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Posts posted by Fellman

  1. 17 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    The leaks were true!

    I expect the preorder next week. :)

    Does that mean that the rumors are true to?

    "Sylvaneth Battletome

    The Wyldwoods will act like spell portals

    GHB / Battlescroll
    Dragon hero phase move goes away
    Thunder lizards scaly skin also goes awayLivll
    Living City Strike then Melt Away must finish the movement outside 9" of any enemy

    Lumineth Battletome
    Sentinels 24" reach, need LOS and lambent is changed though I dont know how
    Wind Spirits no longer move in opponents phase
    Stonemage can let the Stoneguard do MWs on 5s and 6s"

  2. 18 minutes ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Those Longstrikes. I have yet to face them, but I want to.

    Best of luck to you sir and Nagash be with you 

    on a more serious note thay hit like a train and my friend scrend them well so i didn't get to them in time

  3. 33 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    None of the aos FW models have ever been particularly meta, and I think thats a good thing, but there's a difference between "suboptimal but cool model", and making the models nearly impossible to play with by the game's rules. That difference is why things like the colossal squig and mourngul sell well enough to keep around, and why stuff like the magmawyrm and merwyrm didn't.

    The Mourngul was totely broken during first edition. First thay trid to up the points to 400 and they hadd to rewrit the warscroll so forgeworld has made som mistaks for aos

    • Like 1
  4. some lumineth rumors 

    my hope is a nerf to sntinel rang and no line of sigt is thath they may up the damge insted

    From Nezzhil in May and so far spott on bodes well for Lumineth changes

    Sylvaneth Battletome

    The Wyldwoods will act like spell portals

    GHB / Battlescroll
    Dragon hero phase move goes away
    Thunder lizards scaly skin also goes awayLivll
    Living City Strike then Melt Away must finish the movement outside 9" of any enemy

    Lumineth Battletome
    Sentinels 24" reach, need LOS and lambent is changed though I dont know how
    Wind Spirits no longer move in opponents phase
    Stonemage can let the Stoneguard do MWs on 5s and 6s


  5. From Nezzhil in May and so far spott on bodes well for Lumineth changes

    Sylvaneth Battletome

    The Wyldwoods will act like spell portals

    GHB / Battlescroll
    Dragon hero phase move goes away
    Thunder lizards scaly skin also goes awayLivll
    Living City Strike then Melt Away must finish the movement outside 9" of any enemy

    Lumineth Battletome
    Sentinels 24" reach, need LOS and lambent is changed though I dont know how
    Wind Spirits no longer move in opponents phase
    Stonemage can let the Stoneguard do MWs on 5s and 6s

    • Like 3
  6. 5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    And for Destruction we still have that rumour from way back when, before the name Vanguard was given to the new SC boxes, that Ogor Mawtribes were to get one with a new Butcher.

    Im not sure if that was muddled up with a Dual Box but if Mawtribes are to get only a hero update and according to our Overseer @Whitefang they are, then the Butcher is the best bet as it truly may be the worst looking model in the whole AOS range.

    Sons of Behemat are also getting the...I can barely believe Im typing this...KING BRODD as a model!! So no matter what happens in 3.0 Im calling it a win for Destruction.

    Im very interested in what Gloomspite will recieve. Will it also be a single hero release? I could see a Spiderfang Hero on Giant Spider and maybe updated Spider Riders? Maybe a Gitmob expansion or more Troggoths.

    Ther is onley 2 destruction books in tthe fal is that Mawtribs and Son whith Gits int he spring at the earliest?


  7. 10 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

    That's a lot of new stuff, that doesn't leave much that we know about in the pipeline does it? Just the upcoming but not soon Slaves to Darkness and warcry right?

    And the 2 summer tomes chaos and order. Any hints of wath they might be?


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