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Posts posted by TheOtherJosh

  1. 1 hour ago, Myzyrael said:

    Wow ok that is really good and speeds up summoning even more 

    The only thing to remember is that the Blue/Brimstone Horror Points are only good for summoning Blues/Brimstones respectively.

    I ended up with a bucketload of the BHP ... and only 6 actual “Fate Points” in my game vs Nighthaunt.

    Definitely put those regular Fate Points to the side... to bring in stuff like the Exalted Flamer or another Herald.

    But Icon bearer 1s for Battleshock on the Fate dice, and Fold reality repopulate those Pink Horror Units.

  2. This sounds almost as insane as the Start Collecting Seraphon Box conversion that was done on Lustria-Online:

    It took:

    1 120mm oval base
    1 40mm round base 

    1 Start Collecting Seraphon

    Which includes:
    10 Warriors (2 spare)
    5 Knights (3 spare)
    1 Carnosaur or Troglodon

    And with some conversions and work end up with:
    10 Warriors
    5 Knights
    1 Carnosaur with Scarvet rider
    1 Troglodon
    1 Astrolith Bearer
    1 Oldblood on foot
    1 Sunblood
    1 Scarvet on Coldone (you could make 3)


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  3. 37 minutes ago, Myzyrael said:
    1 hour ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    Dont forget that “Any Blue Horror Points you receive can be used instead of or as well as Fate Points when you summon a Blue Horrors unit to the battlefield.’”

    Seems like GW wants to sell us more horrors...

    maybe I misread the rule but doesn‘t it say you can only summon if you have 10 FP? You can Then use the bfp instead and still have 10 but you need to have them in the first place.

    The BFP can be used in place of them per the “Split” rule on the Blue Horrors and “Split Again” for Brimstones ... so you need 10 collective “fate type points”. Where any combination of the following must equal 10 to summon:

    - blue horror points + Fate Points,

    - Brimstone Horror Points + Fate Points,

    - Fate Points

    The key here is “instead of”.

    My quote was directly from the split rule. (Which is an update to a Warscroll Ability.) And Ability Rules on warscrolls override core rules.

    And at the end of the day you can alternately take petty vengeance and attempt to cause mortal wounds. So you don’t need to use the split ability and have to buy more bodies. (But I didn’t find that helpful...)

  4. 2 hours ago, Myzyrael said:

    enerated a crazy amount of blue points but realized that needing 10 FP to summon anything is a problem, couldn't summon anything in round 3

    Yeah, I ran a game at 1k vs Nighthaunt on Sunday ...

    By the end of turn 2 I was at 36 BH Points ... after realizing that I didn’t 1) Have enough models, and 2) Forgot to bring the ones I had out in my Movement phase ... 

    Dont forget that “Any Blue Horror Points you receive can be used instead of or as well as Fate Points when you summon a Blue Horrors unit to the battlefield.’”

    So you don’t need 10 FP to use the BHP you earn from pinks dying....

    And on that note: Treacherous Bond is absolutely awesome on the Ogroid Thaumaturge when backed by Pink Horrors as ablative wounds.... (Go Ogroid Thaumaturge with 18 effective wounds ... I’m out of Pinks? Go blue horror wound soak!)

  5. 10 minutes ago, Roark said:
      5 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    Am I missing anything critical for my army

    @Roark is pretty spot on, probably not “critical” it looks like you’re just in the “filling things out phase” ...

    So, stuff you could add could include the “Slaughterbrute Of Khorne” (which isn’t in any of your battalions) or “Archaon”... I know you specifically were indicating “other than Daemons” ... But a Khorne Daemon Prince is also pretty solid. 

    Of the centerpiece models, Archaon has a Command ability that allows your heroes to all use their command abilities... and the BoK have a load of them.

    Khorgorath are also interesting, (though painful to buy) as they have an 8” ranged attack and have several battalions they can be included in.

    The Soul Grinder (while a Daemon) is also nice as it has multiple ranged attacks that a typical Khorne army is missing.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    1 Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut (the real one made of Resin),

    Which was based on the real-real one made of metal. A metal one would be really metal in that list of minis ... ;) 

    3 hours ago, Karol said:
    5 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    Am I missing anything critical for my army (that’s not a demon and are they really actually super critical?)  

    Blood warriors I think. Am not sure, but I think they are required for some of the battalions that actually get used

    @Karol it looks like @Ravinsild may have Blood Warriors, just mislabeled them in the list?

    5 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    14 Bloodreavers with Gorefists and 30 or so dual-wielding


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  7. 3 hours ago, Drib said:

    Relics of Hysh

    Lens of Refraction:

    "Each time a friendly unit within 6" of the bearer would suffer any mortal wounds from a spell cast by an enemy WIZARD, roll a D3 and reduce the number of mortal wounds suffered by the result"

    - Malign Sorcery p. 85

    On bright notes it’s only a 12” bubble (plus base size) and it can’t be taken by Named uniques.

  8. So ... first game of v2.0

    Leaders: Shaman, Magister, Thaumaturge, Herald on Chariot, Gaunt Summoner

    Units: Tzaangor, Flamers, Exalted Flamers, Kairic Acolytes, Blue Horrors, Skyfires (3), purple sun, jaws, clockwork.

    V.S. Nighthaunt (Lady Olynder, Spirit Torment, nightmare lantern ghost, 2x 20 Chainrasps, 2 units of Spirit Host (3 and 6), Lord Executioner, clockwork


    Chainrasps brutalized the Tzaangor. They're absolutely evil.

    Tzaangor are still pretty brutal. Acolytes are still pretty unimpressive.

    It's nearly impossible to get successful casts due to the prevalence of dispels on both sides of the board. 1st battleround ended up with only 5 Fate points. Second ended with only 6 (and 4 Brimstone Horror Points) ... it was a seriously brutal uphill climb ... 

    Lord Executioner's -1 to hit debut is painful. The stacking debuff of another -1 makes daemon melee tzeentch hit less like wet socks, and more like soft breezes. (They're already pretty bad as it is ... )

    Screamers are really only useful for their 6 to 1 Locus change for TZ Daemon Heroes ... (They don't hit hard enough, or consistent enough unless they're against monsters.) (Had two on the herald's chariot.)

    Flamers/Exalted Flamers were the 'amusing heroes' of the match ... Warpflame is awesome ... and pop back after a unit wipe is doubly amusing.

    Lady Olynder is absolutely evil, and her 'bring back a model to every unit in 12" command trait" is awesome for Nighthaunt ... not so hot for me.

    • Like 3
  9. 4 hours ago, ledha said:

    I had a little 1000 points game with a mortal khorne list against nightaunts. Anyone interested with a quick battle report ?

    I’d definitely be interested in hearing how it went. Care to give us a rundown?

  10. 5 minutes ago, Myzyrael said:

    The app tells me I cannot take daemon princes in a Tzeentch army and that mutaliths must be allies, did I miss something or is the app wrong? 

    “You receive 1 Fate Point each time a casting roll is successful, and the spell is not unbound.” p. 99 GHB, or the current FAQ. (However you have to have a combination of 10 fate points/ blue/brimstone points to bring in a unit according to the FAQ)

    You didn't miss anything. The app is wrong.

    We're still dealing with fallout from the Azyr app failures. And the Warscrollbuilder site has issues right now, as there is only one version of the 'Mutalith Vortex Beast' (not two, one with the Tzeentch Keyword and one with the Monsters of Chaos keyword.) The Battlescribe app with the AoS catalog is working.

  11. 1 hour ago, Boss Salvage said:

    Screamers seem real bad, not helped by enormous bases (spoiler: mine are likely going on 40mm rounds, as they're currently on 40mm squares).

    The “Matched play recommended base size” for those screamers is 60mm... I’m actually a bigger fan (from a general perspective) of a cavalry base (60x35mm) as it fits under their profile better.

    Given that you had a Mobile ( flying) Tzeentch Daemon Hero in the DP...  did you consider having them run support/interference for your DP? They meet the requirement to do the 6 to 1 flip.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Olmdebil said:

    je thats why he is now 200 points ...120 for sayl 80 for nightmaw

    Actually ... he and Nightmaw aren’t 120/80 anymore in the new Monstrous Arcanum. It’s just 200 for the pair. (Effectively he is 200/0 with the mandatory for both units)

    They count as separate units for allies calculation. 

  13. 48 minutes ago, Olmdebil said:

    Sayl The Faithless (200)
    - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch
    - Allies

    Because Warscrollbuilder is incorrect. You can’t give Sayl a Mark. And allies don’t get the additional spell.

    You also are missing Nightmaw. (Who is a required unit when bringing Sayl)


    You're still within your 1 in 4 maximum warscrolls for Allies, so it’s not an issue.

  14. 41 minutes ago, JetBlackSVW said:

    Nice army you have here. Could you make a close photo of Valkia, please?

    It looks like Valkia is on the 40mm Shattered Dominion Hero stairs base. (Probably balances better than on the 32mm recommended base)

  15. 18 minutes ago, Olmdebil said:

    is it possible to unbind an spell on 42z range with magical supremacy ?

    I magical supremacy gives a +12” range. So yeah ... 42”.

    On a curseling it’s brutal. And if the LoC is near them, the LoC knows it as well.

  16. 21 hours ago, syph0n said:
    21 hours ago, Ragnar Alpaca said:

    I noticed that the points limit for allies is still there. Is this intentional? I thought in the new addition it was just 1 ally allowed for every 4 units, I didn’t think points mattered here any longer?

    Fairly sure that's true for matched play. It's the other game modes that the points (obviously) wouldn't apply. 

    The GHB 2018 adds points as a requirement, in adddition to the limitation of only 25% of your Unit selections can be Allies.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    There's issues with some of the Warscrolls in the App and GW are fixing them as fast as they can. If you spot any, email gwapps@gwplc.com ;) 

    The gwapps@gwplc.com address is failing wih an invalid email address?

    Is it gwapp@gwplc.com instead? (Nope ... that fails too...)

  18. 59 minutes ago, Xasz said:

    I know you don't like it and are trying to be sarcastic but it's RAW in this case with no wiggle room. ?

    Well, at least they “fixed” the Thunderers to the original version instead of that GHB 2017 mess... right ;) ... 

    Yeah, the question that I might have is does the “last updated” date in the app classify as a “warscroll with date” or not.

    If it does count as “Warscroll with date of publication” I’m sad to see them take the (non-gigantic) Chaos Spawn away from Nurgle.

    The Warscroll update “breaks” the Path To Glory roll of 2 on the champions rewards table in the Nurgle Maggotkin Book. And isn’t an optimal solution for the “Mark of the Destroyer” artefact for Blades of Khorne.


  19. 9 hours ago, Xasz said:

    Warscrolls got updated and the DoT spawn now has a timestamp, on top of being the only Chaos Spawn entry.

    I'm not the biggest fan of this either, but no more non-tzeentch spawns in AoS.

    And the Wurrog Prophet requires a roll of 44+ to hit ... and Ogors have a range of 20” for melee ... in the new “ legit”version with an update date. B|

  20. Just now, BillyOcean said:

    Well thats annoying. My soulgrinder is on the 170 oval as previously suggested, and it looks perfect. I experimented with the 160 wound it looked dumb and oversized. Also, screamers on 60mm rounds? That looks absurd.

    60mm rounds are the larger flying bases. It’s what they show on p.55 of the DoT book.

    Share a pic of the soul Grinder on base? I haven’t actually seen one based ... 

  21. 17 minutes ago, Blackspine said:

    That's gonna be REALLY small compared to the mammoth. Sorry to break it to you.

    The LOTR War Mamuk is close in size. Thinner, but close.
    I know that the mammuk is near double the height and area of the Stonehorn/tusk/frosty

    So ... figure out an appropriate base size and set it up on a large scenic base. The War Mammoth unfortunately isn’t made anymore. :(

    Probably a 160 round or 170 oval

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