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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. 11 hours ago, alghero81 said:

    In WHFB was any army lost before the 8th edition lost? Not considering Kislev or Araby that never had real rules for the main game.

    The Storm of Chaos themed army lists were largely dropped and pretty much none of the units made it into future army books, most notably the Teutogen Guard (some of the best sculpts GW ever did) Doom Seekers, Goblin Hewer and Flayerkin. Only the Hellcannon survived over into what would become Warriors of Chaos and Daemonic Legions eventually became Daemons of Chaos.

    They were, admittedly, more like spin-offs of the existing Army Books than full, unique armies but they didn't lack for flavour and unique models.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Whitefang said:

    Hot take

    Stormcast should remove boob armor and both male and female should wear similar heavy plate like chaos warriors 

    I think part of it comes down to how recognisable you want the models to be as women at 28mm. In artwork it's all well and good, but when you're staring down at 28mm models the distinction between what's a man and a woman in heavy plate becomes very muddled. Now whilst I'm sure that's what most people on this thread would say they'd like, you sort of end up in this redundant position where none can actually tell they're women without squinting - Schrodinger's Woman, if you will. Now if you're trying to pitch an army that might appeal to women, at first glance I imagine the vast majority of people would just assume they're men anyway and if you're after models that are distinctly women, they're sort of... not. 

    I won't claim to be a fan of boob plate, but I can see the out-of-game logic of Stormcast keeping it in order to affirm the distinction that they're a mixed gender bunch rather than making someone squint hard and see a few of them have slightly narrower faces.

    I think something that's also worth mentioning is that most women I've wargamed and RPG'ed with (be that on an MMO or D&D) are not, shock horror, adverse to their characters being attractive, having a distinctively feminine appearance, etc. It's not a hivemind of, "silly boys just want to sexualise us!" There's a reason that Elves tend to be absurdly popular amongst the fairer sex. (anyone who's ever been in a large RP group can tell you this)  That's not me saying every female model has to be beautiful and lithe and a spellcaster (they shouldn't), but similarly not everyone of them needs to be grungy, gritty, grizzled and indistinguishable from men.


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  3. 15 minutes ago, Prince Tûrion Rilyalöce said:

    So when do the army bundles and start collecting boxes usually come out? 

    Start Collecting(!)'s usually land over a year after the initial release, but typically later rather than sooner.

    The Christmas Battleforces are usually the year after the release, so Christmas 2021 is when they'll likely get theirs, Ossiarchs this year, etc.

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  4. 58 minutes ago, NorthernNurgling said:



    Record profits despite Covid.

    More-or-less a return of WHFB's most popular army.

    Hype surrounding the release.

    GW knowing they've a fanatically loyal consumer base who've shown they'll buy pretty much anything they release.

    I'm sure our posts will be followed up by a stream of replies along the lines of, "wow the price is painful/my wallet is hurting/my wife will kill me but despite that I'm still going to buy them" which about sums up why they know they can keep escalating prices. 

  5. 48 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    I think GW shifted away from the Stormcast focus and we wont get ScE as a starter next edition, but indeed you are right when it comes to painting dificult on the current Lumineth range, but nothing is stoping a wave of "simple" models for the faction (there is still 3 temples to go).

    Who knows?

    Stormcast are still the posterboys of the AoS brand. GW's absolutely done a good job of restraining themselves in recent years from lavishing them with the focus they used to, especially compared to Space Marines, but they're still front and centre of the marketing and brand recognition. To that end I still think we'll see Stormcast feature in the starter set, especially if GW starts flexing it's IP into other mediums and wants something iconic Lil Timmy can recognise. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    What are people's guesses for the Underworlds warbands?

    There's been a couple of very obvious Ossiarch Rumour Engines and it's inevitable they'll get a warband eventually. I'd say they're as good as confirmed, even if those RE's do turn out to be for Warhammer Quest or War Cry.

    The new Rumour Engine up there could well be for a CoS or Temple of Sigmar themed Warband. With Underworlds not shying away from more niche warband concepts (Goblin Wolf Riders, Darkoath) it's possible we could see something a bit more 'out there' like Mercenaries or Treasure Hunters rather than specifically Free Guild.

    Deepkin still don't have a Warband so there's a decent chance of them appearing.

    With the new Ironjawz warband it's possible we'll see more recycled factions from Shadespire like Fyreslayers and Khorne.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, SirSalabean said:

    Are lumineth worth starting as an army. I like elves but I’m stuck between this and deepkin. 
    I feel like there isn’t much unit choice for them but I may be mistaken. Are they multipart kits? 

    Which do you prefer the models/lore for? 

    None of the armies that began fresh with AoS (and some of the old model spin-offs like Disciples of Khaine) are really swimming in unit diversity right now unfortunately but will, presumably, receive more stuff as the years go on.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Bayul said:

    I hate to ask it, but will Broken Realms publications be considered "older publications" in 11 months so we will need to ask our opponent for permission to play its content? Is Psychic Awakening still (matched play) legal in WH40K 9th Edition?

    Vigilus (Defiant/Aflame) isn't but Psychic Awakening is. I guess it'll depend on how much 3.0 shakes the game up mechanically. 

    These are probably closer to PA than Vigilus (which I guess is Wrath of the Everchosen?) so you're 'probably' safe, but never say never.

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  9. I've no interest in the warbands featured in the new season set, but I still think they're pretty good and I remain surprised it wasn't Ossiarchs, although given the very-obviously-Ossiarch Rumour Engine they'll presumably land alongside Lizardmen.

    With regards to War Cry, hopefully their strange absence from the launch decks and being underground means we'll get a unique Fyreslayer warband.

  10. I could at least see them doing a ten minute segment discussing the rules for the individual Sons models, since they've done that for a few of the new 40k things and they've already discussed the model designs before.

    Beyond that there's not really much else they could preview, since it seems like the lore discussions tend to get saved for the podcasts  - which is fine, because listening to them for an hour or so is more enjoyable than having constant interruptions of "Wow! That's awesome! That's amazing!" every other sentence and devouring (heh) precious minutes.

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  11. Talking about Blood Bowl more's an obvious one with 2.0 coming.

    Another AoS Warhammer Quest seems likely given how many obvious-but-varied Death Rumour Engines are stacking up.

    Underworlds has a new season in December, so it might be a bit early to talk about that. They've said they don't normally preview stuff that's more than two months out, although Covid's obviously thrown that for six so who knows (we would've had Season 4 here by now if they followed the pattern of releasing them in August).

    I could see them talking about Sons a bit more since they're still a short-but-not-inconsiderable ways out with the full Lumineth releases to come.

    It seems too early for another army reveal when there's still two in the pipeline awaiting release. Either October for a Death-themed reveal or, more likely, a Christmas day reveal like Gloomspite were.

  12. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

    But it implies that they are candidates to be removed in a future too. You don't make less stock that the sales indicate you need to cover a huge demand.

    The first unit on 40k's Selling Fast are Intercessors and I really don't think those're going to be squat'ed anytime soon, do you?

    • Like 3
  13. 5 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    From what I’ve seen, this company is scum that just piggybacks off gw and has no original ideas of their own. Everything is a direct copy of gw stuff, but just different enough to avoid legal problems. Either that or over sexualised trash

    Most of GW's stuff is derivative of something else, they're hardly the pinnacle of originality and most of Raging Heroes' offerings look to be pretty standard demonic fare you'd see everywhere from other fantasy settings to heavy metal albums. Calling them 'scum' is a bit far, just because you don't like the similarities - there's plenty of companies out there who do Not!40k much, much, more closely. I don't like the cheesecake style either, but to each their own really. They don't offer anything I'd be interested in buying, but more alternatives to buying 'official' GW models that people're willing to pay for doesn't bother me in the slightest.

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  14. 13 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    My very random predictions for battleforces:

    OBR, Slaanesh, Fyreslayers, Mawtribes and a dark horse candidate of Cities of Sigmar.

    Ossiarchs I think are a given. Stormcast will inevitably get one.

    I think we'll see Maggotkin as I don't believe they've been in a Battleforce yet and have a decent range,, but Slaanesh is a good contender.

    Fyreslayers could happen, but their range is so limited I'd not be surprised if they didn't see one.


  15. 1 hour ago, amysrevenge said:

    The message from me is "This whole year is f'ed, and nothing is going that well.  Hunker down and put what free money you have toward the things you like, in hopes that they can keep going long term."

    In 2019 I might have dropped the app (well, to be honest I'm lazy enough and the monthly rate is small enough that I'd probably keep paying it for a long time and just grumble about it here rather than figure out how to cancel).  In 2020 I'm keeping it.

    Games Workshop are having their best year ever and their profits have continued to up despite Covid.

    They're not some small, struggling independent out of one guy's garage who needs your charity.

    The only message you're sending is, "Lol they'll put down money for literally anything with the Warhammer logo on it. Just keep shoving half-baked products out there, they'll buy it anyway, who cares lmao?"

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  16. 12 hours ago, amysrevenge said:

    Honestly, I haven't played a game since March, and I haven't built a list in almost as long, but I'm happy to keep forking over my buck thirty-five a month until things are a bit more normal.

    "Why should we spend resources and time on updating it? They'll just keep giving us money for it anyway!"

    • Like 7
  17. From Reddit, this is supposedly what the Underworlds Crate contained:

    Godsworn Hunt £20
    Champions of Dreadfane £37.50
    Primal Lair £22.50
    Playmat £12
    Deckbox £5
    Counters £12
    Carry Case £32.50


    So three Warbands (Dreadfane has two) and accessories. I'm not too surprised to see that.

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  18. 2 hours ago, alghero81 said:

    I don’t know, when I think vampires I also think flying units like the Vargheists and the lesser bats... 

    Blood Knights have been the only Vampire unit (not solo) for a long time now. Whenever they pop up in AoS books they're typically riding as heavy cavalry also. No reason they couldn't have flying units either.




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