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Everything posted by Envyus

  1. Oh the models and rules are cool and such. I have no issues with the cult that way. The parts that are souring me are that it is GA Order and that some people are treating it as a new and amazing thing. When it's pretty much the same as the Dark Elves of Old. The Dark Elves of Old also need their factions merged together again. They are worthless in their current state. Same with the High Elves.
  2. The Khanites made of Elven souls and morathi blood are the new monsters I mentioned. Seraching the World for Pieces of Khaine is the same thing as the Fyreslayers. The Old Cult was Lead by Morathi who used it as a way to gain power, but who never cared a bit about it and was primarily a Slaanesh worshiper. (She followed any deity for power.) A few of the methods and members changed but it's sill largely the same. And still makes no sense as Order. Who we might as well rename GA Miscellaneous at this point.
  3. There is no twist and the Cult of Khaine is the exact same as it is in Fantasy. They just have some extra monsters.
  4. Not really. Morathi never cared a lick about Khiane so I was wondering why she suddenly cared now. And the reveal is simply she does not and is using his name to gather followers.
  5. It's the same as how they have always been. Still make no sense as Order.
  6. Yeah I still feel they should belong to a 5th Grand Alliance like GA Darkness or Shadows. Representing the Forces of Ulgu.
  7. Yeah but its also stupid. Call a Dwarf a Dwarf.
  8. Just that he was alive and they have plans. Don't think anything else has been done.
  9. I am glad Gotrek and probably Felix are back. Though appearnlty they are just going to retcon the Dwarf name into Duradin. Something even their own witters don't really believe. Just saw a video were a GW Rules writer calls the Shadespire Fyreslayer band dwarfs multiple times, before someone points it out and he corrects himself. Just call a Dwarf a Dwarf.
  10. Though it's hard to tell if SCE sell well because they are popular or because they are included in pretty much every boxed set.
  11. That does not make sense. Also those groups with the Heralds are not Start collecting things. They are just several units bundled together. (For the same cost they would be for getting them separately.)
  12. Rather just a have a general gobbos release then just the Moonclan. I kind of want them just to make a big sweeping change to the game with an Age of Sigmar 2e merging all the tiny factions with the ones that make sense and such. Importing some of the 40k rules, like character targeting and strategems. Making it so named characters get specific warlord traits.
  13. Yeah we know Codex TS is coming at around the same time as Custodes.
  14. Though he did say other Mortarchs could come in the future.
  15. Shadows was a typo they meant Night. Unless they slipped up and Vlad's coming back.
  16. We already know what the Allegiances are. Nagash, Mortarchs, Soulblight and Death. Skeletons and Ghosts don't need their own battletomes. I assume Deathrattle's will be standard units in all Mortarch and Nagash armies, while Nighthaunt will be synergize best by the Sacrament or Night allegiance. It's far better for Allegiances to focus on more thematic things like Nagash or the Mortarchs. Rather then Army of Skeletons, Army of Ghosts.
  17. This was a comment on facebook from the Age of Sigmar guys about the Ghouls and how they would relate to the Nagash book. "The Flesh Eater courts have a complicated relationship with the Lord of Death, and while they do fight alongside other Death warriors, they aren't part of Nagash's shambling undying legion" Anyway I really like this. Squishing factions into more thematic ones makes a lot more sense. I hope this is just a start for things to come and we get Skaven, High Elves and Free Peoples books that does the same thing,
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