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Posts posted by someone2040

  1. 11 hours ago, AverageBoss said:

    Ya. Behemoth is the reason. But there are plastic kits that have been left out. No Dracoth lord for example, despite all 4 Dracoth riders, the chocobo lord, and chocobo riders being there. No Chaos Sorcerer Lord. No Ogroid, and hes a brand new plastic model.


    7 hours ago, tchad78 said:

    I found it bizarre and frustrating that I can't run all Greenskinz as they have no hero. As a new player I bought two Start Collecting boxes of them and can't use the Warboss that comes with it.

    I'm assuming my friends and local shop will use some of these house rule points, but I have plastic models in a start collecting box that are overlooked and invalidate an entire faction.

    I've always felt like house rules were cheating the spirit of the game (in other games), but I'm learning that GW makes the toys and the money and the community makes the rules.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

    There are a few odd occurrences of things missing in the official renown lists. The Chaos Sorcerer Lord and Orruk Warboss definitely top candidates without any clear reason.

    I believe the reason why the Ogroid Thurmatauge, the Dracoth Lord and possibly even the Daemon Prince are missing is because they end up being more than 30 renown. If you notice, there is nothing in the game that costs more than 28 renown. So I believe these models weren't included on that basis (I think the Tzeentch Herald on Chariot also falls into this category).

    • Like 5
  2. 4 hours ago, The Lord of Dragons said:

    The aspiring deathbringers should both be 16. Also a typo in deathbringer

    No, they shouldn't. Actual Skirmish points the one with Goreaxe and Skullhammer at a higher renown than the other one.


    2 hours ago, Nin Win said:

    Then I say include everything and if @Rafal Maj wants to, he can put a note in about how it's the player's responsibility to figure out if any of these broderline artillery units needs to be either toned down or excluded.

    Agree completely.

    There are plenty of things that break in Skirmish. I see Salamanders and Razordons as perfectly good candidates as models that would look interesting and be a logical part of a warband. A quick glance at the rules, and I'm not even sure if they'd be broken. They only have 3 wounds, short range on their shooting attacks, razordons stand and shoot only kicks in on a 4+, salamanders do one high damage attack (but at 8" range). I could get 6 Freeguild Handgunners for the same cost of either, and I reckon I'd choose the Handgunners most of the time.

    If anything, Chameleon Skinks probably break the game far more easily just due to their movement shenaningans.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, Darth Alec said:

    Monster on the front left has several small stubby legs. Looks like the previous rumour engine picture. Beast of Nurgle perhaps?

    Good catch, certainly looks like it. Wonder if it's a Daemon and will hence transition to Age of Sigmar as well.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Carnelian said:

    Really? They said earlier in the year that players of every army would be pleased this year. At the time I saw that as saying every faction would be getting at least one new model (maybe in a triumvirate way). I guess now it could have just been a reference to 8th edition.  I was so looking forward to a Tyranid triumvirate!

    Would probably just relate that to 8th edition. Everyone is getting an overhaul all at once, so if your army has been collecting dust for a while, get 'em out as everyones going to be on the same footing.

    I don't think it's really in GW's mindset to spread the love. They prefer to stick to an army for a while, before moving onto the next release. In a way, this makes sense as it allows the designers, sculptors, artists, everyone involved in the design process to focus on a single particular thing for a while. 

    I'd probably expect 40k 8th to follow a similar pattern to AoS (or most other new edition releases for that matter). Core Rules + Starter Set. Accessories for the new game, followed by like 2 months of Primaris Space Marines and Deathguard. 

  5. Surprising to see just how few models there are in the game for some factions.

    Seeing the final list of models available just re-iterates my stance. I think it is a huge mistake not to point stuff in finecast/metal.

    There are some weird ommissions as well. No renown for the Orruk Warboss. Couldn't see a Devoted of Sigmar section even though Flagellants are plastic.

    I guess this is where the community will step in. Providing points for models not included, a better progression system, more scenarios, etc.



    • Like 2
  6. Likewise, had my first games today. We houseruled my leader a bit, by swapping the Ironfist option for a Pistol on the Mournfang Warscroll (as it'd be a shame that his major weapon is a big huge crossbow that he can't use).

    We had an Ogor-off, which I think as expected a bit, was a bit swingy. Once two blows go through, the Ogors go down, and the Grots just prove to be a bit of a distraction as they're just bodies. I won twice, and at the end of the games I had enough gold to buy 2 Grots and a new Ogor (If I had the model for the Ogor anyway). So don't feel that was too much. Definitely interesting playing Ogors, as you'll need to save up over multiple games to get the more interesting Ogor choices (Leadbelcher, Irongut, Man-eater, etc).

    Anyway, for those interested I did a narrative write up on my two games in my Painting Blog for the warband.


  7. I don't mind the fact they're re-using the starter sprues for Stormcast. I presume the Prosecutors are the full set.  At the end of the day, if you're just buying some models for Skirmish, you may not care that much about the fact you're not getting complete units.

    For everyone else, well, just skip the set and buy things individually, or buy a start collecting box which is almost as good and will get you a full set of Liberators.

    Honestly, I'm just interested in the rules. It's a GW filler week that they tend to do before they're about to release something big (aka nu-marines or deathguard for 8th 40k).


    I do think they could've made this a much more interesting release though. As it stands, it looks like a 1-weeker and something different will be out the week after, as there's not a whole lot of fanfare about the whole AoS Skirmish.

    So how about instead (or in addition to) the boxed sets above, you got something like:

    Scourge Privateers: Black Ark Fleetmaster, 10 Corsairs and a Scourgerunner Chariot (I do have 10 Corsairs lying around... and a blister of old metal ones... hmm....) 

    Freeguild - Free Peoples Captain, 10 Freeguild Guard, 5 Pistoliers/Outriders

    Bonesplitterz: Savage Warboss, Savage Orc Boys, Savage Orc Boar Boyz

    Gitmob - Gitmob Shaman, 20 Gitmob Grots, 3 River Trolls (Yeah, went outside the faction a bit, which only goes to show that Troggoths are in an odd spot)

    Flesheater one I don't mind, but it obviously suffers a bit from not having plastic heroes.

    Deathmage - Necromancer, 10 Skeletons, 10 Dire Wolves

    Brayherd - Beastmen Shaman, 10 Ungors, 10 Bestigors or Shaman, 10 Gor, 10 Bestigor.

    Devotees of Slaanesh - Chaos Sorcerer Lord/Chaos Lord, 10/20 Marauders, 5 Hellstriders 

    All the above chosen to only contain plastic kits. If you went into finecast kits also, it'd open up a large number of warbands that could be bundled up. think these are more interesting warbands than the re-hash of Stormcast and Khorne Bloodbound we get for every single release. 

    Ideally, I would've liked to see them create a bunch of new heroes to lead warbands around. A Shadow Master for Swifthawk Agents, and you'd get people interested in making a Shadow Warrior warband (Mordheim anyone...). A Grot hero of any kind, and people want to pull out some Grots. Easy way to tie things into the Skirmish release, while giving some love to some factions that need a little bit of it.


    That being said, listing off some of that stuff definitely has my creative juices going. Hope to find out more information soon!

    • Like 2
  8. 34 minutes ago, Teletomas said:

     I also like this idea, of a base stat, as I think it opens the AOS components up for more of a roleplaying experience in line with mordheim, since you could customize your gang more, and this would remove the feeling of fighting against brotherly clones, if you met a war band from the same faction as your own.

    But.... You forgot to mention baseline stats for my faction: the dead.. Zombies would just be cheaper and worse versions of humans I'd guess. Ghosts would be anti rend... 


    Well, certainly one of my reasons for doing so was to introduce more mechanics. I wanted to introduce jumping into the game, but AoS doesn't have a stat the clearly relates to a models ability to perform those kind've actions. I also wanted to keep it simple, say a roll of 4+, but some races are more naturally inclined to running/jumping/etc. So as an example, all AELVES/SKAVEN could have a naturally skill called "Nimble - Add 1 to jump rolls".


    As for other races. Yeah, I'm more inclined to think about Order as they're generally my favourite races. How far you go with your races, I think largely depends on how many mechanics (if any) you add into the game. Zombies could just be ****** humans (Wounds 1, Save 7+, Bravery 10, Move 4", Hit -2, Wound -2), but you'd probably add more interesting racial skills for them. If you introduced a stunned/knocked down mechanic into the game ala Mordheim, you'd probably also take a cue from Mordheim and make them un-stunnable. Or you could add something like "Drag them down - If there are more friendly models involved in the combat than enemy models, Zombies gain +2 to their hit rolls).

    Ghouls could be Wounds 1, Save 6+, Bravery 10, Move 6" +1 attack modifier, then have special racial abilities. Cannibals : Gain +1 to hit for the remainder of the battle after wounding an enemy model. May not be equipt weapons or armour, always uses 'Claws'. (Claws are just standard sword profile).

  9. In terms of making your own heroes.

    One thing I was considering for my own 'skirmish' style game which was closer to Mordheim was some kind of profile combination.

    Your race would have base stats for Wounds, Save, Movement, Bravery. But would have modifier stats for attacks, hit, wound, rend and damage. 

    Armour would either impose a special rule,  stat modifiers or both.

    Weapons would generally have their own weapon profile agnostic of who is wielding them.


    So the following might make sense:

    Human (Chaos or Order variants) - Wounds: 1 Save 6+ Movement: 5" Bravery 5 No modifiers

    Stormcast - Wounds: 2 Save 5+ Movement 5" Bravery 6 +1 to hit with melee weapons, +1 to hit with ranged weapons, +1 attack with melee weapons

    Chaos Warrior - Wounds 2, Save 5+, Movement 5", Bravery 6, +1 to hit with melee weapons, +1 attack with melee weapons

    Orruk - Wounds: 2, Save 6+, Movement 5", Bravery 4, -1 to hit with ranged weapons, +1 rend with melee weapons

    Aelf - Wounds: 1, Save 6+, Movement: 6", Bravery 6, +1 to hit with melee weapons, +1 to hit with ranged weapons

    Duardin - Wounds 1, Save 5+, Movement 4", Bravery 6, +1 to hit with melee weapons

    Armour - +1 to your armour save characteristic

    Heavy Armour - +2 to your armour save

    Stormcast Paladin Armour - +2 armour save, -1 movement (Stormcast Only)

    Shield - Re-roll 1's to save

    Bow Hit Attack 1,  4+, Wound 4+, Rend -, Damage 1

    Unarmed Attack 1, Hit 5+, Wound 5+, Rend +1, Damage 1

    Sword Attack 1, Hit 4+, Wound 4+, Rend -, Damage 1

    Axe Attack 1, Hit 5+, Wound 4+, Rend -1, Damage 1

    Hammer Attack 1, Hit 5+, Wound 3+, Rend -, Damage 1

    Dagger Attack 1, Hit 5+, Wound 5+, Rend -, Damage 1


    So an Orruk profile with a Bow, Sword (Choppa) and Armour merged together would have the following warscroll:

    Wounds: 2, Armour Save: 5+, Bravery 4, Movement 5"

    Bow Attack 1, Hit 5+, Wound 4+, Rend -, Damage 1

    Sword Attack 1, Hit 4+, Wound 4+, Rend -1, Damage 1

    Looks pretty much like an Orruk right? (Maybe a pretty boring and plain Orruk who doesn't have any special rules at this time).


    I like it because it gives you more stats to play around with. More stats means you can do more interesting things with skills. And at the end of the day, this always results in a warscroll that can be used in game. You can upgrade your weaponry (or change weaponry), as you just need to re-combine your character profile with your new equipment profiles.


    Also, the above stats are more for your regular mobs. You could create heroic profiles, but I actually think a more fun and interesting way is to allow heroes to get access to a certain number of upgrades. You could even go full DnD style, roll for a X upgrades, and pick Y of them. 

  10. Not really surprised if points per model come back into the fold.

    There's been a lot of complaints for some armies about "I can't fill in my last 40/60 points", and it can shoehorn you into taking certain heroes to make sure you get as close to 2000 as you possibly can.

    I also feel it doesn't add on a huge amount of complexity, and perhaps may even be better for the game. 

    It will be interesting to see if it does come about, and if so, how far they take it. It could be as simple as current, you just divide your base cost by models to equal points (Although, then you get fractions sometimes). It could be more complicated, such as your base unit costs 100 points, but each additional model costs 12 points (Taking into account for units that get better as they get bigger).

    It also makes sense when you have to make some of your characters from the same box as a unit. Flesheater Courts for example, make a lot of their hero level characters by taking a model from the unit box and dolling it up a little. If you currently say create a Crypt Infernal Courtier, well now you're down one of your Flayers and needing to take an undersized unit/upgrade.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, Captain Marius said:

    The Questor in Silver Tower has a 40mm base, I believe the only Stormcasts who differ are the Azyros and Venator on 50s, with the Venator available in one of the Silver Tower expansions. Fwiw the Blight Kings and Lord Castellant in Hammerhal are on 40s too /pedant

    Not according to the model I got and the GW website https://www.games-workshop.com/en-AU/knight-questor

    But it's probably not really on topic for rumours.


    Interested to see what the big announcement is. Big news could mean anything really, it could just be the announcement of GHB2, or the upgrades to the warhammer community (Like the forums, community FAQ, etc), or it could be something simple like Shadespire release date.

    I'm not sure about Core Rules changes. On the one hand, I can see how it not being printed in the Kharadron Overlords it makes sense in a way (Although, they could've just printed the old rules in there). On the other hand, I'm not sure there's that much you could change while still keeping it down to 4 pages and streamlined.

    Another thing I could see them announcing is the next narrative saga in the Age of Sigmar. Set a prelude for Nagash rising up and his legions of Death venturing further into the mortal realms. Slaanesh has been found in the realm of Shadows, and new wars between Chaos and Order erupt after things have settled a bit after the Realmgate Wars.

  12. Many moons ago, in the world that was, GW did actually specify which bases models should go on. I think the last time they did this was during 6th edition. Here's a sheet which I think may have been provided in White Dwarf (and possibly the compendiums, not sure) which I have still to this day. For some reason, the Wood Elves don't make an appearance on this list. Possibly because Wood Elves were on the list to redo still.


    That being said, I don't see GW specifying base sizes. It's an aspect which they haven't liked to do for a while, as it gives them flexibility to change bases when they feel like it will make models look better. I mean, changing from squares to rounds was bad enough for some people, and I certainly can't see them forcing 32mms on all those Space Marine players in 40k when they decided to start switching them over.


    I also don't see GW wanting to get as into the competitive aspect of the game as back in 6th edition. That was the time when they were very focussed on making a tightly tuned game and stuff like specifying what bases things goes on made sense. In the spirit of openness and ease of getting into the game, I don't think we'll see GW mandate this stuff. I don't think they should either, I should have some flexibility in my base sizes, especially for heroes and the like.

    I just recently got a Knight-Questor who's on a 32mm base due to Warhammer Quest. No way am I going to base him differently to all the other Stormcast.



  13. 2 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

     I'll have a look at the keyword issue (can you confirm what web browser you're using & version?).

    Hi Runebrush,

    Just tested it out on my work computer, Chrome Version 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit). I was using Chrome at home when I ran into the issue, but don't know what version at the moment.

    This can easily be reproduced by adding a keyword to a blank scroll, then removing it by hitting the white circle (Which I assume is the remove button since it removes it from the list).

    • Like 1
  14. Not much been activity here lately, but thought I'd add some feedback.

    I've love it if the layout could be done a bit better. Like only split a description/ability/etc over to a second column if it needs to. I've got this case where on a warscroll I created, it splits the description over to the 2nd column even though it doesn't need to and it just makes it look strange.


    In terms of bugs, my keywords weren't updating when I removed a keyword, only when I added them.


    In terms of feature request:

    It'd be cool if we had the ability to have 'colour' versions of our warscrolls, a bit closer to what GW currently does (With the colours backgrounds, and the border). Or even just the ability to embed our own images into the warscroll like how they looked in the Generals Handbook. 

    Probably a decent bit of work, and I do enjoy the 'print-friendly' version we have at the moment, but I'd like to see the option for both :)

    • Like 1
  15. Some feedback (although haven't played yet) is that I would like to see the option to take unit champions to be a part of the warband somehow instead of requiring 3 models from the same scroll.

    The issue is that the 3 models is a blanket (but simple) rule that doesn't have an equal effect on all units. Ogors will find it hard to get even one command upgrade, while Grots can easily achieve it.

    That's probably not a huge deal, but occasionally there is interesting equipment that is otherwise unavailable to the regular guys in the unit, and for more expensive units you can't access it very easily.


    An example for me (Which I didn't really think too much at the time), was I sculpted a Ogor riding a Rhinox with a Hunters Bow. I figured before reading the rules, I'll just use him as a Mournfang Champion with the Pistol, fits well enough even if the range is a bit short.

    Of course, the current rules don't allow me to do that, and never will as I'd need to buy 2 more Mournfang. One solution of course, would just be to make my own custom warscroll or house rule it with my opponents to allow me to do so.


    Perhaps though, maybe you should be able to buy unit upgrades. These upgraded models could be called "Veteran's", that start at Level 1 or 2 on the experience chart. You can either get them as free upgrades for every 3 models of the same scroll, or you could pay a once off cost to manually upgrade your guys (5 or 10 points maybe). For cheaper units, you could just grab more guys, while for more expensive you could fork out a few points to buy a veteran instead.

  16. Haven't read the thread, but here's my feedback on what I'd like to see.

    Some stuff I would like to see in terms of balance:


    When you choose your Allegiance for your list, you must take that allegiances abilities/magic items/etc and can only default to the Grand Alliance one if your faction has no Allegiance abilities.

    Maybe the above is just trying to address the fact that the Destruction one is a bit too good? Dunno. But another change I guess would be to make the Destruction one worse. Certainly at the moment no Destruction army uses their own allegiance ability, and unfortunately while the Destruction one is so good they won't.

    I suppose even if you forced them to take their faction allegiance ability, unless they relied on their allegiance for battleline or something else you may just find armies get cheap battleline from outside their own allegiance to force Grand Alliance.

    Pet peeve is the Chaos one. I think it needs to be revamped completely. All the other ones happen automatically and generally you're always going to benefit from (Even if the only Order armies you tend to see don't care about it). The Chaos one is just... ERGH, exactly as it's called, Unpredictable. And as a player, that's really frustrating. I went through an entire 4 game tournament with it, and didn't roll it once.

    At the same time, fix the magic item discrepencies. Battle brew OP.

    Warscroll Updates:

    Above all else, one thing I'd love to see is a range-wide warscroll updates at the same time as the Generals Handbook dropped. Some warscrolls just... don't well equate to the fantasy behind the models. Take Dragon Ogors for example, nothing Ogor about them. All the attacks from the 'Ogor' are 1 damage to small. They could even update Compendium warscrolls at the same time to integrate them better off into the new mortal realms sub-factions.

    GW really need to embrace the digital age better, it's frustrating to see war scrolls that could just be fixed or made more interesting to better fit the fantasy and GW doesn't do anything. But if they do it at the same time as they update the Generals Handbook, that's at least a step in the right direction.

    don't think points decreases are the best approach for everything that's underpowered. The above for Dragon Ogors, you could make them good enough with a points decrease, but it would be a band aid fix IMO to the core problem that they don't match the fantasy of the models.

    Unit Size Increments:

    The increment in which you upgrade units should be separate to the minimum number of models you need in the unit. If you buy something with a minimum model count of 10, maybe you should be able to upgrade in 5's. I get the feeling this won't change, because GW want to see a box and you have a unit (or the next increment of a unit). But it's probably not really that fair that Grots need to upgrade in 20's, just because they're sold in 20's (Although strangely Skaven get to upgrade in 10's, consistency anyone).


    Talking about consistency, it is ridiculous that stuff like the above exist. Or that Brettonians as a legacy army take numbers that match their box size, but Tomb Kings as a legacy army don't. I really don't get where they were going with the Brettonians. Given they no longer sell them, for consistencies sake, please make them in standard unit sizes.


    Also in terms of consistency. Please choose battlefield roles that make sense. Why are waywatchers battleline for Wanderers? It doesn't make sense, these were the elite rare archers of the Wood Elves, not your run of the mill Glade Guard. At the same time, Eternal Guard aren't. What gives?

    Same thing for the (now) Swifthawk Agents, Reavers as battleline while Spireguard are only if the allegiance is Agents? Make Spireguard battleline all the time.

    Armour Saves:

    Ideally, this belongs in the core rules. Either GW need to update every scroll to have a 6+ save (Unless they're basically nude), or they need to change the way armour save increases work for models without a save. When a core mechanic in the game to protect yourself (cover), you need to make sure everyone can use it. Witch Aelves should either get an armour save, or they change the rules of cover to allow them to get a 6+ if no save. Maybe for consitencies sake, Witch Aelves should just get an armour save (The Sisters of Slaughter which are effectively the same models do after all).


    I'm sure this has been done to death in the topic, but yes, I do think you should be able to take a certain amount of your army without breaking your allegiance. They certainly shouldn't benefit from your allegiance, but I would like to see it happen.

    It's a tight line to walk though, because you run into the fact that now you can just plonk 'strong' stuff in your army without losing the benefits of your allegiance. This possible means you need to tighten up things like Sayl the Faithless (Maybe make it only able to effect Slaves to Darkness units). The Hurricanum is an odd one, as it can't really operate in it's own sub-faction and is made to be taken alongside other armies. Maybe it's alright, as it doesn't seem to be as ubiquitous as Sayl is in non-Tzeentch Chaos armies.

    IF each faction had it's own battleline, heroes, etc I would say maybe there should be an Allied Detachment that you could take. Could be made up of 1+ Battleline, 0+ heroes, 0+ other units, maximum % of your points. It doesn't work for Monsters of Chaos though.

    Tough thing to figure out, hopefully GW can find a nice way to do it.


    Some stuff I'd like to see in terms of content:

    Additional Ruleset:

    I think it was a good idea to include Path to Glory in there. I think the implementation of Path to Glory is terrible, but still good to see in there. 

    I'd actually really like to see a balance ruleset around those game sizes, but considering Path to Glory already exists and GW is running with it, instead I'd like to see a Skirmish ruleset akin to Hinterlands. I wouldn't mind if it's even a bit more involved (Akin to Shadow Wars: Armageddon). With rules like being prone/stunned, basic rules for climbing and jumping (Could just be a flat dice roll you need to make). It does get a bit harder without an initiative/dexterity stat to make more interesting movement dynamics though (Why would an Aelf or Skaven need the same roll to climb/jump as an Ogor for example).

    Map Based Campaign:

    Map based campaigns being fleshed out with some more rules similar to Mighty Empires or the like.

    Additional Battleplans:

    I'd like to see new Matched Play battleplans (well, new battleplans in general really!). One way for them to keep selling this book is new content, or making sure that everyone wanting to tournament game needs the new thing. A good way to do that is to change up the Matched Play scenarios every year. This set of 6 scenarios will be the standard for the next 12 months. You could keep 3, ditch 3. Or just ditch the ones that aren't as enjoyable.

    • Like 3
  17. Event Title: Gobbocon - 1200 points Matched Play
    Event Author: someone2040
    Calendar: Events Australia
    Event Date: 03/19/2017 08:45 AM to 03/19/2017 05:30 PM

    Hi all,

    After a successful year of Age of Sigmar at Southern Wargamers in 2016 (Including a gaming league I ran in the first half of the year), we're now coming up to our first organised Matched Play event.

    We're kicking things off a bit smaller with 1200 points Matched Play Event (Vanguard Battle rules). To add to the fun, you'll be able to take a special item only gobbos can dream of!


    The players pack is available online at the following link.


    Gobbocon - 1200 points Matched Play



  18. 14 hours ago, Chikout said:

    This is sure to cause some debate here. From the November white dwarf, the bale wind vortex and Magewraith throne will be returning. There will also be some  hero bases. No news of minis or battletomes☹️

    Well, putting aside whether or not they're broken I think it's good these pieces of scenery are coming back.

    A lot of the newer terrain GW made in 8th edition should really fit right into AoS. All 4 Storm of Magic pieces, Dreadstone Blight, Witchfate Tor, etc.  

  19. Well, for people who have incomplete sets of older models it makes sense that they'd want to pick up some of that older stuff. And who knows, scales might not change that much, models may not actually look better to some people or maybe they'll only make new models for certain factions. For example, new Bloodbowl certainly isn't going to have new sculpts for every single team from the getgo. 

    I'd love to pick up some old Mordheim and Warmaster stuff just to round out some of my sets with missing pieces without having to pay ludicrous prices (Ever tried to chase down a Sisters of Sigmar Auger?).

    • Like 1
  20. 6 hours ago, Suave said:

    It would be cool to see Age of Sigmar influencing new teams for Blood Bowl. Sylvaneth team please!

    Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

    I don't think Bloodbowl will be influenced by AoS. There's a large existing player base for Bloodbowl that probably won't be too happy to see new fangled AoS stuff make it into the Bloodbowl universe (Which is firmly set in a variant of the Old World).

    I certainly wouldn't want to see Stormcast involved, but would be quite happy to see some themed teams from AoS make it in in a more natural fit (Sylvaneth being one that could potentially do that).


    In other news. Some new stuff on "Made to Order" showed up on my GW's facebook page today. It seems these are along the lines of limited print runs of the older stuff. Looks like they will be made available for some short period of time for people to order and then shipped out all over the world. So the Imperial Guard stuff for example, might be available for a week. Once it's over, it's over, they're not available anymore and they start making the miniatures to send out to people who ordered them.

    It's not a bad way to do things as they can justify getting out the mould and casting the miniatures without having to do it for one person who randomly wants OOP Calgar on the toilet. 

    Will be interesting to see how it goes, and whether anything interesting is made available. I'd be really keen to see Specialist Games models being made available in this way as well (Although, permanently through Forgeworld would also be nice!). 

  21. I think it's still disappointing, no matter how good the Unforged model actually is. GW for years now have been making exclusive White Dwarf models. Maybe they've been burnt a bit with sales on him? Who knows. Just I would've expected something a bit more unique than a repackaged model.

    Maybe it's a clue that the Unforged won't stick around in the Dispossessed line (He is a bit of a stranger in an army full of metal clad dwarves, but doesn't quite fit into the Fyreslayer aesthetic either).

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