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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. 24 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

    Not Grungni.  KO are from Grungni., Fyreslayers are from Grimnir.  We need the return of Valaya.  Hearth and hold dwarfs.

    Kharadrons are generations removed 'from' Grungi. They pay lip service to the Ancestor Gods at best (barring Barak-Thryng) but they resent him for being all but useless during the Age of Chaos. They're all about faith in science and themselves now.

    Dispossessed are the 'Grungi Dawi', who may well evolve into something similar to the Luminarks. We know that he's working on something and the latest Kharadron lore mentions Gholems inhabited the Dwarf-held Chamon kingdoms.

    I'd guess when/if Valaya shows up we'll see a more matriarchal/priestly theme to round out the Fyreslayers abundance of testosterone. That's assuming they don't have her corrupted after her stint of being MIA.

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  2. I'm excited, even though I have no interest in collecting the Lumineth. Why? Because to sound like a broken record, between these and the Warriors of Chaos, it seems like GW is hearkening back to WHFB's deigns with Mortal Realm elements, rather than going completely over the top. These definitely feel a lot more grounded overall, but still with an AoS spin that isn't completely bizarre and dare I say 'forced to be different'. They're recognisable, but not so far out they - save Teclis' fursona, arguably - would be totally out of place in the Old World.

    It means updated Free Guild and Dispossessed models (armies?) aren't such a fleeting hope after all.

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  3. 16 minutes ago, Gecktron said:

    Now, the question remains, are they going to be Destruction? Destruction deserves a new faction. But if GW wants to replicate the Knights success they have to aim for the biggest audiance. 

    When the current Giant kit first came out it was sold on having four variants for the different armies that used them - Ogre Kingdoms, Orcs & Goblins, Beasts of Chaos and Dogs of War. It could be they try and push it as a centre piece model for 'every' army with different variants. That seems unlikely however, as I don't recall a time when GW has ever released a 'neutral' army book aside from Dogs of War.

    More likely it seems to be a Destruction release, if only because of the giant shield Rumour Engine we had a few days back with the proportionally tiny Ironbreaker shield attached to it. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, HollowHills said:

    I'm not saying WHFB models should have rules so bad they are a total joke. 

    More like if you have two equal skilled players and one is playing an old WHFB army and the other an army made for aos then the aos army should be better on paper. 

    Is it really good for the game that a new player to aos who picks up either Nighthaunt or Stormcast will soon discover they are far worse than ancient WHFB armies like cities of sigmar or skaven? 

    90% of the Imperial Guard line in 40k is close to eighteen years old. Much of it's actually older than most of AoS' leftover WHFB models. Would you argue then that the Imperial Guard 'dex should be weaker than Space Marines because they're far older sculpts?

    Again, what happens in ten years if Idoneth go without an update and there's all these new, fancy kits around? Should Idoneth have worse rules because of they're now an 'ancient' army?

    Of course, you'd disagree because this is yet another poorly disguised hate post for WHFB. After the success of CoS and the continued aesthetic of WoC/Pointy Elves it looks like we'll be getting more influence from the Old World rather than less. Tick tock.

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  5. HollowHills wanting anything vaguely related to WHFB to get squat'ed. Isn't this new. Did some Greatswords pulp your Eels?

    So let's say Idoneth go ten years without an update, their kits are showing their age compared to say... the new Freyius Peoplium and Flat Duradin books. Would you agree to giving Idoneth a weak book because their models aren't as new? What happens if Cities of Sigmar does receive an update and they keep the Empire aesthetic? Should the new Warriors of Chaos have weaker rules than Blood Warriors because they're literally just an update to a WHFB kit?

    And believe me, there were people who said Kharadrons didn't fit AoS when they were first revealed. 

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  6. On 1/17/2020 at 4:40 PM, Rod said:

    with the highelves reboot , do you guys think there's hope for a classic dwarf, shield n hammer release? 

    Between the new Warriors of Chaos and Teclis not looking out of place as a WHFB model I do think there's a very real possibility GW has realised there's a market for models who're more 'updates' of older lines than AoSified, over the top redesigns. If you'd asked me two months ago I'd have said no,  but my tune's changing on that front.

    However, I think it's going to come down to what's shown off next week, though after the amount of squat'ing of High Elf models in CoS (which the Dark Elves were spared) I don't think they'll be too drastic a change from the old line. 

  7. Ehhh... People were saying the exact same thing about the Slaves to Darkness book - or lack thereof - when Ossiarchs were announced.

    "A whole new army announcement? Orruk and Cities of Sigmar Battltomes but no StD reveal? This is it, they're NEVER getting a Battletome ever! It's over for us bros!"

    Low and behold...


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  8. 8 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Sorry to be the guy but this Is total conjecture which is not borne out by the evidence at all. 

    GW are reporting best ever sales year after year, but balance has for GW has always been garbage.

    *At best* you can say that bad overall balance kills the casual scene from one perspective but the overwhelming evidence points to an increasing focus on accessibility and availability to the hobby that GW has been prioritising means that approach brings in far more than a lack of focus on balance loses. 

    Poor balance kills accessibility and availability though. When more armies are balanced - I say more, because they'll always be top dogs - then you're encouraging a wider spread of players to get stuck in and have a good time, compared to going up against generally unfun lists like Ossiarchs and Iron Hands. I know I sure don't want to play 40k until my GSC can actually stand a chance against casual Marine lists when the latter is pretty much designed to wipe the former off the board.

    Good balance is pretty much always a positive, both internal and external within/against a book. Poor balances serves nobody save GW wanting to shift old, dusty stock that's suddenly powerful.

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  9. 57 minutes ago, Dead Scribe said:



    Here is a question I'd like to pose, because it seems there are a lot of people here, on facebook, on dakka, everywhere, that constantly say the bad balance kills their scene, but say that for years so to me their scene is still going (I know I'm not arguing the balance is bad, because it *is* bad but my scene is still huge *despite* the bad balance)

    If its that bad and you feel it kills it for you or you casual scene, why do you keep coming back for more?  Why doesn't your casual scene find a different game to play?

    Because people are afraid of investing into other games when they've already spent hundreds/thousands on their GW collections. They don't want to take the plunge, spend a lot of money, then have their collections wasted because GW puts out a new edition, says "It's the best ever!" then everybody flocks back like what happened with 40k 8th. Even in this example the CASUAL scene died but they can still get WAAC/tournament games. It's why GW games usually have such vocally negative fandoms and indeed pretty dire balance, but they keep selling... well, the core games anyway.

    If 7th Edition 40k was put out by any other company, that would've been it. If AoS 1E had been put out by any other company we'd never have heard about that game for more than a month. The difference is that people know they will always find games with GW core products eventually and are very eager to invest back into it for that reason, no matter how bad the game is.

    The casual scene in these places might well die off, but within a few months it will springboard back because if there's one thing GW's fandom will do, it's give them unlimited chances.

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  10. That design would not be out of place in WHFB. 

    I think that means we're going to see more of an 'update' of the old High Elf models akin to the new Warriors of Chaos, rather than a major new re-design which just calls back to it. Would certainly explain why so much of their stuff in CoS got squatted.

  11. 1 hour ago, Ser_namron said:

    Ya i painted a thunderer last night with mainly contrasts and it just looked kinda meh. But i just primed my whole army in the grey seer contrast primer lol.  I really wanted to go for an arctic theme and some of the blues would look nice in the contrast lines. 

    Contrast jobs almost always look meh unless you take some Layer paints and touch it up in the usual fashion. 

    Personally I only use them for fur, baggy clothing and glazes, because if I use them for anything else I spent as much time trying to fix tide marks that I might as well have basecoated/washed/basecoated. 

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  12. Barak-Thrying. Younglings of other Sky-Ports barely respect their elders, so it's no surprise they have no reverence for their ancestors. 
    More to the point, I chose them because they're the closest to the traditional Dawi.
  13. 16 hours ago, GDD said:

    I like the "runic invocation" type prayers you see on Fyreslayers and Dispossessed, but that narrative doesn't really work for KO.
    I wouldn't mind having some more abilities like the Navigator has -were he or the Khemist could cause some sort of "Aethermatic Reactions/Phenomena" though. The army already sort of plays on that idea with the aethergold-shares and the Navigators ability.

    Runes are practical and Kharadrons are anything if not pragmatic. Aether-infused runes that function akin to Spells/Prayers would be very fitting and hearken back to their roots. I've said this since Endless Spells were announced, but I'd love if all the Dawi factions received a unique, Runic system in the same vein as what Prayers are for non-magical factions. Hell, some of the more basic ones could even be shared among the <Duradin> factions with each spin-off getting it's unique spin. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, GorbadIronClaw said:

    To be honest, actually the weirdest thing I found here and that I really can't buy is TOW beign announced by GW yet when supossedly there are still 3/4 years for it to be launched      😕???

    Is there any precedent for such an anticipated reveal on WH History? What is the reason for this rush? I have the impression that we are beign deceived, and it will come out a lot sooner than we are beign told... 3/4 years is more than enough time for things to happen, like to suffer a cancellation/delay, and so. I can't see the point in taking the risk of letting down the fan base. 

    There's a couple of reasons, I reckon. First is that there''s still a decent number of former WHFB players who wouldn't touch AoS due to it replacing their game. By declaring that WHFB Is 'safe' and will be coming back, for most of those people much of disdain for AoS will likely fade away since the two will co-exist next to one another, rather than be seen as one that replaced the other. In this way, you've got three years of "I never played AoS but since WHFB is coming back I guess I will give it a try." You can already see this happening quite bit with many newbies in various places. From a business perspective, it's better to have those people buy your products for 3-4 years in anticipation for what you're developing, rather than spring it on them one-two months before release.

    The second is that Kings of War recently unveiled it's third edition and A Song of Ice and Fire (another ranked-formations game) has been carving out a growing audience for itself - despite the end of Game of Thrones even. GW likely tossed this announcement out there in order to knock the wind out of their sails some, especially since one thing GW can rely on is extreme brand loyalty owing to its reliably huge (compared to other wargames) playerbase.

  15. 16 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    I hope not! I remember playing historical games when I was younger and the club I played at treated them as simulations, which basically led to arguments about what X could do against Y. As a child this put me off any game which tries to do this!

    Funny, historicals wargamers are usually the opposite in my experience, far more likely in games like Flames of War to take an 'authentic' force than whatever is the most overpowered combination of units very little historical context or grounding, as well as scenarios and terrain that's not strictly fair if it makes sense in context.

    Hell, it's why 30k's community is often compared to historical wargaming so much. the emphasis on fluff and immersion than raw stats. 

  16. 1 hour ago, GeneralZero said:

    Now that I'm officially a balloon dwarf admiral but also a bad painter with a patience tending to zéro, I'm trying to find a way to speed painting my units: my starting point is quite homogeneous: 3 aether war box + ironclad. so:

    - 18 balloon guys

    - 2 balloon heros (will resell the third probably)

    - 3 gunhaulers

    - 1 Ironclad

    Any tips/video that can help? (I don't want a particular barak/port paint scheme, so, I don't care about colours) (PS: my thinking: leadbelcher spray as a start? or gold? etc...then adding few details?)


    For the ships: Tamiya Masking Tape, Spray Cans and sub-assemblies. 

    Wrap the bits you don't want to be X colour in masking tape (MUST be a brand of modelling tape or you'll rip the paint off), spray, then repeat using the different coloured cans. Apply dabs of wash to the rivets and recess (don't just splash it on everything or it will streak like crazy).  Slap some Soulstone Blue on the windows. Glue the sub-assembles together.

    For the infantry, consider the Contrast paints.


  17. 20 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

    With how they approach aelves, I wouldn‘t be surprised (in the slightest) to see a third duardin faction, closest to the roots, following Valaya.

    Oh Valaya's definitely going to show up with her own Dwarfs at some point, I'd put money on it. They'd have just said 'Nagash ate her fully in the End Times lmao' rather than just that he robbed (some of?) her power if they didn't plan to do something her, rather than being  MIA at present. 

    I would not, however, put money on that happening anytime soon.

    Now I think about it, Valaya's Light Dwarfs vs Malekith Malerion's Shadow Elves would make for a fun conflict and show some inter-GA strife.

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