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Posts posted by HorticulusTGA

  1. 1 hour ago, TheWilddog said:

    I am not sure about the ruins. Honestly I find them a little boring.  Most of the previous AOS terrain has has oodles of flavor.  These seem a little bland.  If I wanted this type of stuff I would just go with the Hobbit kit, has more vertical levels.    



    That's funny, that's precisely because they look like the LOTR scenery that I like those Azyrite Ruins ! Will complement nicely the Ophidian Archway and Numinous Occulum I already have...

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, Gecktron said:

    The Moon Base set includes the Ryza Pattern Ruins. I got one set separately. They are relatively simple but they have the right size. A cheap way to get lots of infantry sized cover.

    Okay, cool. According to the French WD http://www.warhammer-forum.com/index.php?/topic/231038-calendrier-des-sorties-aos/&page=157 it's indeed one kit with a printed realm of battle board + Azyrite ruin, and one independent Azyrite ruin (like the Ryza Pattern are both in Moon Base Klasisu and separately available). 

    I hope this kind of card board realm of battle is "durable" !

  3. 11 minutes ago, Skarloc said:
    Info from French Warhammer Forum: from next WD
    Realm of battle: Blasted Hallowheart 65€ (includes below ruins scenery kit)
    Azyrite Ruins 22.5€

    Both are on pre-order on 03/03. Anyone knows anything about it?

    OMG awesome !

    But no idea for me, anyone ??

    EDIT : the guy on Warfo said it was the AOS equivalent of the Moon Base Klasius kit, so something like this : https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Realm-Of-Battle-Moon-Base-Klaisus-2017 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, DantePQ said:

    Not really Aislinn became Avatar of Manthlan/Manthlan himself, he was killed by Tyrion but probably survived as guy who broke news about Sea Alves said that's a lot of Manthlan in there and Manthlan is/was Aislinn. 

    I really love how lots of AOS army releases seems to be based - design wise - on End Times and more importantly on Storm Of Chaos themes ( Grimgor's Boyz : Ironjawz, etc.). There is ofc a few 100% "for AOS" design, like Stormcast and Kharadron, but mainly you can follow the concept of each army through the different Warhammer era. That's great. 

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

    Temouloun posted a bit more and he posted that he saw the new Aelves.

    • "Neither really. Something completely new. The foot infantry are the best models I've ever seen coming from GW, with a very audacious design. Something between the Sylvaneth Spite-Revenants and the greek looking Slaanesh Hellstriders."
    • "I can't say haha. No Malerion/Teclis/Tyrion, but Mathlann a lot."
    • "Big ones and very big ones. (on a question if there are sharks... )"
    • "Actually no, they're true underwater creature... So I guess they fly when above water ? I didn't read the fluff yet."

    Very interesting rumours!

    The future is bright ! The fluff (and rules) in Malign Portents and Legions of Nagash are excellent - now seeing the 2 "close together" Aelves releases rumor being true makes me even more excited for AOS in 2018 !

    I'm just a bit disappointed we apparently won't be getting a Malerion model with the Sea Aelves release... Anyway I'm really looking forward to see if the Mistweaver Saih ends up in the Sea Aelves faction and the Tenebrael Shard in the Daughter Of Khaine Battletome :D 

    • Like 1
  6. So, the price : 

    From our friend @zamerion on Dakkadakka (coming from Warfo aka French forum I guess) : 

    - The 4 Harbingers de 25€ (each)
    - Dice et Combat Gauge "Malign Portents" (15€ and 8€) 
    - Warscryer (the Manse) for 85€ 
    - Malign Portents Campaign Book 20€ - so great !
    - Battletome Legions of Nagash (25€) 

    And : 

    - 2 new Start Collecting the 24th Feb; : Kharadrons and Stormcasts Vanguard

    • Like 3
  7. I'm happy we got new war scrolls for Death (i.e. updates ones), it means they really put some thoughts in re-thinking how the whole army works. 

    I am sure we'll have new models this summer / next half of 2018 !

    The new FAQ system (Ala 40k) is really nice ; the fact they didn't said when the GHB will be annually release makes me think the GHB won't come out this summer (because, maybe.... a new edition / starter set is coming ?)

    The Harbingers are quiiiite nice. Just sad the Warqueen is "Slave to Darkness" and not "Darkoath" - knowing the Chieftain is in the same situation...

  8. 21 minutes ago, DantePQ said:

    Yep and Mistweaver is female and Morathi team is rumored to be female exclusive. 

    Also there is a chance That Mistweavers are wizards of Uglu and both Malerion and Morathi factions will be able oo use them as wizards which would be cool. 

    Well, the Warlocks are the males intendent of the Daughters of Khaine, so... And IMO the Tenebrael Shard fits better both the assassin theme associated with Khaine (cf. Shadowblade) and the look of the witch aelves...

  9. 1 hour ago, shinros said:

    My point is as long there is a disconnect between sigmar and his people his war against chaos will be never ending. RG in 40k makes a similar point if people live in hell they would start to consider the other hell.

    Plus all the cities do is provide chaos with a different playground as proven by tzeentch arcanites. And death at the door story. Chaos specifically aims for people down on their luck majority of the time.

    What you are saying here is most likely what sigmar is thinkimg. Hence grungi's problem with sigmar. As we can see such thinking is biting him in the butt big time.

    I just finished the story


     Really, I cannot take the survivors' defense. They are corrupted. The worthy were saved (the Empress, the Standard bearer). The other turned. Shame on them !


    And still, IMO it's better to live in a city - even infiltrated by Arcanites cults - than to survive in a wasteland full of cannibals Bloodreavers !

    • Like 2
  10. 46 minutes ago, shinros said:

    Tell that to the people who died on the talons of chaos and those on the streets who can't find a job due to sigmars own people putting them down. See i can understand his past decision but he is still allowing it to be felt a generation later.

    Hence why the grand theogonist is cracking down and seeking more authority because she fears humans worshipping other gods than sigmar. As we can see in the lore its happening.

    Well ;) Thanks to Sigmar they are now avenged, their killers being destroyed. And thanks to Sigmar there is at least streets to be unemployed in ! Even for the reclaimed the situation is way better now than under the dominion of chaos !

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  11. 33 minutes ago, shinros said:

    As grungi said sigmar does not dumb things down for the little people he expects them to understand. He expects people to rise to meet him per grungi's words.

    I really love how complex the AOS setting has become in 2.5 years !

    And joke aside, I agree with you shinros. (Your quote) is a side of Sigmar's character that IMO is a reference to the Emperor in 40k.

    One thing tho, even if I understand normal people don't have our view and understanding of the story, when you worship an immortal like this you have to keep faith. That's what the Stormhosts like the Hallowed Knight are made up with, people keeping the faith.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, shinros said:

    So I have read path to glory and I have to say I enjoyed it what it shows is how people felt when sigmar shut the gates and trust me you feel for these people. If you read up on the setting such a decision is being felt even in the present with the reclaimed and not even once does sigmar explain himself. I honestly get Grungi's words in spear of shadows I can easily see why people turned to chaos or especially nagash in this case. 

    Also stormcast have no right to have beef with people that went over to chaos because of sigmar closing the gates to ayzr. Plus sigmar is also enabling the situation with reclaimed. I really understood why the characters were upset in this short story.

    I know you are a heretic a Nagash worshipper, but even when your empire gets destroyed around you, you don't have to challenge the will of your god... ;) 

    Andy when you see the power of Chaos, and the might of Archaon, you don't have to be a genius to understand Sigmar's move (Sigmar who already lost his home once because of Chaos).

    I sincerely think the retreat to Azyr was the only good answer to the Everchosen's multi dimensional invasions.

    Look at how well the others fared. It may have took Archaon three centuries, but Nagash was finally defeated, and Shyish all but conquered. Malerion hid in Ulgu, Alarielle was driven mad, Aqshy was almost entirely destroyed by Khorne, etc.


  13. 7 hours ago, BURF1 said:

    I'm guessing Legions of Nagash come out before the Harbingers, I would expect legion on the 3rd, harbingers on the 10s and the 27th to be a 'deadzone' week.

    Yeah that's a possibility ! As they teased Custrodes-Thousand Sons-Legions Of Nagash together. I'd be fine with that. 

    I just fear that the Knight Of Shrouds won't be in the Battletome...

  14. 2 minutes ago, Skarloc said:

    Next Week's pre-order trailer is up on WH Community..


    WH40K Custodes 2nd wave + Thousands Sons Codex

    Let's hope 03/02 pre-oders will be Shadespire or Malign Portens..

    Good ! As expected, the Thousand Sons Codex comes with the second AC wave.

    So yeah it's indeed time for some Shadespire AND some Harbingers to show up !

    Guess we'll know Thursday at the LVO seminar....

    • Like 1
  15. BTW the release schedule we were discussing on page 362 seems now quite invalidated :

    1) The data coming from Haechi on Advanced Tau Tactia are still right (at least for the January - February Custodes).

    2) The little snippets about Warhammer Underworlds were already known (I guess Bloodbowl and Necromunda too ?).

    3) The true Codex release seems to be : everything stated until June, then (see the pic attached) : 

    - August = Space Wolves, and ;

    - December = Orks.

    .... It seems that all the non Heachi-coming rumors / non already-known Specialist Games rumors were false.

    So if the new rumors are right, it means : 

    May : no Space Wolves, so.... no "Boxed Games" ?

    June : no Orks, so.... no 40k campaign ?

    ATT_Orks & Space Wolves.png

  16. 8 hours ago, Tzaangor Management said:

    Month two of the Malign Portents painting competition begins on 13/02/18 and is to paint the Harbinger for your chosen faction, so 10th, possibly even the week before seems about right.

    Yeah ! I'd say 3rd or 10th ; next week end is second half Custodes - maybe with Thousand Codex (because no new mini with this one). 

    We'll see with the pre-pre order this evening.

  17. 2 minutes ago, BURF1 said:

    I could see it. Morathi is probably pretty pissed at Slaanesh for...eating her and Nagash ALSO hates Slaanesh for stealing Aelven souls. I could see a mutually beneficial partnership there.

    But Nagash is mad at aelven gods for stealing the souls back from him ! ;)

    Nagash is mad at everyone these days

    • Haha 1
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