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Blog Entries posted by Bleedindevil

  1. Bleedindevil
    Since my last entry, my chaos army came to a standstill for several weeks due to exams. Now that I've finished my exams I have been able to get my hands on a Silver Tower box and I love the overall look of all the models. My main aim is to use the Tzeentch models to represent the Tzeentchian part of my force. So far I have been painting the cultists and the horrors, in addition to working on my remaining Blightkings, Bloab and Varanguard. Here's some work in progress shots of these models, most of which are almost complete. I cannot wait to begin working on the Tzaangor, the Ogroid and the Gaunt Summoner himself. To keep a trend within my entire force I have also  decided to paint the armour on all my models black, in a similar way to Archaon's to show how they are all under his command, while still loyal to their own god.

  2. Bleedindevil
    When Age of Sigmar was first released I was excited by the new models, specifically the Khorne Bloodbound and wanted to try out this new game. After playing several games with the starter set and the additional Khorne miniatures I found that no one else wanted to play Age of Sigmar specifically because at that stage the only additions were either for the Stormcast or Bloodbound and many didn't want to use their 8th edition fantasy armies.
    Several  months later when the new Archaon the Everchosen model was released I found myself drawn to the model and was eager to play the game. After purchasing the model I still found that others shared little interest until recently.
    When the Orruks were released, one of my friends who has also started a blog on here since (Walverine56) was really eager to try out Age of Sigmar and it helped reignite my interest in it too. I knew straight away that I wanted to revolve my army around Archaon and owning the model already, I decided to finally paint him now that I was inspired to do so. To start my journey here is my finished Archaon.

    My overall plan for the army is to theme it around the minions of chaos amassing under Archaon's banner and so plan to have at least one unit and character in the army each resembling the scions of one of the chaos gods. So far for this theme I have bought 3 Varanguard for  Undivided, Bloab Rotspawned and 10 Putrid Blightkings for Nurgle, a Gaunt Summoner for tzeentch and 5 Wrathmongers for Khorne. I also plan to buy some Hellstriders for Slaanesh because I'm not willing to forget about him that easily. I was also unsure about what Tzeentch unit I would have aiding the Gaunt Summoner, until recently when the new Warhammer Quest was advertised. Also after reading about how Archaon was gifted the key to Scarbrands bonds I am thinking whether to include him as the Khornate character in the force.
  3. Bleedindevil
    As mentioned in my last post I played my first game of Age of Sigmar using the SCGT points system. We decided to also use one of the missions from their tournament pack called Battle for the Allpoints which had four realmgates set out on the board (one of which would collapse on turn 3) and the winner was whoever controlled the most at the end of the game.

    This was the overall setup for both our forces. His army consisted of a shaman on arachnarok spider, 10 ardboyz, an orc shaman, 6 fellwater troggoth, Godrakk, 6 regular troggoth and a aleguzzler gargant.
    My list was Archaon, 5 skullreapers with demonblades, a gaunt summoner, 5 wrathmongers, bloab rotspawned, 10 blightkings and 3 varanguard
    I received priority and chose to move slightly forward and rearrange my lines slightly. In my opponents first turn he managed to use the portals to teleport his ardboyz behind my gaunt summoner, his troggoth behind my varanguard and due to poor rolling I got to chose where his fellwater troggoth teleported and so chose the realmgate near Godrakk.  In the combat phase he managed to charge both troll units into my varanguard and his ardboyz into my gaunt summoner and skullreapers. In combat he dealt 3 wounds to my gaunt summoner a killer 2 of my skullreapers which in turn killed 2 ardboyz and wounded another. In the other combat my varanguard managed to kill 4 regular trolls and leave another on 1 wound but he killed 2 of my varanguard in turn.

    I managed to get priority once again and charged Archaon into the arachnarok, the wrathmongers into the ardboyz and the blightkings into the trolls. In the combat phase Archaon managed to fluff several on his attacks dealing a total of 7 to the arachnarok and taking 5 back in return.  The combined wrathmongers and skullreapers reduced the ardboyz to 3 models taking 1 wound in return. The Blightkings killed 4 fellwater troggoth .
    In his hero phase he rolled for the troggoths regeneration and regained 2 fellwater troggoth and 3 regular troggoth. Because of how strong this rule seemed we were unsure whether we had used it correctly because it implied the trolls would continually regenerate lost models. Regardless of this he then charged Godrakk and the gargant into to blightkings. In combat the ardboyz finally fell to the combined wrathmongers and skullreapers. Archaon also finished off the Arachnarok dealing 9 wound alone with the slayer of kings. In the final combat Godrakk killed 4 blightkings, the troggoth another 2 and then finished off the varanguard. Before dying though the varanguard dealt 6 wounds to the gargant and then the remaining blightkings dealt a wound to Godrakk and killed another troggoth. The remaining blightkings then fled.

    This turn the realmgate blew up and after a roll to randomise which one it ended up being the one near both my khorne units. The damage from the explosion left me with one skullreaper and 3 wrathmongers. I knew I had to try and capture another realmgate quickly so ran my wrathmongers towards the top realmgate, Bloab moved towards Godrakk and I flew Archaon over to try and kill the shaman. Archaon managed to fail a 7' charge and Bloab's shooting attack missed. I decided to then charge Bloab into Godrakk in hope of holding him up for a turn. Godrakk easily killed him.
    In my opponents turn he sent his gargant towards my lone skullreaper while both troll units regenerated all wounds. He then moved his Fellwater troggoth back to capture the upper right realmgate followed by Godrakk.

    Nothing much happened this turn other than my opponent repositioning his units and then Archaon failing his critical charge against the troggoth.
    In the final turn my opponest received priority meaning he charged Godrakk and the trolls into Archaon  nd teleported his other trolls next to my wrathmongers and then charged them. My wrathmongers managed to kill the trolls but in the other combat due to terrible rolling on my part Archaon was killed by Godrakk.
    Results: Orruks- 2 realmgates
                   Chaos- 1 realmgate
    Overall I really enjoyed this game but think that for a mission like this specifically I need to include more fast units such as hellstriders so I can cross the board quicker. I also think I would have done better if I had placed Archaon my central in my force. The stand out unit in my list was clearly the Varanguard based on the amount of damage the could deal and their tanking ability. I also really liked the Bightkings and Archaon. The other units in comparsion I'm still not sold on but will try them out again to see.

  4. Bleedindevil
    After finishing Archaon I wanted to start with the Nurgle section of my force mainly because the putrid blightking models have always interested me and now gave me a reason to by and paint some. Here is the progress of my 10 man strong unit so far. I have only finished 3 so far because I wanted to sample the scheme before using it on all of them. I am happy with this overall scheme because I didn't want to have the obvious green armour and so chose to have a more bronze armour, glazed green to imply that Nurgle's blessing has mutated it this colour. I have also finished building and primed Bloab Rotspawned and plan to work on him after finishing these.

    Tomorrow I am also having a game against my friends Orruks. We are using a points system from the SCGT and so create a list of 150 points and then field 100 of those. This is the list I plan to use which includes most of the Age of Sigmar models I own so far, so limits my options somewhat. I don't think I will be settling on this list because I want to still include minions of each god in my list.
    -Archaon 35 points
    -Varanguard (3) 12 points
    -Blightkings (10) 16 points
    -Bloab Rotspawned 14 points
    -Gaunt Summoner 5 points
    -Skullreapers (5) 8 points
    -Wrathmongers (5) 8 points
    -Bloodsecrator 6 points
    -Bloodstoker 3 points
    -Slaughterpriest 4 points
    -Khorgorath (2) 12 points
    -Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage 12 points
    -Bloodreavers (20) 10 points
    -Bloodwarriors (5) 5 points

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