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Everything posted by Krzyek

  1. Warhammer Quest - Cursed City Radukar the Wolf
  2. Warhammer Quest - Cursed City Gorslav the Gravekeeper
  3. Warhammer Quest - Cursed City Torgillius the Chamberlain
  4. Warhammer Quest - Cursed City Watch Captain Halgrim
  5. Warhammer Quest - Cursed City Bat swarms Not a fan of painting these models. It was a slog, but they are done. Hope the rats will be better. Can't imagine what painting Epic or Warmaster units is like. 😆
  6. Warhammer Quest - Cursed City Vyrkos Blood-born
  7. Warhammer Quest - Cursed City Kosargi Nightguard
  8. Miniature of the month - Primaris infernus Decided to try out new things like chipping and metal discolouration.
  9. Warhammer quest - Cursed City The Vargskyr I decided to go for a more batlike colour scheme.
  10. Retro stormcast. It is amazing how GW has made so much progress on their mini designs
  11. I AM THE LAW! When I sam the miniature of the month, I knew I had to do this conversion. 😎
  12. The idea was simple. Swap the painting styles for new and retro minis. The space marine was the easiest choice.
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