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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    The other way around. You have fewer points on the table than in the previous edition, so you need more minis to fill 2000 points.

    To echo Ragest, that probably happened due to wargear costs going away.

    I also think GW is also more leery of cynically trying to 'milk' bigger armies out of AoS players, just because the tolerance of non-40k communities for those kind of things tends to be lesser when there's not hundreds of thousands of committed Marine players to shore up any missteps.

    • Like 2
  2. Rivals of the Mirrored City seems to be sold out most of the bigger places, including Warhammer.com. I know the most likely scenario is that GW produced like ten boxes total, but I was surprised to see it vanish so quickly, especially compared to the Tau Kroot Army Set.


  3. Looks like they've also leaked pages from an Imperial Agents codex for 40k, so these definitely seem to be spreads designed for proper books rather than from something meant to be printed out at home.


  4. 4 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Index are coming...



    Those almost look like pages pulled from the rulebook, like 'test prints' or something, with how thin and bendable those stacks are. Iirc the Indexes for 40k were mostly datasheets, but these seem more than that?

    • Like 1
  5. The Old World reveals I assume will be Dwarfs, since those are rumoured to be the next release. Reasonable guess is we'll at least see a King With Shieldbearers, but beyond that I would guess a new resin Engineer or Daemon Slayer? Runesmith/lord already has a plastic model, as does the Dragon Slayer (and one of them comes with the Dwarf Command Set which is presumably being re-released like the Orc one).

  6. We know there's almost certainly a new Dwarf Lord With Shieldbearers model coming for TOW (much bigger base size + three Shieldbearers instead of two), so it could end up being that. However there's always the possibility they could slide in a Dispossessed Underworlds or Warcry team? Maybe even a Hero just to reinforce that Dispossessed aren't going anywhere.

    I don't think it's Grombrindal's axe, just because the it doesn't line up with previous artwork, models or Total War and it would be a pretty obvious giveaway - or course, they could have redesigned it, especially if it's for AoS.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Wow. I have no words. I wouldn't expect this move. Would be interesting to see what we see now in Adepticon.

     I guess it confirms there's at least a few more things for Dawnbringers VI. If this was it, I doubt they'd have shown it (ALA the Warcry leaks).

    The leak probably just forced their hand.


    • Like 1
  8. Darkoath Army Set confirmed, by way of GW plugging their accidental 'leak'.





    Confirms it's a STD expansion with a PDF (ALA Ironjawz) as well.


    This 28-page supplement to Battletome: Slaves to Darkness expands upon the existing Darkoath options, and includes the four new Warscrolls from the army box, the lore of the Darkoath, and plenty of brilliant art and photography. The Darkoath follow Chaos Undivided, and may be included in your existing Slaves to Darkness armies.

    The set also contains the same four warscroll cards and a set of tokens. All three of these items are only available in this set – but the battletome supplement will be available as a free PDF download shortly after launch.

    The trailer again (but in HD).


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  9. 1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

    This has to be a joke. I started googling for this kind of cases less than a week ago.


    Don't worry, I'm sure the officially licensed ones will have a 50% markup on whichever ones you've found.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    James, I am once again asking you to just release a generic Darkoath Marauder kit.

    Well that worked. Let's try it again!

    James, I am once again asking you to just release Chaos Dwarfs, more Fyreslayers, updated Ogors and... uhh, the Spider Incarnate. Yeah, that should do it. 


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