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Everything posted by daedalus81

  1. That was an image from an older book and that is a walking Skaven city so no new models for that.
  2. I have not, but that sounds pretty awesome to me and it has a stepping stone in the kharibdyss.
  3. No we don't. That's is just a thing people started saying, because there have been rumors about a new set of greater daemons for a long time.
  4. Yea he takes up the whole base so he is quite large overall it seems.
  5. 360 on the palladors is just awesome. My wife is going to be very angry with me...
  6. Wow. That is absolutely stellar. Tell me they'll redo the whole StD line like that!
  7. It could support both. One time purchases for specific content is available, but if you want everything like you would get by buying the GHB2 plus an army builder then the sub works for that end of it.
  8. Feels like HeroQuest. I started the hobby on HQ. I have no problem with this release if they make it easy to bring in other models and setup our own campaigns.
  9. Oh boy. I feel the pull too...maybe some corrupted SCE? Maaaaybe?
  10. Oh come on now. We don't even have the full book.
  11. Oh ******. Knight Excelsior chamber plus that general bonus of +1 save. There are going to be some tanky SCE out there.
  12. Judicators as battleline was always just a tad scandalous considering the options open to other armies. It was a good move - diversity or not.
  13. Ok good - I hadn't seen the overriding text for that yet.
  14. So much extra stuff, but no point increases. I am curious if there are any governs on the laterns and such. Latern of the Tempest is quite handy. Prayers are in addition to regular prayers as well. Though maybe people will just take the LCOD anyway! ...if only it didn't have that bum knee...
  15. 'The Skyborne Slayers', 'Wardens of the Realmgate', and 'Warrior Brotherhood' are all gone. Likely due to the trait and other mechanics.
  16. 'The Skyborne Slayers' battalion appears to be missing from that pic? As well as 'Wardens of the Realmgate' and 'Warrior Brotherhood'. Quite a few new ones so likely rebranded and modified.
  17. Oh...oh my. Wait are you sure it isn't when they have not attacked this turn?
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