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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. 2 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    So they still do battle odes? What was the last one? 

    I think the army boxes have taken over now. 

    Wrath of the Soul Forge King, which was in March...?

    To be fair in the time between then and now it was the new edition launch, so not too surprising we haven't seen another Versus Box.

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  2. 'Eavy Metal interview about Flesh-Eater Courts. Again, some interesting stuff in there.



    One of the traps we tried not to fall into was treating the skin as a uniform almost because that then goes against the whole idea that they were once humans. There might be subtle variations between different Archregent’s courts or differences between courts across the Mortal Realms, but overall it should be the same curse, and it should have a unified effect.



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  3. 3 minutes ago, SunStorm said:

    I'm wondering if they have moved the scope of the game from Empire during the civil war, including Kislev as a major player, like way the old Tamurkhan campaign worked.

    Instead they're now focusing on getting the old discontinued armies with no support in AOS like Brets and TK back, with a couple of new sculpts but then re-releasing older sculpts. 

    Presumably this approach will get them a much larger player base quicker, but personally I was most looking forward to new sculpts and background for Kislev. 

    My guess is they're viewing TOW as a very broad setting with different dates they can yoyo around in.

    IE Rather than AoS or post-8th 40k where you're very definitely playing in the 'modern day', they might drop TOW books taking place decades or centuries forward or backwards from the initial starting point of the War of Three Emperors. 

    I think the reason we heard anything about Kislev was just because the cat was out of the bag due to Total War, but was probably never planned to be the initial focus of TOW.


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  4. 52 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Does anyone know how popular Necromunda is? I have never met anyone that plays it, but that could just be the local scene.

    In my experience Necromunda is one of those weirds games where you don't so much people play it on the regular, as somebody will say "Hey who wants to do a Necromunda campaign for a few weeks?" and then people go out and buy everything for a new gang project/idea they've had (one of several usually) and then after that campaign, it will go into storage for a few months or a year, until it comes back around again.

    It's not a game you see people 'pick up and play' at their local, there's almost always a more organised effort around it - in that respect it's not far off a DnD campaign. 

    From what I've heard it is a good seller. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Is it just me or are these releases too rapid fire as of late?

    I wonder how much of it is them trying to catch up with the Covid 'backlog' - the rapid fire of Votann, Guard refresh and World Eaters over on 40k would certainly point to that too.

  6. 1 hour ago, SunStorm said:

    I'm hoping Kislev is still part of the plan, but I'm assuming they're going to release the game with then old stuff first (TK, Brets, etc) and then move onto new/updated factions?

    I think if Kislev were coming anytime close to launch they'd have announced it by now, but I definitely think they're still on the cards given the big deal they made about designing them with CA. 

    A Great War Against Chaos supplement seems inevitable, which is presumably when they'll cover Kislev and Chaos Daemons. I doubt FW will be able to resist the urge to release Magnus the Pious, Engra Deathsword and Asavar Kul models.


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  7. 36 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    What they were saying is that this is all that they have prepared/planned. If it sells well they would go with more. Also heard them saying that the whole team working on this left and the current one has been working for quite a small time. Like 6 months only.

    Is this the same person claiming they worked on the rules in an afternoon, which is physically impossible? 

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  8. 12 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    Yeah this is what I was thinking. The Flesh Eater Court book is coming out presumably around the same time as DB4, at least in the FOMO box. What exactly is the point of making the leader of a new range that is releasing with a new book the sole focus?

    It may be that Ushoran is crucial to the narrative, rather than FEC getting any additional rules in there.

    Kind of like how the whole series is called Dawnbringers, but CoS only get narrative battleplans and the like.

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