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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. 3 minutes ago, mikethefish said:

    I honestly don't mean to sound harsh, but I think you really need to accept the fact that GW is not really interested in rehashing old Tolkein fantasy tropes.  

    Not trying to pick in you particularly, but that is just the gaming world we are all "living" in right now.  At least this strange human/Duardin/Aelf alliance army is relatively fresh and interesting.


    rehashing old Tolkein fantasy tropes.


    this strange human/Duardin/Aelf alliance army is relatively fresh and interesting


    Humans, Dwarfs and Elves uniting against the other stinkies in the world is pretty damn 'generic'. If anything, the animosity between them in the Old World was pretty refreshing compared to most 'generic' settings.

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  2. I think Warriors/Thunderers are safe just by virtue of getting a reboxing.

    We've still got the (MUCH) cheaper metal Tech-Priest and Commissar models for Imperial Guard, despite both having plastic versions out. The Warrior Priests are probably safe, a least until the mould breaks.

    Unforged will definitely go, since no models for them exist anymore and Fyreslayers are a thing now.

    Swordmasters will go, but I think everybody knew that.

    White Lions have gone 'No Longer Available' on the UK store and they've not shown in any previews yet, but they may well be getting a reboxing.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Kyriakin said:

    Well, I thought this when LoN came out. Give old Vampire Counts players a chance to have fun with their old armies, while waiting for Soulblight, Deathrattle, Deadwalkers, etc.

    However, those other faction names seem functionally extinct now, and we have just a motley crew of random zombies, skeletons and vampires with very little visual cohesion.

    It's only been about a year since Legions of Nagash came out and AoS2 has, thus far, largely been about trying to bring armies without a Battletome up to speed.

    We'll see spin-offs of them eventually, it's just not going to happen overnight with such a full schedule.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Kyriakin said:

    As someone who like BCR for more thematic reasons, I am concerned a Ogre soup tome will strip away our thematic identity (i.e. the Everwinter, etc.) and turn everything back to bish-bosh Ogre Kingdoms 2.0.

    This is my general feeling on soup tomes in general.

     I feel like they lost their nerve with cool, aesthetically tied-together factions and are rushing back to the crutch that is the old world armies.

    I think this is about giving themselves breathing room to expand into more unique, spin-off armies.

    It's a lot easier to do that when 50% of your range isn't stuck in obscurity with barely playable rules, especially when it's very confusing to a newcomer why X has a Battletome and Y doesn't.

    Can you imagine the state of Death in 2019 if it hadn't received Legions of Nagash, for example? But now it's a thing, they're able to potentially expand on things like  Soulblight without leaving most of the range in the dust.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Walrustaco said:

    So how long until stuff starts getting released? When was the last time they announced 3 battletomes at once? 

    They technically didn't mention any kind of Ogor battletome, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume one's coming.

    What was the time between announcing and releasing for the FEC and Skaven stuff, for reference?

    If I remember right, there's a quote floating around from a staffer at one of these that GW generally doesn't show stuff off that's any longer than two months away. There's exceptions to this when it's their big releases (Warcry), but it's generally consistent.

    My guess is we'll get an Ogor vs X boxset before the Battletome, so some ways out yet.

    Free Peoples and Orrukz even had their limited edition books on display, so my guess is no more than a month for them.

  6. 1 minute ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    Really hyped for Ogres and Free People!

    I strongly dislike the inclusion of the Stormcast in the book though. They should have just remained as allies.

    My guess is you'll only be able to take the more baseline units that came at the start of AoS1. None of the spin-off, specialised chambers like Vanguard, Sacrosanct, etc. Basically those who're left behind to garrison a city.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Nox said:

    Comments are allowed on that video 😃 Most likely just forgot to disable it but maybe not ^^ I feel like GW is far enough out of the "dark ages" to maybe start allowing comments again. 

    They've forgotten to disable comments a few times before. I wouldn't read much into it.

  8. 1 minute ago, Overread said:

    I'm guessing Feast of Bones is a new duel starter - so now taking bets on who the Ogors will be facing!

    Bones = Skellingtons?

    Could also be Bonesplittaz, since it refers to a Pact, which implies allegiances. 

  9. I think a lot of these armies are getting combined for two reasons. Firstly, the whole 'split up across a million factions' thing hasn't proven very popular overall as far as I can tell. It would work in a world where GW have infinite resources to stuff us stuff like... a whole, entire, unique Swifthawk Agents range for instance, but they can't. What this does is allow people who dabble in those units to play them as a 'viable' army alongside of the others. Orruks and Bonesplitterz together makes for a fuller army than divided.

    Secondly, it's also financials. If that Ironjaw player can take Bonesplittaz in his Battletome, he's more likely to buy some Bonesplittaz. He's a lot less likely to fork out £25 for a Battletome for that lone Bonesplittaz unit he likes the look of.

    It's like people complaining about the Empire/Free Peoples models. Yes, they're old. They more than likely will get updated, but GW know that probably won't be for several years. Better then that people who are currently playing them get a viable Battletome to mess with, rather than feel burnt out because they're working off crappy PDFs with no Allegiance abilities and the like.

    • Like 3
  10. 3 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

    Quick reminder to anyone who's ever commented  in this thread that when Free Cities are toptiertournamentchaffmeta in six months time that you're fully entitled to cite your posting history here and claim you liked them before they were cool. 😎  

    I'll lay claim to predicting this combined Not!Empire/Dwarf/Old World Elves book months ago.


    • Haha 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Austin said:

    I think when people say lazy they mean that the very old Empire models are still being used.  Not the concept of the battletome itself which seems pretty cool.


    5 minutes ago, xking said:

    I can get over the cities tome. I can't get over the normal humans being just empire models. Normal humans deserved new interesting models, they deserved a revamp.

    I think that new mortal human models are a 'when' and not an 'if' judging by the banner art on the Community site. However there's only so many projects that they can work on at a time and unlike 40k, AoS gets entire, brand new, sweeping ranges very regularly.

    As much as I'm sure most people would love new Free People models, I'd take a stop-gap Legions of Nagash style book in the mean time rather than suffer with unviable rules for another three years or so.

    • Like 3
  12. 3 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    Yeah, but it was needed for all the Old World players of those armies that felt left behind. Now they can use their old models against new armies. 

    I must have at least 4000pts of various Dwarf/Empire/Dark-Wood-High ELF models I collected over the years that I can use with this release. Much of that is just grey plastic I thought I'd never brush the dust off again.

    I rarely get hyped for much AoS stuff but I am over the moon with this.

    • Like 7
  13. 2 minutes ago, xking said:

    Feels kind of lazy, but I guess that's just me.

    Honestly all of the lore regarding the Free Cities has been pointing to this for a long, long time. The setting was growing too large for them to really ignore what they'd established - that a lot of the Old World races inhabit these Free Cities - as well as the issue of a lot of said Old World armies needing Battletome updates to become viable in any way, shape or form.

    I'm usually the first person to criticise GW, but not this time. At the very least, it's a much needed stop-gap between fully fleshed out factions for each of the races.

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  14. 1 minute ago, Infeston said:

    You bad boys! Why did you hype me up! Now I am disappointed. 😄 At least we got something for Destruction. Seems like a united Orruks battletome. But why didn't they unite Ogors! 

    And Free Peoples. I know many people have waited for this! Congrats. 🙂 

    Sadly no Ogors... 😕 

    We've still got the obligatory new faction reveal to go (probably) which will likely be at the very end. The blackened silhouette points to an Ogre too.

    • Like 2
  15. 1 minute ago, novakai said:

    looks like it partially a stormcast tome judging by the cover


    It's probably going to be Totally-Not-GA-Order in the same way Legions of Nagash is for most of the Death range. I admit I expected it to just be Free Peoples/Dispossessed/Elves without the Stormcast, but I guess they fit as well.

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