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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. So what Stormcast units do we think are worth potentially allying in?* It's a bias question, because I've a mind to paint up some of the plastic I've been hoarding as Anvils of the Heldenhammer. *Stormdrake Guard aside, at least on my part.
  2. It's doubtful Valkia will since we know the next Chaos 'tome is going to be StD in Winter. Chorfs are a possibility, but I wouldn't put money on it. Chances are the Fantasy and AoS designs will be pretty different.
  3. A Nito crossover with Dark Souls? In all seriousness, my guess is Cursed City expansion.
  4. You know I hate to say it as a committed Fyreslayer player, but the Votann Berserks feel like they could work as the basis for Kharadron 'Slayers'.
  5. There's a few notable references to Ogre 'meat-hunters' in the new Warcry edition, particularly focusing on Butchers and them turning glades of the Gnarlwood into pits which have sentience and sound exactly like the type of terrain set GW would turn into a boxset. It could amount to nothing of course.
  6. Filler week again. Just a W+ Loremasters on Ghur. Middle-Earth Preview on Saturday, which I didn't expect but no mention of GenCon? Could be they just sprinkle the reveals in throughout the week I guess.
  7. This was my initial thought as well, but then again the Horus Heresy boxset leaked around this time last year and it only released last month. It seems they can have stuff finished and in the photography stages lloonngg before it ever hits the shelves. I still think it'll be the first half of 2023 though, just because most of the second half will be dominated by 40k 10th.
  8. I think we'll see something. With the big World Eater's leak the cat is out of the bag that they and presumably Dawnbringers are already finished.
  9. Oh, Black Templars was GenCon? Does make me wonder if we might see the Votann army box, or at least the next few Battletomes. I guess we'll see the leaked Khorne warband for Underworlds now the Witch Hunters have been revealed. Amazons still aren't out for BB so probably nothing on that front. The next Adeptus Titanicus splat book maybe since it's been a while.
  10. Thus "which has typically" Not every Monday is BB/Necromunda, but the vast majority of them have been, presumably because they don't need to save one-off resin Star Players and Hired Guns for big events. The Votann reveals have been a mix of Monday (for models) and Thursday.
  11. Squinting at the various influencer videos, there's a particular emphasis on Ogor Butchers. That makes me think we'll see at least one warband themed around them. @KingBrodd In addition, there's a lot of not-very-subtle hints that the Chorfs are coming, specifically that the Horns are their vanguard (we knew that already) and "Hashut's power is unquestionably on the rise". Plus, the Duardin legions are already on their way to Thondia and the Horns are terrified they won't have the Gnarlwood flattened before they arrive. The reference to Daemon-Engines in particular gets me excited as we've not really seen those in AoS yet outside of the Soul Grinder being carried over from Fantasy and would definitely give the Chorfs a unique niche compared to the other Chaos (and Dawi) factions. It also appears 'Savage Seraphon' have replaced Furies and Raptoryxes.
  12. Monday is usually New Model (Monday), which has typically been a FW Specialist Game reveal for Blood Bowl or Necromunda, though we've had other systems in the past (like Arcane Cataclysm). Thursday usually gets a Leagues of Votann article, which can be lore, a new model or both. Wednesday is shilling whatever they're putting onto W+ that week.
  13. Man Reads Book reads Core Rulebook. Man Reads Book reads warband book- tome.
  14. I'll pour a silo full of salt for that one, since the timing of it being said immediately after people figured out the Rumour Engine was from an old Inquisitor (game) model seems suspect.
  15. Some tidbits from the 'Designing the Warbands' article for War Cry.
  16. After they accidentally leaked the video themselves yesterday (and took it down), it's back.
  17. Yeah, GenCon's only a week out so unless somebody leaks something between now and then (entirely possible) I'd be surprised if we hear too much until then. Autumn isn't far off, there's enough 40k and 30k releases to fill August and we've not heard anything about the next four Battletomes. My guess is WarCom will show off Lumineth and DoTzeentch some time between now and the 3rd, and they'll reveal the two Destruction 'tomes at GenCon - maybe with a Battle Box since they seem to love those and they can play up the Small vs Big puns (Gits vs Ogres or Sons). Maybe a Cursed City expansion teaser since we're still three months out from Halloween. 30k, Leagues, World Eaters and Guard will probably clog up most of what's left of 2022, then we get the big StD release in Winter (or at least the Army Box).
  18. To be fair when they're having to compare it to the absolute juggernaut that is 40k, it's hard to not sound deflated by comparison.
  19. Too well-made to be Skaven, too brutal to be Elven. Yeah I'm thinking it's Chorf* time. *All Rumour Engines are Chorf until proven otherwise.
  20. "Due to the abundance of Skryre Acolytes in our warehouses, coupled with the rising cost of metals, we have decided to forestall the planned production of a new, plastic mould for this kit. Instead, we are pressing forward with new, exciting, Lumineth releases."
  21. Necromunda was kept alive by a very dedicated group of committed hobbyists after GW killed Specialist Games, so much like Blood Bowl there's always going to be a strong core of an audience they can sell to. Anything after that when GW 'revived' it was going to be a bonus. Warcry I think suffered because word-of-mouth, even from the less critical influencers, was pretty poor when it released. As the launch of Age of Sigmar itself showed, the audience for a very-casual wargame, even a skirmish one, is much more limited and if you wanted a casual-skirmish-fantasy game you were spoilt for choice anyway. When it comes to their non-core games (40k, AoS, maybe 30k) the pull of being a Games Workshop game loses a lot of it's lustre since it lacks the 'guaranteed playerbase' of the core games, meaning people are happier to try other systems like Frostgrave for a fraction of the price. Warcry 1.0 (and presumably 2.0) also suffers from that weird purgatory where it wants to be a sort of AoS Necromunda - campaign focus, small gangs warbands, terrain heavy, narrative play - but it lacked any of Necromunda's depth, largely because of modern GW's fear of giving new designs weapon/equipment options, whereas half the fun of Necromunda is kitting out and converting your gangers. It's like they can't decide what exactly they want Warcry to be. Is it a super casual narrative game? Okay great, but there's a reason those kinds of systems very heavily push into campaigns, whereas Warcry only seems to be paying them some lipservice, compared to Necromunda which continually pushes out 'fluff releases' of Hangers-On and more expansive campaign books. It also doesn't help that Warcry doesn't really incentivise you to buy anything once you've settled on a warband.
  22. "All the Big Rules Changes in Warcry’s New Edition" Also a How To Play video.
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