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Posts posted by MarkK

  1. 1 hour ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    I am, yes. I bought the game components from a box splitter so I need the models, I’m not happy about the prices but yes I still plan to buy them 

    That's fair enough, I suspect you're not the only one. I recognise that value is a personal thing, and everyone on this forum would have different opinions on what constitutes good or bad value.

    Building, painting and gaming with these miniatures will likely eat up to ten's to hundreds of hours of your time for the price of a night or two in the pub (whenever we can go back!) or a couple of trips to the cinema, so the answer really is down to the individual.

  2. 4 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Maybe this is the an extreme case of their policy of pricing models for their point cost. Radukar's Court is something like 750 points in Gravelords, so maybe someone in their pricing department looked at that and thought: "This is like a third of an army! What a deal at that price!" 

    Which I suppose would make sense if the set was not completely overcosted in points, as well.

    I think you've probably hit the nail on the head, maybe the price is defined by how much an army is to build, usually 300-400+ euros, as this is a third of an army, it's "worth" 100 euros by GWs standards. Their still want to knock that much out of your pocket. 

    Personally disappointed, I would have liked to get the set just for painting or skirmish games, as I love the models, but can't justify the expense. I could get 3 warbands for Warcry or the Adeptus Titanicus Warmaster, and that's just staying with GW games. 


    Out of curiosity, is anyone still planning to purchase this set or know someone that intends to purchase? Maybe GW know better than me, and will make more profit at this price point than a lower one.

  3. Sweet Jesus or Diety of choice, 100 Euro for one sprue and 9 miniatures. Just the villain characters from Cursed City are as much as the boxed set. I bought the Cultists of the Abyss recently for 12 pounds for 8 models, and really happy with it, can't see this been worth 90 euro more.


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  4. 4 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Stargrave greatly interests me (have the book), but their model sets seem all male, Nick makes excellent female sculpts (as evidenced by Frostgrave) soI'm waiting for that. May end up getting one or two of the current boxes though.

    Still waiting for the book (thanks Brexit 🙂), just went for the mercenaries box and book so far. Have plenty of minis that will work anyway, but looking forward to seeing the female boxes too.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, stato said:

    So as the person most impacted by this, has it changed your buying habits?  as in actually. Money in your bank and not spending it on GW.  Be good to get an actual opinion from an affected party.

    Cant speak for everyone obviously but most people seeming to think GW acted badly are still posting in other threads about GW games and what armies/units to buy for gaming.  So while GW have acted very poorly, it has (as is often the case) made little difference to the bottom line.

    Yes, I was intending to buy cursed city in a couple of months for my birthday, but when it sold out unexpectedly permanently, I spent some of the money on the Stargrave nickstarter. Will be ordering 5 Parsecs from Home also.

    That will probably be the majority of my hobby spending for most of the year after I got the Indomitus box and a couple of Warcry warbands this year. It'll take me a while to finish painting what I already have, so GW won't be getting the 120 odd euro they otherwise would have (+ the expansions I was all on for purchasing).

    I may purchase the cursed city villains if the price is right, but there are other games out there, like the ones mentioned above and larger scale models/busts that I'm now interested in since I won't be spending my budget on cursed city.

    • Like 2
  6. On 5/18/2021 at 10:35 PM, Darnok said:


    Originally I was relieved that GW did not throw yet another FOMO box at us... and then this whole affair blew up. Having the "miniboss box" coming as a seperate release is great, since I seriously grieved having missed out on those - but still, having the whole box would be preferable. Not going to happen apparently, so I'll take these* with a laughing and a crying eye.


    * ... if the price ain't pants-on-head bonkers that is. So... who knows? :ph34r:

    I'm cautious after seeing the prices of the Indomitus character sprues, I won't be spending 80-100 euro on one or two sprues no matter how nice the minis are. 

    Hoping the prices are more reasonable though, to make up for missing out on cursed city.

    It was the first quest game I was interested to get into, and planned to get all the expansions, not sure how likely a reprint is now, but it would be a shame to drop it when there was such interest in it.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, zamerion said:

    Belladama 40e

    radukar the beast 40e

    annika / kritza 25e

    direwolves 40e

    start collecting 80e


    Ouch, the characters are pricy if this is correct

    Start Collecting looks like good value if you don't mind Grave Guard though

  8. 14 minutes ago, Indecisive said:

    I'm not so fond of how they are kinda redoing Warrior Chamber rather than something new. Liberators and Paladins are getting replaced it feels, niche-wise. There is also a rumour engine that could be a Judicator replacement.
    Really would've preferred Seraphon or Skaven getting an overhaul rather than Stormcast models from 6 years. Well, effectively an overhaul.


    I reckon the liberators and paladins boxes will be discontinued when AoS 3 drops, probably the judicators too, if that image is of new bow armed stormcast.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  9. 15 hours ago, Akylas said:


    I had a question about shopping at your local store. Does anyone know if a store makes any money if they order something for you?

    If my local store is out of stock for something I'll sometimes ask them to order something for me. I've often wondered if this helps them out at all or if I'm just making extra work for them.

    Hi @Akylas, yes the store will get stock from their supplier and add their mark-up before selling on to you. It will indeed help out your local store! 😁

    • Like 1
  10. 32 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    I agree, nowt everything in destruction has to be greenskinz and giants of different heights (ogors/trolls/gargants) Personally I'd like to see a destruction faction with humans in it. Perhaps some sort of tribal or nomadic culture. A human/lycanthrope faction perhaps, with werewolves, beastmen, centaurs and other such creatures might work. 

    I always thought that a non-Chaos Untamed Beasts or Corvus Cabal would make a good destruction faction; barbarian types tearing down settlements and living from the land.




    • Like 2
  11. 7 minutes ago, Sorrow said:

    Still, it does not change the fact that followers of Kurnoth kill followers of Alarielle on sight, and vica versa. Even humans devoted to one of them kill each other in Dark Harvest.



    Yes, they are definitely enemies in the lore, enough to be counted as a separate faction, but rules wise they would share some units.

    But there is precedent for battletomes to share units with Tzeentch and Beasts of Chaos, so wouldn't be surprised to see it happen. 

    • Like 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Sorrow said:

    For the record,  in Dark Harvest, Kurnoth and his followers hate Alarielle.

    They should be their own faction.

    They could share the same battletome as they would share units like dryads or Kurnoth hunters, you could just have a restriction that Alarielle that couldn't be in an army with the Kurnothi keyword.

    • Like 5
  13. Warcry Iron Golem Breacher completed in a more muted, grimdark style than I normally paint. Trying to use different techniques like oil washes to speed up the painting process for projects like this that have been on the back burner for a long time.

    Happy with how he turned out, given it was a pretty fast paint job. Onto the rest of the unit now!


    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    Agreed sire, thank god GW is giving us a helmeted option as well.

    Yes the helmet option improves it significantly. But I'm glad the designer forgot the tactical battlefield jumping rock (TM) 😁

    Quite like the pose actually, nice stoic look for a chaplain character

  15. Still have a decent amount left to finish in my backlog, so probably will be waiting to buy later in the year. Looks pretty good though, nicer mix of miniatures than Blackstone fortress. Price is a little more than what I was hoping for, but not much I can do about that!

  16. Not the smallest list, or the most competitive either I'd imagine! You could drop the blightkings for more Blightlords for a smaller list, but Blightkings are very good right now (140 points for 21 wounds). Definitely has plenty of wounds to chew through!

    Allegiance: Nurgle

    Mortal Realm: Ghyran

    Lord of Afflictions (190)

    - General

    - Command Trait: Pestilent Breath

    - Artefact: The Witherstave

    Lord of Blights (140)

    - Artefact: Rustfang

    4 x Pusgoyle Blightlords (380)

    4 x Pusgoyle Blightlords (380)

    2 x Pusgoyle Blightlords (190)

    5 x Putrid Blightkings (140)

    5 x Putrid Blightkings (140)

    5 x Putrid Blightkings (140)

    Affliction Cyst (140)

    Blight Cyst (140)

    Total: 1980 / 2000

    Extra Command Points: 2

    Allies: 0 / 400

    Wounds: 145

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