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Posts posted by NurglesFirstChosen

  1. You aren’t limited with models from maggotkin/tamurkhan units. But if you want to layer the tamurkhan allegiance ability over the maggotkin ones, you HAVE to take the tamurkhan trait and artefact. Which in my opinion, are inferior to maggotkin options 

  2. You can use plaguetouched in an everchosen list, but you can’t with a maggotkin list. 

    So if you run plaguetouched, blightkings aren’t battleline, you don’t have access to nurgle summoning/artefacts/traits/cycle. 

    Its dead for maggotkin lists, but far from dead overall, especially considering there’s a everchosen battletome on the way. 

    • Sad 1
  3. On 6/27/2018 at 6:12 AM, Deathawaits101 said:

    This is the list I'm working on


    Harbinger of Decay

    Lord of Blight


    Exalted Hero of Chaos 

    40 X mauraders 

    5x warriors

    5x warriors 

    Plauge T warband.

    Also working on a Archaon with dual blight lord list and 2x 30 plagurbearers. 

    I’m considering an archaon list, so far I’m thinking:




    4 blightlords,

    10 blightkings,

    2x 5 chaos warriors. 

    Paliside endless spell.

    Not sure if that’d be any good though haha. 

  4. 7 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Think of it this way.. would you spend 20 points per UNIT for a -1 to hit debuff? Lol I would. Especially when those units can be any mortal Nurgle units you want.

    I agree. To hit debuff, a command point and an extra artefact makes it points well spent, even without the multiples of 7 rule. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Envyus said:

    Vlad should be the Mortarch of Shadows. 

    I always felt Vlad should have been the Mortarch of night instead of Mannfred. Especially given the fact how bad relations were between mannfred n nagash during the last end times book. 

    • Like 1
  6. 47 minutes ago, Lanoss said:

    Endless spells will cost points in your army. 

    So it would be expected that the player choosing to cast the spell(s) has the model(s) to play as it would be listed in their army 

    can’t wait! :D

    I wasn’t aware they’d cost pts? 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Deepkin said:

    Lol. You're right. Saying that my younger self would have thought these novels were garbage is "screaming bloody murder." How thunderously inappropriate of me. 9_9

    For the record, and this addressed to Turragor as well, I'm not angry in the slightest. Nor do I think children don't "deserve" to be in our hobby. I played my first game of Warhammer (well, there models and dice involved. I make no claims as to our ability to intepret the rules!) when I was 8. I played in my first tournamemt when I was 14 or so. At all stages, my fellow hobbyists were quite nice and supportive of me. 

    What drew me to the world, and the game, was that it didnt dumb itself down for me. If any of you are familiar with children (and from some of the above responses, I rather suspect some of you are children), you know that many of them very much desire to engage with, and be treated as, adults. Obviously, in most cases they cannot be. But Warhammer, in both the game and the lore, was one arena where I (as a child) felt accepted by the adults. And that was a very big draw for me.

    Why I think these novels might be a mistake is that they very obviously pander to the children at whom they are marketed. They do not possess the qualities I enumerate above. And so I think children like myself (and I was by no means an exceptional child) will find these books a detriment to joining the hobby, rather than an incentive.

    So spare me the genius statements like those I've quoted above. 

    I think some kids will like it and some will not.

    Some tread the old fashioned paths that we journeyd and just like the models and the darkness of the lore. I don’t see how these books would negatively impact on that. 

    But as with all audiences young or old, you can’t please everyone all the time. In fact some are never happy, and then there’s some who enjoy complaining. 

    But alas, we all have opinions and are rightly entitled to them. 

    • Like 4
  8. 4 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    No bitterness, please don't project.

    It is okay, people can be tired of factions constantly getting release after release. Like Stormcast. They could have chosen something other than a nurgle inspired enemy to fight, but didn't because they are pandering to the masses with it lol. It's low hanging fruit.

    It might be of benefit to lighten up a bit. My comment was obviously light hearted and not an actual criticism of your view point. 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    I am excited for absolutely none of this.

    GW is on this Nurgle ride that has passed its stop several times. Some models look good, but I am very over it lol. At this point I feel like it's pandering, with a little bit of patronizing haha.

    There’s no need for bitterness, the lord of all welcomes any new followers, if youd only embrace  the cycle of life, death and rebirth ??


    Morathi doesn’t kill things for killings sake.

    Ultimately daughters of khaine create cities where there is a form of law and order. They hate chaos, aren’t part of the living dead, and as I said before don’t fight for fightings sake. So the Grand alliance of order is logically where they sit. 

    Anyway there’s a thread where this is discussed, so back to rumours we go....

    • Like 1
  11. @Kramer I’m don’t know tbh, but was it a production problem or a delay in the expansion of production systems? 

    Again im in the dark tbh, but I can imagine that with increased investment n market share gw would have looked to increase their capacity to produce new products. If there was a delay in that being completed it’d likely result in some delayed releases and back log (Maggotkin). 


    • Like 1
  12. 17 hours ago, Ryan Taylor said:

    Ok so I did a bit of analysis based on current battletomes comparing it to 8th edition (or WHFB) here is the breakdown. (this is not taking into considerations of the 3 battletomes that were released and then replaced.)


    Chaos - 27%

    Order - 47%

    Death - 13%

    Destruction - 13%


    Chaos - 35%

    Order - 35%

    Death - 7%

    Destruction - 21%

    Not including the new DoK 


    So if anything Order needs more books, Death needs a little more and Destruction should not see a book for a while, Chaos is almost spot on. 


    We notice it more in this game that's 2.5 years old than we ever did in WHFB. 



    So far 2018 is having order, chaos and death releases. I believe that destruction will be next. 

    I know your analysis is not in depth, but the evidence is completely flawed. That being said I have no evidence for my belief either so I guess we’re even ;)

    Still think my theory has more legs however ;)

    • Like 1
  13. Morathi is a clear oppurtunist so I’d find it believable that she’d make a pact with Nagash for survival and power. Plus I think it’d be an interesting twist for a new aelven faction to be part of death. 

    No idea if it’ll happen, but I don’t think it’s impossible. 

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