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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. 22 hours ago, Dead Scribe said:

    That begs the question:  if the game is considered by so many to be inferior or badly balanced, why then do so many people play it?  

    Because for 99% of wargamers, GW products are their entry point and thus creates a monopoly on the wargaming hobby. It only tends to be after people have invested hundreds if not thousands of both [insert your currency] and man-hours that they might contemplate looking into other company's offerings. But then there's another problem... to play those games, you need people to actually play with. This naturally leads to the conclusion that they don't want to 'risk' spending hundreds of pounds on something that might not even get a game with.

    For most people, you play 40k/AoS or you don't play. This is especially true in the UK due to the prevalence of GW stores being in about every major town/city. Wargaming is expensive but at least with 40k/AoS you're almost guaranteed to find a game local to you. In the States you find a wider palette of games due to the prevalence of LFGS' after GW wiped out (and is now slowly rebuilding) their North American stores a few years back.

    This I feel is why GW products do have such a notoriously loud, negative fandom - because a lot of those people would genuinely be happier taking their money elsewhere, the problem is they can't justify taking that step due to the above limitations. As a result, they continue to hope that GW actually improves their pretty horrendous balancing, or else they just don't wargame at all.

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  2. 7 hours ago, prochuvi said:

    Not related to what faction gonna be released but, with the brexxi and how the new eldar box have a cost of 180€.

    Maybe next battleforces have a increase to 180€ also?


    I hope not or i wont buy more if it isnt 100% warranted every unit on it

    Maybe, but compared to things like Shadowspear/Carrion Empire, the Christmas Battleforces aren't guaranteed sellers. Genestealer Cults and StD took over a year to finally go out of stock and several of the non-Imperial/Stormcast ones took nearly as long. They may be wary of putting the price up too much. At most, I could see them go to £125 but £110 seems more likely to me.

  3. I wouldn't count Nighthaunt as out just because they're in Soul Wars. Both Primaris and Death Guard received a box last year despite the raft of support, including Conquest.

    It's not impossible we might see a Fyreslayers box, but I do think it's unlikely.  Most likely it would be Start Collecting(!) with a Battlesmith or Auric Runemaster and a box of Hearthguard, maybe two.  Slaves to Darkness' 2018 box was essentially the Start Collecting(!) with another box of Knights, a Manticore and Warshine. Of course, those were all older kits. On the other hand, Fyreslayers don't exactly shift boxes quickly compared to pretty much any other AoS-only army.

    We've had city boxsets with Firestorm, so I could see Empire Free Peoples getting a box too. StD certainly set up the precedent of older WHFB collections getting one and they don't even have a Battletome.

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  4. These are the current Hammerer... well, hammers. You can see the 'curly' designs in a few of them, particularly the centre. In addition those tiny gems feature quite a bit in Dwarf/Fyreslayer designs.


    What gives me pause is that the haft of the Rumour Engine is quite slim. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

    For me, it's about lacking confidence that my models will be legal in a few years. I move at a rather inconsistent speed, and it could take a few months until I have something ready. GW models are also not the cheapest, and I don't want to spend too much money on fleeting things.

    This is pretty much my take. I have enough WHFB models from pretty much every single CoS race to make an army somewhere in the range of 3000pts. The problem I'm having is justifying adding anymore to that - barring the Battletome obviously - or more specifically, rounding everything but my Dwarfs off into a consistent theme, just on the chance that it all ends up squat'ed in a year or two anyway.

    To be honest though, my gut tells me that GW probably underestimated the hype surrounding CoS, particularly at it's announcement. It's arguably the most talked about Battletome since AoS2 was announced. The poor Orruks and Bonereapers have barely had a word in by comparison. I can't help but wonder if that might spur GW, naturally ever seeking more pennies, to sit up and realise there's definitely an audience for the Old World armies and potentially a continuation of that theme.

    Something tells me the "stinky WHFB models don't fit into AoS!" camp would have nothing but praise if GW rolled out new Not!Empire models tomorrow.

  6. I always find it funny when people claim the Empire models don't fit into AoS. As opposed to what, exactly? The whole Not!RenaissanceHolyRomanEmpire aesthetic is actually quite unique compared to... well, find me a popular fantasy setting with humans that does that.

    Humans in fullplate, chainmail, swords, and shields is about as generic as a fantasy aesthetic as you can get it. Sticking with the Empire aesthetic actually makes Humans in AoS stand out MORE as GW continues trying to carve out it's niche as something different.

    I remember when the Empire received their big update in... 6th, was it? Of which 90% of the surviving range is from. There were so many vocal complaints that the newer models didn't fit the tone, they were too 'fantastical'.  Seems we've gone full circle.


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  7. 10 hours ago, Envyus said:

    It's nothing to do with Counts as. The Witch Hunter is super iconic, and it's kind of a shame they appear to be leaving the game. A new Witch Hunter model would be cool. 

    Especially when there's already a lot of Black Library stories, including several full-blown novels, featuring them as main characters, cover art and all.


  8. 19 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Marketing-wise it makes absolutely ZERO sense to put Chaos Warriors/STD at the end as Chaos sold more than most other armies from WHFB combined. Sure, that itch got scratched with the god-specific armies but frankly in relation almost nobody gives a damn about ogors or Aelves in relation to simple Chaos Warriors who made up a majority of WHFB sales. That GW hasn't managed to get a new kit out for the single most iconic Warhammer unit is baffling at this point, especially because 5/6 are potential buyers.


    Varanguard? They're Undivided Chaos Knights+1, right down to the colour scheme.

    Also, the Blight Kings and Blood Warriors are also clearly meant to invoke a very similar vibe/aesthetic as Chaos Warriors just devoted to a specific God, something which was requested for years by Warriors of Chaos players, long before AoS was even a glimmer in GW's eyes.

    Just because the Thousand Sons and Death Guard received models years before Vanilla Chaos Marines didn't mean they were doomed, low and behold, they weren't.

  9. Hm, what do you think would be a good list to lost Gotrek into? At a glance he seemed a pretty simple 'plug in and play', but devouring over a quarter of a 2000pt list, coupled with how pricey Fyreslayers can get, it has me wondering.

  10. I think all of the doomsaying regarding Everchosen is a bit preemptive. It's my belief they're merely at the back of the queue because unfortunately somebody has to be. 

    From a marketing perspective, it also makes some sense to put War Cry out there and then in a few months, when the novelty dries up, go "Ah, what a perfect opportunity to make a new army with your War Cry models as figureheads with the new Everchosen(tm) Battletome."

    That, or we'll be heading towards a full blown revamp of ye olde Warriors of Chaos range to bring them closer to the Vanguard Varanguard.

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  11. Like some others, my guess is they're going to be repacked with the new 'full' decks of updated neutrals. If they were being culled I expect they'd have yanked the model-only packs along with them.

    My guess is we'll see them the same time as the Cursebreakers and Thorns get a standalone release.

    The updated Underworlds site, awash with Beastgrave, still lists them as playable Warbands... at the top of it, incidentally.

  12. 1 hour ago, Shankelton said:

    When, ever, has Games Workshop released a brand new faction directly into a discounted bundle? 

    They used to do what they're doing again with the new Sisters of Battle Army Box until about twelve or so years ago. Codex + the new models at a slightly discounted price and/or a limited edition model only from that box.

  13. 6 hours ago, Maturin said:

    Would it be condone by GW?

    These largely fall on a store-by-store basis in the same way the allowance of Forge World models does. If HQ inquired, he'd probably say that he has an X% increase of paint sales around tournaments when he requires it and that would be the end of it. By the same token, another store might say allowing grey plastic encourages people who're paint-shy to buy more kits to participate. 

    One of the stores near me is absolutely fine with grey plastic on any and all occasions, including tournaments. 

    One of the other stores near me will give bonuses to the opponent when attacking an unpainted model.

    Warhammer World events do require painted/based, however.

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