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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. 2 hours ago, King Under the Mountain said:

    Although I would never be caught dead playing Elgi (and also don't tell the angry people in the Rumor thread) but i think Lumineth hits a pretty good balance of Traditional High Elves and AoSness. 

    In fairness, I thought the initial Lumineth reaction was all around very positive. If anything, there was more griping from those who wanted them more uniquely AoS and not as strong on the High Elf aesthetic. That then appeared to go in  reverse after the latest reveals. They at least appear to be striking a balance with your basic building blocks with quite subdued designs and sparing the OTT 'WOW LOOK AT THE HELLA EPIC DANGLY/SPIKY BITS BRO WWOOAAHH' on the larger centrepiece models.

    Elf Hammerers though? I don't care how good (or not) they look, that's a Grudge right there.

    • Like 1
  2. On 4/3/2020 at 5:21 PM, Reuben Parker said:

    But why start a flame war?

    Sadly it seems more often than not you're free to be as condescending and snarky as you like on here so long as it's in defence of GW. It's why a lot of critical posts get a string of smart-arsed replies, but people recoil in shock and 'wow just wow' when the same is returned.

    Anyway there's been a few edits of the Not!Hammerers floating around with the bull-ornamentation snipped off and they look pretty decent without them. Overall I'm quite fond of the initial Lumineth units shown. I'm not a lover of anything elven so I wouldn't pick them up regardless, but I do think GW are at their strongest whenever they try and make something more basic than 'hella epic and unique'.

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 4/4/2020 at 3:44 AM, King Under the Mountain said:

    Finally a thread of our own. 

    So with the hopefully more traditional Dwarf army for AoS coming sometime what kind of units do you imagine would be in it?  You can think out of the box (Cow Mountains).

    I hope for a Grungi center piece and Golems at the very least.

    I definitely think Golems are going to be a 'thing' considering they're mentioned as living in Chamon in the Kharadron Battletome I believe? Or at least, they were hanging out there when Grungi built his turf up. That to me implies there's more to them than just rune-powered automata like most people wanted/predicted, perhaps something akin to the Iron Dwarves in WoW. Now whether that means it's going to be an Ossiarch-esq situation where Dispossessed are hanging out in the background and these are essentially the replacement for traditional Dawi in the same way Ossiarchs will no doubt cannibalise any kind of skeleton model going forward... we shall see.

    I do think GW seem more conscious that a very sizeable portion of AoS' potential playerbase prefer traditional designs, thus things like the new Chaos Warriors, Cities of Sigmar and the basic Lumineth units.

  4. The names do look to align with the concept art. 

    Kraken-eater is holding part of a boat in his hand, with other maritime objects on him (anchors, etc). There's also crew still on the boat in the art, which if the model ends up being heavily based off it will be the Humans referred to presumably.

    The Stomper is wielding a weapon in each hand, appears to be more heavily armoured/geared than the others including a metal bowl helmet. 

    The Gatebreaker has the topknot, the... well, gate covering his groin and a single club, probably resembles the old plastic kit the most.


    From what was said on stream, it sounds like Aleguzzler will remain it's own thing, probably to fluff the unit numbers out a bit? 

    • Like 3
  5. Just now, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    Wanderers?!!! Oh man that would be awesome to see. Please let it be so.

    More likely it'll be a Treeman for Blood Bowl. They had the old one on Made To Order a few weeks ago.

    • Sad 1
  6. On 4/3/2020 at 4:24 AM, Kadeton said:

    This is the problem with the Grand Alliances. Death, Chaos and even Destruction are narrowly defined - you have to meet very specific criteria in order to "fit", e.g. worshipping specific gods. Order, by contrast, is broadly defined as "anything that doesn't fit into the other Alliances". Any attempt to narrow the definition of Order to a more specific ideology will leave several armies without an Alliance.

    GW should just do away with Grand Alliances altogether at this point. They were a necessary crutch while the game was limping along with an incomplete set of Allegiances, but now they're restrictive and irrelevant. It doesn't actually matter if Malerion's aelves are Order, Chaos, whatever... the only meaningful consideration is who they can ally with, because Grand Alliance armies are non-viable.

    I don't have an issue with the Grand Alliances existing so long as there is a suitable lore reason for just about every army within said GA to fight another. I think that was one of the early problems with the start of AoS, when Order consisted of Super Friends whilst also being by far the most popular grouping.  Luckily they do seem to have been actively steering away from that and most of the new armies aren't on kissing terms with the others.

    Which I suppose now means that it's become Death's 'problem' wherein other than FEC and maybe Soulblight, there's not much basis for inter-Death conflicts. This isn't as bad in AoS as it is in 40k (where 80% of games end up being Imperial vs Imperial if not Marines vs Marines), but still. 

    Anyway, I don't think GW will abandon the Grand Alliance concept purely because it low-key 'encourages' people to dip into (roughly) 1/4th of the games other factions for allies, which may potentially spawn another full-blown army purchase.

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  7. 20 hours ago, Reuben Parker said:

    I think people need to expect and accept that sigmar isn’t going to have any new “normal” armies. Every new army has been that way for a long time. Personally I like their fantastical elements so it’s not an issue for me. I can understand those that don’t but unfortunately for them I don’t see it changing. 

    The new Warriors of Chaos SC(!) was pretty 'normal'. I think between the overwhelmingly positive response to that, the early LRL reveals and the success of Cities of Sigmar will send a clear message there's a demand for less over-the-top designs.

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  8. One of the more interesting fantasy concepts to me are death gods who aren't pure evil and one of my disappointment with AoS fluff is Nagash being in near complete and total control of Death, with all over gods being explicitly snuffed by him. I wouldn't mind so much if he wasn't such a huge ******. Having a viable alternate of worship to Sigmar in the Mortal Realms could've been very interesting when it came to the Soul Wars conflict (revere Nagash, get a cozy spot in the underworld instead of being tortured by Chaos for eternity).

    Sure, it would've been Out Of Character for Nagash to be anything but said arsehole however it read like Black Library was at least trying a bit with snippets of Malign Portents and some of the books to give just a little bit more nuance than Skeletor. Of course much like Abaddon, GW's writing team can't seem to manage anymore than Saturday morning cartoon villain mode 24/7.

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    • Confused 1
  9. Part of me does hope they're restricted to one faction (in this case, presumably Destruction) because otherwise we'd be liable to see every other game include one as an Ally, as 40k felt like (with Imperials being by far the most played faction) every other game included a Knight or two. It would definitely bring something unique to Destruction  which I feel is in an identity limbo of sorts, not unlike what Death was prior to Nighthaunt and Ossiarchs. Being the sole claimants of a 'big stompy monsters as literally their entire theme' would be pretty novel.

    But on the other hand... I think the concept of different giants who aren't the standard 'fee fi fo thumb' brutes is pretty cool. I don't see that happening though, just because GW have always seemed very nervous about 'neutral' factions (Blood Axes and Kroot working for other armies never made it out of WD articles, Guard Detachments in GSC are arbitrarily penalised, Dogs of War didn't last too long, etc). I also don't see how they'd manage to make a Death giant work out of the same box as the others, although I suppose a few limbs and a head could have flesh peeling off. Also Lumineth are getting their own giant mountain-bull-things and I don't see them introducing 'Order giants' literally the release before/after when it might dig into those sales. 

  10. If I'm bitter about something it's that I absolutely adored the White Lions models, both back when they were a single metal unit, then the 'totally-not-a-White-Lion' prince model released for Lustria and my being toppled out of my seat when the plastics, chariot and special character were revealed. I loved them, both the fluff and the look. They had a more hardy, rugged look (covered in pets naturally leads to that), but maintained the elegance and pristine state of elves.

    I would much rather they'd continued down that route than 'Bulls'. I'm usually the first person who's all for more grounded AoS kits and as much as I think the Not!Hammerers look good, I do think they would've been far more interesting as a continuation of the White Lions. Something tells me that one of the designers made a joke about "Haha get it, elves with WARHAMMERS? And the game is Warhammer?" but they got taken way too seriously and none had the heart to stop them before it went too far. An axe isn't really a weapon commonly associated with elves if their thinking was to do something different.


    • Like 3
  11. My prediction is they're going to start drip feeding reveals out slowly to keep up 'interest in the brand'. Whether this means a few things have been trimmed off the Not!Adepticon reveals or not is another story, but I could see a few things having been quickly shunted into reserve, or turned more into teasers than outright reveals so they can ensure maximum numbers of people chomping at the bits to throw hard cash GW's way as soon as this is over, rather than have them slowly feed back in once the "Oh right I wonder what's going on with Warhammer..." if they show/release nothing for months.

  12. 30 minutes ago, michu said:

    And some people on facebook already complained that this unit looks to AoS, doesn't fit WFB and GW ruined their game again... Sigmar's beard, now I undestand Archaon.

    EDIT: And how, after 5 years and muliple big tournaments, can they say no one play AoS and it's a flop? How?


    Is every single TOW reveal now going to have a queue of posts whining about "DAMN WHFB GROGS, THEY'RE NOT LIKE US AOS PLAYERS, THEY'RE NEVER HAPPY AMIRITE?" going forward? 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  13. 20 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    he riled a lot of fans  by saying that hobbyists' favourite activity was "buying things from Games Workshop", as opposed to painting or collecting or gaming

    I mean he's not wrong considering the impulse buying and massive stacks of plastic and/or boxes you see floating around a lot  collections. I'd be lying if I didn't cringe a bit when I see people posting photos of their buying something like x9 Start Collecting's and a load of blisters, knowing that almost none of that will be unwrapped before burn out kicks in sooner rather than later.

    Everything else in the interview roughly aligns with the consensus from people of AoS1 being hastily rushed and last minute changes though.

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