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Posts posted by Sheriff

  1. 2 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    Thanks!  We love doing it :-)

    Oh thats you? I feel so dumb now... 

    Yeah I love it, mostly because of how wholesome and friendly it is, but clearly a lot of thought goes in to the structure of it and planning etc. Keep up the good work!

    My favourite was the one where you recorded it in the car on the way back from an event, in a rather giddy fashion where the post-battle buzz was contagious. 

    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    It's weird container term that can mean anything. So on a purely personal level... No, although it shows a lot of the same visual styles I feel it's more of a webitem. Depends on the style of course but to take miniwargaming's videos as an example, as those are the only ones I watch. There is a lot of production behind it, it's a team effort, it's pre&post  produced, it only shows a single subject. So for me no. 
    But to be fair I could almost as easily argue the other side of things. 

    So yeah, decide for yourself ;) 

    So it means things like Warhammer Weekly? (I really love that show)

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, xking said:

    Can they do this on a massive scale? you do know realmgates are massive in size? like several miles across. several armies and fleets can march out of them at once.

    I think you're underestimating the potency of these mushrooms. 

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    • Haha 2
  4. 1 minute ago, xking said:

    Only the rats can do that.

    So other factions and new factions will have equally daft ways of getting around. 

    Squig Gobba will cough up realm-rifts after being fed rare shrooms rooted deep in the winds of magic between realms! 


  5. 1 minute ago, xking said:

    Realmgates are used by all the races, No matter how fast your flying ship is. Trying to fly from one galaxy to another galaxy would take countless lifetimes vs say just going through a Realmgate and getting there instantly.  Unless you guys are talking about gameplay mechanics. 

    The battletomes say that skaven and karadrons can nip around the realms using their wormholes / ships. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, Killax said:

    I dont want it to be 40k, pics included shouldnt give you that vibe.

    What I do want is more choices that would clarify the realm to realm journeys for factions without gate acces.

    Gates are cool to but ultimately vessels are cooler. As before WFB had them in lore but they couldnt really be justified to be fleshed out.

    Even for Free Guilds a plastic updated Steam Tank or Steam Transports would be awesome.



    Totally agree. Steam-robot Free Guild will be a thing, i guarantee it. They'll travel around on some sort of steam-powered long distance multi-wagon vehicle. 

    Destruction will get the sky pirates the books talk about. 

    Death will get ghost ships. 

    Surely dark elfs will get  some new floating castle like the good old days? 

    Lore-wise I don't really see the importance of gates though when so many factions  can ignore them wilynilly and travel by other means. 

  7. 47 minutes ago, Lysandestolpe said:

    So this is my process:

    1) Brush all purpose (glue all) glue on the base.  (don't glob it on)
    2) Dip the base in the sand.
    3) Let dry for about an hour
    4) Brush non-diluted paint (straight out bottle or tube) and coat the base with desired mid-tone color. (For the Khorne I used Mechanicus standard Grey)
    5) Wash (For Khorne I used Agrax Earth shade)
    6) Drybrush (For khorne I used Karak Stone)
    6 Apply toppings: Grass, Leafwork, Snow, Bushes, etc. (For my Khorne I used the GW snow from the pots, as well as grass tufts from Shadow's Edge Miniatures (Love that company!) I also applied some leafwork from Greenstuff world last knight. I felt it needed just something more)

    I hope that helps, Norm! If you have any other questions, just ask.


    Thanks for checking out my stuff!

    I followed these exact steps for my dudes, and it works great! Super easy. But I found that first paint layer takes ages to dry, and the wash takes even longer - I leave it over night. 

    • Like 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Really hope ogors, or grots with animal partners. Both have everything already just missing a book, and maybe AoS'ifying bits and bobs. An unique playstyle, options for battleline, elites, couple of heroes... Don't think it's likely but we'll see ;)


     Yeah what grots are missing is rules that fit their cowardly style. They used to have this with Skarsnik (deal damage when retreating) but he was swatted. Easy to bring back and add more rules like this. 

    I play them super cowardly so this is wishful thinking probably. 

    GW might surprise us with a whole new monster buddy for grots to exploit. I kind of like them as they are though. Just need a tome with new cawardly abilities and a fix for the flinger warscroll. 

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, Lysandestolpe said:

    Thanks buddy! They are metal models, so I think they are the older ones.

    Might try and find some metal ones online then, they look just as good as the new plastic ones. 

    Metal would actually be better for fanatics as the plastic ones can't stand up on their own without falling over. 

    • Like 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, BunkhouseBuster said:

    My 9-year old step-daughter said earlier this year that she wanted to play and paint a Deathrattle army, but now she is telling me that I can paint it for her.  This is in spite of the fact that I'm painting my own Ironjawz and I don't have enough time for that as is!

    Kids are tricky that way.  They give you opportunity to get more models, but then cause you to have hobby overload.

    Good job it's not my kid then! My brother can paint his models :D

    • Haha 1
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