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Everything posted by WatcherintheWater

  1. 💯 % agree. I was thinking about putting 40 dwarf warriors in my list to protect my big arkanaut unit and get bodies on objectives. Swapping those out for 40 marauders saves enough points for another 3 Endrinriggers or a Knight Incantor (basically).
  2. I agree with people on the returns for summoning being too high. I also think its too easy to make a charge with summoned units on the turn they arrive. Cogs, Command Point re-rolls, and all the army specific abilities can pretty easily make it a better than even chance for your charge to be successful. I would have liked to see some change that summoned units show up at the end of the turn, or can't charge the turn they arrive.
  3. There were a couple things. First was that GW changed the Thunderers warscroll a couple months after the book launched. They made it so you only got 1 of each special weapon per 5 models, which limited what the Khemist buff could do. No more buffed up units all with Aethercannons piling out of the boat and obliterating units. Then when AoS 2 dropped they put in two other changes: Disembarking now happens at the start of the hero phase, so you can't use the Barak Zilfin hero phase movement footnote and then still get out out the boat. Slightly less important, but now Endrinrigger's Grapnels also don't let them fly over enemy units, so people can screen out anything they really don't want you to get to. All that said, there are still viable Clown Car builds, which can do well. You just don't see them finishing Top 3 in tournaments anymore.
  4. Cool list @Reuben Parker. I agree that Zilfin could be really good with that many ships. Where does the damage output come from? Sometimes it feels tough to find enough damage without Endrinriggers or big Arkanaut units buffed by a Khemist.
  5. Because most of the army is pretty close together for the first few turns, there are almost always decent targets. The big unit's Skyhooks, Skywarden Pikes, and Endenrigger saws get buffed almost every turn, while the small unit's Skyhooks, big unit's Pistols, and even the Endrinrigger & Skywarden pistols are a decent targets depending on the situation. I hardly ever wasted the buff. With Urbaz you could try to get away with only one Khemist, but if an opponent is able to take it out early on, you would be in big trouble. It's all pretty interconnected. The Big Arkanaut Unit does most of the damage, but so much of the list going into supporting it. I think the number 1 unit you need to score objectives and win scenarios has to be the Endrinriggers. 36" move is a life saver in a list that is otherwise pretty stationary.
  6. I went to a 5 game GT weekend before last. It's been over a week, so I'm sure some I got a few details wrong, but here is the summary of my games for anyone with the patience to read a big wall of text :). My List: Barak-Urbaz. Game 1 (Scorched Earth) Game 2 (Focal Points) Game 3 (Total Commitment) Game 4 (Better Part of Valor) Game 5 (Shifting Objectives) Final thoughts:
  7. Yeah. Still a good value for that many bodies I think. Keeps your Arkanauts alive a little longer and can help control objectives early in the game. If you wanted to paint up 90 arkanauts you could try to go for another unit of 40 instead of the warriors, but I can’t quite find the points for it.
  8. Three lists I'm really interested in trying out with the new points (assuming the leaks are correct). Dropping the points for Skywardens, Khemists, and all the boats is awesome! Barak Urbaz Gunline 2 Khemists 2x10 & 1x40 Arkanauts 9 Skywardens 9 Endrinriggers 40 Dwarf Warriors Barak Zilfin Balloon Army 2 Khemists 1 Frigate 3x10 Arkanauts 1x12 & 1x9 Endrinriggers 9 Skywardens Barak Zilfin Hybrid Army 2 Khemists 1 Frigate 2x10 & 1x40 Arkanauts 40 Dwarf Warriors 12 Endrinriggers
  9. The SC is a good starting point. Thunderers and Endrinriggers are both really fun & good options. I think the Gunhauler and Endrinmaster are both really cool models. If you're trying to be competitive, they aren't the best choices, but we should get new some points updates in the 2019 Generals Handbook, so who knows what will be good a few months from now. If you are more skilled than me you could also try to convert the Endrinmaster to a Khemist. I don't think anyone would object to you using the Ironclad in a 1K game. It looks awesome, and the firepower isn't so overwhelming to feel unfair. Especially since it takes up a ton of your points! I think it's way easier to paint your boats in sub assemblies. When I did my frigates, I primed the hull of my ship blue, and primed the Endrins grey (if you have a metallic spray you could use that instead). Just prime each sub assembly based on whatever color it would use most.
  10. Looks like a really fighty list! Any idea what scenarios? That can make a huge difference for KO lists. if it’s going to be random my big concern would be the fact that there’s only one mobile unit that can score objectives. Also fast combat armies might be able to get into the big arkanaut turn 1 and smash them up pretty good. I’m a fan of the grapnel launcher close combat Endrinriggers. At 1k it will be really tough for your opponent to screen everything and it gives a lot of mobility in a list that otherwise lacks it.
  11. I’ve been playing a few games with this list that I posted about using in a local tournament a while ago, and had some learnings I wanted to share. List: This is not an alpha strike list! You must play conservatively with the Endrinriggers and Skywardens. They the only units with the mobility to go claim objectives away from your deployment zone, so you need them to stay alive. I think you almost always want to keep them behind a screen until turn 2 or 3. Also, be careful about putting them too far to either end of your warrior screen. Fast units with a good charge roll can sometimes wrap around and get to them. The list (and many KO lists) struggles to deal with enemies that ignore rend. If you go against something like Nighthaunt or monsters with ethereal, you probably should play a little more aggressively with the big Arkanaut unit to get all those pistol shots in range. Terrain & picking sides matter a lot. You want a deployment zone that doesn’t have big pieces of tall or impassible terrain, which can make deploying the big warrior screen difficult and maneuvering the big Arkanaut unit very unwieldy. I’ve decided I like the dispel artifact better than the Earburster. I want my Akanauts shooting at heroes and monsters whenever possible, so I rarely get the most from the Earbuster.
  12. You got a lot of it right on with the fragile units and boats. KO also really struggle in scenarios where wizards/artifact heroes capture objectives or count as 20 models, since we don't have magic (short of allies), and our heroes are mostly move 4 & 5 or 6 wound models. And while KO shooting can be devastating, a lot of it has only short or medium range. Tough to guess what the next GHB will bring. Some points reductions and maybe some battleline if options could go a long way towards fixing things. I'd love to see all the boats, Skywardens, Admirals, Navigators, and Endrinmasters all drop in cost. All that said, they are not in such bad shape for anyone playing casual games, and even in tournaments, I think there are some lists that can do well.
  13. @Mordread I think that looks like a fun list! Personally I like Endrinriggers more than Thunderers, but I know some people have had good success with both. If you eventually want to make the list stronger, I would pick either one unit of Arkanauts with Skyhooks, the Endrinriggers, or the Thunderers, and increase the size of that unit. That will help you get the most out of your Khemist buff, which works best on big units. Since you have two ships, I would recommend trying Barak Zilphin. That lets you deep strike one of them, and means that they always running 6". If you put your Admiral on a ship they can run and shoot which makes you really mobile. Re-rolling 1s to hit and wound against flyers is also great, but somewhat situational. I know people say that Overlords are in a bad spot, but they are totally fine for casual play. Also, the new General's Handbook comes out sometime in the next few months, which will probably change points for a lot of units.
  14. Bad positioning by me + bad dice when my Endrinriggers charged one of his Bloodthristers. Usually, 9 buffed Endrinriggers can take out a Bloodthirster in one round, but every once in a while you just whiff on the dice. Especially when you have a weapon with a random damage roll. Even with that, I out killed him. But because I deployed too conservatively, he was able to pin most of my army back out of objective range, I couldn't get enough units onto objectives. I think that's the biggest flaw with a beta strike, no ship KO list like mine, especially in scenarios where all the objectives are in the middle of the board. One alternative would have been to just suicide the Endrinriggers forward on turn 1, and make him deal with them instead of getting to push everything forward. That would cost me a quarter of my army in terms of points, but might be a worthwhile trade to shift where most of the fighting takes place.
  15. That's probably a better list. I think you need some sort of screen to protect the big unit of Arkanuats, though. If you put the Endrinriggers, one Khemist, and 10 Arkanauts in the Frigate, you would have the big Arkanaut unit, 1 Khemist, and one 10 man Arkanaut unit really exposed on the board. Fast combat armies can take them out super easy. So maybe you could drop the Skywardens, bump the big Arkanaut unit back up to 30, move one up to 20 to screen the big unit, and put the 10 man unit in the boat.
  16. I tried out a list that had a Frigate, Navigator, and Knight-Incantor instead of the Big Arkanaut unit and Warriors, but I didn't love it. Felt like it just didn't have enough punch. If I had enough Endrinriggers painted, I might try dropping the Warriors, and reducing the big Arkanaut unit to 10 in exchange for a Frigate and a unit of 6 Endrinriggers. Then switching to Zilfin and using the deepstrike artifact. I really liked using the 30 Arkanauts to take out heroes, though. That's a good strategy. Might just be the armies I was going against didn't have great targets for it. I know in certain situations it can be devastating.
  17. Thanks! I gave them all pikes. They stand a little behind the warriors or smaller Arkanaut units, so that when the enemy charges the front unit, they can't strike the skywardens, but with the pile in & 2 inch reach, the wardens can all fight back. Works great defending an objective. Urbaz gives you plenty of khemist buffs to go around, and 3 attacks per model at d3 damage is pretty solid against anything with a save of 4+ or worse. Endrinriggers could probably do the same job, since the Arkanauts and Warriors have 25mm bases, but it would be tougher to get all 9 in to fight.
  18. I took KO to a 16 player 3 game tournament this last weekend and thought I would share my write up! Sorry for the wall of text :). Game 1 (Shifting Objectives) Game 2 (Total Conquest) Game 3 (Starfall) Final thoughts:
  19. Hey everyone. I took my KO to a local 3 game tournament last weekend, and thought I would post my way to long reports here. Game 1 (Arcane Power) Game 2 (Battle for the Pass) Game 3 (Relocation Orb) Final thoughts:
  20. Awesome write up over at AoS shorts on KO tactics! Thanks @GrandAdmiralAutumn (Think that’s you at least😁) https://aosshorts.com/kharadron-overlords-tactics/
  21. Looks like a good list! The big skyhook unit, the Endrinriggers, and the Evocators should provide a good bit of punch. Personally, I prefer the Endrinriggers as a combat unit, instead of shooting, but think they can work either way. Try to keep them out of charge range as much as you can, since they are really your only mobile unit for scoring objectives.
  22. I like allying in a Knight-Incantor for some magic. She gives you a once per game automatic dispel, and the spirit flasks are a good way to add some mortal wounds. Also, if you play one of the scenarios where wizards & artifact of power equipped heroes capture objectives (or get bonuses to capturing) it really pays to have some extra scoring. A big unit of 40 Dispossessed warriors can be good too. Generally KO are pretty low model count, so that's a good way to make up for it. They're really good objective campers with a 5+ re-rollable save if they don't run and a banner that lets them half the number of models lost to battleshock. If you are going against an alpha strike army that gets to go first, you can use all those bodies to bubble wrap your more valuable units. Ironbreakers would probably work too, but you get half the models for the price as a trade for better saves. Your non-KO units don't get to benefit from skyport/allegiance abilities, but they don't make the rest of your army lose any thing as long as allies stay below 20% of your total points.
  23. Has anyone tried a full on Endrinrigger spam list? Something like: 2x Khemists 3x10 Company 3x9 Endrinriggers 1x6 Endrinriggers. I thought of it when I saw a Deepkin list that was basically all eels and heroes. Would be boring to paint, but I think it could do pretty well with Urbaz or you could drop 6 Endrinriggers for a Frigate and go Zilphin for some deep strike. Might even work as tempests eye with a lot of 16" moves turn 1.
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