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Everything posted by lare2

  1. Any indication that new model Mondays are still a thing? Really fancy staring at something shiny and new.
  2. I love the new Lord-Commander model. Just a shame he's Hammers and I'm hopeful there might be an option to run a generic version so that other Stormhosts might be able to benefit. I'm loving SCE but the named Hammers characters, man, they really want to push Hammers.
  3. That's good to know. I was certain I'd seen a core rules faq. Thought I must be getting forgetful in my old age when I couldn't find it. So this means that Hurricanes get their Rapid Fire after they've come down 👍
  4. Does Scions of the Storm count as having moved? I'm aware they come down at the end of the movement phase and that in 2nd it did but can't seem to find the rules relating to reserve units. Can someone please point me to the rules in the core rules which would relate to Scions? Cheers in advance.
  5. Well, another game last night and another loss against Soulblight. They're quickly becoming my bogey team. Big reason I lost though was that there were only 3 objectives (mission was the rebranded starstrike) and turn 3 he burned the 1 in my turf. Couldn't catch him on VP after that. Positives, Ynestrata single-handedly put the pressure on a VLZD, Manny, and Radukar. She survived the game and killed all but Manny. Longstrike are still brutal in Anvils. Negatives, those zombies man. 10 Vindictors fell to 30 of the son of a guns.
  6. Thanks for the pointers regarding Sequitors. Glad to hear I'm not wasting my time... although with the new book so close, who knows! Ha ha! I hope not though as I really like the cut of their jib. In fact, all the Sacrosanct units look pretty sweet. I do like tournies but I'm never bothered about winning. I'm happy if I get the one win and just like the vibe of being involved.
  7. Disheartening to read the opinions about Sequitors. Recently converted up a LA on foot to run 2x5 to cover battleline. Was thinking 2 wounds with a 5+ fnp sounded pretty tasty.
  8. The new dragons look mint. Cannot wait to see how they play with SCE.
  9. The same thing happened in 40k with the transition to 9th. I run Death Guard and there were countless repackaged stat lines before the codex dropped early doors.
  10. Cheers for the pointers - much appreciated! Think you're probably right - need to hit them hard and fast. In my xp, backed up with a vamp, you're looking at 40 attacks for, say 20, in a big block. Then you've got danse from a necro, letting them attack twice. Granted, you get to swing back before they attack the 2nd time but with a big block you'd still likely be looking at 20 zombies attacking again. That means, all in, you're looking at 80 attacks. This averages to 13/14 mortal wounds in addition to any attacks that get through and which you, inevitably, fail to save. With their nuts pile in rules they're super quick and don't need to charge. Plus they come back really easily when fighting infantry. I've had a Stardrake be popped by zombies getting the jump on me. They're horrible little s.o.b's.
  11. lare2

    Battle Tactics

    Makes sense to me. Much appreciated 👍
  12. Another game last night and another win. Means in 3rd, using Thunderstrike units, I'm undefeated... except for games against Soulblight! I just cannot seem to deal with zombies. There's so many of them and their mortal wound output always does me over. Next week I'll be playing Soulblight again and can't seem to write a list I'm happy with. Anyone had any luck against them?
  13. D'oh! In my mind, the limit to +1 only affected the actual save, not the healing part. Thanks though! Still pretty tough though.
  14. Staunch Defender +1 save All out Defence +1 save Castellant's Lantern +1 save This also means that the Lantern now allows healing for every save of 4+. This coupled with Amulet of Destiny would make something very unkillable: +3 to the save roll, 5+ ward save, and every 4+ roll for the save heals a wound. Am I reading that right?
  15. Hi all, if you are running the General's Handbook 2021 Battlepack, can you use the Battle Tactics from the Matched Play section of the Core Book, in addition to those in the GHB? Thanks in advance.
  16. I've definitely been thinking the same. It might seem a lot of points to protect a Relictor, for example, but 3VP is 3VP. The last game I played, I won because I got my Grand Strategy and my opponent didn't.
  17. Nice one, thanks for the advice people. I was actually leaning towards an Imperatant simple because he's already got 8 wounds. Love the idea of Arcane Tome on him. Had that assigned to an Incantor but makes a lot of sense to spread the love. Giving him Flaming Weapon would also make his Warhammer 3D. He's not gonna be taking on the likes of Nagash but I'm thinking this would be a solid little cluster of mayhem which, with Yndrasta and whatnot on the board, would probably go ignored for a while. Looking like my next game's Thursday eve against OBR so will aim to run it then. List I'm looking at, FYI: Core Battalion: Battle Regiment Core Battalion: Warlord: Knight-Arcanum Knight-Incantor Lord-Imperatant: Arcane Tome Lord-Relictor: Deathly Aura, Soulthief, Translocation, General Yndrasta Liberators x5 Vindictors x5 Vindictors x5 Aetherwings x3 Annihilators x3 Praetors x3 Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows x6 Allegiance: Anvils of the Heldenhammer Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery Triumphs: Bloodthirsty 1,985pts
  18. Love the new praetor models and thinking of how to run them. I know there's conjecture about how they protect Yndrasta so want to avoid running them with her. Also, she's too quick really so only really see them protecting a foot hero. Anyone had any luck with them? I was kinda thinking of two routes - protecting someone like a Relictor to try and secure Pillars of Faith or have them protecting a combat hero to cause merry hell.
  19. Won a great 1.5k game last night against Archaon and Nurgle. Took her 3 turns but Yndrasta managed to pop Archaon. Only the 2nd time in my AoS career I've killed him. She's an absolute beast and, with healing, she came out of it completely unscathed. I ran a combo of models from all 3 editions and was very impressed overall with how the army plays. Roll on the new tome!
  20. Played my first tourney in 3rd yesterday. Was also my first tourney with SCE. Don't have a painted force yet though so ran my mate's first edition army. Was really impressed how they held up. 1 won lost 2 but 1 of the loses was pretty unlucky and the 2nd loss was against the same mate who lent me the army. Thought the Stardrake was class. The Prime sucked mind.
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