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Everything posted by Slaktor

  1. In relation to my earlier post a few weeks back I’d really enjoy a miniature’s list for future adventure or campaign books, like on the back of the books or something . I know it’s an rpg but I would definitely buy an adventure book based entirely on if it would fit my miniatures collection . The more I use them the better (value for money and all that). 😊
  2. @Emmetation Great! Then for now at least I know where to start! 😄
  3. So looking forward to the release @Emmetation- in the meantime could you perhaps recommend some miniatures to add to the collection in order to be fully stocked and painted for the initial release? Perhaps in relation to any core book adventure we might expect? Such as the hero classes mentioned earlier in the thread and some suitable adversaries. It would be most helpful
  4. Haha, is that so? Yeah, I think I know what you’re getting at. He is a true hero but he’s pretty horrible - but more importantly: he’s painted!
  5. Well I faced Nighthaunt today led by Lady Olynder at a 1000 point game. Focal Points was the mission on a 4x4 table. I went with the Staunch Defender approach instead of Hammers of Sigmar. A 10 strong unit of Liberators really held out. Buffed by Warding Lantern and the prayer Divine Light they were nigh unstoppable. I had no wizard but a Knight Questor did some dispelling using the Spellsheild. It was a bloody great game which ended in defeat for Sigmars chosen, but it was a close call. We alternated between the Bloodborne OST and the metal band Hammerfall for background music. It was truly epic. I’ll build upon this experience and will continue with this “tight” tactic for now. Thanks for your thoughts and reflections.
  6. Thanks guys! I’ll look into the Evocators and try to play the Hammers of Sigmars strengths then - which I view to be the Redeemer units. I’m thinking several 5 man strong units to make the most out of the ability. Edit: Instead of focusing too much on Staunch Defender that is.
  7. Hi all! I haven’t played that many games so I’m not super on all the rules, so bear with me. Is there a way to combine a Hammers of Sigmar host with Staunch Defender? I’m asking because I get completely run over by Rotbringers. I can’t win a straight up fight, if I win it’s by playing the objective - hard. Also I just painted my Lord Castellant. So what I’m really looking for are synergies. Any tips are welcome. I believe I have a lot (liberators, hunters, Palladors, judicators, paladins, prosecutors, celestant prime, questor, celestant, relictor etc), from 1.0 except like Dracothian rider dudes, gryph hounds and long strike dudes and nothing from 2.0 except the Stormcasts from the new starter set. I have tried searching the forums but can’t wrap my head around search terms with spaces... ie “Hammers of Sigmar”. Any suggestions are welcome!
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