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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. I do think something closer to Dispossessed than what Fyreslayers and Kharadrons were is going to happen at some point. Grungi simply wouldn't be so prominently namedropped not only in Black Library fiction - which often means absolutely nothing - but army and campaign books. 

    With that being said, my guess is it will be what Fyreslayers are to what Slayers were, rather than an expansion ontop of the existing Dispossessed line. So we'll probably see heavily armoured dwarfs marching from Karaks backed by big guns, but they won't be WHFB Dwarfs+1 per say. It will probably be less jarring of a change than what Fyreslayers/Kharadrons were, but still lead to most of the Cities of Sigmar Dwarf line being squat'ed.

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  2. 30 minutes ago, 123lac said:

    Agreed. I am astounded by the amount of crying over this. If you want an army that's going to be supported in aos then make sure it has a battle tome - this has always been standard advice.

    My only gripe is that it has taken gw this long to finally cull these old models.

    It's almost as if there was a Battletome meant for old Empire/Elf/Dwarf models announced in the last week and people were getting excited for using their old collection or something.

    I can't help but laugh that you somehow have a 'gripe' with older models you dislike still being available. It's a bit rich you saying people are 'crying' when old models being available somehow manages to upset you.

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  3. Looking to have this ripped apart. Please and thank you.

    Aurics are there over 25 Hearthguard because, frankly, I want to bleed what little model diversity there is out of the Fyreslayers. If they're liable to be rubbish though, I don't mind shifting numbers about.




  4. 2 hours ago, alghero81 said:

    What is the record of survival of a Christmas box? That STD box is still there in last chance to buy in between aelves, humies and duardins lol

    I think it was the Vanguard box of Stormcast that survived almost a year?

    2017's Genestealer Cults Battleforce lasted well over a year. It was about two months into finally receiving a proper 8th codex that it sold out.


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  5. 50 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    I'm now making some enemies here but got to be honest - I LOVE that last move of GW. Seriously. I know some of you feel let down but on the other hand, how long have those minis been available to buy? 10 years? It's no surprise that products disappear and are replaced by newer ones. You had lot of time to have joy with those minis. Some factions might be abandoned which might make you sad or angry. If I were to guess - Free Peoples and Dispossessed. Some will be reimagined or updated which imho is great. I'm thinking all the elves. Your minis had their time and still can give joy. As your collection and in games. Maybe only tournaments will be a no go. Maybe you will actually like where GW is taking your army. 

    I understand people wishing for new models to existing, older lines. That's normal. 'Loving' people losing rules and potential collections is, quite frankly, one of the most absurd things I've ever read even by GW White Knight standards.

    But this is TGA I suppose. People will rub their hands with glee at anything WHFB being removed as punishment for it's fanbase's defiance at AoS' launch. It really is one of the most stupid, toxic things that pervades a place that claims to try it's damnedest to weed out such elements.


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  6. 2 minutes ago, SentinelGuy said:

    It's hard to be enthusiastic about the game when your army could be squated every few months.

    I remember when the initial rumours of AoS bled out regarding WHFB's squat'ing and The Bubble 'Verse (which later turned out to be the Realms). One of the plans mentioned was for a constant cycling of models every few years, so nothing was truly permanent and to 'encourage' people to keep picking up new armies and not having to commit to them long-term the same way they do for 40k.

    As happy as I was for Cities of Sigmar, I'd be surprised if they received long-term support. 

  7. 6 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Idk about TK returning. I‘d love it but I don‘t think it‘s likely they‘ll just return as they used to be. I guess we‘ll see something more in line with Arkhan+Ghostly Elements IF TK are to return.

    I think it will hearken back to Tomb Kings, but it won't be 1:1 Egyptian Skellingtons. Close enough that if you used the old TK models they'd not look terribly out of place, but unique enough that they stand as their own thing.

    A bit like the new Necrons really. It's obvious where they plucked influences from, but it's not a total 1:1 of Tomb Kings but in metal.

    Or hell, even Arkhan.

  8. 5 hours ago, Kurrilino said:

    I must have missed that.

    Where can i read that GW said: Yes, the StD Battletome is ready to go and just a question of time

    Let's look at it like this. How many people predicted Empire models would be squat'ed months into AoS because they, in their view, "didn't fit the style of AoS?" But now they're getting a whole new tome. The absolutely ancient Marauder box received a reboxing which is usually a good sign and Everchosen/StD are a combined force on the website. GW have been moving away from these smaller, handful-of-unit Battletomes for a while now, so there's absolutely no way Everchosen with it's literal three units isn't going to get merged... which they've all but signalled by the website. Archaon isn't on the chopping block now is he?

    I get your frustration, I do. I think it's absolutely reasonable that your patience would start getting tested after this long of waiting and wondering if your chaps are on the chopping block. Unfortunately, somebody has to  come last in the release lineup. I play Genestealer Cults in 40k (alongaide my Guard), so you can well imagine how impressed I was at getting a codex right at the end of the queue. All the signs point to, at worst, a new force that's very, very similar to StD or more likely, a merged Everchosen book. As I said, unfortunately, somebody has to come last and that happens to be the army you're collecting. If it wasn't you in this position it would be a Mawtribes  player.


    I'd like to thank my parents, my Warden model for being there for me when much of my army was squat'ed (no pun intended), GW for being so vague as to allow speculation to abuse, those who sent me love hearts and trophies, the people who didn't like Cities of Sigmar so I could write positive things and inevitably receive a load of Likes from it, you're all truly wonderful.



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  9. 1 hour ago, Ironbreaker said:

    I’m sure you guys will criticize me, but the books are very special to me. I went so long without a rulebook. When I got my first army book last year with Adeptus Custodes in 40k, it felt so magical to flip through the pages and take in all the fantastic art. I won’t be able to do that with this book as it will be all mixed and also Stormcasts. 

    You're right, but I'd rather get a shared book with some Dwarf art in it than flick through GHB that includes literally everybody and maybe one Dispossessed picture.

  10. My take is a new character. Potentially, with the Mongolian chanting, it could be a particularly intelligent Ogre who became a necromancer, made his home in the Realm of Beasts because that's where most Ogres dwell anyway, thus the pact (that's now broken), and leads the 'Bone Construct' faction that was rumoured a while back. In a realm known for it's giant beasts, that's going to mean some large skeletons, no?

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  11. Just now, ShadowSwordmaster said:

    They ripped that off of Tolkien. That whole Dwarf vs Elves vs Humans thing is from Toklien works in the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings.

    What most people describe as 'Generic Tolkien Fantasy' they mean to be 'Generic Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy'. The vast majority of generic fantasy settings have Dwarves and Elves as tolerated friends, in the same way that 'generic' magic is everywhere, all the humans wear platemail, all of the Orcs are big, muscular, greenish barbarians, etc.

    Tolkien's Middle Earth works are actually pretty different to what most would consider 'Generic Tolkien Fantasy'.

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  12. Look, I love to grumble with the best of them. As per the name I'm deathly cynical about most of GW's decisions, especially after Fantasy.

    However, I don't really see how this can be seen as a negative. How many of us spent the last few years waiting for Dispossessed to - excuse the expression - get squat'ed? It's going to be a BIG book and given several of the Firestorm cities were themed around Dwarfs, there's absolutely going to be rules for tailoring your army around that theme. 

    This is just Legions of Order. There's absolutely room for them to spin-off books from this, in the same way Nighthaunt were from LoG and inevitably so will Soulblight and Deathrattle (who seem to be coming soon). However given they're some ways off, this is a better alternative than getting stuck with GHB rules forever after.

    Guess what we won't need to do now either? Get stuck with only 400pts for Cannon, Engineers and Gyrocopters. 

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  13. 3 minutes ago, mikethefish said:

    I honestly don't mean to sound harsh, but I think you really need to accept the fact that GW is not really interested in rehashing old Tolkein fantasy tropes.  

    Not trying to pick in you particularly, but that is just the gaming world we are all "living" in right now.  At least this strange human/Duardin/Aelf alliance army is relatively fresh and interesting.


    rehashing old Tolkein fantasy tropes.


    this strange human/Duardin/Aelf alliance army is relatively fresh and interesting


    Humans, Dwarfs and Elves uniting against the other stinkies in the world is pretty damn 'generic'. If anything, the animosity between them in the Old World was pretty refreshing compared to most 'generic' settings.

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  14. I think Warriors/Thunderers are safe just by virtue of getting a reboxing.

    We've still got the (MUCH) cheaper metal Tech-Priest and Commissar models for Imperial Guard, despite both having plastic versions out. The Warrior Priests are probably safe, a least until the mould breaks.

    Unforged will definitely go, since no models for them exist anymore and Fyreslayers are a thing now.

    Swordmasters will go, but I think everybody knew that.

    White Lions have gone 'No Longer Available' on the UK store and they've not shown in any previews yet, but they may well be getting a reboxing.

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  15. 1 minute ago, Kyriakin said:

    Well, I thought this when LoN came out. Give old Vampire Counts players a chance to have fun with their old armies, while waiting for Soulblight, Deathrattle, Deadwalkers, etc.

    However, those other faction names seem functionally extinct now, and we have just a motley crew of random zombies, skeletons and vampires with very little visual cohesion.

    It's only been about a year since Legions of Nagash came out and AoS2 has, thus far, largely been about trying to bring armies without a Battletome up to speed.

    We'll see spin-offs of them eventually, it's just not going to happen overnight with such a full schedule.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Kyriakin said:

    As someone who like BCR for more thematic reasons, I am concerned a Ogre soup tome will strip away our thematic identity (i.e. the Everwinter, etc.) and turn everything back to bish-bosh Ogre Kingdoms 2.0.

    This is my general feeling on soup tomes in general.

     I feel like they lost their nerve with cool, aesthetically tied-together factions and are rushing back to the crutch that is the old world armies.

    I think this is about giving themselves breathing room to expand into more unique, spin-off armies.

    It's a lot easier to do that when 50% of your range isn't stuck in obscurity with barely playable rules, especially when it's very confusing to a newcomer why X has a Battletome and Y doesn't.

    Can you imagine the state of Death in 2019 if it hadn't received Legions of Nagash, for example? But now it's a thing, they're able to potentially expand on things like  Soulblight without leaving most of the range in the dust.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Walrustaco said:

    So how long until stuff starts getting released? When was the last time they announced 3 battletomes at once? 

    They technically didn't mention any kind of Ogor battletome, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume one's coming.

    What was the time between announcing and releasing for the FEC and Skaven stuff, for reference?

    If I remember right, there's a quote floating around from a staffer at one of these that GW generally doesn't show stuff off that's any longer than two months away. There's exceptions to this when it's their big releases (Warcry), but it's generally consistent.

    My guess is we'll get an Ogor vs X boxset before the Battletome, so some ways out yet.

    Free Peoples and Orrukz even had their limited edition books on display, so my guess is no more than a month for them.

  18. 1 minute ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    Really hyped for Ogres and Free People!

    I strongly dislike the inclusion of the Stormcast in the book though. They should have just remained as allies.

    My guess is you'll only be able to take the more baseline units that came at the start of AoS1. None of the spin-off, specialised chambers like Vanguard, Sacrosanct, etc. Basically those who're left behind to garrison a city.

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