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Posts posted by AthlorianStoners

  1. I think this can only be considered a win for everyone. 

    Creates two new power dynamics for a bunch of factions that haven’t received much love. Gives a greater sense of direction as to where they can expand with other Non-Souped factions while still letting players with legacy armies to play at a competitive level and get excited for their armies. 

    Regarding the topic of humans, this by no means to invalidates future human releases, it actually helps as now they won’t have to content with or step on the toes of a freeguild standalone faction. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, xking said:

    It's lazy, they could have did normal humans better than that.

    They very well still could, and this actually goes a long way in enabling that. 

    This way players who have existing armies can field a viable army and GW can expand human factions whichever way they want without it conflict with Freeguild. 

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  3. Are the 4 battletomes coming supposed to be full releases (DoK/Gloomspite style) or just 2.0 Battletome revamps (BoC/FEC style)? 

    I think that would help narrowing down what’s coming. 

    Factions that I think could get full releases: 

    - Wanderers 

    - Gutbusters 

    - Soulblight 

    - Ironjawz 

    - Dispossessed 

    And factions I expect to just get the revamp treatment: 

    - Beastclaw Raiders 

    - Seraphon 

    - Slaves to Darkness/Everchosen 

    - Bonesplitterz

    - Disciples of Tzeentch

  4. Some of the aelven factions really could get squatted or folded into grouped up factions. Wanderers and Scourge Privateers could support their own books and have the most defined lore I think. Phoenix Temple and Swifhawk Agents could be combined into one book as well. 

    Eldritch Council, Order Draconis and Lion Rangers could do with being combined into the Hyde army with certain units being squatted.

    Same goes for Order Serpentis, Darkling Covens and Shadowblades all going to Ulgu. 

  5. Wanderers actually have a deceptively large pool of units to choose from, that could easily be expanded into a massive faction. They could just get the endless spell treatment, but I’m gonna wish list here and assume they get the DoK/Gloomspite treatment. 

    They already have: 


    - Nomad Prince

    - Spellweaver

    - Wayfinder

    - Waywatcher

    -  Waystrider 


    - Glade Guard 

    - Eternal Guard 

    - Sisters of The Watch 

    - Wildwood Rangers 

    - Sisters of The Thorn 

    - Wildriders 

    So they have small support heroes covered and basic troops, with lots of ranged units and some fast movers. They lack really powerful spellcasters, some hard hitters and have no behemoths.

    Assuming they get the full large release treatment, I’d like to see: 

    - Kurnoth, Consort of The Everqueen: Powerful general, strong in melee with good magic and support skills. Large, centerpiece model type unit (Marathi, Alarielle etc) 

    - Prince on Wendigo: Large behemoth unit, aimed to give them some firepower.  Visually I imagine it as large, ape like in shape with a noble antlered head. Multiple rider options that can be use independently. When ridden by the prince it’s a support/beat stick.

    - Spellweaver on Wendigo: See above. Adds magic to the model in exchange for the melee profile. 

    - Waywatcher on Wendigo: See above. Ranged version of the Wendigo, with a sniper on its back. 

    - Wendigo: The Wendigo model without any riders. Cheapest option, simple beatstick. 

    - War Riders: Units of three. Heavy cavalry, melee focused. Fast moving hammers. Heavily armed Wanderers riding giant Hares. 

    - Ley Guardians: Ranged build of the War Riders. Riders have bows, fast moving and powerful shots. Come in and out of play easily. 

    - The Repentant: Units of five. Wanderers who have taken the realmstone (Seeds) of the realm of life into the selves as penance for their ancestors betrayal of Alarielle.  This awakens their inner beast, turning them into savage half monsters (think werewolves but less specific). Quick, strong but most importantly good rend capabilities. 

    Endless Spells (these are rough, could be reworked but just a general idea.) 

    -  Ley Hawk: Healing endless spell. Giant hawk made from the energy of the Ley Lines. 

    - Wild Gate: Two gateways made of vines and earth. Allows them to teleport. 

    - Sacred Earth: A blockade spell. Pretty simple. 

    Terrain Feature

    Waystone: A joining point of Ley Lines. As the game goes on more Ley Lines are activated, increasing the stones reach. Adds buffs and is a support source, also increases magical effectiveness. 

    So that’s 4 kits, a terrain feature and endless spells, which doesn’t seem to crazy at all. But it’s adding 8 units (and bringing 2 existing units plastic models.) 

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  6. A soulblight faction would be awesome, maybe have a combination of plastic Vampire Lord and either Bat Swarms/Fell Bats

    BCR with a Plastic Icebrow Hunter and 2 Frost Sabers would be a must have 

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  7. 11 hours ago, AthelLoren said:

    Honestly, I think that DoK and Shadowblades, along with a few new kits and mistweaver/shard will all get tied into one. That would make for a HUGE new faction, and double as a new release for the so-far neglected Daughters of Khaine. I don't see why they should be separate. So basically, something like this:

    DoK line

    + Shadowblades

    + Darkling Covens

    + Malerion, Battleline, and 1 or maybe 2 new kits.

    I know that seems like a lot of units, but just look at the stormcast. This all comes out to 27-30 units. Ok, still a lot, but I think GW could make it work.

    Neglected Daughters of Khaine?

  8. Just compiling the factions without an army or potential areas for GW to expand based on lore hints I’ve come up with:

    - Darkoath (probably going to be fused with Slaves to Darkness) 

    - Grotbag Scuttlers 

    - Cogmen 

    - New Death based around the freed ally of Nagash 

    - Grugni’s new secret Dwarven project being forged in Chamon

    - Individual Aelf factions for Tyrion, Teclis and Malerion. 

    Thats a lot of room for expansion in the future. 

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