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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. 8 hours ago, Kurrilino said:

    I somehow fail to see the conribution to an Age of Sigmar rumour forum here


    I think his point is that AoS has such a refreshing diversity of releases. I know I genuinely get excited to see what the next AoS faction is, be it an updated Battletome or whole new army, just because everything is so different.

    Whilst Stormcast do receive plenty - more than they should in my opinion - at least it's a fair bet that not every other release will be for them, unlike 40k, where we're all but guaranteed to get a Marine  release, followed by a Chaos release, followed by a Marine, and so on.

    • Like 5
  2. 18 minutes ago, Saiken said:

    How likely is it that this new Warcry warband is the part of the Darkoath we're waiting for ?

    I think the kits will be compatible, but I don't think it's 'the' Darkoath release judging by the almost identical Warrior of Chaos hand on the Rumour Engine.

  3. If mercenaries eat into your Allies points, I don't think it will be too bad.

    I do hope it's restricted to certain Battletomes though, rather than "take any GA and count them as mercenaries." Fyreslayers or Ogres would be fine, since there's a precedent for that, but not so much Stormcast taking pennies to help Chaos.

  4. 10 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    Tomb Kings and Bretonians didnt sell well, you can blame the player base for not buying them as the main reason theyre gone. the cries for them to come back are only a very vocal minority. some might try to blame gw for not 'supporting' the armies enough, but you dont pour money, time and resourses into something that isnt selling

    Egyptian skeletons and King Arther era knights cannot be protected by copyright, for starters theyre too generic in visual appearance and use subjects that cant be owned by anyone. after the whole Chapter House thing a few years ago, gw has tried to do everything they can to stop people profiting off their ip and designs. ive seen people try to argue that nothing in aos is protectable as everything is 'generic' or inspired by something else, however the way the law works differs with your opinion. Ironjawz and Bonesplittaz as orcs are very unique visually for example. 'orcs' may be generic but these 2 are not

     Bretonians are also covered by 2 different aos factions now anyway, so they are never coming back. Flesh-Eater Courts lore heavily hints at them being Bretonians, and Stormcast Eternals basically fill the knights in shining armour role but turned up to 11 with bird creatures and reptilian cats instead of horses

    Bretonnians didn't sell because they hadn't received a new model in about thirteen years prior to being squat'ed. Their Army Book was equally ancient. The metal kits also had the Blood Knight problem of being VERY expensive, even by GW standards. I still saw plenty of Bretonnian armies in my time, it's just over a decade had passed without Bretonnian players actually having anything to buy. Tomb Kings sold fine when they had an Army Book that wasn't utter rubbish. I sure saw more of them in WHFB's life time than I ever did Beastmen. If Stormcast didn't get a single new model for thirteen years, would you say the same thing if GW squat'ed them? How many people were playing Dark Eldar and Wood Elves until they received a range overhaul? 

    Egyptian Skellingtons with things like Bone Giants and the other larger kits are more 'IP protectable' than Nagash's current range of generic zombies/skeletons/rotting wolves. 

    Claiming that FEC are Bretonnians is like saying Deepkin are the new High Elves. Just because they slap a few 'generic medieval' sounding names on their units and the lore says they imagine themselves as thriving medieval kingdoms doesn't make them Bretonnia. Nobody who actually likes Bretonnian thinks "gee whizz I may have lost my heavy shock cavalry, the appearance of knights and peasants, units that're almost entirely on foot and now play as a summonable horde army, but the lore says they have noble courts so it's practically the same!

    I don't see people complaining about Slaves to Darkness despite being a 1:1 copy/paste from Warriors of Chaos. Darkoath are looking to be generic barbarians/marauders. Tomb Kings could be copy/pasted over to Age of Sigmar with very little effort and I'm sure if GW did that, the same people dying on the hill of "I never want to see them! WHFB bad!" would instantly change their tune if GW decided otherwise.

    Bretonnians are obviously never coming back, but I would still like to see them reimagined in some form, IE my Soulblight/Blood Knight post above.

    • Like 7
  5. I'd like to see Bretonnia reimagined as Soulblight/Blood Knights myself.  Aristocratic shock cavalry, supported by a weak chaff of peasants/blood thralls? Fits the bill to me.  I know people will go "that's what FEC are!" but that's more of a tongue-in-cheek lore only thing,

    Heck, one of the less explored parts of the lore was the civil war in Bretonnia that the Vampires started and the last we saw of Abhorash was him fighting alongside Gilles le Breton. 

    Obviously they'd have a much more gothic, unique aesthetic just because there's no way GW will ever go back to 'generic medieval knights' when there's third party and historical models out there.


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  6. 11 minutes ago, Dead Scribe said:

    From what I was told, tomb kings were not very good rules-wise in warhammer even though they had nice new kits, so nobody bought them because of that.

    Bretonnians also from what I was told had pretty bad rules or old rules and no one wanted them because of that.

    I can definitely see how that would make people not buy them, especially since it seems competitive players do the most buying.

    Tomb Kings were pretty popular in their time. I know when I started in Fantasy I played against them plenty of times. As time went on however, much like Grey Knights in 40k now, several editions of poor rules caused a lot of people to shy away.

    Bretonnians were a much loved army, but they received one Army Book in about... what was it, thirteen or so years before End Times? And no new kits since then either. They were a bit like Sisters in that respect. People loved the lore, people loved the idea of them, but they had two plastic kits and the rest of the range was in metal/finecrap. Everybody wanted to collect them but nobody did, holding out for an update that never came.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, firebat said:

    This isn't going to happen. There aren't going to be a bunch of new rules for units, characters and battalions that there are no models or images for just because they're going to turn up at some unspecified future date for the other game.

    I think you misread. My point was that we're not getting Mortals NOW - as in, at all - but will probably get them in a future wave, tied or at least close to Emperor's Children whenever that rolls around, be it compatable rules you can download or a new Battletome (which given how GW seem eager to update Tomes a lot quicker in AoS than Codex's seems likely).

  8. The dice are actually really nice. The symbols are uniquely Dwarf/Fyreslayer but it's easy to identify the number at a glance. GW continue their perverse fetish for putting symbols on 1, but at least stuck a nice, handsome, gold(ish) image on the 6 this time.

    • Haha 1
  9. Just now, HorticulusTGA said:

    Yeah that's our only hope (just like 40k 7th Ed Tzaangor release, later coming for AOS without the pistols sprue). 

    But still : that would outdate the Battletome at once. So, so strange...

    Khorne is on it's third Battletome in, what, three years? Emperor's Children are probably at least a year out what with CSM only just getting a release. I could see it happening.

  10. I think the lack of Slaanesh mortals is probably to due to the Emperor's Children. It's possible they want 'Pleasure Cultists' or whatever we get to be compatible  with 40k, but also don't want to put out Emperor's Children-only rules when they're still part of Codex: Chaos Space Marines. Thus Hedonites will get their mortal/chaff units, but in a future wave.

    With the storyline moving to Slaanesh/Elves now however, they didn't want to leave them as the only Chaos God without a Battletome when they're going to be such a prominent part of the plot.

    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Urbanus said:

    Hey everybody

    Is there somewhere you can see all the classes they have anounced so far?

    • Knight-Questor
    • Knight-Incantor
    • Auric Runesmiter
    • Doomseeker
    • Aether-Khemist
    • Edrinrigger
    • Isharann Tidecaster
    • Witch (A)Elf
    • Excelsior Warpriest
    • Former Free Guild Soldier
    • Kurnoth Hunter
    • Branchwych
    • Skink Starpriest
    • Realmswalker
    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, BalborBullguts said:

    Hi, I'm actually wondering (as repetitive as it might be) if ogre specifically will be playable? I thought I would ask because with some things it seems even in expansions they can fall to the wayside on various warhammer titles

    Sorry for the repetition

    My guess is they'll come in a Destruction sourcebook if we ever get one of those, since they don't seem to hang out in human territories like some did in WHFB.

  13. 1 hour ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    I'm a bit torn with this rumour now, as I'm thinking that Warcry is this and we won't see a battletome. I think we will see an update to use the Warbands in AOS but not sure it will be a full book.


    What I think we might see is Darkoath being rolled into Everchosen/Slaves to Darkness rather than the standalone, pure-Darkoath  release a lot of us expected. More a copyrighted Marauder kit upgrade than a full blown army of them. 

  14. I was extremely deflated at the distinct lack of any new models at announcement - barring Endless Spells Prayers - but the potential for more elite, less blobby Fyreslayers has... ahem, rekindled my excitement. I'm also a sucker for faction-specific dice and as somebody who's regretted missing out on the old LotR rune dice, I'll snap these ones up.

    • Like 1
  15. On 4/4/2019 at 1:54 PM, Forrix said:

    I'm not sure what his source is but Tom on Warhammer Weekly was saying that Fyreslayers are getting a major overhaul rule wise with Vulkites possibly losing their save after the save but gaining an extra wound. Personally I'm hoping for a much more elite glass cannon style army. 

    With the Namarti box being cheaper than Vulkites and the Magmadroth no longer being available standalone, I feel like GW are consciously aware that they very much 'outpriced' a great deal of the potential Fyreslayer audience. 

    That being said, I could see them trying to make them more elite by just overpricing everything points wise and not doing much else. I do however hope they actually took a look at the overall army and make them less spammy, more individually strong and more (points) expensive.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Shearl said:

    The Doomseeker is back, was he in silver tower? 


    He was.

    You could buy him separately for a while, then he randomly vanished for some unexplained reason along with a couple of the other standalones. Considering the Darkoath Chieftain is still available I can only assume the molds broke or something.

  17. I think GW always planned to add non-Chaos warbands. Do we really think for a moment GW could release a AoS product whilst resisting the urge to vomit Stormcast all over it and remind us that Stormcast exist and you should totally buy Stormcast guys, they're awesome.

    I do think this announcement is probably a kneejerk reaction to the negativity surrounded the lack of non-Chaos warbands however. I think the truth will come out depending on what form they actually take. If get get a White Dwarf/Community article about "here's FREE rules for using your AoS models as Warbands!" then, yeah, it was probably a stapled on job. We could also see them in a separate, paid supplement book that comes shortly after whilst the core game only includes the Chaos lot.

    • Like 2
  18. I can't say I'm not disappointed with the Fyreslayers. I think if there was any AoS-only (as in, not WHFB) army that needed a new release to go alongside of their updated Battletome, it was these guys.  Granted, GW probably take Endless Spells(tm) to be that although the impression I get is the majority of people, including me, see them more as glorified tokens than proper units. The biggest hurdle for Fyreslayers to overcome when appealing to newcomers is that people quickly realise they're going to have to paint up 90+ identical, naked dwarfs, who are more expensive than other, newer infantry boxes (Deepkin) and go elsewhere. 

    They definitely didn't need a new, one-off hero though, already swimming in them as they are, which is probably why we saw nothing like FEC and Skaven did. It's not so much the lack of new models right now that upsets me, it's that with us getting a new Battletome it all but confirms we won't see anything for at least a year. At least the forge spell model looks great.

    I really like the Slaanesh kits though. They have a nice exoticness to them without being (too) over the top.

    • Like 2
  19. 52 minutes ago, Overread said:

    See I don't really want FW doing full armies. The way I see it they should be making hero sculpts; alternate epic models and unique monsters and such for AoS. Full armies are nice, but they are very niche on FW and always come with a high price tag that makes them even more niche. Far better for them to provide alternate parts and unique sculpts.

    I guess with GW central being better at doing big models in plastic it has stolen some of FW's thunder, but they can still provide loads of epic monsters and wandering monsters for AoS. The setting is ripe for such additions and beasties. 


     Also more dragons!

    For me it's a question of longevity. With 'mainline' Games Workshop releases of armies that aren't minor ones (Sisters of Silence, Inquisition, etc) you generally know you're safe in going ahead with that army. They're going to get rules updates at some point, they're probably going to get new models in a few years, they're very unlikely to end up squat'ed (I'm saying this without a shred of irony on an Age of Sigmar forum of all places mind you).

    Forge World armies just don't have that same guarantee. Chances are they'll receive rules at launch and then anything after that - especially going into future editions - is a very big gamble. Will they ever receive new releases? Will their rules be updated? Will those rules actually be good and not nigh-on unplayable (see: Renegades & Heretics in 8th)? 

    I loved Chaos Dwarfs, I loved Renegades and Heretics, but I couldn't justify the risk when I'd already be paying more than a 'mainline GW' army I'd know I was probably safe with going into the future. It's an easier pill to swallow when it's one off, large models that either act as centre pieces, can be proxied or - at worst - you can swallow a £150 model being 'worthless' in a few years so long as it still looks good on the shelf. 

  20. 11 hours ago, Ironbreaker said:

    My problem with a Free Cities book is that it honestly wouldn't be much different from a Grand Alliance: Order 2.0 book. (Even though LoN is more or less the same thing for Death) It would have to combine ALL the Aelf, Human, and Dispossessed units and also include fluff to support them. I honestly can't see this done well without watering down each faction inside. Other Order armies also inhabit the Free Cities, why do they get battletomes while we are relegated to a soup release? 

    I think it comes down to the question of if GW are willing to expand upon the more 'standard fantasy' races or not. We know they've had their big push towards more copyrightable concepts, which begs the question of if they'd be willing to try and make something like High Elves or Dwarfs more unique whilst balancing the aesthetic of still being a lot more 'typical' than something like Fyreslayers or Kharadrons. I think they absolutely could do that if they wanted to, but it begs the question of if they'd be willing to try.

    I would however be content with a Not!Legions of Nagash book that perhaps encouraged mono-race armies more than the Legion of Blood/Night/Sacrament does. On the other hand, expanding those ranges would give people a sense of security that they're not going to get squat'ed once the molds break and would be more willing to invest in ranges that consist primarily of legacy models.

  21. 23 hours ago, Ragnar Alpaca said:

    If dispossessed don’t get something eventually I will cry. If they happen to get the revamp I’m hoping for I will buy the collectors edition battle tome, a regular battletome and any accessories they add along their release. I know I’m just one person but I have a deep love for my dwarfs. Also as others have said doesn’t detract from me wanting/owning some of the new AoS only factions. I think it would be good idea anyway to have some more grounded factions that people who aren’t entirely convinced on the over the top setting can get into. 

    What gives me some hope for Dispossessed is my memory of the 8th edition Dwarf releases. I remember at the time there was a lot of grumbling (for Dwarfs, anyway) about the new aesthetic of the Ironbreakers/Drakes in particular, that their design seemed a bit too curved and flat, almost closer to Space Marines than they were befitting the traditional Dwarf. Considering AoS - despite how obviously rushed it was - would presumably have been on the cards at this point, it's entirely possible that was deliberate.

    It could just as easily mean absolutely nothing mind you and be me reading too much into it. I think if Dispossessed get anything it will be in a Battletome: Free Peoples rather than their own dedicated book however.

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