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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. Ahahahahahaha. This is the best news in years. Brilliant.

    I don't think this will split the playerbase. Remember how poor AoS first year was? The majority of AoS players are new to the system. Most WHFB players who're playing AoS probably still have the vast majority of their collection in storage, particularly since by the time many returned from the initial shock of AoS, much of the old range had been squat'ed. Also, as has been said, 30k didn't split the 40k playerbase.  Another thing to consider is that many WHFB players who swore off AoS due to it's lingering taint of having killed off the game they loved will probably consider dipping their toes into it for the first time.

    I predict in the coming years we'll see quite a few "I've been staying away from AoS after WHFB died for it, but now it's coming back I thought I'd try it..." posts on the Introduction forum..

    What I am curious about is how the kits will work. Is this going to be a LotR situation where older moulds are brought back (and occasionally withdrawn, then put back in) from those that have since been squat'ed, or are we going to see whole new ranges of new miniatures? 

    • Like 1
  2. AoS-Apocalypse with it's own kind-of-similar ruleset akin to 40k and 8th Apocalypse, one which harkens back to Fantasy with more streamlined ranked shenanigans akin to Kings of War/A Song of Ice and Fire.

    WHFB going to Forge World in a similar vein to Lord of the Rings.

    Those are my two guesses... however, both of those things feel like something they'd save for an event reveal rather than randomly reveal them on Community one night. 

    • Like 1
  3. They won't want AoS and 40k's editions competing with one another for attention and impulse buying.

    Most likely it's going to be 9th, since 40k is far and away their biggest seller and AoS2 is only just over a year old. That being said, AoS will probably get something like at least one new (new) army reveal.

  4. 18 hours ago, Forrix said:

    Hell, this will be the first time we've seen a story arch that isn't Stormcast vs someone. It feels like GW is acknowledging that not everyone has a massive, raging, hard-on for Sigmar.

    My impression is when AoS began - indeed, probably the whole reason AoS even came into existence - is because GW thought that they could make lighting strike twice (pun not intended) with Space Marines. That's why we ended up with a year or two of largely Stormcast, and the lore itself almost exclusively talking about Stormcast, and how everybody wished they were Stormcast or wishing they could fight Stormcast.

    Whilst they're definitely popular, the most popular army in the game even, it's apparent you're a lot more likely to bump into another army 'out in the wild' than you are Space Marines, where it's a 70/30 chance of a random opponent using some form of loyal power armour. I'm really glad GW seems to be rolling with that acknowledgement of other armies existing, rather than pulling the 40k team's trick of "NO, YOU NEED MORE MARINES! THESE ARE THE ELITER ELITIST BEST EVER MARINES, BUY MORE OF THEM PLEASE!"

    It's nice getting excited to see what's coming next in a preview - be that models or books - without having to temper my expectations because "Well there's at least a 50% chance it's going to be loyalist Marines, so I should just ready myself for disappointment." Plus, Warriors of Chaos were the closest thing to a 'most popular army' in WHFB and with the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the new Slaves to Darkness kits I think GW might actually have solid cause to keep up that trend.

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, Televiper11 said:

    I agree that we need a Witch Hunter. Also a Warrior Priest. Hopefully regular and mounted versions.

    I'm still a bit baffled why these were removed, especially the SoH chap. The former I could see due to "mould broke and we're down to our last stocks" but one only came out a couple of years ago. Nevermind Witch Hunters nearly rival Stormcast for the most prominent Black Library protagonists in AoS works.

    The only explanation I could think of would be a future Temple of Sigmar Battletome, but that seems really niche, nevermind we still have Flagellants. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Barbossal said:

    I agree with a few previous comments, a lot of these names written feel like they weren't spoken out loud before writing.

    How many times have we seen Kharadron Overlords spelled wrong before? Khadaron, Kharadon, etc. I event had to look at the webstore to remember how it was spelled out. Or I could just use KO. :P

    It's even worse if you've played Warmachine.

  7. 3 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    The fact that the battletome is coming now does make me wonder if there will be a multipart kit. You would have thought the chance to sell a load of multipart new chaos units would be when their new book is launching. 

    I suspect we may get the SC set released as separate boxes, but the same models, at somepoint in 2020.

    So hope you like monopose. 

    Between the Warriors being push-fit and the new Chaos Space Marine Start Collecting(!) being the mono-builds from Shadowspear, it does seem like Games Workshop's strategy going forward is to make their SC(!)s momo-pose. No doubt when Sisters of Battle get a box they'll receive most of the contents from the limited edition Army Box since they're the same.

    Presumably their strategy is to discourage people from stocking up on x3 Start Collecting's to build a core of their force and get them to buy the full multi-part kit instead, at least if they don't want an army of the same identical poses (which most won't I imagine).

    The only upside is that it bodes well for a multipart Warrior/Knight kit in the future. Sisters are getting a mono-pause Battle Sister kit in a month or so, but their multi-part set won't arrive until next year. This is presumably the same situation.

    • Confused 1
  8. 1 hour ago, JPjr said:

    Is it too early to start a...

    Slaves to Darkness, hideously overpowered! Oh god GW are such idiots they’ve ruined the game for the 50th time this week alone, I hate everything to do with this game, it’s such a load of rubbish, GW are hateful morons that wouldn’t know how to create a decent game, Archaon is too powerful, Chaos Knights are too strong, typical stupid power creep. AoS won’t make it to 2020 at this rate, in fact let’s just put it out of its misery now because if you like this game then you’re an even bigger idiot than GW. Anyway why can’t I find anyone to play with?

    ... thread yet?

    Yawn. The same tired old complaining about complaining that wasn't clever the first time you posted about it.

    • Sad 3
  9. I noticed most Hallowheart lists tend to shy away from Dispossessed units. Since I have a big collection of ye olde WHFB models of that variety and Hallowheart is the City I'm eyeing up (mainly for the colour scheme), which of their units is generally considered the most useful to bring along?

  10. I think the new Warriors of Chaos make me a bit more optimistic that we might see a straight update of the Free Guild/Empire kits, especially if they're a success. The reaction to them being WHFB+1 rather than wholly unique to AoS trying to be totally different and 'epic' has been quite telling in my opinion, especially compared to the Ossiarchs. I did think that CoS would just be one last "Hurrah" before being left to languish but new kits for Sexually Transmitted Diseases does give me hope - especially when I believed they'd share the same fate.

    Now, 2020? Okay, I'm being a bit too optimistic here. Maybe in a couple of years at least.

    On the other hand, the big, prominent, Community banner that came with AoS2 does have what appear to be Freeguild (or at least mortal humans) in a design we've not seen before, so if those designs were at least in the planning stages in 2018 they can't be that far off.


  11. This actually makes me excited for what might be cooked up for say... Free Guild/Empire, updating/upgrading older kits to bring them into 2020, rather than trying to be so over the top it looks like a parody.

    They're without a doubt my favourite models of AoS so far. The reaction to them compared to the Bonereapers is quite telling I feel.

    • Like 7
  12. I love them. They're just such a perfect continuation of both of the iconic Chaos Warrior AND the old WHFB sculpts. They're a straight 'upgrade'/update of those models, rather than something radically different merely inspired by it.


    • Like 5
  13. 9 hours ago, Panzer said:

    And they don't. They openly admit and report regularly that they make big cash ever since their restructure. Financially GW is doing better than ever and the fact that their sales keep rising despite increasing prices speaks a very clear language. One that very much disagrees with you.

    Except as the previous 'era' of GW showed, customers do have camel backs that straws can break. Even during their low point, they were turning a profit - albeit one that was decreasing every year.

    A lot of those recent sales were driven by the, quite effective, campaign of 'change', however it's only been... what, three years ago since the Dark Times? In a hobby age bracket that's getting older, that's not long at all . Hell, this thread is overwhelming full of people saying it's impacted how much they're buying. Can you imagine such a thing on TGA of all places a year ago?

    We've also not had financials since the price rise. They'll still turn a huge profit, no doubt, but I don't doubt there will be a slowdown.

  14. They definitely seem to go with what they think sounds and looks cool rather than having any concern for practicality. Some sets have been both aesthetically pleasing and work well, whilst others fail on all accounts. 

    The Death Guard dice look great, but they roll around as well as me rolling up a ball from chewing gum I've been munching.

    The latest batch of Genestealer Cult dice have the faction as... the 1, and a normal 6 symbol. They said they were moving away from this and having faction symbols on the 6 but decided against it on that set for, uhhh, well who knows? 

    I'm pretty happy with my Fyreslayer dice, but there can be some confusion when both the 1 and 6 are both 'faces' (one is a skull, the other is a rune in the shape of a head) which from a distance can throw your opponent or people with poor vision off. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, Panzer said:

    I honestly still barely believe that they are supposed to be Nagash's most elite guys. 25mm bases and spears just feels wrong. Them being called a legion feels wrong too for an elite faction.

    I agree. They're compared to Stormcast a lot, but they really do come across as far more rank-and-file soldiers than something truly elite. I suppose they're meant to elite compared to standard, mass-raised skeletons, but.

  16. I admit, the Bonereapers are growing on me. However I have to agree with others that the Endless Spells scheme would improve the actual models by about 500%. I am a little dismayed that the interview stating these are Nagash's elite reduces the odds we'll see a Soulblight force anytime soon.

  17. 2 hours ago, michu said:

    So how it will work if we get non-Order characters? Does soulbounding work for them too? And if ScE cannot perform soulbounding then god-specific Chaos Warriors have the same condition as their souls are already owned by their patrons? And is soulbounding necessary for the player characters?

    My guess is non-Order PCs will have a different mechanic, since Soulbinding seems very specifically "Agents of Order." Death are all bound up Nagash's will, so there's your hook right away. Chaos is... Chaos. Destruction is where I'm curious about how it will work.

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