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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. I imagine part of the reason they're pushing the TOW armies so hard is because in terms of tracking sales, every person buying up 'Darkling Covens' to use as Dark Elves in TOW technically counts as as an Age of Sigmar sale, whereas somebody buying post-reboxing Empire State Troops counts as another sale for The Old World. Similar to how the Leviathan and Contemptor finally got plastic models after about a decade, but were promptly exiled to Legends to deemphasise them in 40k. 

    I do hope as a community, tournament organisers and players are pretty lax on allowing 'Legends' armies. I've already seen some panic from people more used to the 40k community's diehard need to toe the party line that it will mean "no tournament will ever allow Legends armies!"

    The Horus Heresy community has largely fought off certain elements who tried to insist upon Legacies content being banned/limited from events. I hope the Fantasy scene does the same.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Pizzaprez said:

    I'm hoping they circle back to the Hellcannon from fantasy as the main design inspiration! "Nightmare flesh technology" is a design space really only held by demon engines and some Dark Eldar stuff; which is fitting tbh. It'd also be unlike anything in the AoS aesthetic palette, especially if they leaned on "flesh + metal = demon engine" vibe; only the Death Guard and Soul Grinder really have that going on, most the rest are "evil creepy machines" at a glance. The articles about Bretonnia have me hopeful that they're looking back to the past. Also give my boys their gargantuan hats! More oldhammer and less Azgorh if I got to choose, despite me coming around on the infantry and character sculpts.

    It's wild to me that not even StD got the Hellcanon back. Of all the models to survive the Fantasy purge, I would have expected it to be one of them given how iconic it is, both to Warriors of Chaos and the Chaos Dwarfs.

    'Mechanical horror' is definitely a great avenue that AoS Chorfs could explore, especially since it would probably be more 'daemonic' compared to the more Frankenstein, black comedy mad science of the Skaven.

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  3. Yet another Almanack, this time going into some detail on the design process and returning models.

    Rob: There’s one Bretonnian model coming out that had been designed decades ago and never released. It was incredible to be able to find things like this buried at the back of a cupboard.

    Rob: Some collectible metal models and oddities from the history of Warhammer Fantasy Battle will be available on a Made to Order basis, whereas everything else you’d expect to see for representing unit profiles will be available normally. For most units, the most recent version will act as your standard miniature for Warhammer: The Old World, but we could bring back older versions for collectors, or people who want an alternative.

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  4. Another Almanack, this time on converting up 'unit fillers'. Nice to see some conversion/kitbashing articles out of WarCom.


    A unit filler is a creative way to bolster your troop count and spice up your squares – a modelling project set on a larger base that fits into the middle of your unit, representing multiple individual models. Once you’ve taken enough casualties, simply remove the filler.

    Never thought I'd read that out of a modern GW article.



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  5. 1 hour ago, mawhis117 said:

    The Honest Wargamer is Streaming at the moment with AOS predictions for 2024. 

    He's just said that he's been told that Chaos Dwarves will be coming in AOS 4, which is why they weren't included with The Old World

    After the Grimdark Live rumours got Chaos Dwarfs in 3.0 wrong, I'm too bruised to allow such hope into my blackened heart. 


    • Sad 4
  6. 5 hours ago, FFJump said:

    I'm curious about bull centaur base sizes and what units are making it in. Never thought I'd see the word "tomorrow" used for anything related to Chaos Dwarfs.

    I'm guessing it'll be what units were in the Legion of Azgorh list, since I believe they mentioned if a unit had 8th Edition rules it would probably get rules in some form.

    I doubt they'll go back to the 6th Ed list until it's time for them to be in-focus again. 

  7. The reason I doubt BoC would be squatted is because they're next to Skaven and Lizardmen among armies which you can glance at and think 'Warhammer'. Sure, evil goatmen/satyrs aren't wholly unique to Warhammer, but there's not really any other major IP - neither wargaming or fantasy - in which they're especially iconic the way Elves, Dwarves, even Ogres are. In an age where GW is desperate to project their OCDonutSteal IP wherever it can, BoC being expanded seems more likely than squatted.

    I think if GW were going to bin off BoC, it would have been when AoS first launched alongside Bretonnia and Tomb Kings. Hell, they were less popular than both those armies for a long time in Fantasy, but nonetheless they survived and with pretty much their entire range intact at a time when GW weren't shy of carving them up (Greenskinz come to mind here). 

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  8. I love Endless Spells. Having actual models to represent them bounding around the battlefield is one of those unique touches that makes AoS feel different to it's contemporaries and perfectly suits the 'Bigger and Badder' tone and visuals of the setting. 


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  9. 41 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Priests of Ulric and that already without their arcane journal. Cool :)

    edit: what would be the difference between slayers and slayers of legend?

    Guessing it's a catch-all term for the Slayer Heroes and Lords (Daemonslayer, Dragonslayer, etc), whereas Slayers refers to the unit. 

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  10. 2 minutes ago, peasant said:

    Good news! So are irondrakes in? Because I thought of assembly as ironbreakers justo un case no irondrakes in TOW

    Aye, they appear to be as they've been shown in a few preview photos now (top row, centre, under the Engineer). 



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  11. Good to know Gyrocopters are in. I know the assumption was they would be, especially with Irondrakes being shown, but their conspicuous absence from any Dwarf photographs thus far had left that lingering question - what with them being relatively 'modern' designs in-universe.


  12. 25 minutes ago, Jator said:

    They could re-release the Battle for the Skull Pass like they have done with the Battle for Macragge.

    I was surprised they hadn't done that to be honest. I was at least expecting Island Of Blood, with those models being much more 'modern' in design. I guess the "Space Marine Cocaine Fund" was running a bit low for their liking.

  13. 20 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

    This is from FB old world group (which has it apparently from Reddit).

    If that photo is real, what does it mean? According to rumours the next 2 armies were OnG and Empire in the summer. So we can assume that Dwarves might be released in the next winter if not later. But Isn’t it too soon to have photos of dice floating around the net if they should be released in a year?

    GW realised the awesomeness that is the Karaz Ankor could only be contained for so long and, eventually coming to their senses, decided to move them up the queue. Too late to come out ahead of Bretonnia and Tomb Kings of course, but they spared themselves from an even bigger Grudge. For now.

    In all seriousness, it could just be that the Summer Empire vs Orcs & Goblins rumour was false, or that Dwarfs are coming sooner. Or this just managed to slip through the cracks somehow and it's been sat in a warehouse forever long.

    When you think about it, if GW are planning on re-releasing armies in pairs (like Tomb Kings vs Bretonnia) it actually makes the Summer rumour more suspect. There's not enough armies on the list for them all to be 1v1 pairings, and the Empire being in the middle of a civil war - as well as their recent surge in popularity due to Total War - makes them the most fitting faction to drop on their lonesome.

    • Dwarfs vs Orcs & Goblins
    • Wood Elves vs Beastmen
    • High Elves vs Warriors of Chaos
    • Empire (vs Empire)
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  14. 2 hours ago, KingKull said:

    For the life of me, I don't understand why they are so adamant about the "good" and "evil" camps. 

    I'm not particularly upset about it as we can all ignore the artificial division if we want to, but I just don't see why it matters so much, either lore-wise or meta-marketing wise.

    I feel like originally they weren't, but in a bunch of places there was a very strong reaction to that initial 'Factions of The Old World' article which Tomb Kings were slid under Evil - I guess because 'Neutral' just being occupied by them and perhaps the Wood Elves would have been too tiny? - and this was them reacting to it. 

    They removed that header from the article pretty quickly, but there's definitely been some clinging onto it since.

    Personally I only recognise two camps: Dawi and non-Dawi. 

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  15. 41 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I can definitely see Grombrindal happening as Avatar of Grungni or playable in all Duardin armies, but not as unifier.

    I can definitely see Grimnir reforged (on Vulcatrix) happening too when the time is right. Or Gotrek in his Avatar form for Fyreslayers.

    I'd prefer Grombrindal and/or Grimnir to a committed Fyreslayer Gotrek, honestly. I think Gotrek is just too iconic as an 'Old World Slayer' at this point. 

    I'm a big proponent of Grombrindal getting a big, multi-part kit which lets him be built up for the three different Duardin armies. I know some people would prefer to get army-specific characters, but he's just such an iconic character at this point and it feels fitting with his stories. Also a good way of netting one new kit for three different armies at once.

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  16. 10 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Wasn't Nighthaunt the rumoured Warcry Warband or did I misremember?

    I think it was just theorising based on them having gotten a mini-wave relatively recently and an Underworlds warband earlier still, coupled with Death slated to be getting a Warcry warband. 


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