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Everything posted by DinoJon

  1. Yeah at this point, all of the rules should be out there with point costs as well. I doubt there is anything missing rules wise from the leaks at this point.
  2. Hey there, friendly local slann, here! With the new Battletome 2023 on the way I would like to start a discussion of the new book with tactics, insights and observations. As with all things, especially new, let's be positive and find the best way to play this new tome.
  3. my dino-person. I could not have said it better myself. While I think Aggradons look cool, they are most certainly no closer to actual dinosaurs than the rest of the Seraphon line. The raptadons are a breath of fresh air in a world where Jurrasic Park "dinosaurs" have severely impacted the public knowledge.
  4. You are technically correct, the best kind of correct.
  5. Just like Settra, Kroak does not kneel... but thats more of a function of being able to for the frog..
  6. Ooof, lets not be casting stones until we see the whole picture right? We only seen snippets of each model and this article in particular was showing how those 2 units work together, no other rules shown besides basic attacks. Yes Seraphon was strong and yes it might have to pay for the sins of the past but starting to spiral in negativity is not helpful for anyone, especially yourself. If you want to blast the book after we see all the rules go for it, I just don't think its necessarily healthy. I'm excited for new models, new rules and new lore for the Seraphon regardless of whatever their power level will be. Raptadons have captured my heart as being the most "dinosaur" of the current Seraphon dinosaurs.
  7. 1. Depends on how good they are compared to the rest of the units in the army? Seraphon seem to be getting "less accurate" with Skink operated things moving to 4's to hit. Which I think is fine 2. The art is gorgeous omg, I'm in love.
  8. I get Big Daemon Energy off of this. I would say Tzeentch or Thousand Sons. I'm really curious what this is going to end up being.
  9. I know its been figured out already but just got word from US GW that the Seraphon box will be 210.00 USD
  10. They got to hand them off to the other riders of course!
  11. Generally no? For the Astra Militarum, Leagues of Votann and Prisoners with Jobs to Darkness releases as a retailer we had no problem requesting and getting what we wanted. I'm hoping the same for Seraphon as I want a couple of boxes but we'll coming up in a week or so.
  12. Give in, more people that buy lizards means the more lizards they will make in the future. I want Seraphon to be the new aelves of AoS
  13. HAHA, HOPIUM STAYS AFLOAT. I'm so excited. I can't wait to get this box.
  14. Will today be the day? Hopium blimp at max altitude. Regarding the Kruleboyz and meta-plot. I do wish we got a new race in Destruction besides greenskins and vaguely human giants. Fimir could fit that but so could a lot of other species along the mortal realms. and I'm with @Baron Klatz that the narrative is moving along but even with the rite of life and Kragnos' reawakening. The damage to realms is a lot less than that of Soul Wars. I feel like Era of the Beast is about rebuilding and expanding. I think we'll feel that a lot with Cities when they're out.
  15. Hoping strongly for the Seraphon box but it could be Underworlds/Killteam too
  16. I would expect more resin for the Old World to get started with, remember HH was around in Forgeworld long before GW made the plastic starter box. I think we'll see a bunch of resin characters/monsters/special units for a while until GW seems what to expect in popularity from ToW
  17. Not yet but we haven't seen the saurus with spear variant from the new kit.
  18. In the most recent Stormcast book, "First to be Forged", they talk a little bit of what they wear outside of combat. I don't know why I found it so weird when it should make perfect sense but they're pretty much in robes outside of armor. I got the impression it was simple linen robes but it just didnt mesh in my mind that these 8 foot statuesque demigods are just meandering around in togas.
  19. I must have completely forgot about those. O-O that's embarrassing and I can't believe its been 3 years since I've been. To save some face, I believe the big announcements weren't in the seminars but instead done at the big dinner each year. Who knows, as my memory is more faulty than I would like.
  20. As someone who's been going to GAMA for awhile now they almost never reveal anything new. The seminars aren't so much about unveiling the next new thing and more about getting retailers to carry GW. They will probably hype up 10th edition a lot and talk about how it's a good time to start carrying 40k or increase your stock of it.
  21. I've always liked this idea. Hero sniping to me is a very feels bad thing in most games. Usually your heroes define how your army functions and they also give you some really epic moments in games. You can still have "sniper" style units that can allocate wounds to hero models in units with ranged attacks and also have units similar to the Lord of Hubris that can challenge out heroes in the combat phase.
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