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Posts posted by 5kaven5lave

  1. 16 minutes ago, Mayple said:

    From a facebook post;

    No automatic alt text available.


    I can't decipher the allegiance ability, but it's there if anyone wants to give it a go :)

    There looks to be an almost Nighthaunt-level amount of abilities there judging by the bold text. 

    EDIT: Also looks like placement instructions for the terrain, maybe one in each quarter board?

    EDITEDIT: Maybe the Bad Moon shines on one quarter of the board each turn, then on all the board in turn 5?

  2. Gonna try running this for a bit taking inspiration from some of the Mixed Destruction lists that are doing well at the moment, but with my own twist (that obviously makes it less good).

    Main aim is to get Foot of Gork off on a 7 or 6 with Arcane terrain using the Arrowboys and the Idol. Savage Boss to keep up the Kunnin’ Rukk going. Fungoid to get the Boars running and charging across the board turn 1. Grot and Orruk bodies to hold objectives. Idol to smash face if necessary. Healing items to keep heroes up. Obviously it’s not Kryptonite and is fairly dice dependent but feedback appreciated.

    Allegiance: Destruction
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran

    Savage Big Boss (120)
    - Artefact: Greenglade Flask 
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (80)
    - General
    - Trait: Bellowing Tyrant
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)
    - Artefact: Wand of Restoration 

    10 x Savage Orruks (120)
    - Chompas
    20 x Moonclan Grots (130)
    - Pokin Spears & Moon Shields
    20 x Moonclan Grots (130)
    - Pokin Spears & Moon Shields

    30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)
    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (280)

    Rogue Idol (400)

    Kunnin' Rukk (200)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 182

    • Like 2
  3. Thanks for the responses. I’ve decided to build 30 Arrowboys and get some Big Stabbas and Savage Orruks for the boys kit and building at least 10 Maniaks initially, will build the rest without left arms and play some practice games. 

    Built my Rogue Idol, Wurrgog, Wardokk, Maniak Weirdnob and (Morka)Boss over the weekend so ready to get painting Destruction in the new year!! Gotta love all the finger glueing occurring when making resin models. 

  4. 41 minutes ago, broche said:

    personnally going Bonegrinz, i would drop the the 2 x 10 arrowboys (don't seem very usefull to me) and go for 3 or 4 small unit of Big stabbas.

    Big stabbas tend to die fast (because they hit hard) and does mortal wound in the process. then you get 1/6 to get them back. 

    Would be ideal, problem is that the Bonegrinz needs a Kunnin’ Rukk with 4 units rather than 2, hence the MSU Boyz. 

    EDIT: Where can you buy the Stabbas from nowadays? Can’t see them at all on the GW store. 

  5. Any thoughts on Bonegrinz chaps? Might be a bit much for a 2k but any feedback on what I have so far or how to finish this list would be immense. Cheers.

    Allegiance: Bonesplitterz
    Savage Big Boss (120)
    - Granite Choppas
    Wurrgog Prophet (140)
    Wardokk (100)
    30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)
    30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)
    10 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (140)
    10 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (140)
    Kunnin' Rukk (200)
    Bonegrinz Warclan (110)

    Total: 1790 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 6
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 177

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, hughwyeth said:

    I'd diverge slightly- the GUO is a terrible melee damage dealer. If you take him with a sword, you're missing out on the bell (the biggest reason to take  GUO) and if you take the flail for damage you miss on the bileblade- what makes the GUO the best spellcaster for Nurgle. Otherwise, i'm with you on GUO!

    I think Glottkin is undervalued by Nurgle players. For 80pts more you get a far better command ability, the best nurgle spell there is (Except perhaps Rotigus' spell) and way better damage output if you do have him in combat. Plus the shooting attack, though hard to get off, is very powerful. Plus Horrific Opponent for -1 bravery. Major issues are no way to boost magic casting, only 1 dispel, and no disgusting resilience means he can't last as long as a GUO. 

    I have both- when I take GUO I can get him close to the action and usually get more spells off. With Glottkin, i usually keep him a bit further back as he's less resilient, but his spell can make 30 plaguebearers outlast almost anything! Plus if you can get him into combat at full health, he's pretty decent. 


    Yeah, it obviously depends on how you equip your GUO, if you had 3 I guess you’d have one with the bell and blade and then another with the stabby stuff. That movement buff is clutch. 

    Think someone mentioned earlier about him having Blades of Putrefaction too as a spell if you want it for The Glottkin, all his spells and abilities combined can make 40 Plague Monks a terrifying prospect for an opponent, even more so with a LoB command ability on top. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Sneeto said:

    Thanks for the heads up, with the army I have thus far would a GUO or a Glottkin be a better purchase for a big unit? 

    Far from exhaustive here but I’d say that a GUO is a good all-round bet as he is tough to take down and a solid spell caster who can dish out melee damage too. Plus that model is off the scale amazing. 

    The Glottkin is generally but not always taken in mortal lists, his unique spells of +1 wound on models in a unit and his +1 attack on a unit command ability are awesome. He has big wounds but can be focus fired down in a turn or two so beware.  

    You seem to be running mortals so I guess Da Glott but the model isn’t to everyone’s taste. 

  8. 7 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    Ha, pretty much the same way me and my girlfriend got into the hobby. I bought a Spire of Dawn because she liked the Aelves and I did not intend to have Skaven grow beyond 1k points.

    ~7k points later and I am about to get heavily into Verminus. Good luck with all the painting. If you hate painting as much as I do, I recommend going with this technique. It makes Horde armies incredibly fast to do. I painted 40 Gutter Runners with this technique (and a little extra detail\basing) and managed to get all of them done in about 8 working hours or less. I know just do this\glaze painting on every model I own now:


    Will have to have a go at this, maybe on the Plague Monks I’m working on. Legendary stuff. 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Gwendar said:

    @5kaven5lave Well, he's 260 actually. But I tried using him a lot the first month or two of 2.0 before the spell portals got changed and he worked well with a magic bunker focused Skryre list. Since then he's lost most of his value to me, but definitely still up there. Clanrats just do everything better than the Giant Rats he generates, and they cost less.

    Happy to see more getting into Skaven. I started the hobby a little over a year ago with them and they will always be my "main army". LoN and Beasts of Chaos tomes should be a good indicator that we will have our time soon. But there's plenty of discussions about that all over the verminus/general skaven thread. Let us know how your games go. 

    Ah of course, I had the Corruptor in mind. My first love was Skaven (first plastic purchase was Spire of Dawn and played loads of Vermintide), time seems right to get painting up some ratbois.  

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Gwendar said:

    Yeah, monks and doomwheel boxes are the best source. You can use two of the small ones on one base or something if you want as they feel odd on a 25mm.

    Ebay is your friend too, that's where I got all 30 of mine for about $20. Still, 80 Clanrats will do more for you over a Warpseer and Giant Rats, which you need a lot of extra CP to summon in. 

    Yeah cheers, the Warpseer is Masterclan and 220pts so he cuts you down to 20 Clanrats which is a shame. I have loads of Skryre assembled but unpainted so I just need to start playing some games. Been playing lots of Nurgle this year but I’m using Pestilens as my gateway back into rats, would like a Battletome to weave it all in together. 

    • Like 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, michu said:

    You can use them. They're a bit smaller than Giant Rats in the Rat Ogors box, but not so much. You can find more Giant Rats in the Doomwheel box.

    Ah, that’s where I’ve seen them. Cheers ears. 

  12. 5 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    @5kaven5lave Looks good. I've tried a doomwheel a couple of times in the past and have since shelved it, but I see how it can have good moments. I just prefer having more shooting output. 

    3 cannons will be interesting.. But you really need to keep them safe as they are paper thin and you're sinking a lot of points into them. What I would personally do without changing much is: Drop the Doomwheel and Packmaster and buff up your low Clanrat unit to 40 (20 of them will most likely do nothing, I'd rather bring a warpseer to generate giant rats and they would do just as well as a screen) and add in another Engineer or whatever else you want for 100 pts. 

    Legend. Where can you get some Giant Rats nowadays? There are a few large-ish ones in the Plague Monk kit, are they roughly the same?

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