say that Horty will be in the 40k Codex.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Goodapollo4 said:

    Well that pretty much confirms it! GW wouldn't have anything non-GW in a video in their own building.

    Also the room Dave went in @ the end was the "Stormcast" room...I wonder what was in that 'ard case...

    At laaaaassstttttt


    AB_Plague Beast.jpg

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  18. 13 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

    Did people see the post on Faeit about a new Greater Unclean One? Grain of salt and all but apparently someone got a glimpse of some of the pages of Codex Daemons at the 40K open day. Claims he saw the new greater daemon and another unit that others think might be Pestigors.

    Would be very cool if such models appeared in AoS.

    Absolutely. What I gathered is : 

    People at the 40k  Open day confirmed either i. the physical presence of the Daemons codex, or ii. directly seeing its back (there are "cross-confirmations" of attendees on the Disqus sections of War Of Sigmar, Natfka, BOLS and Facebook).

    So, seeing the different hints we got lately (Blightwar and Death guard codex illustrations and fluff, Plague Garden, 40k Rulebook, Dark imperium, etc.), we'll get : 

    1) With 99% certainty : new Great Unclean One and Horticulous Slimux in the January 40k Daemons Codex.

    2) Probably : new Beasts Of Nurgle, looking like fat Plaguebearers (cf. Codex Death guard, the beast entry).

    3) Maybe probably : a forthcoming (January-February) "Children of Nurgle" Battletome (a Malign Portents tie-in release), with Pestigors too, and maybe more Deamons and creatures of Nurgle (based on Badtucker comments on War of Sigmar, and the beasts illustrations in the 40k Rulebook, etc.).

    So yeah, I literally CAN'T WAIT FOR LEAKS :D


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    • Haha 1
  19. 58 minutes ago, chord said:

    Cape for the Stormcast Lord Commander ?  We already got their chest plate a while back.

    The RE pic you're talking about is not a chest plate IMO, it is too flat. I think it more a banner / fanion / scenery part.

    Today's RE could well be a cape, tho. That'd be a magnificent one ;)

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