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Posts posted by Sadysaneto

  1. 1 hour ago, Forrix said:

    All this talk about GW paint costs has me interested in the costs of miniature paint lines. Anyone want to put together a ranking of all of them and their costs? (lol, not it). Or is this available somewhere?

    From my personal experiences, i.e. not an in-depth analysis taking into account of different outlets and special discounts.

    GW paint - All around most expensive miniature paint I've ever come across. I won't complain about their quality though (expect for some of the metallics)

    Scale 75- 2nd most expensive paint though it varies depending on specific line. They can cost as much as a GW paint pot but they have more volume so its still cheaper per ml. Special shout out as my favorite brand.

    Vallejo-pretty cheap but inconsistent for me since no retailer regularly stocks them in my area so I get all my stuff from Amazon. Special shout out to their metallics.

    Army painter- cheapest brand I've encounter though I'm almost always getting it at a discount through a local provider. Probably the worse quality wise but still perfectly acceptable for mini painting.

    Reaper- Same has army painter. I haven't bought any in years due to it not being available at the game stores I play at and I don't like it enough to go online.

    GW - most expensive in any way you look at it, since it comes with 50% less paint than everyone else (12ml vs 17-18ml). Also, that bottle... Paints are pretty good, tho

    Vallejo - IMO, same quality as GW, easier to get (no restrictions on selling), comes with 50% more paint than GW, and in droppers. Washes and metalics, not that good tho. Outside the GW/Warhammer bubble, its by far the most popular paint out there.

    Army painter - cheaper than above, somewhat inferior quality, separates like hell, but works like a charm on aribrush, so, you might consider that. Pretty damn good silver metalics and washes that ara as good as gws. (Better, if you dont like too much tint on the base color).  Harder to get by than vallejo, but at least, no restrictions like gw.

    REaper- I really cant get used to reaper paints overall, their finish bother me.

    P3 - more expensive than vallejo, cheaper than gw, better than both. Too bad the bottle is not a dropper

    Scale 75 - The real deal. Hands down the best paint brand i have on my bench. 




  2. 2 hours ago, MacDuff said:

    What I'd like to see is the same troll in the fast way I'd like to speed paint him: 1. Super spray primer, 2. One-coat flesh (carefully at primer edges), 3. One color wood, 4. One color rock, 5. Pick details with layer paints. Would that be a decent paint job?

    There are two of them at the community site :)




    • Like 3
  3. 3 hours ago, Nin Win said:

    For some a bottle of contrast paint will replace buying a base paint, a shade and a layer.  For those people the high price will be worth it.  For those of us with a good paint collection already and who already can paint reasonably quickly, less so.

    My hunch is that the contrast medium is a special combination of flow improver, floating medium and drying retarder.  When they cautioned about adding too much water giving tide marks, I was like "that's the same thing decorative painters say about float glazing.  Hmmm..." and as well the nature of float medium in terms of being smooth and liquidy without being runny so you can use it on vertical surfaces sounds a lot like contrast paint largely staying put compared to shades that run and pool more.   I'd be interested in checking out whether or not something like folk art float medium could be substituted for the contrast medium.  I think I'll grab some the next time I'm in Michael's.  One of my gaming buddies plans on getting at least a handful of contrast colours as well as the contrast medium, so I'll be able to compare at one of our regular painting nights.

    It really does look a lot like ink washes dilluted with flow improver.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

    What I'd say is that just because the USP of Contrast is "one thick coat", don't read that as the same as that's the only thing they can be used for.

    Ultimately it completely depends on what you're painting "for" how useful Contrast paints are going to be.  If you're doing a miniature as a display or competitive piece, then you're more likely to be using zenithal pre-shading, glazes, highlights and other techniques - likely going back and forth until you get that piece right.  Of you're painting a unit to go into a 2000 point army then you're not going to be doing that and much more likely to be looking at Contrast paints as a quick way of getting some colours onto your models.  Ultimately the contrast range is just a transparent paint with a different medium.

    And what i said was that $7.80 for 17ml of paint is ridiculous.


    • Sad 1
  5. 3 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    Here's another example of what's possible when combining the new paints with other techniques:


    Dont get me wrong, but if you need to apply zenithal,  mix paints,  glaze, apply edge highlights, and all the stuff, well  it kinda kills the whole point on contrast line.


    That said, yeah, it looks like it will be a good glaze option.


    For $7.80,  a 17ml pot.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    The contrast paints have a completely different base medium (the same as the Contrast Medium pot), other paints (layers, washes, base etc) have a completely different medium (the same as Lahmian Medium pots).  The contrast medium loses certain properties when some other liquid is added, so you *might* be able to use an ink or raw pigment with the contrast medium - but it'd be a costly experiment in truth.

    They're 20ml pots

    Afaik they are 17-18ml pots.


    Not that being 20ml justifies $7.80 in any way.

  7. 2 hours ago, Jefferson Skarsnik said:

    Unless I'm forgetting something, the last AOS Quest article was the slightly undercooked rules for including a few of the Nighthaunt miniatures as exotic adversaries from June 2018

    (As much as I'd like to see a well supported new WHQ with themed expansions)


    Thats the last of whq ive heard too

  8. 12 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

    The boxed game?  I think it is great.

    However, it is a bare-bones one-off game that probably will be discontinued before too much longer - especially now that the exclusive buggies it contains have been released as individual kits.  From my experience all of the different vehicles have good rules within that game.  However, lets not pretend that the main target of those kits is not the main 40k game and that this game was simply a way to package up the initial models and get some extra cash out of them.

    I like that box.  I bought it.  I think the game is fun to play as a quick little game and thankfully all of the vehicles seem pretty well balanced within it.  However, the rules in 40k for each of those vehicles is drastically different and they did a poor job carving out a useful niche and effectively costing the various vehicles.  Sadly the squig-launcher trukk rules are just plain bad.  Thankfully the dragster, trike, and rocket engine all pretty good.  Overall it was a mixed bag for a release. 

    They really should have done a better job on the rules for new models.  Model-wise I want to have big squadrons of all of the vehicles roaring around the table while I yell "Witness Me" and call my opponent's stuff "Mediocre!".  But sadly the rules make it hard to pull the trigger on spending that much money.  I love Orks enough that I just may do it - but I do wish GW rules team had put in a bit more effort (kudos to the miniature design team for those models though).

    Yeah, i see your point. And i agree. Thing is, i really dont care about 40k any longer.

    I bought 2 copies and all the buggies, and we play it a lot on our club.


    The racing rukks are insanely fun.

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

    That Ork update was ok - and that is pushing it.  They dropped the new various buggies and that was it despite trying to build the hype train for a Orktober and a huge release.  The buggies are all nice mocels, but half of them are fairly DOA due to lack-luster rules.  They made 6 completely different vehicles but were unable to create 6 sets of compelling roles for them to fill - so half of them are simply outclassed by the other half since they are vying for the same role.  The models all look excellent though.

    And then they ignored half of the existing range that is either missing options or could use updates.  Tankbustas & kommandos are still expensive old resin kits that don't fit the aesthetic for the rest of the range.  There is no mega armored warboss option.  There is still no Deffkopta kit other than the old character GorkaMorka model.  The Weirdboy model was terrible when it was first released, is resin, and has not at all got better with age (at least the Weirdnob makes a good base for a conversion).

    They could have done a lot better with the Ork release.

    Do you have a minute for speed freeks, sir?

    • Haha 1
  10. 52 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    So, looking through the images again, I think there is a good case to be made for the fact that we will have multiple Grand Alliances, maybe even at launch, or soon after. 

    So, take a look at this image: 


    As has been observed elsewhere, note that the center symbol is not a faction symbol. Observe:


    The last piece of this is the starter box.  Check out the lower left hand corner.GAMAReveals-Mar11-Warcry9gce.jpg.fb9511cc711afc773248b601e890e7d3.jpg

    My proposal is that the symbol  (which looks roughly like the 8 pointed chaos star) represents the Chaos grand alliance warbands in Warcry, and this is what is being previewed. Based on branding, let me go one step further and suggest that the garish red banner on the box also marks or is associated with the Grand Alliance Chaos branding.  Check out the first image again and notice that the red is used as the backdrop for the symbol here. My called shot is that we will likely get other starter sets for other grand alliances that will have different associated symbols and colors.  If I were to take a guess, I would say that we'll see blue (Order), black or purple (Death), and green or yellow (Destruction). I recognize this is grasping for straws, but it seems to make sense of the data we have.

    Edit: It is worth observing that Shadespire has similar color associated branding, with blue for Order, red for Chaos, purple for Death and green for Destruction.


    could be just like underworlds, and this is the expansion symbol.



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