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Posts posted by Arkiham

  1. 16 minutes ago, Nico said:

    You're right - that is Ahriman's staff. Dang.

    Number of new models released for Chaos Dwarves = 1 in July 2016 or so (Shar'Tor).

    Number of new models released for Death = 0.

    More the threat of the army not being any significant feature of the story.

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  2. 55 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    I can imagine other factions to sell better if they received as many updates. Perhaps some armies are omitted by players because they are afraid those factions are dead and won't be seeing any updates soon.

    This is totally why I've not blown like  £600 into chaos dwarves, 

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  3. gw arent big on telling people releases far into the future as sells go down, as people wait out for those models instead of buying the ones they've been looking at on their website, if people knew what was coming out model wise alot of people would wait off buying stuff. i know i certainly would if i saw a chaos release in like say december. 


    17 minutes ago, Spiky Norman said:

    I still cannot believe it to be true - It would be absolutely crazy (good!) if GW opened up to order from their entire back catalog. If it should turn out to be true, it'll be very interesting to see how old stuff you can order.

    This would be the best thing next to reopening their old bits service from the mailorder trolls!

    i hope terrain is done, plenty id like to buy which is going for way more than they should on ebay.

    if they sold bits, even reasonably priced id buy so much. so so so much. id easily blow £100 on odds an sods. 

    games-workshop would clear out pretty much all the companies on there. they could even sell painted armies by the army painting team for profit. 


  5. 46 minutes ago, polarbear said:

    Not to be off topic here but I think the rumour aspect of GW, in some ways at least, is a positive for them. I'm always going through my feeds looking to see any hints of what's coming. It creates excitement. There are pluses and negatives to anything of course. For me, when the reveal finally does come, I am more inclined to spend money because of that wave of excitement, rather than after the news has worn off a few weeks later. They could do with more hints and teasers though just to keep everyone on the hook and not make the future look bleak at times.

    So this.

    Not even been on the gw website since the monthly magazine. Read it in a morning, now nothing until next month..

    Previously every sat I'd be waiting for my magazine, popping on their website waiting for the update checking out the newest models etc.

    The lack of information coming out is a real downer

  6. An the fact he comes back to life on a 5+ but only dies on a 1.


    You can put him anywhere on the field, within 3" of a unit.  so no charges, no other unit does that.

    You can soften something up and just dump this guy next to them.

    Didn't notice his save was a 6 tbh so yeah maybe not 350 but more than 200. Otherwise it'll be too cheap as a suicide model, 6 attacks 3+3+ rerolls, you can just turn one kill the enemy general.

  7. Changing the subject back to AoS...

    with these campaigns, the summer one is in the realm of life, the autumn one is supposedly in aquishy.

    that means that the winter/spring one ( so 2017 type time ) would be in another realm following current logic. i think its death? which is followed by a battletome for death ( according to rumours) so there looks to be a pattern forming, with each campaign a battletome for the relevant fraction is released. 

    so, if you follow this string logic, when it gets around to slaanesh being re-released (2017 ) i expect it would be in the realm with the Aelfs ( as he is meant to be captured by tyrion an co {i think } ) , so you could expect to see a battletome for them also. which would be the spring campaign 

    it makes sense but perhaps that's because i want it to make sense.. lol  



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  8. 1 hour ago, Changer said:

    It's good that GW are taking it all seriously and putting an Errata out straight away.  Any ideas if this will include points for Matched Play for models from Silver Tower?  I know that FW have passed across points for their stuff and are hopeful for a release on the day the GH is released.  It would be odd to have a small subset of AoS models without points.

    i did read on the Age of Sigmar page that they're expecting silver tower points to be released the same day as the generals handbook

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