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Clan's Cynic

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Everything posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. A sacrifice to replace Squats now they're back. Henceforth, Being Squatted shall instead be Being Garganted.
  2. Khorne Underworlds. Underworlds next season name reveal. StD Chosen and that Varangard guy who's name I forget. Reboxed Mega-Gargant with a new sprue which lets you make Brodd and/or new generic variant. Plus Battletome. Ogor Mawtribes Battletome with Maneater Hero. No-thrills reveal of the Lumineth/Tzeentch Battletomes or it's like FS/IDK and they get revealed on a Community article.
  3. Beastclaw Start Collecting(!) has vanished. Gloomspite one is still there, but just Temporarily Out Of Stock.
  4. Could be Warcry, could be Underworlds (most armies have already had warbands now, so repeats are possible), could be Cursed City... there's a lot of auxiliary games REs could fit into now.
  5. It'll probably be Community articles unless something leaks like World Eaters. My hot take is once Votann are released, CoS/Dawnbringers will take their spot on the 'gradual reveal' tract.
  6. Mega-Gargant Upgrade Kit + Battletome Gloomspite/LRL/DoT Battletomes Underworlds Khorne warband + Next season name reveal. At least one of the more prominent StD leaks - most likely Chosen and the Varangard traitor.
  7. The fiery icons on blackish background is usually done for Slaves To Darkness. With the leaks already widespread, they might bring the reveals forward earlier than they planned (like the Daemon Prince) just to get some HD shots out there. The full Khorne Warband seems a given, considering they have the a new icon for the next Underworlds season and they'd be a Nethermaze warband. There's also the Disciples of Tzeentch (and Lumineth) Battletome to be revealed, but they might do what they did with FS/IDK and just reveal that in a Community article later.
  8. Aren't the Crusades taking place all over the Realms though? It's just the AoS metaplot is focused on Ghur for now, rather than the Crusades themselves.
  9. Why wouldn't Dawnbringers 'replace' Cities of Sigmar though? It'd essentially just be a namechange with the same themes, models and playstyle, but with the fluff and naming better suggesting they're actively on the offensive and means they aren't 'tied down' to being from a small set of very specific Cities (since GW seem to have moved away from Build-Your-Own-Subfaction rules). Plus Cities of Sigmar was always a weird name for a Battletome, sounding like an Order-version of Battletome: Chaos Dreadhold.
  10. Uneducated guesses then. 40k - Easy one first. Army Box for the Votann, the Land Train, maybe what's left of the army to reveal. Full Khorne Berserker unit reveal. AoS - Lumineth and Disciples Battletomes. Mawtribe and Gloomspite will get a Battlebox reveal but no confirmation of 'Tomes despite everybody knowing they'll be coming five minutes after anyway. 30k - New Praetors. Underworlds - Full reveal of the Khorne warband. Name reveal for the new season and a single model revealed from it.
  11. New Kharadron Thunderers just dropped. Article.
  12. METAL HORRORS ARE COMING BACK FOR MADE-TO-ORDER, THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Also the Flamers, Beast of Nurgle, Karanak and Masque but whatever. Oh and a Khorne Combat Patrol.
  13. Reposting from earlier in the thread. The main take aways for me are that "Hashut's power is unquestionably on the rise" and that the Chaos Dwarfs are explicitly on their way to Thondia, which is where the current setting takes place. It seems like too specific of a setup for them not to be turning up at some point this edition, like how Katakros and the Ossiarchs were repeatedly teased throughout early 2.0 (albeit more subtilty). Of course the argument could be made they've been doing something similar with Malerion, but his lore has always been "dude's chilling in Ulgu he might get off his rear at some point" compared to this.
  14. Warscrolls (and Battleplans?) for Drekki Flynt and Cado Ezechiar.
  15. They've consciously moved the setting out of the Varanspire in order to justify more non-Chaos warbands, so it's certainly possible. Seems unlikely based on the current teasers there is going to be any sort of Duardin warband this season (unless you count Horns of Hashut being servants of the Chorfs), but there's nothing really stopping them introducing one at some point either. Although it is worth noting you can play Kharadron/Fyreslayer/Dispossessed warbands with the Compendium/free PDF rules, they're just not dedicated/bespoke warbands with new models.
  16. Since they were announced at the same time as World Eaters, I'd guess Dawnbringers are already finished. Presumably World Eaters are coming for 9th, which means they have to be releasing in the next 9 months at the absolute latest. Imo that puts Dawnbringers on either side of the 40k 10th launch period (when Marines and the 'antagonist' faction eat up June/July/August/September). I think they'll be a 2023 launch for sure. GW probably knows a lot of CoS players will have held off on buying anymore kits until then and they won't want that for too long since it's one of the game's most popular armies.
  17. I want Fimir back as much as anyone, but I feel like Kruelboyz killed that idea dead.
  18. Sisters Novitiates weren't in the Sisters of Battle codex despite their Kill-Team box being revealed very shortly after it's release, so it's possible they won't be in there.
  19. Sundered Fate - Tzeentch is usually associated with fate and we had that one very Tzeentchian Rumour Engine which was presumed to be terrain. Other one will obviously be Lizardmen. Bloodhunt - Khorne vs Ogres seems the obvious fit, since the lore already talks about Meat-Hunters being in the Gnarlwood. Could also be Flesh-Eater Courts. Might also be GW releasing a third set of DoK Shadowstalkers, har har. Damn there's a lot of blood-related factions in AoS. Nightmare Quest - Nighthaunt vs Dawnbringers or Stormcast? Could also be Flesh-eater Courts if they're not in Bloodhunt as they're associated with quests a lot and we've had quite a few FEC-fitting Rumour Engines.
  20. Looks like the non-English ones have the correct profile.
  21. Is this the first time a spin-off game's warscrolls have actually been good? Live reaction:
  22. Fyreslayer unit champions are called Karls and they were introduced before Deep Rock Galactic. I think it's just the usual faux-Norse they use with Dwarfs.
  23. I can see a lot of Kharadron conversions of this chap coming.
  24. Incarnate isn't as bad as I thought considering it was shoved in a £135 box and is pretty big. £135 for Arcane Cataclysm is a real 'bites knuckles' moment, even if Lumineth stuff tends to be individually pricey, but it was only 7 months ago that Fury of the Deep was £115.
  25. They'll almost certainly be separate. None of the other book related releases with models required getting them together (Raine, Gotrek, Valerian/Aleya). I think the only time they've directly tied a book release with a game item were the Underworld cards and their respective novels, though those might've just been alt-art.
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