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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. 2 hours ago, Aryann said:

    Does anybody remember when did GW start their Gloomspite tease on w-c.com? I'm afraid we are not getting Christmas reveal this year as they've alredy put that holiday decoration on their page and it's pointing at nothing except the red gobbo.

    Since we've just had Ossiarchs I wouldn't expect a big reveal for AoS. At most, I think we'll see Kharadrons/Lizardmen Battletome reveals at New Years Open Day.  Maybe then something in spring shortly before 9th 40k lands (if the rumours/theories are true)  and all focus is on that for half a year.

    • Like 1
  2. 23 hours ago, Whitefang said:

    The new dlc of TWW actually reminds me how good and popular Malus was

    Since we have Gotrek back and potentially more old characters back, I really wish one day GW will bring Malus back as well, he is that kind of anti-hero AOS now needs.

    As much as I love WHF, I think it's important that AoS develops its own cast of iconic figureheads rather than trying to Frankenstein them from the past. 

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  3. I think Katakros will gain a foothold, but the actual siege will fall into a background affair that is "ongoing" with references given to the Ossiarch reinforcements constantly funnelling in as more are constructed/rebuilt  and it enters a new status quo for a few RL years. Varanspire is massive afterall so we'll probably get a line of "the armies of the Ossiarch penetrated deeper than any force has for" but it's going to be nowhere near actually claiming the place.

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  4. Honestly, I find it far more interesting when different cultures within the universe have different parity (or lack thereof) between the genders. There's something that just feels more 'real' about different nations, faiths, races, whatever, having different norms from another. Having some armies with much more gender diverse ranks makes them feel more unique when put next to an army that almost entire consists of one. 

    Would Sisters of Battle and Daughters of Khaine feel as special if every army on the tabletop/lore had an equal distribution of Men:Woman anyway? How different would a mostly female Valayan-themed Dwarf army be when compared to the sausage fest of Dispossessed/Fyreslayers compared to if they just got a load of new female models? One thing that always stood out in WHFB was how many female models the elven armies had in the rank and file compared to the others. If every army is like that then quite a bit of character is lost.


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  5. 1 minute ago, Dead Scribe said:

    The difference is that 40k is not fantasy.  AOS is fantasy.  Our fantasy community plays AOS.  With this we have ANOTHER fantasy game coming out that is going to split us up.  I don't want there to be multiple supported fantasy games from GW.  I never would have played in the first place if they had more than one fantasy system vying for each others' attention.


    Lord of the Rings? And it's hell of a lot closer to AoS' ruleset than WHFB was.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Dead Scribe said:

    The people here that play more than one system are not common, so this talk about how people are going to play AOS and this new WHFB version does not apply to my community.  They tend to find a game and stick with it.  The only exception is 40k.  Everyone plays 40k because everyone plays 40k.  

    My AOS group will literally split in half.  Those players that are wanting to split off don't want to play AOS if they had a WHFB version to play.  They are only going to focus on the WHFB version.  Hell the way it looked last weekend, there were MORE whfb players than AOS players.

    You're overreacting.

    Who would have thought the newly announced product many people have been hoping to see for years would inspire people to suddenly bring out their old collections, many of which will have been gathering dust, all in anticipation?

    If 40k comes out with 9th Edition next year and for a couple of weeks there's almost none playing AoS does that mean it's going to be dead forever? No, it's healthy hype and excitement that's to be expected. 

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  7. 1 minute ago, IneptusAstartes said:

    Which is depressing because AoS is a far more interesting setting than TOW ever was, but I guess in this age of ruthless capitalism derivative generic fantasy is going to be a safer stockholder investment than any attempts at originality. 😢

    You're really going to deride WHFB for this when AoS was made to sell Fantasy Space Marines?

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  8. 24 minutes ago, Dead Scribe said:

    That way our communities aren't divided up, the whining cranky minority that GW is trying to appease can get their background back

    For somebody who's admitted they've never touched WHFB, you're making a lot of assumptions and sounding very bitter, dare I say, salty.

    I really don't get all this negativity coming from a community that usually prides itself on not being such. This is going to do MORE for AoS than it is harm. After a while of release, much of what resentment towards AoS that lingered will have faded away since the game will not longer have been squat'ed. This will likely bring players into AoS who shunned it for that reason.

    This also opens up more design space for AoS, as GW can commit to both Old World designs for those who they appeal to in the game that was truly meant for them (WHFB) whilst having more breathing room to make AoS more unique.

    Lord of the Rings supported 'return' (kind of, it was never truly squat'ed) didn't eat a chunk out of AoS either despite it having more in common with it mechanically than WHFB.

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  9. If AoS splits the community, they're not taking your rulebooks. You can always play that edition with your AoS friends, right?

    I mean that's what WHFB players were always told here.

    Also the usual spiel about businesses doing what's best for their bottom line, gronards who shouldn't be afraid of change, etc.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Silchas_Ruin said:

    This is not the same as 30k and 40k. Fantasy vs AoS is already toxic starting out. Still lots of people complaining about ending Fantasy and talking about AoS being a mistake and a failure. Its been slowing down and now GW is keeping it going. STUPID. 

    Let's not pretend there's also not plenty of AoS players who delight in any figment of WHFB being stomped out. Interestingly, it's typically those same people now up in arms about this announcement.

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  11. 1 hour ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    I hate everything about this. 

    The wounds of the WHFB to AOS transition are starting to heal. They announce CoS and get all the oldhammer players excited, yanking their high and dark elf armies and Empire armies out of the attic... Then they announce the old world is coming back? Like who thought this was a good idea? How can this NOT devolve into splitting the community in half? Horrid decision, terrible timing. Classic GW. 

    30k didn't split the 40k community.

    Chances are by the time this releases, the Cities of Sigmar forces will have evolved into their own AoS-only specific armies anyway.

    Also, this will do more to heal the transition. Not to repeat myself, but I think we'll see a lot more WHFB players who were still burnt by AoS' existence considering giving it a try, knowing their old, favourite game is coming back in the future.

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  12. 6 minutes ago, prochuvi said:

    But in twitch they said gonnna be a forgeworld release,so if it is 100% forgeworld in my opinion gonna be a disaster.


    Only gonna bring new players if it is regular gw and plastic minis

    Forge World games no longer mean they're only resin. Blood Bowl, Necromunda, etc are handled by them and have mostly plastic kits. Lord of the Rings is also handled by them and the new Battle of Pelennor Fields is in plastic. Horus Heresy received plastic MK3/4 marines, etc.

    My guess is that it's going to take a Lord of the Rings route - mostly old kits, but with a new plastic starter box. Certain models will come in and out of production as per demand rather than be permanently available (but for a longer period than LCTB) and we'll see brand new units/characters in plastic and resin.

  13. Ahahahahahaha. This is the best news in years. Brilliant.

    I don't think this will split the playerbase. Remember how poor AoS first year was? The majority of AoS players are new to the system. Most WHFB players who're playing AoS probably still have the vast majority of their collection in storage, particularly since by the time many returned from the initial shock of AoS, much of the old range had been squat'ed. Also, as has been said, 30k didn't split the 40k playerbase.  Another thing to consider is that many WHFB players who swore off AoS due to it's lingering taint of having killed off the game they loved will probably consider dipping their toes into it for the first time.

    I predict in the coming years we'll see quite a few "I've been staying away from AoS after WHFB died for it, but now it's coming back I thought I'd try it..." posts on the Introduction forum..

    What I am curious about is how the kits will work. Is this going to be a LotR situation where older moulds are brought back (and occasionally withdrawn, then put back in) from those that have since been squat'ed, or are we going to see whole new ranges of new miniatures? 

    • Like 1
  14. AoS-Apocalypse with it's own kind-of-similar ruleset akin to 40k and 8th Apocalypse, one which harkens back to Fantasy with more streamlined ranked shenanigans akin to Kings of War/A Song of Ice and Fire.

    WHFB going to Forge World in a similar vein to Lord of the Rings.

    Those are my two guesses... however, both of those things feel like something they'd save for an event reveal rather than randomly reveal them on Community one night. 

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  15. They won't want AoS and 40k's editions competing with one another for attention and impulse buying.

    Most likely it's going to be 9th, since 40k is far and away their biggest seller and AoS2 is only just over a year old. That being said, AoS will probably get something like at least one new (new) army reveal.

  16. 18 hours ago, Forrix said:

    Hell, this will be the first time we've seen a story arch that isn't Stormcast vs someone. It feels like GW is acknowledging that not everyone has a massive, raging, hard-on for Sigmar.

    My impression is when AoS began - indeed, probably the whole reason AoS even came into existence - is because GW thought that they could make lighting strike twice (pun not intended) with Space Marines. That's why we ended up with a year or two of largely Stormcast, and the lore itself almost exclusively talking about Stormcast, and how everybody wished they were Stormcast or wishing they could fight Stormcast.

    Whilst they're definitely popular, the most popular army in the game even, it's apparent you're a lot more likely to bump into another army 'out in the wild' than you are Space Marines, where it's a 70/30 chance of a random opponent using some form of loyal power armour. I'm really glad GW seems to be rolling with that acknowledgement of other armies existing, rather than pulling the 40k team's trick of "NO, YOU NEED MORE MARINES! THESE ARE THE ELITER ELITIST BEST EVER MARINES, BUY MORE OF THEM PLEASE!"

    It's nice getting excited to see what's coming next in a preview - be that models or books - without having to temper my expectations because "Well there's at least a 50% chance it's going to be loyalist Marines, so I should just ready myself for disappointment." Plus, Warriors of Chaos were the closest thing to a 'most popular army' in WHFB and with the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the new Slaves to Darkness kits I think GW might actually have solid cause to keep up that trend.

    • Like 4
  17. 1 hour ago, Televiper11 said:

    I agree that we need a Witch Hunter. Also a Warrior Priest. Hopefully regular and mounted versions.

    I'm still a bit baffled why these were removed, especially the SoH chap. The former I could see due to "mould broke and we're down to our last stocks" but one only came out a couple of years ago. Nevermind Witch Hunters nearly rival Stormcast for the most prominent Black Library protagonists in AoS works.

    The only explanation I could think of would be a future Temple of Sigmar Battletome, but that seems really niche, nevermind we still have Flagellants. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Barbossal said:

    I agree with a few previous comments, a lot of these names written feel like they weren't spoken out loud before writing.

    How many times have we seen Kharadron Overlords spelled wrong before? Khadaron, Kharadon, etc. I event had to look at the webstore to remember how it was spelled out. Or I could just use KO. :P

    It's even worse if you've played Warmachine.

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