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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. 3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    A user from one of my WhatsApp groups shared the book and said the legacy armies PDFs were also there. So I guess GW would release them quite soon.

    MiniWarGaming already has review videos prepared for the Legacy armies, so the PDFs are definitely done.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

    Did GW confirm the Epic expansion for January? I thought they just announced it was coming(tm).

    "The Great Slaughter will be available to pre-order later this month, so keep an eye out for more information here on Warhammer Community."

    Of course, they also said Legions Imperialis would be available to pre-order in August, so maybe the WarCom intern is jinxing it on purpose.

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  3. I think they had limited resources and could only focus on so many armies initially, if not in terms of rules writing then in how much capacity the suits were willing to give them for a game they'd killed off less than a decade ago.

    I don't think it has anything to do with the theorised that "Seraphon and Soulblight got big AoS releases, they don't want double dipping!" because that ignores that Slaves To Darkness and Gloomspite Gitz had also received updates to the Warriors of Chaos and Goblin/Troll side of Orcs & Goblins. Sure they're using the old moulds for those armies apparently, but nothing would have stopped them doing the same thing with Lizardmen and Vampire Counts either.

    • Lizardmen - They're in the New World.
    • Skaven - They're in the Old World, but they're most known for being the primary antagonists of the Lizardmen.
    • Dark Elves - They're in the New World.
    • Ogre Kingdoms - They're in the East.
    • Chaos Dwarfs - They're a resin FW army and are generally considered an 'Eastern' faction.

    That leaves Vampire Counts and Daemons as the odd ones out. The Daemon range is cross-compatible with basically every other system already anyway, so making a conscious decision to exclude them because of that would be strange. They've made a big deal of talking up the Great War Against Chaos so I wouldn't be shocked if they ended up getting the 'Core Army' treatment eventually anyway.

    Vampire Counts I think were just the unlucky sods who got cut because of recourse allocation, or lack thereof.

    Everybody else can either be expanded into via a big marketing wave of New World and Far East respectively, the latter especially if we end up with Cathay as playable in the longterm. Hell, they could do something similar for New World with the Vampire Coast if they wanted to. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, peasant said:

    Hi oldworlders! Do you think new chaos warriors would fit in 30mm square bases? 

    I've seen a couple of people do it already and they appear to fit on pretty well, though the Chosen might be a bit snug depending on their posing. I'll see if I can dig out some photos from where I saw them.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    So, new dwarf info from Warhammer Fantasy subReddit:

    Armour Saves and Warmachine damage are down across the board apparently, so at least we're not suffering alone, and the Artillery Runes still seem okay, or  cheaper anyway. Organ Guns and Flame Cannon not being able to take them does seem a riskier prospect, but Engineers are 'only' 50pts if you really want to avoid a Misfire - might not be worth it, but that's what testing is for.

    Hammerers being I3 base is interesting, as they're essentially swinging Great Weapons without the Initiative penalty at the same time as most non-Dawi. They seem really good, but you definitely pay the points for it. I do want to run a Shieldbearing Lord King in there just for the fluff though, even if it'll attract every gun and spell on the board.

    Ironbreakers being able to take a Detachment of Irondrakes is really interesting. I could see it being the preferred way to run the latter with how pricey they can get.

    There's some pretty great runes. I'm impressed at how little useless fat there appears to be, although I'm sure that statement won't hold up to playtesting. Going to be difficult not to buy multiple things and quickly realise half my points cost have been sunk into them though. Toughness 10... it's 100pts but... the big numbers... 

    I'm looking forward to list building. I'm not looking forward to it blowing up in my face.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, KarrWolves said:

    Wouldn't it just be "Legion of Azgorh"?

    Or was that just a subfaction?

    It was technically a sub-faction, aye. They were functionally the Slayers of the Chaos Dwarfs, though the list did include a lot of what could be called 'generic' Chorfs.

  7. 8 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

    Lol I live in the U.S. and the products were delayed. Wonder if and when they will show up?

    I do hope they show up at some point and the shipping was not lost at sea lol.

    Pirates moved on from intercepting FFG X-Wing shipments.

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Thx for the review. Anything about Dwarfs that can help new players?

    I'm not much use yet I'm afraid since I've been out of Fantasy long enough to be rusty, but my questionable and limited thinking is Runesmiths seem like they'll be pretty important to have sprinkled around (nothing new there), not only for their Runes of Spellbreaking (or just general Dispel attempts) but also because they grant Armour Bane (2) to melee and ranged attacks as a nice bonus.

    Magic does seem pretty potent based off influencer videos. Hopefully there's a plastic (or at least new) Anvil of Doom in the books, because it looks like a fun piece of kit... but even as somebody who likes a lot of older models, it was too long in the tooth for me even back in 8th.

    • Thanks 1
  9. Just now, EntMan said:

    And have Dryads or Treelords/Ancients/Durthu been mentioned in any of the Old World lists?

    Speak of the devil, I'm watching the GMG video now.

    Treemen Ancients, Branchwraiths, Dryads and Treemen all appear to be there. Durthu isn't, but will presumably be in the Arcane Tome whenever that drops since that's where they stash the Special Characters now.


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  10. Just now, EntMan said:

    I was away from all forms of Warhammer from the late 1980s or early 1990s until a few years ago.

    Please could someone tell me which of the current Sylvaneth range were WFB models and not new to AoS?

    I think the list will include Dryads and the Branchwraith, but don't know how old much of the rest of the range is.

    • Treelord/Spirit of Durthu. 
    • Branchwraith (AKA the old Drycha)
    • Dyrads
    • Thanks 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Has it? I could see it being one of the ‘oddities’ that was mentioned in the WHC article from the other day but iirc the idea that the treeman will be the old 6th ed metal mini is still based on a single photo published on WHC ages ago.

    Just checked GMGs video and it has multiple base sizes listed (50x50 and 50x75), so it seems they're leaving up to the player which model they want to use.

  12. Dwarfs appear to be the only army which kept Dispel Scrolls (Rune of Spellbreaking).

    Irondrakes have the Detachment rule, which is interesting.

    1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

    I haven't played WFB since 6th, so perhaps the rules changed in 7th or 8th, but doesn't Dwarf initiative of 2 mean they'll basically fight last almost all the time anyway?

    It's been a while but off the top of my head Great Weapons made you Always Strike Last in 8th. From the batreps that still seems to be the case, so it means they'll trade better against other 'big smashy infantry' blocs. Also, their Initiative goes up to 4 if they're charged, which might help a bit against certain other things (although I imagine the I-bonus on Charges will mitigate that in a lot of cases).


  13. Dwarf Shieldbearers went up to four models carrying them. The old model is carried by two. There's a cheeky spoiler/hint about what we'll be seeing with the new box then.

    Anvil of Doom is still immobile, which makes me doubt we'll be seeing a new one if the Total War redesign is any indication. 

    The Cavalry pages were indeed for the Gyrocopter/Gyrobomber.

    Hammerer hammers aren't Strike Last. Hallelujah. Be still my beating heart. 


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  14. 4 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    The legacy lists won't be legal in GW run events. It's up to 3rd party event organisers if legacy lists can be used or not. 

    Looking at FB groups here in the UK, the general consensus is legacy lists can be used in their upcoming events (of which quite a few are being planned, I happy to see). 

    So unless you only play at GW run tournaments legacy lists are not unplayable. 

    So funnily enough, the Daemons of the Ruinstorm PDF list for Horus Heresy has a similar "not meant for tournaments, seek permission first" clause but they're allowed at Warhammer World events. It may be they still end up allowed even at GW's. Not to give people false hope or anything, but there is a precedent and one they hopefully follow given it's another Forge World/Specialist Team game.

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  15. If TOW sells well enough, a New World (and Far East) expansion seem inevitable. 

    I don't like coming across as a GW shill or that I'm being dismissive because "****** you, got mine (Dwarfs)" but I think some people are just taking the "they're not legal for tournament play" thing way too literally. It's been wild how many people I've seen straight up saying GW has 'squatted their army again' like they're pouring petrol on them and setting them alight. 

    We've known it'd be a get-you-by PDF for a while. If people in your community are having a hissy fit towards you putting Skaven or Dark Elves on the board because "noooooo GW said it's Legends so I won't play with or against them!!!" they were always going to be a pretty miserable opponent to play against regardless. The more push back this idea that Legends = Literally Unplayable gets, the better (regardless of game system). 

    Remember that Specialist Team are not 40k or AoS, in that not even the 'core armies' are going to be receiving points and balance changes every six months. The PDFs are probably going to have far more longevity to them than anything Legends for 40k/AoS. If the balance of them turns out to be pretty awful, yeah, that is going to suck... but based on Heresy and the like, I don't think it's going to be much different for core armies either.

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