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Everything posted by Walkirriox

  1. I think so, it looks like the exact same template as the Awakened Wyldwoods.
  2. Wouldn’t you mind to share your lists with Drycha’s new battalion?? I want to play it on my next game!
  3. I hope these changes benefit all the armies and not only the ones that are already in a good spot. We will see how the balance is affected.
  4. Wouldn’t you mind to upload it to imgur for better quality? I would appreciate it really
  5. Higher quality: https://imgur.com/a/pBw7Yes
  6. At least she looks awesome on my living room’s shelve!
  7. Well, can’t confirm. I saw that in a picture taken with a potato camera, I might decrypt it wrong.
  8. @Docthe3rd I have good news about my game against Dok! I finally played the following list: SPEARHEAD Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90) - Lore of the Moonclans: Squig Lure 5 x Squig Hoppers (90) MAIN BODY Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (280) - General [Trait and artefact from Jaws of Mork] 5 x Squig Hoppers (90) 12 x Squig Herd (140) REARGUARD Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (110) - Moonclan Stabba 10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200) We played the battleplan changing priorities. I must say I had a bit of luck with the objective activation, but thanks to the huge mobility of the army overall. As you said before, 5 hoppers on the spearhead are really good to pick the first objective, and you were 100% right. The first objective activation was on the other side of the map and I could reach it thanks to that, and I scored 3 free points. With the main body out, I anihilated a group of witch aelves with a hag camping the activated objective of turn 2. On turn 3, 20 witch aelves buffed destroyed my unit of boingrot, but I could reach his cauldron with loonboss on mangler (with an impressive 21 movement+run roll) and anihilated it. Also moved hopers to screen my mangler from the 20 witches. By this point game was decided, but we continued playing and the mangler charged the witches for a major victory. Some thoughts: 1- Squig herds were almost useless, they are too slow to even reach anything. I think that they need hand of gork, but that means no squig lure (which prooved to be usefull). 2-Moon was useless, it even skipped the center... and the only benefit I had was the 1d3 mw to one enemy unit, only once. 3-The reroll movement of jaws of Mork is nuts, it helps a lot to solve the randomness from squigs. 4-Loonboss on mangler was THE MVP, he anhihilated everything he charged to (also his command ability is helpful). 5-Fungoid is a must, I was lucky and got an extra CP every turn. I used all of them and some rerolls were decisive, so I like your idea to spent 50p on one extra CP. 6-I couldn't play the bounderz as they where removed when they appeared, but if I had another unit of them, it would have been great. Overall it was a funny game. I will keep playing with my list and try to master it, but as soon I can get a box of bounderz, I will change to yours. I think you have done a really good optimization with it, also thank you for all your advice! PD: One question, if a unit of 5 hoppers gets killed and it comes back from loonshrine, will they return 3 or 2 models?
  9. Lol... you are right, my list is illegal actually... I will move hoppers to main body and boingrots to rearguard with loonboss on cave squig to help them with movement. This, plus squig lure, can put them where it's needed. I don't expect them to survive any charge, actually dok will destroy anything they charge, so my intention is just put them there as a cheap screen so they soak the charge and get destroyed, while the next turn I have good positioning to counter charge and hopefully destroy them with mangler/boingrots. My thoughts are that whoever charges first and remove the key units, will win. If I spend 70p (the cheapest unit) to protect my mangler/boingrots, and I'm successful, that's almost a win. It's true that hoppers are good options too, a bit expensive to throw them to the death, but sure more reliable with better movement and stats overall. The extra CP is interesting as this playstyle seems hard CP consuming. May consider this but I don't know what should I remove, maybe the unit of herds from main body, because now I have hoppers there. Please, keep updating us with your testing and your results, I will write up my thoughts after the game of this weekend against dok.
  10. Nice list! I see the great potential of Boingrot Bounderz, as half of them can come back with a 4+ using Jaws of Mork, so you can play more aggressive, which is amazing. It's a shame I only have 10 right now, but it may change in the near future! How did you played that list? Is it good to save the "big charge" for turn 3 (Rearguard)? I put the boingrots in the main body to position and hit hard next turn. I saved the hoppers for the rearguard to have some support where I need them (as they have good movement). I usually play against DoK, and I need some screen to protect key units (moreover with squigs as they are glass canon), that's why I thought squig herd would be a good addition. Also they can hold objectives being a cheap unit. It's my first time playing a full squig list (thanks to Jaws of Mork, ofc), do you have any general tips?
  11. What do you think about this 1000k list for Meeting Engagement, trying the new Jaws of Mork: Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz (Jaws of Mork) SPEARHEAD Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90) - Lore of the Moonclans: Squig Lure 6 x Squig Herd (70) MAIN BODY Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (280) - General [Trait and artefact from Jaws of Mork] Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (110) - Moonclan Stabba 10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200) 6 x Squig Herd (70) REARGUARD 10 x Squig Hoppers (180) TOTAL: 1000/1000 WOUNDS: 86 I'm also thinking about changing the herds from main body to snufflers, but not sure.
  12. What do you think about the new terrain placement rules from the new GHB2020? Distances from objectives have been reduced from 3" to 1" and from edges or other terrain pieces 6" to 3". At least the first Wyldwood placement will be easier now!
  13. I completely agree with all you exposed. But the only update we will get until the new book comes are points changes or a new unit. We have to play around with the warscrolls we have for a looong while... At least GW could reduce the points for suboptimal units in order to see some (tournament) play. Also battalions point drop could also help in some cases.
  14. Disappointment over 9000.... I expected point reduction for TLA, regular TL and tree revs, so they would become a goot choice to play, I don't think Drycha and Kurnoths were in a bad spot, this encourages more Kurnoth spam lists.
  15. Do we have any news from the point changes of GHB2020??
  16. Wouldn't you mind to share your Living City list with Sylvaneth?
  17. You could try the one I played last time, it worked fine form me: Dreadwood Glade Spearhead: -Branchwraith (verdurous) -5 spites -3 kurnoth sword Main body: -Tla (regrowth) -Arch-rev -10 spites Rear: -5 tree-rev Endless: -Spitehive With this list you have a lot of mobility with spitehive and dreadwood command ability, you don’t have to rely on wyldwoods (very difficult placement in this mode) and you have good sustain with regrowth and verdurous. Also, you can hit really hard with those 10 spites/kurnoth swords buffed with arch revenant.
  18. It’s good that the shape is different, now we have more options to fit them. I thought the new one was the same as the old one.
  19. I tried meeting engagement and here are my conclusions: -There’s not much space to summon wylwoods, but you MUST place them to the deployment zones in order to tp asap. -Slow units won’t do anything in the whole game unless you tp them. -Winterleaf didn’t help the issues mentioned before, so next time I will try dreadwood to have more tp, or gnarlroot to guarantee wyldwood summoning. -It’s not a 2k matched play, so it has to be played very different (pretty obbious) -Don’t clump most of your units in one contingent or depending on the battleplan you won’t have enough space to deploy them (I think you lose the ones you can’t deploy). Anyway, I managed to win because my friend had the same issues, it was close though. Next game we will change a lot of things for sure. List: S: 10 dryads, bwrth M: 10 spites, arch-rev, treelord, 3 kurnoth sword, bwrth. [Bad idea, couldn’t fit all of this in the deployment zone] R: 5 tree-rev Endless: Gladewyrm
  20. Thank you for your report! About your question, why don’t you try drycha/durthu+endless instead of 2nd dryads+sword hunters. Or you can even try to fit a battalion with a treelord and branchwych (household) and get an additional artefact and cp. I would try to have at least 2 stomps in each list, it is one of the best things we got.
  21. Then you are playing “his” game. Nurgle are much better at attrition than us. As a Sylvaneth player you have to out play him and pick the fights, force him to play the game you want. Bait him to charge you into the wyldwoods, with two stomps on his face and a hard hitting unit ready to melt their units before they can even attack. You can also screen your units using spites (our cheapest option) or tree revs for a more flexibility due to free tp, and then answer his charge with your units behind. In addition, you can use cogs/new spite spell to tp your hard hitting units and make them all charge to a key enemy unit (be ready for their positioning mistakes, and take advantage to all of them, make them pay for taking risks). The more you play and gain experience, the more situations like this you will identify. Sylvaneth may seem an inferior army compared to those stupid combos other armies have, and more if you are a new player, but we have an enviable board control that take us up to their level. Also, try different glades, units and strategies until you find the one that fits with your playstyle. Don’t be affraid to take risks and try new things while playing, that way you will know your army limits, learn what are good or bad moves, which units should fight against which units and under which conditions, etc. If you go pages back, a lot of strategies have been discussed here. I recommend you to read Mirage’s posts, he is a good experienced player and has shared a lot of knowledge with us. I hope I have helped you!
  22. You don't... I have played a couple of games testing the new mechanics and, in my opinion, I must say that the stomp is one of the bests improvements for the army. I think we should change our mind and our playstyle a bit in order to fit the new rules, or we won't get the best of them.
  23. Maybe Dreadwood glade is the way to go, in order to tp those units from the back.
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