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Posts posted by Grimrock

  1. 12 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    So much to love here.

    I like the Fyreslayeresque crests.

    Some meh head options, but some lush ones, male and female. 

    Power axes!

    I got excited thinking one of them was an Ironkin, mixed units would be amazing, but I think the dude in question is a fleshy dwarf with maybe bionic legs. (They have 4 fingers and Ironkin have 3)

    Guns. Lots of guns.

    I agree, I'm really liking these sculpts. I'm pretty sure it's an iron kin though, if you compare the head to the helmeted dwarves they're completely different. The hands are probably just a limitation of sculpting. The guns are probably interchangeable for all the models in the kit so the number of fingers is fixed. Plus on the lore size I imagine they'd manufacture more fingers for iron kin that use standardized weaponry or are performing a task that needs a little more dexterity. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Iksdee said:

    Is the Slaves update so large that it could take the whole winter slot for AoS or is the 40k chaos update so big that AoS wil get shoved aside completely? The Cursed City update doesnt have any new models. Could it be that we get Warcry 2.0 in time for Christmas? 

    Slaves will be pretty big as far as we know so far. We have confirmation they're resculpting the chaos warriors, chosen, and Daemon Prince, but the chaos knights are pretty likely as well and maybe even marauders. We're also getting new warcry warbands, two new heroes, and a new ogroid unit. There might have been more but it's been a while since I saw the table of contents. 

    Given the fact that slaves is pretty closely tied to warcry I think it's pretty likely they'll tie the releases together. I'd guess we'll see the warcry release sometime in Fall a couple weeks before slaves. 

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  3. 18 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

    So I am new to this game, but do the points changes seem tame across the board? Do a 5 or 10 point increase really change list building for 2000 point games? I really do not know!!

    Like I always figure constant point changes allows GW to shake up the meta and try new things. Especially since they do this every 6 months and can always reverse the changes.

    I come from Star Wars Legion and while the point changes were mostly tame they often looked at the least taken units and just buffed the ****** out of them for six months lol.

    Yeah no they make no difference whatsoever and yet they still make these tiny changes all the time. No one in the world is looking at the Exalted Deathbringer in Khorne and thinking "oh man, he went from 85 to 80 points, he's totally playable now! I can't wait to put him on the table!". They either seem to be so strapped for time that they can't playtest properly so the changes are made as small and as safe as possible, or they just don't know some factions well enough to identify the issues.

    To make it even better this year they added in these monumental shifts in how the game is played. By playtester admission (the guy from facehammer) they have no clue what the impact will be and so couldn't possibly anticipate what points they should change and how much. Not to mention that the book battle tactics and grand strategies were tested and balanced against the previous rules instead of this new and harder season. I totally understand that they're hesitant to make big changes to the points while they're making such big changes to the game, but that begs obvious questions like 'why are they making such fundamental changes to the game of they can't anticipate what will happen?' and 'if they have no idea what the changes will cause and they have no clue what the points should be, why are they charging people $60 for this product?'.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

    We might be missing something but I think the more likely result is the AoS team dropped the ball on this just like they did Prime Hunters. Like in my previous post, it all comes across as if 'design by committee' or corporate meddling, i.e. these rules must be in X season despite making more sense to be in a battlescroll (I'm thinking of the ranks/coherency rules).

    Well, at least we won't have to change our lists much at all. Always a silver lining.

    I don't know, maybe we just misinterpreted what the point of the season was? Like we saw the rules for Galletian Veterans and thought 'oh, they're previewing all this stuff to buff hordes so this season must be about hordes', but it was all a bait and switch. All those rules were added on in a desperate attempt to keep hordes relevant. The only reason you have fight in two ranks and count as extra models is because of how ridiculously powerful bounty hunters are going to be and how much of a liability troops are due to tactics/missions. 

  5. Bounty hunter battalion leaked on the AoS subreddit, no requirements for the members to be Veterans. Just two to three units that aren't Behemoths, Artillery, or Leaders. You can only take one of the battalions, but you've got 2-3 units that are rocking +1 damage against all of your opponents foot battleline.

    This isn't the season of horde troops, it's the season small elite mounted battleline units. They can get the bonus of double damage without the risk of getting shredded in return. Personally I'd be trying to take as few Veterans as physically possible. Nowhere near worth the risk they pose now and they even give up bonus points on one of the new missions. Armies that can take small elite groups like Stormcast Dragons, Varanguard, or Pusgoyle Blightlords will get a big boost and armies that can't are just going to get nuked left right and center.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, readercolin said:

    So taking a look at my StD army (knights and chaos warriors), I think chaos warriors come out of this looking pretty good.

    They were already unreasonably tanky (especially with mark of Tzeentch).  Their problem was just that they couldn't kill jack, even if they were buffed.  Now, you can fight in 2 ranks which means that you basically doubled their damage output.  Admittedly, 2x low is still low, and they are suffering from their lack of rend, but hey, I'll take any improvements I can get.  Second, even a block of 20 could still be outnumbered on objectives... but now you can make a 20 block count at 60, which is going to be a lot harder to dislodge with anything that can actually kill them.

    Knights on the other hand might work out better as bounty hunters.  They don't get the veteran keyword, but now it is hard to argue for lances when you can just use ensorcelled blades and always have +1 attacks, rend -1, and damage 2, even if you aren't the one who charged.

    Overall, StD is still going to be weak to big monsters, but if you were ok playing to the objectives before, and were able to make that work, you might still be able to do so now.

    Biggest question is the exact rules for the bounty hunter battalion. If it's set up like the conqueror one then only non-mounted battleline will be allowed, so no knights. If knights are allowed then I could definitely see their stock rise, double damage for no downside is pretty slick. 

    Assuming wording is consistent then I'd say the biggest thing we have is triple count warriors with mark of tzeentch. Double damage marauders seem pretty good though, and a master of magic teleporting them across the table from out of dispel range is a pretty consistent alpha strike. Worth trying out. 

    Edit: Nevermind, the rules for the hunter battalion are leaked and they don't have to be veterans. Just no behemoths/artillery/heroes. That's nuts, it opens up so many possibilities. Knights, Varanguard, Chosen, all of them just got a double damage buff against battleline for no cost. 

  7. Yeah the main thing I'm kind of excited for is 2 damage bloodletters that can fight in two ranks, but they're still squishy and slow. They can do some pretty significant damage so I'd like to take a shot at least. I agree though overall it feels like a tough spot. If the bounty hunter battalion isn't limited to battleline then skullreapers or wrathmongers couple be pretty scary, but I think that's pretty unlikely. 

    On the plus side this definitely hurts the ranged meta. Most of the good shooters will now die significantly faster and have very few benefits to compensate. If the meta skews away from shooting and hero sniping in general then there's a chance for Khorne to at least climb back up closer to those mid range win rates. Extremely unlikely we'll be winning lots of events but every little bit helps. 

    Edit: nevermind, looks like the bounty hunters battalion leaked on the AoS subreddit. You can only have one battalion, but no requirements for the members to be veterans. Wrathmongers are seeming pretty tasty as they usually wanted to go into infantry anyway. Leaning hard into Skullcrushers or Bloodcrushers also seems like a good idea as they can be battleline without risking getting hit by the opponent's bounty hunters.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, KrispyXIV said:

    I believe images of the new one show it labelled "July - December 2022" or something like that.

    The image of the cover also says 2022-23 season 1, so pretty much a guarantee that there's going to be at least one more. I guess that's the nail in the coffin then, no way I'm paying $120 a year for GHB's when I only get a game in every month or so. 10 bucks a game just in temporary rules is obscene. 

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  9. 54 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    The bounty hunter thing might be a bit much, but theoretically its a single unit in the army with +1 damage against infantry, and it increases your opponents drops.
    The objective thing is going to be very hard to deal with, but objectives are only half the points in the game now, this actually helps some of the bottom tier armies who used to get by on objective control alone (like grot heavy gitz lists) since they'll be better able to control the objectives. Might be an issue though.

    Your concerns about having bad battleline are the same as having bad monsters for the past year, some armies like KO just didn't have them at all.

    Also for Tzaangors specifically I don't think you need to worry about them being too weak because of a lack of rend, I ran the numbers because I was curious. (Numbers are all with 20 models, the +1 to wound from a nearby arcanite hero, and +1 to hit since like 1/3 the unit gets it anyways)

    I'm not concerned about the viability of specific units or armies per se, just noting that these changes will indeed help some more than others. To me that means that these changes aren't necessarily good or bad for the game, just a lateral shift. Armies that had great monsters (like SoB) will be hurt with the loss of the current season. Armies that have good combat battleline and little to no monsters (like Nighthaunt) will love the new season. The game won't really get any better because you'll still have the haves and have nots, it'll just be different factions benefitting/hurting. 

    For the Tzaangor specifically, the main thing for me is their very low defensive stats. Sure their damage will definitely go up, but everyone else's damage will go up too. Tzaangor will kill more, but if any bounty hunter unit gets to strike them first they're just going to dissolve like butter. IMO I think that the net effect will be a negative for units like Tzaangor, but I could definitely be wrong on that and we'll see how it goes. It's certainly an incentive to take the Tzaangors off the shelf and try them out.

    Edit to avoid a double post:

    37 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    I think this GHB season is going to be a lot more nuanced than what people initially expect. There are going to be a multitude of factors at play in every game. I don't think anyone can predict how it's going to pan out until we're at least a few months into it.

    Which is why 6-month seasons is a terrible idea GW.

    Have they actually said they're going to be dropping a new GHB every 6 months now? It was already a dubious purchase for me since I only get one or two games a month anyway. If it shifts to every 6 months there's absolutely no way I'll be shelling out for it.

    • Like 1
  10. 49 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    I'm not worried because melee is not shooting. You can screen, redeploy, control charges or moving and the action is going to be in just one focused zone of the map, and if you crush my unit with your battalion you can die under my battallion too.

    I think every change I see is good for the game, and better than the damm monster mash.

    I don't think this is any better for the game than monster mash, just different. It'll change the game up for sure but as with any change this broad the impact will be extremely uneven. For example Tzeentch is already suffering pretty miserably (i think about a 30% win rate last time the tourney stats were posted?) and they get absolutely wrecked with this update. They have no good combat units to take advantage of the new bonuses (the best would be tzaangor but without rend they're still going to be mediocre) and the horrors, which are their last viable unit, will get absolutely demolished now that good combat units do double the damage against them. You can't screen for them because they are the screen, and it doesn't matter if they count as 3 models when they're all dead. On the other hand Nurgle, an army that is already doing really well, is going to get even better. Plaguebearers are resilient enough to handle the extra damage and counting as 3 models will be huge. Also doubling the damage for blight kings is just a really terrible idea on GW's part. 

    I've been pondering the change all morning and thinking about how it would affect my armies and this is what I'm thinking will happen: if your army already had cost effective battleline that you were taking anyway then these changes will be great for you because they just got much better. If your army had bad battleline that you were avoiding then these changes might actually make things worse because the impact of extra damage will outweigh the impact of extra scenario pressure. On top of that you might be forced to take more bad battleline in order to complete tactics/stragegies, weakening your army overall. If you didn't take infantry battleline to begin with then gamewise it won't matter much, but you're in real senario trouble because you have no veterans to do the specific tactics or grand strategies. 


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  11. I am happy they've finally put reasonable coherency rules in the game, but I agree with @Enoby that this is far more of a bandaid than an actual fix. It does nothing to help models like skull crushers or varanguard. Heck with the +1 damage battalion it might actually be an overall nerf to most infantry.

    It'll be interesting to see how everything pans out. On first glance I'd say that these rules would actually lead to a massive reduction in infantry models to avoid the liability of getting nuked by units that have suddenly doubled in damage, but the battle tactics and strategies will likely change that. If they require veterans to complete then there will at least be a reason to take them, and I think what we'll get in the end is just shorter games. Both armies take bounty hunter veterans because they need to for tactics, combats almost always resolve in a single round due to double damage, and most games are over by turn 3 or earlier. Whether that's a good or bad thing really just depends on what kind of game you want to play. 

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  12. 15 hours ago, Lord marcus said:

    Hello fellow blight-kin.

    I am building a Nurgle marked slaves to darkness army. I'm incorporating bits from the various Nurgle plastics.

    Im going to follow this thread for inspiration, if you don't mind the company?

    Everyone is welcome with the Grandfather! However you might want to pop over to the new AoS 3 sub forum for Nurgle instead:

    Not a ton of activity over there, but definitely more than you'll get there. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    We're all feeling a bit under the weather :)


    But seriously what are people's expectations/hopes for the 2022 Generals Hand Book?
     I think that generally we're in a good place but would like to see Pusgoyle Blightlords and Beasts of Nurgle go up slightly and most of the heroes (not Maggoth Lords) go down slightly to improve internal balance.  The Glottkin are probably the unit most in need of a serious discount, down to 600 would be great without being over powered.

    I think those sound pretty good but I'm a little more pessimistic since Nurgle seems to be getting some decent tournament success. I'm guessing we'll see bumps to the beasts, pusgoyles, lord of afflictions, maggoth lords, and maybe nurglings. We probably won't see any significant decreases even though, like you said, the Glottkin and the GUO really need them. 

    I'm also really curious to see how the rules change. The rumor was that they'll start to emphasize battleline and single wound infantry in particular. Since we don't have any single wound models at all it'll be interesting to see how that pans out. Hopefully GW is far sighted enough to realize that if they change the rules to favor things we can't access and also give us huge points hikes it'll just nerf us into oblivion, but I don't have a lot of faith in them for that.

  14. 15 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    8 attacks with no rend, 1 dmg is a joke. No longer fights first or +1 to hit on the charge. Went up to 10 wounds yet no monster keyword and now can't benefit from cover or look out sir (6+ ward is OK but doesnt make up for this). No command abilities, just a heroic action (which is used at the expense of any other heroic action you might need) for a minor buff. Only the Nurgle one has a meaningful role against some hard to shift opponents (Gottrek, Fire Slayers and, ironically, Maggotkin of Nurgle being the main ones).

    We dont yet know what the God Marks or sub factions will do however as it stands the new daemon prince can't fight and doesnt buff the units around them so there is no role for them in a god marked army and seems doubtful they will even have a role in their own faction. 

    Just to be sure it's clear, the talons are 2 damage not 1. The linked image is a bit blurry so it's hard to tell, but if you google for a high res version of the leak it's definitely 2 damage. With that being said it's still way too early to be making a call on how well he'll do in S2D itself. 8 attacks at a 3+/3+/-/2 is a profile that's just begging for a good artifact to take it over the top. Look at the lord on Karkadrak, he has 5 attacks at the same profile and when when he had access to the -3 rend artifact he was an absolute rockstar. Add in a good trait and keep similar buffs for the marks and the double claw prince could absolutely be top tier. Or maybe he drops to 150 points and becomes the gold star in bargain bin heroes.


  15. On 6/4/2022 at 2:10 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

    Whoa, that's some big changes!  Does that say 8 attacks on the Talons?  At least the Princes will rock some increased damage and a ward save.  Really didn't want to make anything Nurgle but for my StD army that looks like the best one, perhaps Undivided as well.  Shame they lost natural Strike First.  I also hope they have more face options in the kit, not liking the one in the picture.

    Damage is kind of a wash overall. You no longer get a weapon and a talon, you have to pick between the two. So instead of 4 sword and 3 claw attacks it's just 8 claw attacks, and no rend or chance for mortal wounds really hurts. The hope is that the allegiance abilities will make the prince playable in S2D but that still won't help in Khorne at all. Odds are there won't be a place for him in any of the god marked armies, which is a shame.

    On the plus side it does indeed have different heads, they showed them off during the 40k portion. They all look dramatically better than the AoS head. 

    5 hours ago, DrThunder said:

    Coalition units still benefit from non allegiance based buffs? Killing Frenzy, Crimson Haze, etc....

    Yeah I'm pretty sure that only the tithe table and slaughterhosts were changed to the blades of khorne keyword. As long as the rule only specifies khorne then anything with that keyword gets it. 

    • Thanks 1
  16. 40 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

    The following info is unverified and relayed to me in text form

    Spiterider lancers - 225 for 3

    3 wounds
    Save 4+
    Bravery 6
    16” move
    Lance/2/3+/3+/-1/2 - extra rend and damage on charge
    Fangs and claws/2/3+/3+/-1/d3
    Poison sting/1/2+/2+/-1/d6, d6MW on hit of 6
    180 for alternative build, fight worse, but resurrect d3 models or heal d6 wounds

    They look good, but kinda weird. Plague drones used to be similar with three different attack profiles: the sword, mouth, and stinger. They trimmed then down in the 3rd edition book so they only have a single profile with a lot more attacks. Why would they simplify the drones so hard and then come out with another unit with the exact same concept and give them the old school super complicated profile? Just seems really backwards. Well... I guess it is GW so maybe that makes it even more likely. 

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  17. 51 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    Do we know if the Tzeentch force is gonna come with a new hero model? If so is it a brand new "character" or an updated sculpt?

    IMO the only model that desperately needs a resculpt is the fatemaster, but the blue scribes and the herald on disk are both still finecast too so who knows. I really hope it's the fatemaster, tzeentch doesn't need another new throwaway character. 

  18. 2 hours ago, Archibald said:

    I just started Tzeentch and got myself a Start Collecting, the Changeling, a box of blue Horrors and a magnetized Kairos/Lord of Change. I only want to play daemons. So first question: Any more recommendations besides another Start Collecting and more blue horrors?

    Now i was looking for some competitive lists and could only find stuff that is from january or older. This Threads looks also more dead than alive. So my question is what happened to Tzeentch? I can recall that we were feared for our magic and fire power... 

    To me the repeated points nerfs, horror re-write, and interactions with 3rd edition rules have left the army feeling a little... flat. Not a terrible army, but definitely lacking in damage. We pay a massive premium to get access to reliable mortal wounds and outside of those I've struggled to put out any damage. Back in 2nd the rend -1 from Eternal Conflagration was sufficient, but now everyone can stack +2 to their save without even trying. That makes it next to impossible to kill even remotely tanky units with shooting. Then you start seeing mass ward saves like Nurgle just completely negate even the magical side of our damage and it starts looking pretty bleak. Competitively the faction was crutching on Archaon pretty hard to make up for all the issues we were having, but him losing all access to allegiance abilities pretty much put the nail in the coffin.

    Someone posted game stats on the rumor thread earlier today and it looks like we've dropped to a win rate of 36%. Pretty depressing but not overly surprising.

    Edit: Model-wise I think you're on the right track. I've always enjoyed the blue scribes but with the  horrors not being of spell casters anymore I guess they're a lot less important these days. 

    • Thanks 1
  19. 35 minutes ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    I got one direct from GW, but planning on doing conversions for the other two.  

    Yeah I'm in Canada and they haven't been available on the GW site or the biggest online retailer since the book dropped. Put in an order at the FLGS but the models simply don't exist in this country for some reason. The fact that they're just easily available on the GW site for the UK is... so frustrating haha.


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  20. 3 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Has anyone got some games in with triple Maggoth Lords? 

    On paper they are great being killy, fast (for nurgle) and with great unique abilities but I've not seem any battle reports with people going "Full Maggoth"?

    Thinking something like 3 M Lords, Lord of Afflictions,  3*2 Blightlords and 2*3 Nurglings.

    Only 15 models but plenty of bite!


    I've had a single Maggoth Lord on backorder literally since the army book dropped. The thought of obtaining three of them just seems so absolutely impossible to me haha. 


  21. 31 minutes ago, rfkannen said:

    The main nurgle models I want outside the blightlords are the horticulous slimux (this is my favorite nurgle model by far, honestly one of my favorite warhammer models period) and  the beast of nurgle. I also really like the glotkin, but I'm not sure if its worth its price (Its hard to get a feel or the quality of a model that big from pictures)  If I got a box of blightkings and then the vanguard, would I still have room for all those models? Should I just skip the vanguard and only buy those models and the blightkings?

    Yeah depending on what size of game you're looking to play there should be plenty of room. Beasts are pretty great, relatively cheap, and battleline in the befouling host, so you can really go nuts with them. Horticulus is also a fantastic buff piece for them. The current 2k list I'm enjoying is:

    Great Unclean One
    Horticulus Slimux

    2x Blight Kings
    2x Plaguebearers
    3x Beasts of Nurgle
    1x Nurglings

    I have recently built/painted the glottkin as well and I can say the model is pretty fantastic. A couple of the joints really sucked to deal with but otherwise the model is just dripping with detail and cool little features. Great fun to paint and look at even if it did take a really long time to make sure nothing was missed. He's kinda hit and miss in the game, too many points I think, but he is still playable and could be solid if you're not doing tournaments. 

  22. 25 minutes ago, rfkannen said:

    Part of me wants to get the warcry box with two chaos mini-factions in it, but from what I heard thats getting replaced sometime but we don't know when?

    Warcry is definitely a lot of fun to paint and going between the different warbands would give a lot of variety. The weird bit is modelling isn't great (they seem intentionally built to make conversions exceedingly difficult) and they don't mesh super great into AoS, but if you're aiming to use them in Warcry itself they can be a blast. 

    25 minutes ago, rfkannen said:

    Maggotkin are super fun! I will admit that level of grossness is a bit much for me, but I also objectively think that they are the most fun designs warhammer has ever made, some of those sculpts are hilarious and awesome!  I could see myself getting a warband or maybe like 1000 points of these.  Getting some putrid blightkings would be awesome, I have heard those also have a ton of bits for conversion! Would the vangaurd be the best place to start there?

    The vanguard box is a pretty solid start. The only part I don't like taking in an army is the Spoilpox Scrivener, but he works just fine for summoning later down the road. Otherwise everything in there is great in game, and yes the kings come with a LOT of bits. If you're handy with a little green stuff and a knife they're also pretty easy to do simple conversions with to keep everything varied. I have 20 of them so far with no duplicates although I did have to get a little more creative on my last box. 

    25 minutes ago, rfkannen said:

    Tzeentch is a weird one for me tbh,  I loved lovecraft as a kid and am still huge into eldritch horror. I also just started using inks through my airbrush and I LOVE painting in bright colors, and I also love monsters! But I don't get the basic concept of the disciples, why does eldritch god of knowledge and magic translate to barbarians and birds? I feel like I am just missing the basic idea, which is a shame since the models are super cool! If horrors are easy to build I am up for it, the building was a lot worse than the painting, and the horrors would paint up QUICK with some inks.

    In the lore the Kairic Acolytes are actually a group of scholars, wizards, and huge nerds. However when it's time to go to war and fight for their secretive cults they don the masks and they change them into the roided out barbarians you see on the tabletop. Always loved that little bit of lore as it's kind of a nerd power fantasy, but I like it even more because I picture them getting all jacked and thinking they're hot stuff with all these muscles, but in reality they're beaten by almost anything in the game in close combat. Like even goblins can be better fighters haha. 

    Pink horrors are of course your standard multi part models, but blues are a little simpler and are usually only 2-3 parts. Brimstones are the easiest, they're all a single piece that you just glue to the base. If you decide you'd rather not go through there are always other options, but so far they are pretty important to the faction so it's definitely something to think of. 

    25 minutes ago, rfkannen said:

    If I was to go for a chaos faction any suggestions on where to start?

    If you're good with Nurgle I'd say just start there. Either a vanguard box or maybe even just a Putrid Blightkings box so you can get a feel for it and see if you like building them/painting them up. 

  23. Looks like you don't have any chaos in your list, so I'd suggest you take a look there. IMO they have the most diverse and characterful factions in the game. Maggotkin are a really fun faction to paint pretty easy to collect these days since the army has gotten so elite. There's some overlap with the zombies, but you shouldn't ever need to build 40 of anything. Blight Kings are also some of the best sculps I've ever painted and are pretty fantastic on the table to boot. Slaves to Darkness gives a huge amount of variety and they're looking to get even better later this year when their book drops. Tzeentch is another option as well, very different from what you've been working on. Lots of bright eye catching colours and fun models. The only thing I'd be worried about is you usually want to get a good number of horrors, but on the plus side building them is pretty easy and they're simple enough that even painting up 40 blues/brims was pretty painless.

    • Like 2
  24. 18 minutes ago, madmac said:

    The thing is, the pre-supposes that they're actively ticking off a schedule like, they had a meeting and went "Ok hands up if you think we should work on Skaven or Lumineth next. Looks like LRL have it 5-4, you heard them Bob go sculpt some new elves"

    The reality is that all or most of these decisions were set in motion many many years ago and likewise in the case of these 1st edition armies that I personally own too many of, the lack of new miniatures today is because of processes put in motion forever ago.  Simply put, IF LRL get new models this year (which looks unlikely, but whatever) that doesn't mean that GW's sculpting team is just over there cranking out new elf models nonstop only pausing to spit on the fyreslayer molds six times a day. It would just mean that LRL already had models in the pipeline that were made years and years ago, probably right alongside the most recent release and just strategically delayed to maximize sales.

    Likewise, the reason we've gotten virtually no second waves for those neglected 1st Ed armies is because at the time they were made GW had no further specific plans to expand them. That's the actual difference between the big multiwave releases we see these days vs those old small armies of yesteryear. The newer armies are made with more models, and planned out as big multiple waves of releases from the start. The old armies were a one and done project when they were made, and we can only speculate if GW has any serious plans in progress for them even now.

    Yeah I'm not saying they made this decision a month ago or anything. It may have been a long time ago, but that doesn't change the fact that GW made the decision that they would release 3 books in 3 years for a single faction. If the rough timeline of 3 years to go from conception to release is right, then they planned the first Lumineth book in 2017. The second was started in 2018, and this most recent one was 2019. Every time they decided to start the process of a new Lumineth book they could have instead chosen to work on something else. This schedule was intentionally chosen, resources allocated, and work done. 

    You're absolutely right, if rumors are true then GW had no intention to update those small 1st generation armies at conception of AoS, but that is a business decision they made at the time. They worked with AoS for years before they decided to do Lumineth and they absolutely could have changed course and started to expand the 1st generation factions. Again, they chose not to and instead decided to focus their resources on other factions. 

    GW has full control on what they work on and when they work on it. Every product they make is a result of a direct business decision, and every decision comes at an opportunity cost. When they work on Lumineth they're not working on another faction like Skaven or Beastmen. 

    Edit: If we're going to be as generous as possible then the first two books could have been planned in 2017 and intentionally split into two. This couldn't have been a result of the pandemic, that happened too late in the cycle. Then if this new book is small enough to only need a year or two they might have started it around the time the first Lumineth book was released. Regardless of the order, they still chose to release 3 books in 3 years and dedicate the necessary resources to those books. 

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  25. 47 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    You should be happy that an army is getting so much love, not angry. One more miniature for X faction doesn't mean one less for Y.

    It kinda does though? Like if we were talking about Underworlds getting a new warband then sure, they're separate teams so work done on the warband doesn't take away time from AoS. However there are a limited number of AoS developers, so a limited amount of time they can spend on projects. If the modelling team is assigned to do a new Lumineth wave then they won't have time to work on, for example, the Skaven range refresh or new models for Beastmen or Fireslayers. Then the rules team has to work on the Lumineth models so they can't really focus on other updates and we end up with terrible white dwarf supplements like Khorne. Then the factory gets focused on pumping out enough of the new Lumineth models so they can meet the demand instead of producing models that have been on back order for ages like the Maggoth Lords. 

    I know GW isn't just doing this for no reason, they're chasing the money or what they think is good for the game or even what they think looks cool, but they absolutely have limited resources and every decision made has an opportunity cost. They could have left Lumineth alone for 3 years. No one would have complained in the slightest and they could have diverted those resources into factions that desperately need attention, but they chose not to. Now Lumineth players will be upset at having to buy another book, Skaven and Fireslayers players are upset they got ignored, and every other faction that really needs a new book like Khorne are upset that the slot was spent on Lumineth instead. I hope all that customer dissatisfaction is worth it for GW. 

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