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Everything posted by Barbossal

  1. I'm thinking that with GW striving towards IP copyright, there's nothing unique at all about their assassin unit. So I think it's probably gone. Dark Riders will probably move to Darkling Coven, if only for the fact they share a box with the Warlock unit for DoK.
  2. Not to mention the rumoured Gholemkin that would likely pair nicely with a Dispossessed force.
  3. I would suspect they think fewer people will notice if it's just gone versus announcing it's gone?
  4. Some good thoughts here, I kind of agree that some of the old line still needs to be shunted off for AoS to really take on its own thing. Would be nice for them to more clearly define what is getting support. For example, I would love to get a Devoted of Sigmar army going, but the idea that they are no longer a worthwhile investment does stay my hand.
  5. In my opinion - Dispossessed/Free Guild/etc. are probably relatively safe. They have an allegiance in the GHB series, so there is likely SOME intention of keeping them around. GHB Allegiance Abilities: Darkling Covens Dispossessed Free Peoples Fyreslayers Seraphon Wanderers Brayherds Slaanesh Slaves to Darkness Skaven Pestilens Skaven Skryre Flesh-eater Courts Ironjawz Some armies without an Allegiance Ability: Lots of Elf factions, Greenskins, Gutbusters, Skaven Verminus/Moulder,Masterclan/Eshin, Devoted of Sigmar, Collegiate. I think PARTS of Skaven will go away like Giant Rats and Rat Swarms but they are pretty safe
  6. Interesting discussion to be had here, so let's keep it clean. GW has removed all non-Gloomspite Grots from their webstore following the launch of Gloomspite Grots. This means all the Gitmob models are now gone. While they are not a compendium race as of now, this likely means they've fallen out of official useage and support. Perhaps we'll see them move into the Compendium this year? What other models could be affected with future releases? As far as I'm aware, aside from the initial purge of legacy Fantasy Battles content, we've never seen models drop out of the store. Perhaps Greenskin Orruks would disappear after a revised Ironjawz launch. DISCUSS! Link: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Warhammer?N=737771287+3930206336&amp;Nr=AND(sku.siteId%3ANZ_gw%2Cproduct.locale%3Aen_NZ_gw)&amp;Nrs=collection()%2Frecord[product.startDate+<%3D+1546682760000+and+product.endDate+>%3D+1546682760000]
  7. Store manager rumour (take with a grain of salt) - once Vigilus wraps up, Sigmar will be getting a campaign supplement. It was implied to be late February. So maybe ties in with the return of Slaanesh?
  8. I'm super excited for 2019! There's so much room for possibilities. We've gotten a lot of the expected content, so all things said.... Grots Battletome - obvious now, very excited to see what gets cooked up. Slaanesh Battletome - Again, getting the easy stuff out of the way. Kharadron Overlords 2nd Wave - I'm thinking we'll see a second wave of Kharadron minis coming through for a new Battletome and new miniatures. They're popular and their Battletome doesn't do them any favours right now. Darkoath Battletome - A Battletome to wrap together the Everchosen, Slaves to Darkness and Monsters of Chaos. Similar to Legions of Nagash with the different allegiances. Seraphon Battletome - this is super hopeful, but a rerelease of our oldest remaining Battletome makes sense with how much they've changed since launch. Smaller Beasts of Chaos style release if anything: Plastic Slann kit, Endless Spell, and maybe new Salamanders/Razordons. Please GW? Skaven arrive Holiday 2019 - it's been a tradition of one chaps.god every single holiday season, and we're getting Slaanesh this year. I fully expect we'll see Clan Skryre and Children of the Horned Rat battletomes in late 2019 or early 2020. I think expect Skryre and Skaven to act like LoN and Nighthaunt. Other Easy Predictions: - New Firestorm style campaign set - New Stormcast /s - New Shadespire Warbands: Kharadron, Slaanesh, Sacrosanct, Sylvaneth Also - I do NOT expect a new Stormcast chamber this year.
  9. Well, thank you! You're in luck since we just posted an episode this morning! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/questward/id1373087389?mt=2
  10. Hail and Well Met! If you love tabletop RPGs and Warhammer, I'd love to share a podcast with you all that a few friends and I have been working on; Questward is an Actual Play podcast taking place in the Age of Sigmar. In a format similar to Critical Role and The Adventure Zone, tune in every other week to follow the adventures of the Warrior Priest Iver, Shadow Warriors Feryl, and mysterious doctor Reedis Marrow as they explore the Realm of Ghur. Tasked with escorting a captured Chaos Lord for execution at the city of Bastionne, they will face countless hardships along the way. We try to balance the tone between dramatic and comedic so we hope you'll enjoy listening to us every other Wednesday! Tune in and paint some minis! iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/questward/id1373087389?mt=2
  11. I have another actual rumour for the Rumour Thread. In the r/totalwar subreddit for Total War: Warhammer 2, a Bone Giant dlc was added to the game as a coordinated promo between Creative Assembly and GW. So I have a theory off of this...: Tomb Kings Made to Order for Warhammer Legends, which will subsequently push the TK line out of the next GHB.
  12. Its a bug, every faction has a least five seperate dropdowns for me now. Hard crashout.
  13. Newest Malign Portents Story: https://malignportents.com/story/grim-deliverance/ Specifically mentioned a pale woman in robes as a servant of Nagash. The descriptions do seem in line with the rumour engines we've been seeing so far:
  14. So for a release schedule, rumours are that Custodes will be followed shortly by Thousand Sons, then our Legions of Nagash. If we see two weeks of Custodes and Thousand Sons each, Feb 24th for the Legions of Nagash?
  15. I could see a Devoted of Sigmar herald for Order. Could give us a nice new Warrior Priest or Witch Hunter character. If not that, probably some kind of High Aelf equivalent. Most of the Heralds so far are for break-out armies that haven't gotten a big release. Slave to Darkness, Nighthaunt, and Moonclan are pretty frequently being seen as allies for the big lists these days.
  16. I have a rumour from the manager at my local GW. He said that because they GW such strong earnings this year, they are reinvesting into the appearance of their hobby stores. This means that he was shipping back everything (40k AND AoS) that was the old art style and not on round bases. We did not know if he would get given new stock back but the trend seemed to be that those kits would be repackaged for their AoS designs and put on round bases.
  17. I don't want to necessarily get too deep into how Seraphon stack up on a quality level, but compare them to Fyreslayers who received the same amount of content and updates. They are able to provide allies from Order beyond Stormcast and are now eligible for City Allegiance as well. The additional content for Seraphon is fantastic and I'm not complaining about that, but it's strange for them to be the ONLY faction discussed that is not eligible for City Allegiance.
  18. I feel like this is a pretty solid snub as a Seraphon player since they are saying basically all of the different factions will get cool new powerful abilities!.... Except Seraphon. I understand Lorewise that they are on a different plane, but this is the chance to make an exception to that restrictive Stormcast-Only allegiance that Seraphon are stuck with.
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